This show and the characters in it belong to Steve Knight. The only thing I own is Adele/Lily and any other OC's that are in it. I had the idea about what could have been if Polly hadn't had an abortion at 16 and decided to keep the baby. I was inspired by Call the Midwife and Crimson field for this story. But I specifically chose a midwife and not a teacher like I originally intended because that is what I study! This prologue only has back story Thomas will be in Chapter one.

All Italics are thoughts


Small Heath, Birmingham

Lily Shelby was born as the clock struck midnight on March 3rd, 1897. The church bells of St. Andrews rang through the uncharacteristically warm spring air as Elizabeth Shelby gave a final push and the sound of silence ensued.

Elizabeth's anxious mother, Birdie, stood over her body as she breathed heavily from the pain she was enduring, her hands were still fisted between the itchy bed sheets.

"'Tis a girl." The midwife's Irish lilt sounded in the small room, but what made Birdie pause to stare at her friend was the hint of mournfulness in her voice. Looking back down at her daughter she could see that her daughter was too weary to have heard.

Birdie hurriedly walked over to the midwife to look over her grandchild looking down at the small thing she felt a coldness cease her heart. She looked at the woman next to her and saw the saddened look on her pudgy features.

"What's wrong with her?" she said in a hushed tone and begged to Christ that Polly could not hear it.

Holding the babe close to her breast the midwife whispered, "Get some hot water and rags so we can warm her blood up. If that doesn't help, then… we can only pray and wait." Birdie bit the inside of her mouth viciously and went through the motions of getting the water boiling in the kitchen.

As she sat in the kitchen and waited for the kettle to whistle, she felt heat roll down her face in the form of hot tears. But it wasn't with mourning that she cried, it was anger. She was angry at that boy, James for getting her daughter in the family way, there was anger at Pol for being so naive, and she was angry at the babe that lay small and blue in her friend's arms because of the pain it would cause her daughter. She knew it was unjustified though because after all of her anger passed it was sadness that took over her heart. She had known the pain of losing a babe before and it was something she was wretched to know that it may be a feeling Pol would soon know.

After pouring the water in a basin and getting old but mostly clean rags, she moved her way back into the bedroom. She was however intercepted by the person she least wanted to see, Arthur Sr. It was not that she disliked her son, it was the things he did that made her feel as though she had failed as a mother. He did not deserve his saint wife or their children. He stood towering over her but with some reserve that she had rarely ever seen in him anymore. He had turned into a drunk and a whoring gambler just as his father had. She only wished his wife would tame his devilish ways, but it seems nothing would, not even having his boys and baby Ada.

"What is it?" he said in a rather measured tone that told her that he'd had only a chaser at most.

She breathed off a huff, "After ignoring us for the past 7 months I'm surprised you have the backbone to show your face here again after what you said to your sister. What do you want?"

He clicked his jaw and locked it in aggravation, "I just want to offer my hand in reconciliation… toward you and Pollyanna." With that he shook his head to the bedroom door.

Birdie did not know what to make of her son's change of heart, she wanted to believe him, but she was weary all the same from experience. She played along reluctantly.

"It's a girl but she's in a bad way… we don't know if she'll live through the night." Looking to the door warily she made to move to it, but her son blocked her again.

"You must know ma', it would be best if it died, instead of living as a Gypsy girl's bastard."

Rage burst through Birdie and if it hadn't been for the basin in her hands, she would have slapped her son "Bite your tongue boy! And you'll not even touch that babe. Elizabeth loves her, and you won't do notin' to her do ya' hear me?"

His frustration seemed to have reached a boiling point as well and he pointed his finger in her face yelling, "You know damned well she'll have no future if she doesn't give it up! She can only go to the workhouses because I'll not put a single farthing to her or her bastard-!"

Birdie quickly went out of the way and with the bowl in one hand and the towels on her drooped shoulders, she went into the bedroom. She quickly closed and locked the door from her son's rant in hopes that Polly would not hear his voice and be distressed in her fragile state.

The midwife looked relieved at seeing her friend and they both took to wiping the young babe of blood and after birth fluids. Birdie was quickly feeling despair that their efforts to turn her pale skin into a healthy pink was for not. She was so small but that was to be expected with her being born early. While they were in their task, she heard some rustling of sheets and dreaded what was to come.

