This was the end of it, Gohan's peaceful and quiet life in the mountains traded for one in the city. Road-less hills and beautiful wildflowers in the forest traded for stone streets crowded with people and horse drawn carriages. His mother had decided to introduce him to society now that he was a young man and his childhood long over with. Gohan was now to be taught how to run his grandfather's business which he was heir to.
He was at the end of another etiquette lesson as he stared out the window. Below many people and aliens mixed around living their daily lives. It had been more than a decade since aliens of multiple species were accepted on earth as everyday citizens with rights and all, yet Gohan sitting on the outside could spot all the small glances of mothers shuffling children away from a small group of purple children with horns or the relief of a street corner grocer convincing a poor old woman with antennae and wings that the bread wasn't actually on sale and walked away.
He turned his head from the world and sighed, his heart becoming heavy. Being half alien himself he was sickened. Each day in the city he was becoming less and less hopeful of making any proper friends if this was how everyone treated each other.
The other few gentlemen of his class were already leaving the classroom. Gohan stood from his seat and straightened his fine jacket. With a kind 'thank you' to his instructor and a simple nod, he left as well.
Just after stepping out to the cobblestone streets he spotted a character he actually didn't mind to spend time around. Miss Satan, Videl, daughter to a very famous and wealthy man known for his ability to charm and rouse a crowd to any of his efforts. Their fathers had some sort of history together, Gohan couldn't quite remember having already been overloading with many other things to learn. To that effect though, the very moment Gohan was brought to the city he was introduced to her.
"Miss Videl, I didn't think I would see you so soon after my lesson." Gohan nodded gently to her in a casual form of bowing.
"My father had a carriage bring me, intent on us spending as much time as possible together." Videl gestured her gloved hands to a nearby cab, the driver tending to his horse. "Another thing my dear Gohan, I appreciate you finally dropping my father's name when addressing me but please don't call me miss. I don't need you reminding me I'm a lady just as everyone else does."
Gohan gave a small laugh. "My apologies."
Gohan enjoyed Videl's company because she was more like him than the others around them. She didn't hold the same standards they did, and only expected him to treat her as an equal and not as a princess.
"Come now, let us leave my driver here while I show you more city culture." Videl smirked already striding down the street away from the cab.
"I feel a bit bad for him. We abandon him every time. Doesn't he get in trouble with your father?" Gohan asked.
"No, he finds it as funny as I do. My father is kind of like me, he's not a very serious man. He just wants me to be happy and knows I can handle myself more than well enough." Videl answered.
"Where are we headed today then?" Gohan followed Videl, his stiff shiny shoes clicking on the stone.
"We're to meet up with a couple of my friends and we shall all go to a coffee house." Videl explained.
"I've heard of those. They don't favor having women present from what I've been told." Gohan recalled a few classmates laughing and commenting how coffee houses were 'havens free of women's opinions and standards'.
"Most of them may hold that as a rule but this one runs a bit differently. Also my father is their best patron and brags about it all the time so not even the other customers have any problem with my attendance." Videl replied.
"Oh, good." Gohan smiled. He was glad to hear of more open minded people in the city he was losing hope in.
Upon arriving to the coffee house, a young man and woman standing by the door spotted them and waved. Videl happily returned the wave with a bright smile. "Gohan, this is Sharpner and Erasa, my friends."
"Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you." Gohan nodded to them in greeting.
"Oh sweet stars, you're a most welcome treat for the eyes aren't you." Erasa smirked with a gentle elbow to Videl's side. "Videl has mentioned your desperately sheltered life, but not how handsome you are."
"I never phrased it as 'desperately sheltered'." Videl rolled her eyes. "Don't pay her much attention when she says things like that."
"Don't worry, she will behave. We're here to help your new friend experience all the joys in life. We can all chat inside so I beg we move on to the coffee before we grow much older." Sharpner looped Videl's arm in his own before leading them all through the door. "So have you had coffee before? Any particular preference?"
"In all honesty, I am not sure. My mother may have allowed me a cup once but we mostly drink tea." Gohan answered, following the small group to the counter of the shop.
"Ah a fresh pallet. We'll have you start with black then; the purest blend." Sharpner grinned eager to see the reaction. He knocked on the wooden counter and called behind it to a back room where a door hung slightly open. "Got some customers sir!"
A tall figure emerged from the shadows of the doorway, pushing the door wider open as he came through wiping a glass dry. Green skin, pointed ears, antennae… Gohan was surprised to see a namekian employed but more than that, he was more than certain he knew this character. His blood stilled when he recognized him.
The bartender looked over the group. "Welcome back sir. Your usual booth is empty today."
"My thanks. We'll have straight black for the gentlemen and the ladies will have theirs with cream and sugar." Sharpner made the order.
"Four pence please." The bartender held out his hand and accepted the coinage from Sharpner.
Gohan swallowed his reaction and sat with the others in a booth nestled in the center of the shop.
"Now tell us how you came to live in the city." Erasa leaned over the table, displaying unrefined behavior in her slouching.
"It's a long story." Gohan forced a quick smile. "The main reason I suppose is to introduce me into the family business and groom me to take it over when my grandfather retires."
"What kind of business?" Sharpner inquired. "Cobbler? Baker?"
"He owns a bank." Gohan answered sheepishly, ducking his head slightly. He knew because of his grandfather he has been born an elite and had worried how people would react once they found out.
