"See you tomorrow everyone!" Hinata called over his shoulder and he sprinted out of the gym, feeling happy and sweaty, a good day of practice behind him and effort that had been put to use.
He smiled as he thought about how Kageyama got upset earlier, it was funny sometimes to rile him up, well it was funny now, at first it had been scary and very much unwanted. He was happy that their relationship had changed for the better, at least they were friends now. He couldn't say the same for one particular member of their team, however. He scowled and pouted as an image of Tsukishima popped into his head, he gave a quiet hum and made for his bike.
Typically he'd be just a little whiny about having to bike back home, but today was a good day, so he didn't have much of a problem with it. All day had been good actually, he'd gotten two tests back, both of which he passed, during lunch he'd been sitting by almost all of his friends, since none of them were all that busy today, and practice had been really good! Kageyama was really improving on his serve, and even though Hinata had thought it was perfect before something about the way Kageyama was doing it lately made it seem better.
Maybe it was his attitude?
"Hinata." Hinata let out a yelp at the voice, finally done undoing his bike lock, and he turned to face the person who had just been in his head.
"Kageyama," He gave a small smile, "What's up? Do you need something?" Hinata was in no hurry to leave, especially if one of his friends needed him for something.
He watched as the older boy slung a very familiar bag off of his shoulder, and held it out with one hand. Hinata visibly gaped at the sight and slapped his hands over his back, where his bag should be, but definitely was not. He screamed at his incompetence and quickly grabbed the bag from Kageyama, smiling sheepishly.
"Wow!" He laughed nervously. "You're a lifesaver Kageyama!" Hinata scratched the back of his head, feeling a little stupid about leaving his bag, that had everything in it.
"Hm." The taller boy made a sound of what Hinata assumed was agreement, and began to walk past Hinata. "Don't mention it," Kageyama said and readjusted his own bag, Hinata stared after the taller boy feeling admiration swell in his chest. He would never say it to Kageyama anymore, now that they actually knew each other (and because Kageyama hated it) but he envied and looked up to Kageyama so much. Kageyama had been torn when his old team no longer wanted him, and now he had one that he could count on, one that could most definitely count on him, and he had come so far. He had changed so much, just so he could achieve his dream, and Hinata had every intention of following suit, he wanted to make it big, and make his team proud.
Hinata smiled as he thought about his goal, and he grabbed his bike and hurried to catch up with Kageyama before he got too far, but the taller boy was waiting for him already, on foot against a tree as he leaned against it.
"Took you long enough dunce, let's go." Hinata bristled at the crude nickname but didn't comment, and he felt his neck heat up as he noticed that Kageyama had finally waited for him today, instead of the other way around. He pushed forward with a smile and stood on the far side of his bike, walking silently next to Kageyama. They walked underneath a street light and Hinata hadn't noticed how dark it had gotten.
"Oh, it sure got dark fast..." Hinata said quietly and he heard a chuckle from his right, he immediately scowled wondering what the hell was so damn funny.
"Don't tell me you're afraid of the dark dunce?" Kageyama tempted with a slightly smug voice. Hinata felt his face blossom in heat and he hoped he wasn't glowing. He turned and pointed an accusing finger at Kageyama, knowing that the taller of the two was trying to get a rise out of him, and totally falling for it.
"WHAT!?" Hinata gasped as they both stopped. "You-you-!" Hinata growled and spat out the only word he could think of. "Stupidhead!" He wished he could watch Kageyama's face in slow motion, because it wasn't often that Kageyama smiled, much less laughed.
And right now he was doing both.
Kageyama turned away from Hinata to save face and not show his expression, but as his eyes glanced sideways he stopped almost instantly. Kageyama glared holes into this person, unwavering and standing tall. Hinata followed where his eyes led and felt a sour taste in his mouth.