Turning, she saw her child raise up from the bed weakly and ran to help her in her efforts. "Careful love. Your still weak-

"Where's my baby?" Polly's voice was surprisingly strong in the small room and Birdie took to rubbing her back in circular strokes, but Polly would not be distracted. Her voice was shaky now from fear as she looked at her mother all her exhaustion being replaced by fear, "Mum?" She looked over to the midwife that was now holding her the young babe that was now dry and swaddled in a knitted blanket that Polly had made months before.

"Why isn't she crying?" Polly's chest was now heaving with unchecked sobs as she held out for her babe whose eyes were closed to the world.

Th midwife, saved Birdie from speaking with the sound of her posh voice, "The babe tis' small as both my hands put together, and her face is pale. You don't want to see her, love." Polly stopped trying to hold back her emotions as a loud and broken gasp of a sob wretched its way out her soul.

"Oh God! Please, not my girl." She reached further beckoning the midwife to give her child to her.

Birdie was worried it would only hurt her more but with such a simple request, she could not deny her such a thing. She nodded her head towards the midwife and she approached with the small bundle, delicately giving her to her mother. With a teary smile she took her baby, holding her close to her chest, and pulled back the blanket to see her small face and the faint tuff of golden hair. "Hello, dear Lily. You know me don't you, you've been hearing nothing but my voice for the last eight months. We were expecting you a bit later, but I suppose you got eager to meet me, hmm?" Polly's sobs only increased greatly as she talked more. She quieted her be stand with all her heart and soul she silently prayed to God that she would give some answer, that there would be some sign that there was no need to bury her sweet face under the earth.

Birdie looked at the child's face and startled when she thought she saw a twitch behind her closed eye lids. She looked to Polly's face; her eyes were closed with a crinkle at the corners as she concentrated. Her eyes caught another movement and she quickly caught sight of Lily's hand clenching and unclenching.

Surprised, Birdie exclaimed, "Elizabeth! She's moving!" Her eyes snapped open with hesitant hopefulness. She waited silently with baited breath and a quick beating heart. And before her very eyes the delicate babe, Lily, opened her eyes and looked at up at the face of her mother. Polly choked on her tears and looked back and forth between her mother and the wide-eyed babe. Birdie looked the happiest she had been since the day Pol had been born as she looked at the sweet and quiet child before them.

"Oh, thank you, God." The midwife proclaimed relievedly. She rushed over to take the baby from the mother's arms. "I have to check that her heart rate and breathing is well, dear."

Pol looked once more at the baby and reluctantly gave her over to the woman who had once delivered her. The babe made a gurgling sound of protest at the sudden movement of being placed in another's arms. "Oh, don't you worry, love. You'll be back in mother's arms before long."


A few weeks had gone by and both Polly and the baby were inseparable. She would allow no one else to hold her sweet Lily for the first week after her birth, it was always with slight reluctance when her sister in law came to visit her with the boys and Ada. Both herself and Elsie would sit by the crackling fire in the kitchen and watch all of the children take turns holding and playing with the baby. And by children it was only Arthur Jr. and Thomas that did those things.

"Be gentle." Both Polly and Elsie stressed at the same time as Arthur took to throwing her lightly in the air before catching her.

"Let Thomas hold her, Arthur." Elsie nodded at her eldest coaxingly with a smile.

And with that Arthur held her out to a six-year-old Thomas. Polly was thankful that he seemed more considerate of Lilly and only took to gently stroking her chubby face as she giggled at his ministrations and mimicked his action.

Polly had never felt happier in her life and though others in the ton took to calling her a whore and her sweet babe a bastard she shunned them all in return without a care. And while it was hard to manage such a large family on little money, she swore to herself that she would do never let anything come between her and Lily's safety. And for a while nothing did.

On the morning of June 28th of the same year Polly woke up to the sound of silence and though for a young mother it should have been a blessing it only filled her with anxiety. Lily had woken her up with the sound of her gurgling every day since her birth without fail. Polly raised herself from the bed and leaned over to the crib in her room and upon seeing nothing she let out a banshee scream that woke the house who held almost all members of the Shelby family except Arthur Sr.


Starts 3 months before S1 episode 1 (Wednesday November 6th ,1918)

Small Heath, Birmingham

The smog circling around the air was choking to say the least. A slight figure could be seen in an open horse drawn carriage, it moved along the narrow street slowly and wobbled on the uneven cobblestone road. Adelaide looked around at her new home with a bit of anxiety at the prospect of living in such a place riddled with squalor and pollution. She had never seen such a depression since being in Martinique Hospital in France. The parts of England she had been privy to were a far cry from what lay before her eyes.

