Please enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Disney Descendants or Bryan (Kennedy11035's OC), Blake (Kennedy11035's OC), Drew (Kennedy11035's OC), Jason (Kennedy11035's OC), Jacob (Kennedy11035's OC), Jill (Kennedy11035's OC), Becky (Kennedy11035's OC), Eddie (Kennedy11035's OC), or Sam (Cloud4012's OC).

The next morning, the twelve teens woke up to smelling bacon, eggs, and pancakes. After breakfast, they headed out to the bench in front of the replicated Cinderella Castle, where the hermit crab was waiting.

"Thank you, children, for coming. I would like to explain the situation, and it's different from what you thought it was before. It seems, as though, Maleficent is pulling a prank on us." Sebastian said.

" saving?" Ashton asked.

"There still is a mystery to be solved. You need to find the clues to reveal Maleficent's hiding place and where the missing children are." Sebastian said.

"Maleficent took some kids?" Emma asked.

"Yes, so it seems," he said.

"Another thing you twelve should be aware of is that King Adam, King Benjamin, Prince Edward, Prince Bryan, and Prince Blake have been fighting against Maleficent to end her reign of terror. But due to the misconception of what Maleficent wanted, they will be returning to Auradon very soon," he said.

Dena's face lit up.

"How soon?" she asked excitedly.

"Soon enough. Maybe by the end of dinner tonight." Sebastian said.

"What was a misconception?" Ryan asked.

"The misconception was what Maleficent had wanted or intended to happen. It turns out that this whole thing is just a game or a prank. Their highnesses discovered or found the first clue. Since there is no reason for them to fight, they will be returning very shortly." Sebastian said.

Dena gave a silent squeal.

"Now I'll read the first clue before I attend to other duties from the Queen. And here it is:

Is it a fortress

Or is it a castle

To get there

You must travel.

One must choose

Choose wisely, children

For if you don't

You will surely lose

..." Sebastian paused, then rolled away.

"Is it a fortress, or a castle.." Emma said.

"To get there, you must travel..." Kennedy said.

"One must choose, choose wisely, children..." Jamie said.

"For if you don't, you will surely lose." Dena finished.

Ryan's hand shot up.

"I think I know what it means!" he exclaimed.

"Do you, now..." Abby grinned.

"Yeah, I think that it means she's either hiding in the Forbidden Fortress or Bargain Castle," he said.

"Yeah, you're right. It must be. But one's on the isle, and the other is on the other side of the planet." Dena said.

"Really? So if we go to the isle, we may pick the wrong one... or if we go to the Bargain Castle, we also may pick the wrong one..." Kai said.

"It must be a 50-50 chance," Ashton said.

"Well, based on how Manny said that he would call Maleficent to lash terror on us, I think that she must be closer than we think. It must be the Bargain Castle." Katie said.

"Yeah, you're right. I agree, 100 percent." Dena said.

"Are we sure, though? What if it's wrong?" Kai asked.

"What do you mean? If Dena thinks Katie is right, then it must be true." Soren said, giving him an annoyed look.

"Yeah, but what if it's wrong? What if, it's actually on the isle?" Kai asked.

"The isle is a very dangerous place, and it's in a location that is super-hard to find. There's no way that Manny would be able to contact Maleficent over there. Katie and I are experts on Disney Planet. We know our facts, please trust us." Dena said.

"I'm trying to.," Kai muttered.

"It's final, we all agree that Bargain Castle is where Maleficent is hiding. Then, we'll head out in two days to travel over there. One day exclusively for packing. It's only fair. Today will be a rest day, but we can't forget what we just discovered." Dena said.

They agreed and dispersed. There are also rumors that Ryan and Abby, and Jamie and Kennedy were heading to this place called The Enchanted Lake. Emma said that it's a romantic place. Maybe I should take someone there too? Kai thought.

