It is time...for the BEAST WARS XD

Companion piece to my Disney Story. Reccomend that you read it first, but not a requirment.


As he enjoyed one of the more simple luxuries that had thankfully remained undamaged during their less than perfect landing, the relaxing warlord couldn't help but scowl as he considered his current circumstances.

Yes his power had been increased thanks to his failed efforts in ridding himself of one of the few beings who could match his strength.

And yes he now had confirmation that he had been correct in his calculations. Something which sadly had also occurred to his former minion.

But to his increasing annoyance he was stuck in the same disagreeable situation that had persisted since he reignited the war between the two opposing sides.

Most of his soldiers were either useless or treacherous. And thanks to the event that had seen the death of one minion whose personality had comprised both negative traits, he was left with only one being whose loyalty was without question.

His enemies, who now outnumbered him thanks to the losses he had suffered, though the balance had been somewhat restored thanks to the decision to have their more primitive comrade and his aerial consort go off on some sort of exploratory/ mission.

And perhaps worst of all, the same thing that increased his power could also potentially be the thing to spell the end for his quest to redress the wrongs dealt to his people.

Squeezing his aquatic stress toy as his mind processed all the humiliation that his kind had suffered at the hands of those hypocrites that preached freedom and equality, but in fact were as corrupt and self serving as the most treacherous of his ancestors, the scowling tyrant was pulled from his musings by the voice of his computer.

"Warning. Unidentified energy signature detected. Warning. Unidentified Energy signature detected".

Rubbing his chin in consideration, for his security system had been programed to recognize the signature of both warring factions and their destructive visitors, the would be conqueror found his eyes twitching as he heard a voice that, if possible, sounded more annoying than that of his accident prone minion.

"Well…this place is a bit of a fixer upper. The lava on the floor would be good for the winter months, but in summer would probably make the place feel worse than a sauna. And the metal statue in the white glowing bathtub? Kind of a creepy bit of furniture if you ask me".

Glaring at the tiny white mammal, who was currently perched on the shoulder of what was undoubtedly a human, the metallic tyrant cleared his throat before addressing the flesh and blood intruders.

"If you don't like your current surroundings, I believe I have some accommodations that are more to your liking. Yeeeesss".

Freezing as he heard the familiar idiosyncrasy of the villain of the show that had been the last thing he had watched when he still had a curfew of 8:30, and recalling all that he knew about the only character that made the follow up series worth watching, the villainous advisor quickly adopted the only stance that would prevent his first long term client from shooting first.

"Hail Megatron. Glorious leader of the Predacons. And supreme ruler of all of Cybertron".

For a moment, the room remained silent as the Transmetal Predacon looked at the kneeling human with silent confusion. However, that moment had quickly passed as Megatron did what he always did when receiving praise.

Shamelessly bask in it.

"Ahahaha I see that my illustrious reputation continues to proceed me. It does the spark good to have lesser creatures recognize my brilliance. However, flattering platitudes aside, one of which I admit has yet to happen I might add, that still doesn't explain why you are here. Human".

Knowing of Megatron's dislike for humanity, which in time would manage to extend to all organic life in general, the villainous advisor opened his mouth to explain everything.

Only to be interrupted by the sole remaining Predacon who didn't desire to rise above his station.

"My Queen, are you alright? I heard the voice of the Colony speak of intruders, and I…".

Red optics widening at the sight of the human boy and his mammalian companion, Inferno's reaction was predictable.

"Intruders! Assassins tasked with eliminating the Royalty. Have no fear my Queen. They shall burrrnnnn".

Panicking as the insect transformer drew his weapon, and knowing that his primary client would have little incentive to protect him until he shared his knowledge, not to mention the fact he was busy lamenting having a servant whose personality was more ant than transformer, the boy did the only thing he could think of.

Step closer to the transmetal dinosaur, and talk his way out of his predicament.