"Another rich kid huh?" Sharpner chuckled at Gohan's reaction. "Don't be embarrassed. Although Erasa and I are different class than you, we're not going to think you're some over privileged ass. Videl doesn't invite just anyone to coffee. She has such high standards for friends I fear what she requires from men she intends to court."
Gohan smiled earnestly this time. "Thank you. That means so much to me. I've had a crash course these past weeks on how different people treat the wealthy. People have grumbled and turned away when I merely say 'hello' because I'm going to inherit a huge fortune; and others richer than me wouldn't say more than a few words because I wasn't raised in a mansion with silk sheets and gol-"
Gohan froze when a tray had been set before him on the table. Four glasses with kettle and matching dishes of sugar and cream. His eyes followed the green arm up to the face of the namekian bartender. "Don't mind me sir, just bringing your coffee."
The tall figure swiftly straightened up, keeping his eyes closed as he turned to attend a table in the back getting louder by the minute. Gohan faltered only slightly in his attempt to brush off his surprise.
"Now let's get you your first real cup huh?" Sharpner eagerly poured coffee into the glasses.
Erasa paid no attention to the glass being set before her as she watched Gohan's eyes shift once more to the bartender. She was confused how Videl and Sharpner hadn't mentioned the obvious reactions Gohan was having.
She gingerly poured cream into her glass and cleared her throat. "I have one question Gohan and as uncomfortable as it may be, I will ask it clear and simple."
Gohan's eyes were wide in confusion. He certainly didn't expect this sudden change in her actions and tone. The others were just as lost as him. He replied. "I'll answer with honesty."
Erasa's eyes bored into Gohan's. "I pray I misread something but you wouldn't happen to have any issues with say…. Aliens, do you?"
Gohan paled at such an accusation. His voice so strained in his shock it was no more than hoarse cough. "Do I wh-?! No!"
"Why would you think he did?!" Videl struggled but managed to keep her voice a whisper before they caught attention of other customers.
"Well I saw the way he was-" Erasa started to explain.
"I'm not anti alien." Gohan tried to calm his racing heart. He looked around them to be sure no one was listening in. He sighed and lowered his head before admitting "In a way I could never be against aliens. Aside from how immoral it is to believe any one person is below another for how they're born, it'd be extremely hypocritical."
"I'm sorry, could you explain that more clearly?" Sharpner set his coffee down as his mind worked around the unbelievable and yet obvious answer.
After a deep breath, Gohan opened his jacket just enough for the group of friends to spot the monkey tail tucked inside and pressed close to his back.
"Woah, a saiyan?" Sharpner asked.
"Half saiyan. My mother is human." Gohan explained. "Please don't tell anyone. After seeing just how people are in this city, I'm not comfortable being public with it."
"We promise Gohan." Videl assured. She already knew of course before they met, her father made her aware.
"If you're half alien, why were you uncomfortable when he served our coffee?" Erasa asked with a genuinely kind and confused expression.
Gohan stilled for a moment. "I uh… thought I recognized him but he hasn't said anything so... I clearly have him confused with someone else."
"Oh that's understandable." Erasa smiled and let the topic go as she sipped her drink.
"Now try the coffee." Sharpner pointed to the untouched cup he had set for Gohan.
Gohan looked into the drink unsure of what to expect. He took one sip before nearly choking on the bitter flavor swarming his senses. His face scrunched as he forced himself to swallow.
The others laughed. Videl nudged the cream to him. "So not one for the strong stuff huh?"
"I didn't know drinks could be that strong or bitter." Gohan admitted as he added cream and sugar to his coffee.
"Allow me to guess, never had alcohol either?" Sharpner smirked.
"No. Why is that worse?" Gohan asked. He knew his mother was arranging a few parties over the next month to introduce him to important businessmen and of course alcohol would be present. He didn't want to look a fool if any of them expected him to drink as well.
"One could say so." Sharpner replied.
After an hour of more common idle chat and helping Gohan decide just how he enjoyed drinking coffee, Erasa and Sharpner had departed for other plans and errands they had that day. Videl and Gohan had walked a few streets before they located Videl's frenzied driver.
"You've had this look since we left the coffee house." Videl spoke as the door to the carriage was opened for her. "Want to tell me what's on your thoughts?"
"Sorry, I didn't mean to bring down the mood." Gohan smiled apologetically. "It's just something that happened when I was a kid. An old nightmare and …. seeing the man who served the coffee reminded me of it."
"I can stay longer if you want to talk about it. You are my friend Gohan." Videl reminded.
"I'm fine thank you though." Gohan shook his head. "Like I said, it was an old dream. It's nothing to worry about."
"If you say." Videl smiled as she climbed into the carriage. "Until next time then."
Gohan grinned as he watched her be driven away. Of all the people he could have met, he was glad to have a friend like her. He tucked his hands into his pockets before striding down the streets, making his way home.
The nightmare he had mentioned, continued to replay in his head. Each time more and more details became clear. Gohan had struggled to sleep that night as the images burned in his mind.
Explosions of energy. Men falling dead in the fight. The stinging metallic smell of blood. He was towered over by a large man, the sheer sense of malice seeming to press Gohan further into the ground. He was going to die by this man's hand.
Some features of the dream changed each time. Such as who died in what order, or sometimes his dad would show up in the fight as well. Two facts that never did change was the large man that wanted him dead and the namekian that always took the attack and died for him.
First time trying to write with these characters and so far I think it's going alright... worried about how accurate I can pull off Piccolo tho, save me
Don't know when I'll be back with more... sorry