Day 2 - Sunday, May 26, 2018
When morning comes, I wake up drenched in Edward's hoodie. I pull it off and dig through my bag for my sports bra and running shorts. Once I'm dressed, I pull my hair up in a messy bun and put on my running shoes and head outside to the backyard.
My cross country coach gave me strict orders to stay in shape this summer and with my goal of being the fastest girl in the state, I wasn't going to argue.
I run laps around the yard for about an hour before heading inside.
No one is in the kitchen so I gulp down a few glasses of water and help myself to the fridge. I pull out a container of yogurt and grab a spoon and a banana before hopping onto a stool.
I'm setting my spoon in the sink when Jasper walks into the kitchen, his hair sticking up all over the place, his sleepy blue eyes meeting mine.
"Hey," he says.
He opens the fridge and stares inside for a minute before he grabs the milk and sets it on the counter. I watch him walk into the pantry and come back with a box of cereal. He grabs a bowl and starts eating.
"You want some?"
He pushes the box toward me, but I shake my head. "I already ate."
He crunches cereal, his eyes scanning my body every so often as I stand in the middle of the kitchen. "What are you wearing?"
"Doesn't look like very much," he grins a milky disgusting grin.
"They're my running clothes. Hey, do you have a car?"
"Is it a BMW?"
"Can you take me to the store?"
"What for?"
I roll my eyes. "Does it matter?"
"I'll take you as long as it's not a clothing store."
"It's not. I need to buy paint." He nods and goes back to his cereal. "I'll be ready in like 30 minutes."
His eyes shoot back to mine. "Damn, I thought you were gonna wear that. I like it."
I leave the kitchen and jog up the stairs. My bedroom door opens as I pass it and shirtless Edward looks up, his eyes scanning my body before coming to my face. I don't like that he's so cute, so I flip him off and watch him shake his head and then keep walking to the other end of the hallway and close myself into the tiny room that's not really mine.
Oh my God, why is he so cute!
Stupid jerk.
I grab a change of clothes from my suitcase and use the connecting bathroom to get ready. I guess guests have their own bathroom in this house.
After my hair's dry, I go in search of Jasper and find him standing in Emmett's doorway. "I'm ready," I call, and he looks over at me.
"Later," he says into the room.
"Meet us at the gym later. Leave the little one behind."
I roll my eyes and peek over Jasper's shoulder, spotting Emmett in his bed in nothing but his underwear. He smirks when I take a peek, and I link my arm through Jasper's. "I love the gym," I say, looking up at Jasper, batting my eyes. "Pretty please can I go with you?"
Jasper laughs, and Emmett hides a smile before rolling over and dismissing us.
"What color paint are you going to get?" Jasper asks on our way downstairs.
"The kind that will cover black," I say, not joking at all, but the way Jasper laughs, I think he thinks I am.
I stop by the living room and grab Charlie's card. He barely even looks at me before going back to whatever it is he's doing.
It's okay, I'm used to it.
"Drive safe, kiddos," Esme yells. I want to dislike her, I really do, but she's making it quite hard.
"There's no backseat," I say when Jasper beeps the locks on his car.
"Uh, no. It's a Crossfire. A sports car. It doesn't have a backseat."
"It's better than the BMW." I pull the door open and look across the top of the car at a satisfied Jasper.
"I know," he says all proud.
Jasper takes me to the hardware store on Main Street, and the paint guy recommends priming over the black first then painting it the teal color I pick.
"I thought you were joking," Jasper says, carrying the paint and setting in his trunk. He looks over at me before slamming it.
"I wasn't."
"Edward won't like it."
"Don't tell him then."
"Oh, I'm not. I kind of want to see how this all turns out."
We get milkshakes before heading home. Jasper helps me carry the paint upstairs, shaking his head when I leave it outside Edward's door.
"We won't be back until tonight," Jasper says, biting his lip to hide his smile.
Jasper's not half bad.
He leaves, and I start the process of clearing Edward's shit out of my room. I don't do it the asshole way. I start with the bedding - not the bed since it's mine after all - and strip the bedding from the other room and make up the smaller bed with Edward's red bedspread and black sheets.
Next, I clear the closet out and set up the other closet with all of his clothes. Then I yank the drawers out of the dresser and nightstand and start sliding them down the hallway. The carpet lifts in some places so I have to stop and try to rub it out. It works.