After lunch, the boys in the royal family showed up. There was a meeting exclusively for their family only, so everyone else who hadn't gone to the Enchanted Lake hung out in their rooms and didn't question where Dena was going. The maids took her into a different room and got on a dress that was colored all with different shades of blue, and so it looked like it got darker or lighter based on what you went off of. The maids then did a little makeup, even though Dena hardly ever wear makeup, and she was ready to go.

Then, she headed down to the throne room, where she would see her family. The Herald announced that Dena had arrived, even though she knew it wasn't necessary. Once she entered the throne room, someone tackled her into a hug.

"Dena! You're here! I can't believe it! I've missed you so much!"

It was Blake. Standing around 6 ft, was Dena's twin brother, who had blonde hair, and brown eyes. He was one of those princes that had such good looks that all the teenage girls fawned over him.

"Yeah, I'm here. I missed you too." Dena said, smiling.

"It's great to see you." my older brother, Bryan said, smiling.

"I'm happy to see you too," Dena said. He hugged her.

"I'm glad you're safe," he said.

"So am I," Blake said. The three of them smiled.

But then someone cleared their throat.

"You didn't miss your mother at all, did you?" their mom asked, smiling.

They rushed to hug her. As the two boys embraced their mom, Princess Becky, Dena turned to the other members of her family.

"Hey dad," she said, looking at Prince Edward, or Eddie. She rushed to go hug him, which he returned.

But then he said, "You shouldn't be here. Why aren't you in Wisconsin?" he asked.

"Since Maleficent has a mystery to solve, I'm one of the twelve kids that were chosen to solve the mystery and find the kids," Dena replied.

"Wait..what? Dena, that's too dangerous. You, of all people, shouldn't be a part of this." he said.

"But I know the most about what goes on here in Auradon! It's only fair that I'm here to help! And right now, I'm the only one who knows how to shoot things from their ring!" she exclaimed.

"Yeah, I can see how you need to be apart of solving the mystery. Eddie, she's kind of the most important person in the group." her uncle Ben said.

Eddie looked upset by this.

"Yeah, well, I'm her father, and I say that it is too dangerous, and she should go back to Wisconsin," he said.

"I understand that, but as her uncle, I see that she could be very useful and that she can ensure her safety and the safety of the other kids." King Ben said.

Eddie looked at Dena and then looked at Ben. He sighed.

"I just want what's best for her. I want to see her safe, and I don't ever want to see her hurt." Dad said.

Dena raised an eyebrow.

"Are you talking about Mom, or me?" she asked.

"Both. I never want to see either of you hurt. I want you to always be safe." he said.

"None of us do. Listen, let's make a deal. Dena, why don't you go say hi to your grandfather." Ben said.

"Okay." she sighed, walking over to her grandpa, renounced King Adam.

"Hi, grandpa," she said, embracing him in a hug.

"Hi. I can't believe what Maleficent is doing to Auradon just so she can get her way," he said.

"What do you mean, 'getting her way'?" Dena asked.

He gave her an "oops" look.

"I wasn't supposed to tell you that. You'll have to find out yourself," he said.

"But with who?" she asked.

"That's for you to find out," he said.

Before Dena could ask anything else, Blake came up from behind her, putting an arm around her shoulders and leading her away.

"Hey bestie, we need to catch up on things! I want to know what's happened and stuff. Like why you're in Auradon instead of in Wisconsin." he said.

She smiled.

"I'll have to tell you later. Right now, I really should be checking up on the other kids." Dena said.

Blake frowned.

"Kids? What kids? What are you talking about?" he asked.

"I'm one of the chosen twelve kids to save the children Maleficent took. You know, cause you appeared in Kai's dream?" she asked, trying to jog his memory.

"Oh, yeah, I forgot. That's right. I can't wait to meet them all in person this time!" Blake said.

Dena winced.

"What?" he asked.

"I don't think that's a good idea. It's still the first week or so, not even. A few days, at most, since we all met. If you come in right away, they may not take it easy. I haven't told them I'm a princess yet, either." Dena said.

He nodded in understanding.

"Well, too bad, because, even though we're twins, we're best friends for life, and so either way, if you have or haven't told them, then I'm still going to meet them today. Whether I tell them we're siblings or not is up to you," he said.