She griped the side of the slightly torn leather seat as her trepidation built. Her thoughts came to an abrupt halt however as she heard the driver's voice.

"Miss… are you sure you're in the right place." The middle-aged man said hesitantly, briefly looking over at her delicate dress and kind face. She wore a white dress that reached slightly above her ankles. Her neck line was modest, and her gloves were the same white lace as her dress with black bows on each cuff. She held a parasol delicately in her hands as she thought the smoky weather might have indicated rain instead of pollution. She looked like a vision come to life. Her up-styled curls framed her face with strands hanging beside her swan like neck and narrow shoulders in all their golden glory. Doe eyes stared at the man in front of her questioningly, her long soft lashes blinking softly over her cheek. Her fingers twiddled a bit nervously at the plain gold ring on a chain around her neck. Thinking she hadn't heard he asked again, "You s'posed to be here Miss?"

She smiled briefly, her teeth not showing, and said teasingly, "I do hope you say that from concern and not scorn."

He quickly averted his eyes looking down almost bashfully at the road ahead. "I meant it kindly miss, really I did."

She wanted to laugh for a moment before she schooled herself into just smiling ruefully. "I know sir, I was merely joking though rather poorly, I suppose. But, to answer your question, I am indeed in the right place, though thank you for your concern." She smiled kindly and proceeded to look back out to her new home.


"I'll be fine here" Adelaide said as she briefly looked upon the building she had arrived at with apprehension in her eyes. The convent front was long and lined half a street long. It had a stately look to it compared to many of the building's Adele had seen in Small Heath, with it it's seven dormers lining the roof it was quite a nice compared to its surrounding. It could, however, not be fully clean, as the area's smog made the brown bricks look black and the glass looked so smudged that the only thing that could be seen inside was the faint flickering of lights in some areas of the building. Leading up to the convent was a short walkway with a miniscule patch of grass in the front. A sign stood out front and read: Caregiver House.

The carriage came to a steady stop and she exited gracefully onto the ground. Turning around she quietly asked, "How much would the ride be sir?"

He looked at her up and down once with a bit of fatherly worry in his eyes more and said, "From the docks to here I'd say… 2 shillings miss."

She gave him the money from her purse and wished him a good day as he rode off all the while shaking his head.

Walking up to the door she was unexpectedly ambushed by her past and now present colleague Sister Eleanor. Adele smiled upon seeing her old Matron and friend, with one hand on her luggage she greeted Eleanor and embraced her with one arm. Eleanor's habit bumped against her nose before she settled comfortably into the silver haired woman's embrace.

When Sister Eleanor pulled back to look at her face, she patted the young girl's cheek, "I'm so glad you took me up on this I've been quite lost without my protégé and helping hand." The familiar ruefulness was as ever evident as it was in the past. She was glad that some things did not change.

"Your protégé has missed being a helping hand. I'm glad to be here. Are the other midwives inside?"

With an affirmative nod of the head Sister Eleanor stepped aside and walked up the steps and into Caregiver House with Adele.

After her introduction with her other colleagues she gathered her case of medical supplies and took Sister Eleanor aside to explain that room and board would not be necessary.

"What do you mean you won't be staying here? It is more advantageous than to commute and you won't be charged for it either."

The rehearsed excuse came out in an almost flippant tone. "I have trouble sleeping some nights and I would hate to inconvenience you with me being up at all hours. I thought it more considerate this way. And besides I've spent the last few years bunked with other women; I would like some peace when I am not on the clock." She joked at the end but was avoiding her friend's gaze by arranging her gloves back on in careful was so as not to tear the delicate lace.

Sister Eleanor sighed and though she was not convinced she decided not meddle at the moment. As she disliked doing so, though not really, if she was honest to herself.

Adele continued, "In any case I already have an arrangement to rent a flat above a bar. My proprietor said it was not far from here, he called the "The Garrison", I think."

Sister Eleanor stiffened slightly and said in tight voice, "I do not believe your proprietor did you justice in selecting a bar of all places for you to live. And that one especially."

"And why is this one so devious in your eyes?" She joked as she took up her parasol and both suitcase and medical case.

"The gentleman the owns the building is named Harry, he is who we get alcohol from to sterilized some of the glass equipment, as his priced are cheaper than a vendor. I have no issue with him but it is the men that are associated with his establishment that are… troublesome. There are four brothers though the little one is of no consequence to you. Though I will say that he is a sweet boy. However, the other three brother control much in this city and I advise you as a friend in this moment to take care of avoiding them if you can. Take some time to think over your lodgings if it is not suitable then always know there is a room here for you."