"I am no assassin you trigger happy drone. I am a messenger sent to aid the Royalty's mission in bringing glory to the Colony. And since the Royalty has not given you the order to exterminate me, I suggest you put away that blaster. Otherwise you might very well hit the very monarch you seek to serve".

As expected, his words managed to freeze Inferno's murderous intentions. But it was only thanks to Megatron that he put away his weapon.

"Do as he says Inferno. While I appreciate your display of loyalty, for the moment, the human is to be treated as our guest. So long as he proves his usefulness".

At this, the Ant could only bow.

"As you command, my queen".

Briefly forgetting about the human, Megatron let out a long suffering sight.

"I do wish he would stop calling me that".

Being close to the purple and bronze colored transformer, the boy managed to catch the words he muttered. And thus, in a bid to prove his usefulness, started to do what he did best.

Giving useful advice.

"You could just order him to call you by a different title. I mean, it might be a bit of a stretch to make him call you 'My Lord', or 'My King', what with his faulty programming, but 'Your Majesty' or 'Royalty' is probably quite doable, and loads better than being called a queen. Hell, even 'Your most illustrious excellency' would probably do it. Though that might be pushing it".

Turning to glare at the smaller being, if only because he hated to be linked with a female title, Megatron found himself frowning in consideration as the boy's words seemed to have sparked a shift in his loyal minion.

"While you are small and no doubt weak Fleshling, it does my spark good to see you recognize the unchallengeable position of the Royalty. A drone's duty is to serve the leader of the Colony, no matter what".

His mood no brightening as it always did when his position was recognized, Megatron turned towards the human with a smirk.

"A perfect display of loyalty as ever Inferno. Yeess. Which is why I will give YOU the opportunity to deal with this human should he fail to live up to your example. Now tell me boy, earlier you said something about me becoming ruler of Cybertron. And considering that you are millions of years more evolved than the other bipedal life forms on this planet, it stands to reason that like myself, you come from the distant future. A future that, as you say, involves a considerable advancement in position. I confess that I am most intrigued to learn how this comes about. Yeeesss".

Having expected Megatron to get to this point, the Boy was ready to provide the necessary spoilers.

However, a flash of movement at the corner of his eye prevented him from doing so. For though it had been some years since he watched the series, he knew full well that his audience with Megatron would fail to stay private.

"Before I begin Lord Megatron, might I request to know which Predacons comprise your crew. As well as the identiies of those who are currently fighting under the banner of the Maximals"?

Earning a frown from the saurian Predacon, for he knew that Megatron was not known for his tolerance when it came to disobedience, no matter how slight, the Boy nevertheless gave a sigh of relief as he was provided the answer to his question.

"Oh I suppose. There's myself and Inferno of course. Waspinator, Black Arachnia, Tarantulas, and Quickstrike. Used to have two more minions, but sadly, both Terrasaur and Scorponock have perished. As for the Maximals, there's Optimus Primal, Rhinox, the vermin Rattrap, Cheetor, Silverbolt, and the Predacon traitor Dinobot. And I suppose for emergency situations, they also have Tigertron and Airazor".

Nodding his head in acknowledgement of these facts, and more than a little relieved that a certain Hannibal Lecter esque crab had not yet been discovered if only because Rampage was one of the few villains that was better to know from a distance instead of up close and personal, the Boy cleared his throat.

"Thank you for your information Lord Megatron. It makes my task a lot simpler. However, the intel I have for your, ascension, is only suited for those who recognize that your brilliance is superior to theirs. And considering a certain spider's nasty habit of listening on conversations that you may not want him to hear, might I suggest we take this conversation elsewhere"?

His question earning another sour look from the Predacon war lord, thought whether it was because of his attempts to stall or at the reminder of Tarantulas's less than loyal disposition, the boy was caught off guard by the growing smirk that was currently displayed on his client's face.

"I have a better idea. Yeessss. I believe your kind is familiar with the idiom that knowledge is power"?