Hinata knew that because they were teammates they had to be in the least respectful to Tsukishima, but he knew that it was a lot harder for Kageyama when Tsukishima chose to antagonize him specifically. Hinata didn't like Tsukishima at all, all he ever did was ignore Hinata, but that was why Hinata didn't like him, he always acted like Hinata didn't exist.
"Ah," Tsukishima started and all Kagehima and Hinata did was stare as he got closer. "You two are out awfully late." His suggestive tone made them both scowl at him, and Hinata clenched his hand at his side at the insinuation in Tsukishima's words. "Surely little Hinata should be home by now? Right?" Temper flaring slightly Hinata scowled deeply into Tsukishima's eyes. He'd never been directly addressed more than a handful of times by Tsukishima, and it agitated him to no end his choice of words.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Hinata spat angrily uncaring as his bike dropped to the ground and he stepped toward Tsukishima, trying his hardest to look threatening.
Tsukishima snorted lightly and bent down to Hinata's level, while still looking just a tad taller. "It means, little Hinata," Hinata felt his cheeks flare up as Tsukishima smirked at him teasingly, his anger was getting the best of him and he knew it. "That you should get going home, before someone snatches you up. You know about the recent kidnappings lately, we wouldn't want anything bad to happen to pretty little Hinata." The teasing was seriously grating on his nerves and Hinata almost exploded when Tsukishima teasingly nicked his chin just the slightest.
He watched it happen slowly, as Kageyama's hand shot out and gripped Tsukishima's wrist in a death-grip, the taller boy pushing Hinata behind him, as he completely blocked Hinata from Tsukishima's view. Hinata felt his cheeks heat up, he could totally fight his own battles, he didn't need Kageyama's help (no matter how much he appreciated the gesture).
"I think that's enough Tsukishima." Kageyama spat venomously and he gave Tsukishima a withheld shove that sent the other team member backward only slightly. Hinata, while still a little pissed, was happy that Kageyama had decided to handle this one, he knew that if it came down to it Tsukishima had him topped in almost every area with the exception of speed. "You should leave." Kageyama crossed his arms and Tsukishima actually looked a little pissed, or at least he did from Hinata's view. (Underneath Kageyama's arm and to the side a little)
Tsukishima stepped up again and Hinata had a sinking feeling in his stomach, he grasped tightly to the back of Kageyama's jacket and gave a small tug, but it didn't deter the taller boy who stood protectively in front of him.
"it's too bad I wasn't talking to you Kageyama," The name sounded like acid upon Tsukishima's lips. "then maybe I'd listen to you, but I was talking to Hinata," Tsukishima got up into Kageyama's face and Hinata felt his stomach twist again into sharp knots that had warning bells blaring in his head. "So move aside, I was just teasing him a bit." Hinata clenched Kageyama's dark jacket between his fingers and silently prayed that Kageyama would stay where he was. He didn't want Tsukishima's hands on him, it just made him feel weird and not in a good way, call it gut but Hinata wanted Tsukishima to stay away from him.
"Not a chance." Kageyama's words sent a fluttering feeling through Hinata's chest and he smiled despite himself, he was happy that Kageyama hadn't decided that now was a good time to be an ass. "Now leave." the sound of skin hitting skin roughly made Hinata gasp sharply and his neck hurt from how fast he snapped it up. A strangled quiet noise left his throat as he noticed Kageyama's head snapped to the side from the punch. He quickly steadied Kageyama from behind and wrapped his smaller arms around the taller boy's waist, trying to keep him on his feet as Kageyama stumbled slightly.
He knew that Kageyama would want to hit him back, and he could feel it from the way that Kageyama was shaking lightly, but that would only lead to bad, it could get them kicked off the team, clearly, Tsukishima hadn't thought of that. Hinata grabbed for Kageyama's shoulder before the taller boy could shove him off and whispered harshly into his ear, hoping that it would hit a nerve and make Kageyama stop what he was about to do.
