Of Scoops, Slices and Sunsets
Chapter 12ish: Calculated Risk preview
Disclaimer: I don't own 'em!
A/N: This is just a taste of what the AU will be like in which Fran and RJ are dating pre-series and RJ tells her everything about less than two days after finding out that he's going to be a mentor. Oh and that there's a good chance he won't be seeing Master Mao alive anymore. Oof, what a thing to dump on a guy.
RJ buried his face into Fran's shoulder, letting out a tired whine. "I have to run this restaurant while training three new students that I'm still processing are coming to me as their teacher."
"Yeah," Fran drawled, her voice curling around his ears and settling into his soul. "You poor thing you. It's not as if you have a recently unemployed girlfriend who is beginning to know this restaurant like the back of her hand and would totally be willing to help you." She pretended to study her nails. "It's a pity really."
RJ grinned against the soft fabric of her shirt. "But you still have classes," he pointed out.
"Online," Fran replied. "Two are on campus but they're at night, so if you think about it, my time is largely my own." She pressed a kiss to the top of RJ's head. "And I want to use it to help you."
Her boyfriend remained silent as he thought over her offer. It was tempting and RJ had just brought her into the world of Pai Zhua, even if it was unofficially. If he could organize his time wisely—something that he admittedly wasn't that good at—he would be able to train his students and help Fran in the restaurant. He knew how busy Jungle Karma could get. He wasn't about to put that burden on her shoulders.
"I think the next few date nights are going to have to be cooking lessons. Not that you can't cook," RJ added hastily as he stood, pulling Fran up with him. "But to really nail down your memorization of the recipes." He grinned. "And by the time my students show up, maybe you can teach them the ropes of JKP."
Fran smiled wryly. "So we'll both be teachers?"
"Exactly!" RJ nodded. He hesitated before adding, "I also think that maybe I should teach you some self -defense moves. I know you can handle yourself, but it couldn't hurt to have some back up."
Fran looked and him with curiosity and interest. "Will you teach me Pai Zhua?"
"Just some basic moves," RJ confirmed. He shifted on his feet as his expression grew bashful. "Actually, I'm being a little selfish here."
"I've never really taught anyone before," He admitted. "I'm kinda hoping you'll let me use our lessons as practice."
"That's fine with me," Fran said, shrugging a shoulder. She tilted her head, the action betraying her confusion. "But you really didn't have to tutor any of the younger students?"
"I did," RJ confirmed. "But it's been years since I've actually taught anyone hence why I want to teach you. You know, beyond the desire to protect my girlfriend from the encroaching forces of darkness headed our way."
"Yeah," Fran agreed with a giggle. "Beyond that."
She held out a hand, waiting for RJ to slide his against hers before continuing to speak. "We're not just in a relationship, RJ. We're in a partnership," her voice and dark brown eyes were serious. "I want you to promise me that if you're ever finding yourself drained or frustrated or something, that you'll talk to me. I'm here for you, RJ. Never forget that."
His smile was one that warmed her all the way down to her toes. "Just so long as you promise me the same thing."
"I promise."
Gripping the hand that he held, RJ pulled Fran into him, sealing the deal with a kiss. It was rather cliché as Fran would put it, but it was also very much them. When the need for air became demanding, RJ leaned away, resting his forehead against hers.
"I promise too," he swore.
RJ very rarely ever had to break a promise that he had made, but he knew that no matter what it would take, this wouldn't be one of them. Fran was a part of the Pai Zhua world now; part of his world. He was keeping her there.
No matter what anyone thought.
A/N: This AU will not leave me alone enough to let me write my other stories so have this sneak peek! Though if I'm going to be completely honest, I think I'm going be posting chapter one very soon. Probably either by this weekend or Monday. This scene actually won't be happening until chapter seven or eight…I want to take the time to both establish their friendship as well as their relationship. Then I'll have even more fun messing with canon! Woo!