"Please don't. Or at least, wait a while, like a few weeks, before doing so. In two days, we're heading to Bargain Castle." Dena said.

Blake frowned.

"What? Dena, it's too dangerous. You can't go there. Why would you go there?" he asked.

"We figured that that's where the first clue is leading us to," Dena said.

He shook his head in disbelief.

"What if it's not leading you there? Then what?" he asked.

"Our other option is the Forbidden Fortress," Dena said.

His eyes widened.

"Okay, so the safer place, would be Bargain Castle. But there is NO way I'm letting you go there," he said.

"But I kind of have to, I'm the only one who knows how to shoot lasers out of their ring," she said.

He sighed.

"I'm not letting you go to Bargain Castle. At least, not without anyone else to protect you. I'm coming with you. And you can't say no because I've already made up my mind." Blake said.

Dena smiled.

"Okay, I'm glad we'll be doing this together," Dena said.

He grinned.

"Me too. Now let's go meet the other kids. I can't wait any longer." he said.

"Okay, and we can catch up with each other along the way," she said.

"Moreso you, because it's been five years," he said.

"But I don't know what you've done either. So we both need to catch up," she said.

"Okay, bestie. I can't wait," he said.

Before heading down the corridors, Dena got on a sweatshirt and jeans.

"Wow, you look a lot different. Not." Blake said.

"Wow, thanks," Dena said sarcastically."I don't want to reveal myself, so I have to do this."

"I know, I'm just joking with you. Let's go catch up on life, bestie." Blake said.

They laughed, heading down the corridors of the castle.

Kai wandered the corridors of the castle, wondering where Dena was. He had a question to ask her, and it was going to be special. As he wandered down another hallway, he wondered how big this castle was. It seemed as though he was lost. But then Kai heard laughing. And the sound was coming towards him.

As the laughter came closer, Kai heard voices.

"So, you're telling me, that Brady slipped and fell on the wooden floor, unintentionally, but he said it was worth it because it made you laugh?" a deep voice asked.

"Yeah. I was feeling kind of tense because I missed you. But now, I got to see you again, and it's made me happy." a higher voice said. Kai recognized the voice as Dena. The deeper voice seemed familiar, but he couldn't put his finger on whose voice it was. And soon, they came into view.

"Haha, I can't believe that Drew started acting out a Jedi fight scene in the middle of a war." Dena laughed.

"It was HILARIOUS, especially since Anthony Tremaine, who was fighting against him, literally stopped in his tracks just to raise an eyebrow!" the boy grinned. Kai noticed they were holding hands, smiling and looking into each other's eyes. Signs of a couple.

Kai's heart sank, since after a few days, he had already developed a crush on Dena. But then Kai recognized the dude who was with her. It was the guy from his dream. Kai stepped in front of them.

"BLAKE?! DENA?! What?!" Kai asked in disbelief. Dena just smiled.

"Kai, this is my best friend, Blake. Blake, you probably already know who this is," she said.

"We meet again. Well, actually for the first time, since our official first time was in a dream," he said.

"Yeah. So...are you guys more than friends?" Kai asked. Dena just laughed.

"Do you want us to be? I was thinking about asking her out, I should, shouldn't I." Blake said, grinning.

"Oh my goodness, Blake, stop," Dena said, laughing even harder than before.

"I'm just kidding. We're only best friends, but maybe something more. It's not in a romantic way, though." Blake said.

"Okay, good, cause I wanted to ask Dena if she wanted to go to the enchanted lake with me?" Kai asked her, raising an eyebrow. She gave me an "I'm sorry" look.

"I haven't seen Blake in five years, so I'd like to catch up with him. Maybe another time," she said.

"Okay," Kai said sadly.

"Nice try, though," Blake said. They walked away.

Once the twins had gotten further and further out of sight and out of listening distance, Blake turned to Dena.

"He likes you. Dad won't like that at all," he said.