Slowly nodding his head, the Boy felt his eyes widen as Megatron proceeded to reveal his intentions.

"Then what better way to bring my more…independently minded minions in line than with the knowledge that my plans will one day bear fruit? Yeeesss. Once they realize that I will fulfil my destiny, they will undoubtedly wish to abandon their selfish goals in an attempt to share in my power".

Seeing that his client was in one of those moments where he was blind and deaf to all suggestions that weren't his own, the Boy released a sigh as he realized that he was about to add another first in his list of accomplishments.

Having a group meeting.


Cackling sinisterly as his golden optic took in the sight of the human, the transmetal spider turned towards Megatron with what he regarded as a questioning eagerness.

"Heheheh. Are you sure this is necessary Megatron? If you wanted the information this boy possesses, or to ensure that he's being sincere, it would be no problem for me to delve into his mind to discover what you want".

His words earning a disproving scowl from Megatron, who no doubt suspected, and rightfully so, that he would keep anything of value to himself, Tarantulas found himself experiencing the unfamiliar emotion of astonishment, along with more than a little anger, as the human male rejected that idea.

"Considering that such an action would probably make me your nemesis Tarantulas, I would prefer not to undergo such a procedure. Unless of course your saying your fully prepared to have a Nemesis of your own? In which case I will not hesitate to reveal to Lord Megatron what you have been doing when you think he's not looking".

Chuckling nervously now, though he doubted that the Predacons would determine the cause since the boy had managed to find a way to use the name of the damaged warship without arousing suspicion, Tarantulas's fidgeting grew worse as the Witch reveled in his discomfort.

"I for one think that our guest should prove his loyalty by revealing one of Chuckles' secrets. If only to prove that he isn't blowing smoke up our tailpipes".

Releasing a sight as he realized that the jig was up, the transmetal spider was shocked by which of his secrets the boy chose to share.

"Most of them are minor in scope. Trying to hoard energon for his experiments, spying on Megatron in an attempt to stay one step ahead of him. But the most important one that I can think of is his attempt to find a certain ship that is filled with your ancestors".

Unsure if he should be surprised at the boy's knowledge, or at his willingness to share only part of his secret, Tarantulas found himself the center of attention as Megatron responded to this bit of information.

"Now that is a major secret. Yeessss. And what's more it falls within my goals. However, I must know Tarantulas as to why you felt the need to hide this from me"?

Knowing that he could not the reveal the true reason for the reason behind his search for the Ark, Tarantulas released a nervous chuckle as he proceeded to provide information that, while truthful, was incomplete.

"Heheheheh. Well considering that I haven't been able to find it, I saw no reason to inform you. Since I had thought that we had landed on a different planet, I didn't think to check whether or not the information laid within the Golden Disk would reveal its location. But since it has been stolen right after we confirmed that this was Earth, my efforts have been less than successful".

Hoping that his information had been sufficient, the undercover officer of the Predacon Alliance fought the urge to sigh in relief as the newest member of the crew spoke up.

"Awww who cares if we don't have some shiny future telling disk. All I wanna know is how many Maxy keisters I get to kick before Boss Bot becomes king of a whole planet".

Grateful at the Fuzor's interruption, for it allowed the attention of the room to be directed else where, Tarantulas kept his visor locked on the human as he answered that ridiculously worked question.

"Technically, the answer is one. And I say technically because the…keister you helped kick was not only accomplished with the help of your fellow Predacons, but because said keister was once a Predacon".

Knowing exactly who the small fleshling was talking about, for their was only one transformer on this planet that hadn't required the use of a shell program to change their allegiance, the treacherous spider was wholly unsuprised by Megatron's reaction to this news.

"Ah so the traitor Dinobot will eventually meet his end. Such an event I will savor. Yeessss. Tell me, does he live long enough to see my triumphant ascension? Or will he die before he sees the Predacons seize control of the arc".