"Kageyama please don't!" Hinata took a second to breathe against Kageyama's neck feeling his breath leave him rather quickly in this situation. "Tsukishima will get in trouble once we tell Capitan, I don't want you to go down with him," Hinata rested his forehead against Kageyama's shoulder. "Please Kageyama, don't fight back on this one, you're my partner, I can't play without you." Hinata hid his flaming cheeks away from the world as he slipped down Kageyama's back and rested his head softly into Kageyama's back. His arms went lax and they stayed loosely around Kageyama's waist, Hinata hoped that Kageyama would agree with him on this one and not hurt Tsukishima, no matter how much he deserved it.
"Let's go home Hinata." Kageyama said softly and Hinata couldn't bring himself to move right then, because he never thought he'd enjoy hearing his name slip past those lips so much. He clenched Kageyama's jacket in his hands and nodded, he moved away as the two taller males continued to stare each other down. He grabbed his bike and walked to the side of Kageyama, waiting. For a while, none of them moved and Hinata eventually reached his hand up and grabbed Kageyama's much bigger hand lightly. He tugged and he knew that Kageyama was looking at him, so he began to pull Kageyama lightly with one hand, his bike handle in the other.
His heart was going crazy in his chest and he kept wondering why the hell he'd grabbed Kageyama's hand, and never noticed he'd slipped his hand further into the larger limp one that he held. Kageyama's hands were cold and Hinata wondered if maybe he should bring gloves to school tomorrow, just in case.
"Kageyama?" Hinata stopped and slowly he allowed Kageyama's hand to slip from his own. He set his bike down and carefully looked at Kageyama's face, looking at the spot Tsukishima had hit. It was red and swelling just the slightest, but other than that you couldn't see anything.
"Does it hurt?" Hinata said quietly as he stood in front of Kageyama, about two heads shorter and looking at the spot that was his fault.
Kageyama tried to look at Hinata's eyes but the boy kept avoiding his eyes, eventually, he just stared at Hinata's face and nodded, not knowing what else to do.
Small hands reached up toward his face and Kageyama had to resist the urge to step back, he wasn't the best with physical contact, but his curiosity wanted to know, wanted to know why Hinata was reaching up for him, what he would do, what unspoken lines he would cross for the sake of this friendship.
Small fingers, thin yet sturdy prodded his cheek softly and he held in a hiss. Hinata dropped his head and slowly let his fingers slide down Kageyama's face, his hands were cold now, his whole body was cold, but that's what he gets for not bringing a jacket.
Hinata looked up and finally met those dark eyes, sadness filling his own typically bright ones. Something sparked there and a sheen overtook both of their eyes for just a moment. That inexplicable feeling was washed away quickly and Hinata looked away just as quickly as he had before
"I'm sorry Kageyama..." Hinata said quietly and turned away, guilt ate at him and he wished that he would've just ignored Tsukishima's teasing, but he had to act tough, to act like he wouldn't put up with Tsukishima's shit, and he wouldn't, but he still felt heavy with the knowledge that this whole situation was his fault. He grabbed his bike and threw his leg over one side, his arms chilled and a shiver visible on his skin. He put his foot on the pedal and was stopped by a weight on his head, and he couldn't see suddenly, whatever it was it was warm and he had the suspicious feeling that it was a jacket.
His face flamed again and he barely caught Kageyama's words before the darker-haired male turned began to walk in the direction of his home.
"Be careful on your way home dunce."
His shaking hands took in Kageyama's jacket before slipping it over his shoulders. It was big and warm, and it smelled way better than any type of cologne that Hinata owned.
Something had sparked in Kageyama's eyes a moment ago, he was sure of it.
He just didn't know what it was.
Yay, another book that will slowly be updated! WOO HOO!
Yeah, I like Haikyuu! too and KageHina has easily become my favorite no doubt. I'm not that far in so forgive me if I get something wrong, and sorry for those people that really like Tsukishima, I really thought he was an ass when I first saw him, so I'm not too fond of him.
Leave your comments for me to look at! I always look forward to them!
Thank you for reading 'More Than That'!