"Yeah, um, well, we still have a lot to catch up on, then," Dena told him.

"Really?" he asked.

"Really," she said. They then headed over to meet the other chosen teenagers.

Once they arrived, Dena explained the situation to everyone, even Kai, who was also there.

"Okay, so, everyone, this is my best friend, Prince Blake. Blake, this is everyone." Dena said.

"Hi," Blake said.

"So, you all know that we're leaving in two days for Bargain Castle, which is on the other side of the Planet. Well, because of his concerns and other reasons, Blake is coming with us. And he will not change that decision, believe me, I've tried." she said. The recruits nodded.

"So, I would suggest you pack two changes of clothes and all-weather apparel. You're going to need it since Maleficent can and may also be controlling the weather. You don't need to pack any money since that is on me. I get that tomorrow was supposed to be your packing/resting day, but Dena and I are going to give you a ring lesson too. So, please meet us in the courtyard of the castle in the morning." Blake said. They all nodded in agreement.

"Good, so, I guess, get a lot of rest, because we're going to have a rough few days. Just try to be prepared, and don't pack what you can't carry in your backpacks. I'm a little worried that we're not going to be prepared, but you never know. So, I'm just letting you know, just in case we do need to pack extra things." Dena said. They nodded a third time.

"Dinner is already served in the dining hall, for those who are hungry. Dena and I will be away for a while, so just relax." Blake said. Everyone then dispersed, and Blake and Dena headed towards the courtyard, where they finished catching up on life.

Dena couldn't help but wonder, Will we be okay while traveling to Bargain Castle? Will they be okay? What calmed her down a little bit was Blake's smile. He was determined to help no matter what, so she was in good hands, right?

Flashback-3 years ago-Dena: 11 years old

Dena walked the halls of Auradon Prep. But, since the announcement of her Uncle Ben and Aunt Mal's anniversary, she was a little tense. They were throwing a huge dance/party like they do every year. But, things weren't the same.

Many boys, mainly other princes, came up to her and asked if she'd be their date to the dance. But she had no idea, so she said maybe. Even Bryan's friends asked. But she said maybe because she didn't know.

But then, at her brother's Tourney game, the person she hated the most came up to her, and it was none other than Alan Charming, the meanest, brattiest, stuck-up bully at Auradon Prep.

"You WILL be my date, right?" he asked, glaring at her.

"Uhhh...maybe," she said nervously.

"Is that maybe a yes?" he asked, eyebrow raised.

"Ummm, most likely, definitely, probably, maybe, a good chance that it's a NO," Dena said confidently. He frowned. Scowled. Then he sneered.

"Fine, then I'm taking HER to the dance. Sucks for you, cause WE'LL, we'll have an AMAZING time." he huffed and boasted, grabbing a random girl's hand and leading her away.

But before he left the stadium, he glared at her and his eyes were filled with rage; however, behind that rage, was a little sadness, too.

Now-Present-Dena: 16 years old

Dena woke up when she saw the look Alan gave her three years ago. Every time, it gave her nightmares for some reason. She didn't know why.

Her sudden movement sitting up in bed woke up Blake, who had slept in the twin bed next to Dena for the night because of worry.

"What? What's wrong?" he asked.

"Nothing, just go back to sleep.," she said. He stared at her, unsure, a look of concern on his face.

"I'll be okay," she said. He gave Dena a hesitant look, but then went back to sleep.

To not wake up Blake again, Dena gently threw the covers to not make as much noise and slowly got out of bed. She silently got ready for her day before she snuck out of the room. She knew her parents would be up by now, and she needed to tell them about Blake.

Once Dena reached the throne room, she quietly opened the doors and walked in. But what took her by surprise was what her dad said when she came in.

"Ah, and here she is now!" Dena looked around the room and realized others were inside. And even more horrifying, another royal was in the room. She wasn't even dressed like how she was normally supposed to; instead, she was in a forest green band sweatshirt and jeans, because of the other eleven chosen teens. They can't see her in dresses or how she's supposed to look in Auradon!

