I know long time to wait for an update! THIS IS FINAL CHAPTER OF BIONIC SICKNESS! (either a good or bad thing, well, that's on you) I own absolutely NOTHING! Also sorry it's kind of short...

"CHASE!" Tasha yelled. She ran to Chase's limp form that had landed at the bottom of the staircase. "C'mon kid!" She encouraged, "You fall down stairs all the time! You gotta get up!"

Chase stirred slightly and for a moment, Leo swore he saw his eyelids flutter and Adam proceeded to shake his younger brother awake.

"W-what happened?" Chase asked, panic hinting in his voice. He looked around and rubbed the back of his head, wincing at the slight contact with the bump he had received when he fell down the stairs. "Ow."

The elevator dinged when it had finally reached the kitchen level. Mr. Davenport stepped out, looking slightly frazzled and took in the scene that was taking place before his eyes. Bree rushed over to him and told him everything that had happened.


"Stop!" Mr. Davenport yelled, "I know what happened. Eddy showed me the footage from the living room so we could laugh at Chase in pain…"

Bree cringed and grabbed a pillow and chucked at Eddy's screen.

"Heyyyyyyyyyyy!" He yelled. Bree groaned at his response.

"SHUT UP EDDY!" She yelled. Chase groaned. All heads turned toward him. Chase could barely think through the searing pain in his head from all of the noise echoing around him. He groaned again and tried to stand up. At that very second, everyone in the Davenport household was by his side.

"Hey. I'm fine. I'm okay!" Chase told everyone as he stood up. He was still dizzy and he felt horrible. He grabbed the railing for support.

"No! You're not!" Leo matter-of-factly told Chase. He looked at Mr. Davenport and nodded. Adam picked Chase and carried him to the elevator where they made their way to the lab.

"Adam! Put. Me. Down!" Chase kicked until he was so exhausted that even breathing became hard. Adam set Chase in his capsule and Mr. Davenport started a scan. A few minutes later, he frowned, proving that he did not like what he saw.

Chase stepped out of his capsule and asked, "What is it?"

"It's a simple stomach bug. It seems to barely affect your chip. I'm not sure where the fainting came from. Maybe the lack of food that led to lack of nutrients. You should recover soon."

Chase considered this for a moment. A simple stomach bug. How was it affecting his chip? How bad was it? At least he would be better soon.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Chase woke up and felt great. He stepped out of his capsule to the groans coming from his siblings' capsules. He turned around slowly and saw that they looked awful. Bree woke up and stepped out of her capsule.

"Ugh!" She moaned, "I knew it! I KNEW IT! Oh why, why did I have to stay with you the whooooooooole time you were sick!" She ran at Chase but stopped to vomit on the floor.

Oops, Chase thought, I guess my siblings got sick from taking care of me. Whoops! He went into the elevator and up to the kitchen where Leo was laying on the couch, a thermometer in his mouth. Tasha was fussing over him, giving him medicine, taking his temperature, making him toast, and giving him blankets.

"Umm Chase?" She asked, "I think you got Leo, Adam, and Bree sick! I've been watching them all morning and they are running high fevers!" Tasha ranted on and on about how she was making sure they were comfortable.

"Ok" Chase said, "Good luck with that!" He ran out the door and went to school. His teachers asked him where his siblings were and he told them that they were sick.

"How did they get sick?" Some random kid asked Chase during lunch "Adam chews the gum off of the bottom of his desk, Bree puts on waaaaaay too much lipstick which can eventually go into her mouth and make her sick. And Leo's just well, Leo."

"They got sick" Chase started, "because of me." He mumbled the last part very quietly and said a loud, "WHOOPS!" and ran to his next class.

I hope you liked this story. PLEASE REVIEW! BYE! BTW... did you like how I made Bree, Adam, and Leo sick at the end? REVIEW IT! please... :)