Kind of.
The weights are a little more difficult to maneuver. I have to carry them one by one and when they get too heavy, I set them on the floor and slide them across the hallway and into the other bedroom. I'm drenched in sweat when all is said and done.
"Bella, love, your dad and I are going out. Call if you need anything."
"Sure," I yell, out of breath.
I leave my dresser and nightstand in the hallway and cover my precious bed with plastic and start painting the walls with the primer. It's a lot more work than I thought. It's easier to think of doing things than actually doing them.
Welp, no going back now.
Five hours later, I'm laying on the floor exhausted, but the walls are now teal, and things are starting to look up.
The walls are still wet, but I push my dresser and nightstand into the room anyway and set them up just not too close to the wall. I make my bed with the blue floral bedding from the other room and fluff my pillows. Once my suitcase is unpacked, I turn the TV on.
It was a bitch to get that thing back on the wall, and I'm sure Edward is going to want his TV, but for now, I'll enjoy the perks.
Before my show starts, I hurry downstairs and grab some snacks and a couple of water bottles to help tide me over for the night.
I'm halfway through Clueless when there's a knock on the door.
"Who is it?"
"It's me. Jasper. Open the door, will ya."
"Are you alone?"
I unlock the door and pull it open, and Jasper gives me a guilty, wide eyes look before I'm flying backward because Edward shoves his way in by shoving Jasper into me. We both end up on the floor, and I watch from my back as Edward takes in my room.
"What the fuck?"
"You like?" His eyes shoot to mine, and I get up on an elbow and smile sweetly. "I think the color gives the room character."
He storms out of the room, and Jasper climbs to his feet, offers me a hand and pulls me to my feet.
"I'm going to fucking kill her," Edward says from down the hall.
"Uh oh, somebody's mad," I say, cringing halfheartedly.
Jasper shakes his head, grinning. "Yeah, he's pissed."
I shrug, and Jasper leaves the room. I follow him and peek my head out into the hallway, finding Edward and Emmett down the hall, looking into Edward's new room.
"Goodnight," I call and both heads swivel my way.
Edward gives me the look of death, but Emmett, he sizes me up and lifts his chin, his lips tipped up just a scant inch.
"I'm not fucking sleeping in a pink room."
I laugh, slam my door and climb into my bed.
Now that's more like it.
Later in the evening, Esme comes by my room to let me know we're having a family night tonight. It's something she insists on every week.
It's surprising that the boys go for it.
"Wow, this room looks amazing. I'm glad Edward gave in."
I hide my snicker.
"Thank you. I like it."
She smiles and says we're leaving at seven before she leaves the room.
I take a peek into the hall when she leaves and rush to the bathroom before running back to my room to get ready.
The paint fumes are starting to give me a headache, so getting out of the house for a bit wouldn't be so bad.
I haven't heard a peep from the boys all afternoon. Hopefully Edward isn't planning my demise.
When I get downstairs an hour later, Charlie and Esme are standing at the entryway. Esme gives me a bright smile, and Charlie spares me a glance before pulling his phone from his pocket.
I want to not care but it's hard not to.
"You look beautiful Bella. I hope you're ready to have some fun."
I smile and stand off to the side to wait for the boys, I guess. It seems as if we'll all be traveling together.
This should be fun.
"Boys!" Charlie yells. "Get a move on!"
Five long minutes later, the boys make their appearance, stomping their way down the stairs looking like freaking fashion models.
How can such assholes be so hot?
Well, Jasper's not an asshole, I suppose, and Emmett wanted to crack a smile. Emmett checks me out, well okay, he glances at me, but Edward doesn't even look at me.
Somebody's still mad.
Just when I so happen to smile, his green eyes shoot my way and narrow. I roll my lips and follow Charlie out.
Esme locks up the house, and we all climb into a shiny black Tahoe. Jasper pulls the seat back so I can crawl into the way back like I'm the help or something. Assuming I'm back here all alone, I take the middle seat and buckle up.
"I'll take the back," Emmett says, and my head shoots up to find him crawling into the back to sit next to me.
I so badly want to unbuckle and scoot toward the window, but I'm sure he'd get a kick out of that, so I stay put. He chuckles and glances at me. "Don't worry. I don't bite."