Dena couldn't find her words, and so her mother hurried over to her, a look of concern on her face.

"Dena, you're not properly dressed to be in the presence of a royal!" she whispered.

"Well YEAH, because we have guests here that can't see me like a princess!" Dena whispered back. Becky hesitated.

Then said, "We'll just have to make do. Come on!" she whispered, taking her daughter's hand and leading her to the empty thrones, where she kind of nudged Dena toward the prince, while Becky stood next to Eddie.

"Dena, this is Prince Arthur III, grandson of the famous King Arthur!" Eddie said excitedly.

"Arthur, this is my daughter."

The prince looked me up and down, and then asked, "'re in a band?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Uhm...well, we have guests in the castle that don't know I'm a princess, and so I've normally been wearing casual clothes lately. And, since I was sent to a different planet because of the harm from Maleficent, I learned how to play the trombone." Dena explained nervously.

"Really? All of that happened when you were hidden know?" he asked. She nodded.

"Makes sense. But, I have to tell you something. All my friends call me Artie, like what my father used to be called." he said.

"Interesting. Honestly, though, Artie IS easier to say than Prince Arthur the Third." Dena said. He laughed.

"It is, isn't it?" They both smiled.

But then, Dena looked at the time and started to panic. It was already time for training, and she still had to wake up Blake. She turned to Artie, and everyone else.

"Listen, this was nice and all, and even though I want to stay, I can't. I'm sorry, but I have to go," she said. Dena looked at everyone, and then ran out of the room, hearing the furious shouts of her father and a "Wait, when will I see you again!" from Artie behind her.

She reached her dorm room, and sure enough, Blake was still asleep. So when Dena jumped on the bed, he woke up.

"What?" he asked.

"Um, well, we're late for training," Dena said. He gasped, got on his clothes, and they ran to the courtyard, where the others waited.

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" Kai yelled.

"Yeah, you've been keeping us waiting!" Soren grumbled.

"I've been up since 6 am!" Jamie said.

"I've been waiting since 8!" Kennedy exclaimed. Everyone was upset.

"Well, I was in a meeting with Blake's parents, and it ran late," Dena said. Everyone looked at Patrick's ring, which was glowing.

"YOU'RE LYING!" Ashton and Ryan yelled. All of them cried out in frustration.

"Whoa, calm down," Katie said. Dena looked at all of them with guilt.

"Yes, I lied, but I can explain. You see, I WAS with Blake's parents. But not in a meeting. I also lied about Blake being my best friend. He's my twin brother, with which we're very close to each other. And, you see, I'm a princess, which I wanted to keep a secret from you until we solved the mystery and defeated Maleficent," Dena said.

"Becky and Eddie are my mom and dad, Beast, Belle, Eric, and Ariel are my grandparents, Ben and Mal are my aunt and uncle, Manny's my cousin, Bryan's my older brother, Fairy Godmother was made my godmother, and Katie is my best friend, who knew all of this from the beginning," Dena explained. Everyone stared in shock.

But then, everyone heard clapping from behind them, and then, "Bravo, bravo. What a WONDERFUL speech. Yet, in the two days that you were here, you didn't acknowledge me at all?" the voice said.

Dena spun around, and in horror saw that it looked a lot like the kid that was mean to her, and everyone else five years ago. It was none other than Alan Charming, who Dena had always hated even before he bullied Manny when he bullied everyone else her age. She hates him mostly because of his bratty ego. But Blake saw through her petrified glance and decided to do something.

"Uh, no, of course not. Why should she?" Blake asked. Alan sneered at Blake. Dena sighed, turning to the eleven shocked teens.

"Everyone, this is Alan Charming, son of Chad Charming," she explained. Alan stopped scowling at Blake, who kept scowling back at Alan.

"Why'd you sigh? Didn't you miss me?" he asked in a boasting kind of voice, a smirk on his face.

Dena brought up the courage to respond to him, and at first, she only laughed, but then said, "Of course not. you know I don't like you, and...where's that girl that you took to my aunt and uncle's anniversary party?" she asked.