"Eleanor I'm half tempted to think you just conceived these villains in an attempt to keep me here." Eleanor chuckled, a rare thing, as Adele carried on and backed out of the front door. "You know me Eleanor I'm quite determined once I set my mind on something and I shall live independently for a little while at least. As you should remember, adventure is my one weakness."


After a short walk she found the old brick building. Once she saw the large sign out front, she hesitantly entered the vestibule and knocked on the entry door unsure if it was opened or not. After a few seconds it opened to her and she was greeted with a tall and slender man that looked down on her questioningly. His face like his frame was narrow with his eyes close to each other and his nose long and narrow with the tip looking a bit bulbous. His eyes were drooping as though he was sad, and she realized it was just that they tilted down at the corners oddly.

"You lost?" he said quite shortly but with a softness in his eyes.

"No sir. I'm Adelaide Rochester, the lady you met over the phone. I sent my proprietor, Mr. Callaway to see the apartment and drop off my things. It's quite lovely to meet you." Adelaide said chirpily with a brightness in her eyes and a soft tone in her musical voice. She extended her hand to shake his own.

"Oh! I'm sorry love- I mean Miss Rochester. I didn't remember it was today you was comin' I'm so sorry please come in." He said stepping aside so she could come in. Adelaide waved off his apologies as unnecessary and they went upstairs. Harry in front while Adelaide was in tow right behind his person.

He went to the door and unlocked it with a set of keys he pulled out of his pocket. He moved to the side as she entered.

The place was a sight.

Dust floated in the air like fairies, the windows had grime on them that made it near impossible for light to come in. Adelaide let Harry come in front of her to strike a match and light a gas lamp and she could tell from his face he almost regretted doing so as the faded light blue flowers of the wallpaper was scratched with some patches missing where furniture may have scrapped against it once. The entry way of the flat showed off high ceiling and a tall archway which led to a living area. To the right there was a fireplace that was blocked off at one point and now was only good for collecting dust on either side of it there were built in book shelve which she found slightly surprising given that the previous occupant was a lady of the night. To the left there was a doorway that led to a kitchen which she was questing whether a table of any size could fit with chairs. Going back to the living room there was another door to the bedroom which had what was once a dark crimson wallpaper with golden flowers stretching out from the base of the wooden chair rail.

"It's… it's fine, with some time and care I'm sure it can be better." She tried to be honest but not shame Mr. Fenton any further.

Harry looked a bit shameful as he stared at the ground. "I'm sorry I didn't have time to clean Miss, if your father'll be staying here soon, I can get right on it now- "he started but was interrupted by the little lady.

Adelaide gave a light laugh a bit as she exclaimed, "My father will not be staying here, sir." She looked around the room and continued, "I'll be living by myself so I'll only need the bare necessities which you already have here. They only need a good cleaning. And a bit of decoration, I'm sure I can manage."

Harry looked a bit uncomfortable at the admission, "You'll be livin' here by yourself? Miss you do know that you'll be livin' right above a bar that can get rowdy with the right crowd. I just don't feel right letting a woman stay here by herself. After I lock up shop it'll just be you 'ere and not even the police like to be here at night." Harry was thinking about the drunks stumbling in and seeing a pretty girl all on her lonesome and getting filthy ideas about her. The Shelby boys were another scarier issue entirely, especially Arthur and John nowadays. Tommy was pretty stony for the most part these days, so he wouldn't look twice at her most likely.

Adelaide shook her head as though shaking off what he was saying and planted a firm look squarely on his face, "Well, thank you for the concern but I'm sure all will be well, God willing. If push comes to shove, I assure you I am capable of handling it on my own." It was a bluff as all she had on her person to protect herself was small gun with no bullets that her father gave to her as a reassurance to himself. But, Mr. Fenton surely did not know that.

Harry looked unsure still. He knew he wasn't just speaking nonsense. His daughter had trouble with the drunks herself and she had the spirit and moxie of her mother tenfold. This one looked like a strong wind could blow over her small frame. She looked like one of them fancy porcelain dolls his daughter never liked. You couldn't touch 'em let alone have a child play with 'em, they were just pretty and meant to me adored from the window sill. People like him and, in this God, forsaken hell called Small Heath could only do just that. The drunks would break this doll and he was damned sure of it.

