
Despite their determination to have a long engagement, they wed that summer. Kingsley Shacklebolt performed the ceremony right in the Great Hall at Hogwarts. Severus watched as Hermione proceeded down the center aisle in a beautiful white dress. He had never seen anyone look so beautiful ever. He knew he looked pretty good in his solid black ensemble. Black had always been his color. Gazing at his wife to be, he realized she looked just the way she had in the wish potion she'd given him for Christmas the previous year. Excitement filled him as she neared. She smiled at him, and he felt his heart would stop right there.

Finally, she was by his side, and they were saying their vows. Kingsley placed his wand on their wrists to seal the bonding. A bright light exploded from the gold and silver bands surrounding their wrists. Severus gasped as tears formed in his eyes. He looked to Hermione, whose mouth had dropped open in realization of what the spectacle meant.

"The bond of soulmates," Kingsley declared in amazement as he finalized the bond. "You two were bound to be together before you were born. Your hearts are tied together as one and will never be alone again."

At Kingsley's pronouncement, Severus felt his heart join with Hermione's. Their hearts entwined with one another, uniting them in a bond that would never be torn asunder. It was an amazing feeling to become one with his bride, to know that they would be together always, bound together in something that had been preordained for them. Their souls became one as an even brighter light surrounded the two of them, burst from them, and then was absorbed back into them in an instant. They were left gasping at the energy that was absorbed by both of them.

"You may kiss the bride," Kingsley declared.

Severus came close, but before finalizing their bond with a kiss, whispered in her ear, "We are one." He kissed her then, a chaste kiss with promise. The bonding sealed itself to them in that kiss. They felt it surround their bodies and meld them together. Severus' heart soared. He finally had what he'd never had before... someone who loved him. What was even better was that Hermione loved him so completely. She would love him forever, as he would her. He pulled back and looked in her eyes, seeing the same love reflected back at him. He finally felt complete.

Much later that night, Severus lay in bed with his wife cuddled up to him. Her arm was draped over his chest and her head was nestled on his shoulder. She had fallen asleep a little while ago, but he found that sleep was evading him. His thoughts were filled with wonder that he'd actually gotten what he'd wanted for so long. He squeezed Hermione gently as she curled in closer to him. He was amazed that everything Lily had said would happen had actually came to be.

As he looked over at his wife, everything started to become fuzzy. The entire room faded to grey, and he felt like his body was being whisked away. In an instant, he found himself sitting on the swing from his near-death vision. The same white robe was on him, and he was swinging gently back and forth. He was startled by a voice.

"I told you that you would find someone who would make you forget me."

His head turned and he saw Lily sitting on the swing next to him, also swaying back and forth.

"I will never forget you, Lily, but I will admit that you were right," he whispered. "Hermione and I are soulmates… like Potter and you."

Lily smiled. "So, how do you feel now?"

Severus smirked. "Like I told you before, I never thought I'd find anyone who could look beyond my faults."

"You have worked hard to change those faults, Severus," Lily interrupted.

Severus nodded. "Yes, that's true, and Hermione loves me for who I am, faults and all. I finally feel complete."

Lily reached out and grasped Severus' hand, which was wrapped around the swing chain. "I told you there would be someone who would see beyond all that."

Severus nodded slightly and turned his head to look forward. "I never thought that I'd stop loving you, Lily, but when I finally let go, I felt a freedom I didn't think possible. I took your advice as well. I held my tongue, even when it seemed like my head would explode." He looked back at Lily and met her eyes with his. "I became a better man thanks to you."

She smiled at him. "You were always that good man, Severus. You'd just been beaten down by so many factors."

"Thank you for helping me find that man within me."

"Nonsense, Severus, you found him yourself," Lily countered with a huff.

"Had you not been truthful with me, I probably would not have, though."

Lily rolled her eyes. "Severus, it's okay to take credit for things, you know."

Severus shrugged. "You know I'm not a braggart."

"There's a difference."

"That's true," Severus admitted.

Lily rose and turned to him.

"It's time for me to go," she told him.

Severus rose from his swing as well. He went up to her and hugged her tightly.

"Will I see you again?" he said as he pulled back from her.

"Do you think you'll need to?" Lily asked him.

"Well, need to, no, but I have enjoyed these random visits from you."

Lily shrugged. "I wish I could return, but you said it yourself; you don't need me."

Severus pulled her into another hug. "Thank you, again, Lily. I wish the best for you."

Lily pulled back and caressed his cheek. "Be happy my friend," she said as she began to look a bit transparent.

"Goodbye, Lily," Severus whispered as she disappeared from sight.

The bedroom slowly came back into focus, and Severus found himself lying as he had been with his wife snuggled up next to him. Severus squeezed her tightly, causing her to wake up. She moved her head so she could see him.

"Is everything all right?" Hermione asked him.

He smirked at her. "Of course. You're here with me."

Smiling, she kissed him on the nose before settling her head back down on his shoulder. "I love you," she whispered as she began to drift off to sleep again.

"I love you, too," he said as well, trying not to let the emotion of the moment show in his voice. "Forever."

The last thing he felt before sleep overtook him was her kiss on his shoulder and her arm squeezing him. He couldn't have felt more loved.

The End

A/N: That's all folks! This major fluff fest is now done. Thank you all for following and reading, and for reviewing for those of you who took the time. One last shout-out to my beta, brenamarie. Thanks so much, honee!

Keep an eye out for a new Time-Turner fic from me. I'm just putting finishing touches on it, so it should start posting in about a month. (I know, a Time-Turner fic from me... what a surprise!)