"We broke up, a year ago. She thought that I was so stuck-up and boastful that it was annoying, and she didn't want to be with that kind of guy," he said.

"Although, maybe you could start to show feelings for me..?" he asked, smirking like the look Gaston gives whenever he's around Belle.

"Ha, yeah, not gonna happen." Blake and Dena said simultaneously.

"If you'll excuse us, we have some training to do," Blake said to Alan, who scowled.

"I'm not leaving," Alan growled. Blake shrugged. "Suit yourself," he said.

All thirteen of them, the eleven teenagers, Dena, and Blake, turned around and walked to the other side of the courtyard.

"Okay, so, it's really simple. All you have to do is imagine blasting something, and whatever your ring shoots out will come out. Try it!" Dena said. Everyone shot a ball or a laser out of their ring.

"Good, now picture rapid fire." They all rapid-fired their rings.

"Great! Um, is there anything else? Any, uh, questions?" Dena asked.

"What about our hidden powers?" Kennedy asked. Dena froze. That was a good question. Yet, since they could tell if she's lying or not, Dena would have to tell them the truth.

"I haven't figured out how to do that yet. I know it has something to do with combining your ring property with like properties. In this case, though, teleportation has a hidden AND mega power, because there are more than two connected others." Dena explained.

"What about the property of truth?" Patrick asked.

"I don't know. We should ask Fairy Godmother about your ring property, Patrick. I'm sure she'll have some answers since she already knows more than me about the rings." Dena said.

"Okay, everyone, let's practice shooting some more!" Blake said. For another thirty minutes, they practiced their shooting, and then called it quits for the rest of the day.

After training, Dena headed down to the throne room again to try to talk to her parents again. This time, Blake came too. Once they arrived at the throne room, their parents were chatting with Artie and his escorts from the kingdom. Blake and Dena decided to walk over to my parents and Artie, and once they had reached them, their dad immediately glared at me.

"WHERE did you run off to? What could've been more important than meeting with others from the kingdom?" he asked. Dena looked down at her feet for a few seconds, and then looked up.

"I had a scheduled training with the recruits, and I was late," she explained. Their dad frowned, but their mom placed a hand on his shoulder, which calmed him down a little.

"I understand. But since your uncle Ben and aunt Mal wanted you to meet some other royals throughout the kingdom, I wanted to focus only on that," he said.

"Why do they want me to meet other royals?" Dena asked.

"Well, because, you don't know that many people from Auradon anymore, you should get to know more people," he said.

"Uhm, okay," Dena said.

Their attention was soon diverted to Artie, who had cleared his throat.

"I hate to interrupt your family conversation, but can you save the family stuff for later and deal with our current matters now? Your highness, you're saying that you want me to give Dena a tour of my kingdom?" he asked. Dena's eyes widened.

"Wait, seriously?" Dena asked. Artie grinned.

"Would you be interested in something like that?" he asked.

Dena glanced towards her dad, who was frowning.

"Arthur, your highness, it isn't if she's interested or not in touring, it's because she needs to know how other kingdoms are set up. See, my son Blake did this a year ago as we were traveling to fight in the war, so now it's my daughter's turn." Eddie explained.

Becky gave Dena a "sorry" look, with which she said, "Dena, it would be great if you did this sometime tomorrow or something along those lines."

Dena stared at her in horror.

"SERIOUSLY? Come ON, mom, I have to depart for our little "trip" that day with some OTHER people!" she said, trying to give her parents hints. Her dad stood up, rage in his eyes.

"I will not have it! You WILL be going on the tour tomorrow!" he yelled.

"Dad, I wouldn't even be here right now if not for the "trip" I have to do TOMORROW!" Dena shouted.

"I said NO! It's too dangerous, and that's FINAL!" he raged. Dena suddenly became a little angry.

"What about the talk you had with uncle Ben? You agreed that I'd go on the trip, if under certain circumstances! Also, the entire REASON why I entered this room was to talk to you about the trip, because there are some concerns that you may have with the new changes." she said, the anger being heard in her voice.