"I'm not worried," I say, and Jasper glances over his shoulder, grinning like a troublemaker.
Emmett ignores me and pulls out his phone. I stare at the back of Edward's head until the silence is too much, and I decide to grab my phone and text mom. I've only been gone two days, and I'm so homesick for her and Gram, even Phil at this point.
We're having a family night.
We're pulling up to some kind of lit up festival when mom texts me back.
Mama Bear: I talked to Charlie.
Mom! You can't make him love me.
Mama Bear: He loves you, sweetie. He's just horrible at showing his feelings. Summer will be over soon enough. Gram sends her love.
Send her my love back. I have to go. Kisses.
"Kisses, huh? How cute," Emmett says, leaning awfully close. "Who is that? Your boyfriend?"
I jerk my phone to my chest and glare at him. "Don't read my messages!"
He laughs and leans back toward his side of the vehicle. "Don't leave your phone where I can see it."
"Stay out of my space."
"You didn't mind invading my space," Edward says, turning around in his seat, his green eyes shredding the skin from my bones.
"Oh, get over it, you big baby. It was my room first," I say, crossing my arms, and glancing at Jasper as he turns to watch the show.
"We live there 365, you get 60 days. Stay in your lane, Barbie."
"Who talks like that? Douchebags?"
"Who says Douchebags? Barbies?"
"Turn around. I don't want to see your ugly face anymore," I say, and he slowly grins - proving he's anything but ugly - before turning around.
What does that grin mean?
Who even are these guys?
Charlie finds a parking space, and we all pile out of the Tahoe. Esme hands us each a ticket and a paper bracelet. "We'll meet for a late dinner at around 9:00. Don't be late."
The boys take off and Charlie and Esme walk in the opposite direction, leaving me to fend for myself.
I walk around the festival for a while, feeling out of place and alone. What's the point of these summer visits to Charlie if he's just going to ignore me the entire time? I'm almost 16 now, I should be able to choose whether or not I travel halfway across the U.S. to visit a dad who doesn't even want to see me.
Stopping at a booth, I pick up an anklet with a wolf charm hanging from it and ask the vendor how much it is. I give him five bucks and bend down and clip it on my ankle.
I buy a lemonade and a soft pretzel from the next vendor and walk around until I spot a booth giving henna tattoos. I pay 20 bucks for them to give me a tattoo on my bare ankle - all gold. I'm still trying to talk mom into letting me get a real tattoo, but as cool as she is, she isn't that cool. Plus, Gram would be so mad.
When it's almost nine, I head to the food vendors and groan when I see Rude Girl practically sitting on Emmett's lap. Charlie and Esme aren't here yet, and that really sucks because at least they could act as a buffer between me and a girl that hates me..
When Rude Girl spots me, she looks me up and down and sneers. I smile and give her a finger wave, wishing I could just pull the girl's hair right out of her head.
"Hey, guys," I say, happily, plopping down across from them.
Rude Girl ignores me completely and whispers something into Emmett's ear that makes him smile and shake his head.
Finally - finally - Charlie, Esme, Jasper, and Edward show up with trays of food. As much as I could go without seeing Edward, I am pretty hungry.
"Rosalie, honey, I didn't know you were going to be here. We would have stopped to give you a ride," Esme says, obviously not knowing what a bitch Rosalie is.
She smiles like an angel at Esme, and my mouth drops open when she says sweetly, "Hi Mrs. Platt, Mr. Swan. I didn't know I was coming. Last minute plans."
Emmett grabs a plate of fries - the plate of fries my hands were reaching for - and pulls them to his side of the table.
"Well, it's lovely to have you. There's plenty of food to go around."
"Great! Thank you."
I take the burger Charlie hands me and mumble a thank you before pulling the lettuce and tomato off and taking a huge bite. Jasper passes me a soda, and I grab a different plate of fries before they're all gone.
Edward scoots in next to me, and I ignore him completely and instead keep my eyes on the fake phony across from me.
Edward takes fries off my plate, bumping me a smidge roughly with his arm every single time. He's pretending he doesn't notice while he talks to Jasper, but I know he knows what he's doing.