Seeing the boy fidget, Tarantulas knew that the boy was editing his answer.

"Before. Though he perishes, rather admirably I point out, by depriving you the use of the Golden Disk. Can't exactly tell you whats on it, but what I can tell you is that if the current reality alters, the future changes with it".

Greedily chuckling as he realized the implications that this information possessed, the transmetal spider was somewhat surprised by Megatron's sudden display of not only generosity, but also genius like scheming.

"Then perhaps it would be best if you take some time to comprise a list of what will be. If what you say is true, then the future is already being altered as we speak. Which means that any intel you possess only has a limited time for it be of use. Waspinator will bring you to your quarters while I ponder which of my plans to inform you of".

Seeing the boy nod his head in acceptance with this arrangement, the scheming arachnid had to shake his head as the most damage prone member of the Predacons reacted like he normally did.

"Ohhhh. Wazzzpinator told to take Fleshybot so he can relaxx. Wazzzpinator never gets a chance to relax. Why izzz the Universe so cruel to Wazzpinator"?

It wasn't until the organics were gone that the remaining members of Megatron's crew began to speak up.

"Are you sure this human meat sack is on the level Boss Bot? I refuse to believe that my body count will limited to 1 Maxy. And its not even my sole kill".

"The human drone has professed loyalty towards both the Royalty and the Colony. So long as the Royalty has use for him, his words will be trusted".

"Ha. Easy for you to say Ant Boy. I'm sure if the Maximal's knew how easy it was to convince you of their intentions, the 'Royalty' would have been turned into Slag by now".

Keeping his peace, Tarantulas waited for Megatron to put an end to the bickering.

Which as usual took the form of a transmetal fist hitting the arm rests of his command chair.

"Enough squabbling. The human is useful because I say he is. So long as that is the case, your opinions mean nothing. Do I make myself clear"?

Nodding his head along with the rest of the Predcons, who he idly remembered would be wiped from existence once they destroyed the Ark due to their Maximal origins, Tarantulus found himself raising his visor as Megatron addressed him.

"Tarantulus, given that the human's knowledge is to great a thing to waste, see to it that his presence is kept a secret from Primal and his merry band. For his knowledge might very result in the Maximals wining the Beast Wars if they ever manage to learn of his existence. And considering their skills in avoiding our defenses, it would only be a matter of time before they seize 'our' advantage".

Fighting the urge to scowl at the tyrant's emphasis of the word our, the transmetal spider nodded his head as he thought of all the ways he could turn this to his advantage.

For unlike the treacherous female, the human seemed to possess a more loyal disposition to those it recognized as his superior.

Which was perhaps the only reason why he hadn't told Megatron about his attempts to restore the mightiest warship in Transformer History.

And since the boy professed to carry knowledge of the future, a future that sadly had Megatron rule all of Cybertron, it would be worth his while to gain the confidence of the small organic. If only because his usual method of information gathering was denied to him while he enjoyed Megatron's protection.

But should he succeed…well, suffice to say that the decadents of the Autobots and the Decepticons had show to be unworthy of ruling Cybertron.

It was time to let another race control the destiny of the Transformers.

Preferably with him in the drivers seat.


Think that's a sufficient first chapter for this story.

Nice companion/sequel story to my Disney fanfic A villains happily ever after.

Did my best to capture the personalities of the Predacons, and I am reasonably pleased with how this turned out.

As a kid, my favorite action figures were Beast Wars Season 1 Megatron, Rampage, and Transmetal Tarantulas. So that, plus rewatching the series online, sparked me to do this story.

For those that wish to know when this story starts, its before Tigertron and Airazor get beamed by the Vok. Fully intend to have Rampage, and Dinobot clone show up in this story, but as for when, have to look into timeline before I decided on how to mess with the story line XD.

Anyways, hope you all enjoyed this.

PLZ review. No flames.

Til next time.