Eddie sighed.

"Can't we deal with this in a week?" he asked.

"No, because we're leaving for the trip tomorrow," Dena said firmly. There was a short pause.

"Uhm, if you want, I could go on the trip with her and the others, if she needs extra protection," Artie suggested. Eddie's face lit up.

"I heard your sword skills are excellent if I heard right," he said.

"Yeah, I can take down at least five men with one blow." Artie boasted.

"Then that's it, Artie's going with you on the trip! And THAT'S final instead." my dad said.

Blake kind of just stood there a little nervously, with which Becky noticed.

"We could send the boys with them too, for even MORE added protection," she suggested, referring to Blake and Bryan, who was currently visiting with all his friends at the enchanted lake. My dad considered it for a moment.

"That's a good idea. They're very skilled swordsmen as well, in which they can take down 10 men with one blow!" he boasted.

"Okay, so Bryan, Blake, AND Artie are all coming along tomorrow?" Dena asked.

"Yes, and that's an order, and it's our final decision," Eddie said, putting an arm around Becky.

"Thank you, Prince Edward, and thank you, Princess Rebecca. I won't let you down." Artie said.

Eddie and Becky looked at each other, smiled, and then looked back at Artie.

"We won't doubt that, because if you did, then my daughter would return injured, and not healthy," Eddie said.

"Right," Artie said confidently.

"Does that answer your question about some new changes?" Becky asked.

"Yes, thank you. I'm going to check on the recruits now." Dena said, walking away with Blake.

In the evening, once Blake and Dena saw that the recruits were all packed and ready to go, they decided to talk in the gardens about their trip and what the plan was. They walked into the gardens and sat on a bench that was in front of some hedges.

"So, we're going to leave for the trip tomorrow?" Blake asked.

"Yeah, and first to Bargain Castle," Dena said, sighing.

"Aren't you scared?" he asked.

"I don't know, maybe. Right now I think I'm just feeling dread. I don't really want to go, but then again, we have to, right?" she asked.

"Yeah, to free the people of Disney Planet. I can't believe she's been torturing people just so she can have something for herself from us," he said.

Dena raised an eyebrow.

"Huh?" she asked.

"What?" he asked.

"What do you mean by 'she's been torturing people just so she can have something for herself from us?' What does she want? Why is absolutely no one telling me why she's doing this?" she asked gloomily. Blake sighed.

"I know that we've been keeping you in the dark, but it's for your good. What she wants is what you'll find out later on as we solve the mystery. I don't think any of us want you to know beforehand because then you'll try to do something about it even more." he said. Dena frowned.

"Okay," she said.

They then talked about what they knew so far, and what they were going to bring, stuff like that.

"Well, we're going to need tents, if we're walking on foot. Maybe...8 tents? Since there's around 15 or 16 of us, I think that's our best bet." Dena said.

"Orr, we could just have one big one that fits 20 people and hope for the best?" Blake suggested.

"That would take forever to carry, and we have unlimited time," Dena said, smiling. They both looked down for a second.

Then, Blake asked, "Want to go to the fountain?" Dena thought for a minute.

"Sure, but it's getting late, and we're going to need our sleep for tomorrow," she said.

"Then you should sleep," Blake said.

"And you should too, but we're going to the fountain, right?" she asked. He shrugged.

"No, we should probably go to sleep. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" he asked, giving me a small smile.

"Yeah, see you," Dena said. They walked to the castle, and as they went their separate ways, he hugged Dena.

"Even though I'm worried, I'm glad I'll be one of the kids protecting you because then I can ensure that my best friend, my twin sister, my friend for life will be okay and safe," Blake said.

"You didn't have to, but I understand why you are coming along," she said. He gave a small smile.

"Goodnight," he said, walking away.

Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think so that I can further improve the story. If you have any suggestions, comments, questions, I'd love to hear them. The next chapter will be coming out soon, and hopefully, these chapters make more sense!