My eyes almost pop out of my head when out of nowhere, Edward reaches over and steals my lettuce and tomato of my plate and stuffs them into his mouth. He side-eyes me while he chews my vegetables with a smirk.
"I didn't even want them," I say.
He swallows and turns away.
When we're done Charlie clears the trash, and I stand, wanting to get far away from these people. "I'm going to walk around," I say.
"I'll go with you," Jasper says, earning a glare from Emmett, Edward, and Rosalie.
Jasper wraps an arm around my shoulder and leads me away from the table. "You want to go on the ferris wheel?"
"I might puke."
"It's not even a real ride. It's a kiddie ride. Come on."
We stand in line for about ten minutes before Jasper's name is screeched like a banshee. Jasper goes solid next to me before looking over his shoulder.
"Oh damn."
"Jasper, I thought that was you!"
"Hey, Alice," Jasper says, trying to be nice but not really accomplishing it.
"Who's your friend?" She asks, smiling wide, looking me over.
"I'm Bella. Who are you?" I ask, grinning at an uncomfortable Jasper. "Are you Jasper's girlfriend?"
Jasper pinches my side hard, making me yelp.
"Oh no," Alice says, blushing, pushing her glasses up her nose and her hair behind her ears. "We're just friends from school."
From the looks of it, Alice wants to be more than friends.
"That's us," Jasper says, pushing me toward the cart. "See you later, Alice."
"See ya!" She smiles and waves, and Jasper shoves me into the swinging cart.
"Careful," I snap, holding onto the edges. "I'm not falling out of this thing because you're trying to run from a girl."
The man locks us in and flips the big handle, shooting us slowly into the air.
"Now I see why my brother and Edward don't like you."
"Rude..." I say, leaning forward to look below us. "...and I don't care if they don't like me. I did nothing to them. They don't even know me."
He shrugs and leans back. "How old are you?"
"15. Why?"
"You look older."
I don't respond. What am I supposed to say to that?"
"Why do you run?"
"Yeah, why do you run every morning?"
"I do cross country back home. My coach wants me to stay in shape."
"Running is the dumbest sport. Is it even a sport?"
I roll my eyes. "Yes, it's a sport!"
He holds his hands up, laughing. "Okay, calm down tiger."
"Alice is waving at you."
"Dammit." He leans forward and takes a look, lifting his hand in a half ass wave before leaning back. "I'm guessing you won't kiss me, make her think I'm taken."
I look at him in shock. "No!"
"You've never been kissed, huh?"
"I've been kissed!" I say.
It was a peck on the cheek, but a kiss is a kiss, so it kind of counts.
Jasper laughs, and we stay silent the rest of the ride.
It's late when we get home, and I'm so exhausted I let my guard down and don't think of having to get upstairs first, that is until I see Edward jogging up the stairs, smirking over his shoulder when my eyes meet his.
I take off and make it to my bedroom door right when it clicks shut and locks. I give it a bang, and Edward's laugh can be heard from the other side.
"Sleep tight," he calls.
Esme and Charlie make it up the stairs, and Esme gives me a tired smile and goodnight wave before closing themselves into the master bedroom. When their door shuts, I give the door another couple of bangs, but Edward doesn't bother budging from this stand off.
"You stupid asshole," I say, my lips pressed into the crack of the door.
"Did you think it was over, little one?" Emmett asks, and I look over to see him sauntering down the hall, a sandwich in his hand.
"Didn't you just eat?" I ask, crossing my arms.
He shrugs and takes a huge bite.
I turn away and stomp down the hall to Edward's room, standing in the doorway to stare at his stupid bed.
"Looks comfy," Emmett says, suddenly standing right behind me, and I sneer at him over my shoulder, making him smile straight out.
What is wrong with him!
I push away and turn to face him before slamming the door and locking myself in a room that I just made into Edward's today.
Well, I guess he can be the one to smell paint fumes tonight.
Except there's no TV.
I'm going to kill him!
Love all the reviews from Chapter 1!
This story is kind of a cheatfic - in the teenage variety - but nothing like full blown cheating. It will be between Edward and Bella, and it will before things get "serious'.
FYI, I am trying to get a chapter of Undeniable out, but it's hard after the last chapter to get it written the way I want. Sorry! I'm not abandoning it, though.
Thanks for reading!