On the flip side, however, Harry wasn't sure where she'd end up if he kicked her out and the thought sickened as to what could happen. There were no honest men left in this damned city. This might be the only place that had some kind of relative safety as he was under the Blinder's protection and if she was livin' here then maybe it applied to her as well. Harry sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose harshly, resigned in his decision.

"Alright, you can stay here long as you want so long as you pay the rent. Deal?"

"Deal. How much will you charge for rent, sir?"

"Well 6 shillings a month would be great. "

"Agreed, sir."

"You know you can just call me Harry you know. No formalities needed miss."

Adelaide got out of her head and smiled up brightly "Of course, I apologize Harry. And you can call me Adelaide or Adele."

"No need to apologize, Adele." Harry smiled at her warmly and proceeded to leave her to clean her new home.

She took an old wet rag she found in the kitchen section and wet it thoroughly. She thanked God that the water was not a distasteful color because of rust. She cleaned the dirt and grime from the four broad windows in the flat and finally opened them up, sighing in relief as some well needed fresh air wafted through the room. Dusting and moping the floors were next, then scrubbing the counter space and stove. She looked into the ice box and nearly gagged at the stench it held inside. She immediately closed it and decided a new ice box may be in order all together. She finally scrubbed the copper tub that was in a separate corner with the loo and wash basin in the bedroom. When everything was cleaned, she took out the linens she took from her home in Dorset and put them on the mattress, it was well after a decent hour to go to sleep.

The mattress squeaked slightly under her bare weight and Adelaide flinched at the reason for why it was so worn. With a prayer on her lips she fell under sleeps welcomed charms.

Some of the things Adelaide did miss while in France was the freshly ironed dresses that awaited her every morning, and the smell of old Babs that permeating bedroom. She always had the smell of moth balls and river water around her. Babs was a nurse maid to her and her mother, Daphne, and Bab's mother was nurse maid to Daphne's mother and grandmother and great-grandmother. She thought of Babs often when she dressed, she was the one that helped her with it so often as a child.

Her dress was kept to one of the simplest ones she had as it was quite clear to see that she stood out a bit yesterday. She wore an ankle-length light-yellow dress with a black sash around her waist. The neckline was rather modest as it reached up her neck covering it completely. The sleeves were capped off however on her forearms.

Sighing as she now realized she had nothing to eat she went downstairs to the bar and greeted Harry who was just restocking his drinks and taking inventory. He looked up and smiled at Adelaide.

"Hello Adele, how are ya?"

"Good morning Harry. I'm quite well, thank you for asking. How are you, dear?"

"I'm quite fine. Just stocking up on some drinks. Need anything?"

"I wanted to ask you where the market is. I have quite a bit of grocery shopping needed to be done."

"Yeah, you just go to Pickford lane and there's a restaurant there called "Travelli Café", there's a big sign out front, can't miss it. Just careful there it's owned by the Changrettas."

At seeing Adele's lost stare and one arched brow, he elaborated. "They're an old Italian gang. Them and the Blinders 'ave been in a few fights but things 'ave cooled off now, still, be careful. Alright? Groceries are right next door to the place."

An old Italian gang and the "Blinders" have fight's periodically, but between sessions of selling tea at Café's or troubling quiet bar owners. She felt like between Sister Eleanor and Harry she had truly stepped into a city of villains and the though was so silly and childish she laughed to herself. Though she wanted to ask for more details she decided against it as she was nearly intrigued enough especially since she hungry. After getting her directions she set off.


I've never written anything other than school essays, let alone fanfiction. However, I do really love this series and I've re-watched it so many times that I may as well write something. I can't promise regular updated as school will start again but I will finish this story. I most definitely want to take this story into Season 2 because that's my favorite season. I would also like to mention that while Grace is going to be in this story, playing her part, Tommy will not be in a love triangle with her and my OC. I'd also like to say that I am a naïve American that has never even been to England and other than this show I have not delved into English culture so do excuse me if I misrepresent anything. There will be racism and sexism that is period-typical, but let's be honest if you've watched the show I'm hoping you have some kind of armor to not be terribly offended very easily as this is a work of fiction just like the show.

I hope to be historically accurate with this show and I am currently doing a lot of research about this time period. Thanks for Reading!

I have a Pinterest board set up for this story my username is:


You can see the link on my profile page.

BTW if it was not evident in the prologue this will be a Cousin x Cousin as Thomas and the OC are related on Polly's side.