No copyright infringement intended. I do not own Twilight or its characters.

Day 1 - Saturday, May 25, 2018

I'm working late, Bells. Edward will be there to pick you up. Look for a sign.

Why am I not surprised, and who's Edward?

I grab my bag from baggage claim and roll it down the airport in search of a sign as to who this Edward person is.

It doesn't take me long to find out.

I come to a halt when I see an upside down sign with my name on it. The guy isn't paying attention because he's sucking face with some tall dark haired girl.

In the middle of a crowded airport?

How trashy!

I walk up to them and clear my throat, trying to look really annoyed - because I am - but then I get a good look at this Edward person and holy crap.

"Yeah?" He asks, eyes half lidded, tongue peeking out to lick his swollen lips.

The girl's staring daggers at me, giving me one of those rude head to toe and back looks, checking me out, and the wrinkle of her nose tells me she doesn't like what she sees one bit.

"I'm Bella. You're my ride?"

His eyes widen, and he grins before the chick with him huffs all annoyed and grabs his hand, dragging him away, leaving me to follow behind like some unwanted puppy begging for a ride home.

If I didn't already hate Charlie, this would tip the scale out of his favor.

Rude Girl - that's what I'll be calling her from this point forward - shoves one of her hands in Edward's back pocket and glances back at me every few seconds like a weirdo.

When we step outside, there's a BMW parked on the curb. Edward beeps the locks and Rude Girl gets in the passenger seat and shuts the door. Edward walks around front like he's forgotten he has a stray behind him.

"Uh, you going to pop the trunk or what? I don't think my bag will fit back there." I gesture to his tiny car, and he stares at me thoughtfully before hitting the trunk button on the key fob. He gets in his car, and I drag my suitcase to the trunk and roughly shove it in.

I hope I didn't scratch his precious car.


I slam the trunk and find Edward's door closed.

What is wrong with these people!

I knock on the door hard enough to hurt my fist and ignore the twinge of pain as he rolls his window down. "Yes?"

"I kind of need in the car."

"Oh, right," he says, trying not to smile.

"What's your problem?"

His head jerks back like he's offended by the question. "I don't have a problem, little one," he says, pushing the door open and standing to his full height right in front of me.

Little one?

I roll my eyes and slip into the backseat.

Rude Girl turns in her seat and smirks before facing forward again.

I'm going to kill Charlie.

Edward starts the car and turns the music up full blast. Good. I don't feel like listening to the two of them talk anyway. I grab my headphones and put them in and turn my own music up.

When we're almost to Charlie's, Edward pulls off at a house right outside of town and Rude Girl kisses him a little too obscenely before she glares at me and gets out of the car.

"Good riddance," I say under my breath, and Edward's crinkled eyes meet mine in the mirror like he could actually hear me over the blaring music.

I smile innocently before climbing between the seats and falling into the empty passenger seat, kicking the console and Edward on my way.

"Oops. Sorry."

"No, you're not," he says, now glaring at me. "You could have stayed in the back if you're not going to be nice."

I laugh. "Nice, huh? You like your girls nice?"

That's a shock with the company he kisses.

"Charlie owes me big time," he says, giving me a once over before turning to his head to look out the windshield.

"Yeah, he owes me, too, for letting some spoiled prick in a BMW pick me up instead of getting out of work and doing it himself. It's not like he sees his daughter but once a year."

"Don't call me a prick," he snarls, roughly putting his car in drive.

He turns the music up full blast again and peels out, and I chuckle to myself.

Maybe this summer won't be so boring after all.

When Edward pulls up to Charlie's enormous house, I start to feel uncomfortable.

Is Charlie home now?

Why is Edward getting out and walking into his house like he owns the place?

I rush out of the car and slam the door, yelling, "Hey! My bag!"

He smirks and beeps the locks, locking my bag inside the trunk before ducking inside the house.

What a douche!

I stomp my way up the driveway and into the house, catching Edward's back as he jogs upstairs.

Does the douche live here?

What's going on?

"You must be Bella! I hope you found Emmett okay."


Who's Emmett?

"I'm Esme. It's so nice to finally meet you." She pulls me into a hug. "Edward was supposed to be the one to pick you up, but he got caught up, so I sent Emmett. I hope he was a gentleman."

I almost snort.

A gentleman?

Sure, lady.

"Your father will be home shortly. He had to work late - of all days, huh - when his beautiful daughter flies in."

"I'm sorry, but who are you?"

She gasps in embarrassment. "I'm so sorry. I'm Esme, your father's fiance." My shock must show on my face because she hurries on to explain. "It's fairly new. I would have thought he would have told you."

I shake my head, and she rolls her eyes. "He's such a busy man, it must have slipped his mind."

Yeah, I'm sure it did.

Feeling awkward, I don't say anything.

"Where is your bag? Please tell me it didn't get lost."

"No, it's in the trunk. I thought I'd check things out before I grab it," I lie, never one to get people into trouble even though I'd like to see Emmett strung up by his balls for that little stunt.

"Of course. Head on up. I'm sure you know where your room is."

I smile tightly at my new mommy - soon to be mommy - and jog up the stairs. I always forget how big and obnoxious Charlie's house is, but at least my room is on the opposite side of the hallway than his.

The door's closed but I push it open and stare in shock at a room that used to be mine but no longer is mine.

The walls are painted black - of all colors - and there are posters strung up everywhere. There's a weight bench in the corner and a flat screen tv stuck to the wall. My bed - yes, it's my bed - is unmade but I can see the red bedspread scattered messily across the black satin sheets.

"What the hell?"

"Did Charlie not tell you?"

I turn to see Emmett standing in the doorway of the room down the hall from what used to be my room, smirking, his arms crossed on his chest. "That's Edward's room now."

I cross my own arms. "Not for long," I say.

"Turn around, little one. Your room's right there now." He points to the room across from me - a much smaller room. "Charlie had us move your shit out months ago. Edward liked the bed, so he kept it. You're more than welcome to share my bed."

He grins and saunters toward me and my eyes widen.

In an act of pure rage, I walk into Edward's room and start grabbing shit and throwing it into the hallway.




Satin sheets.

Red bedspreads.

Ripped up posters.

I'll keep the bed and TV thank you very much.

Emmett's staring at me in shock when all is said and done. I flip him off and slam the door in his face.

I look around the half empty room with nothing of my own to make it even look like it's my room and think about how much I despise Charlie.

This summer is going to suck.


I sit in the middle of my big bed and flip through the channels on Edward's TV, settling on old episodes of 90210.

I really wish I had a snack right about now.

Also, the room is pretty chilly, so a blanket would be good, too.

Mom calls during the episode where Kelly and Brenda are wearing the same Prom dress. I pause the show and answer on the first ring.

"You would not believe what Charlie did," I say instead of hello, but mom gets me.

"Oh God, what happened already?"

I kick my shoes off and lean against the upholstered headboard to get more comfortable. "First of all, he didn't pick me up from the airport."

"No," she gasps, just as shocked as I was.

"Mmmhmmm. He sent Edward - whoever that is - to pick me up, but really it wasn't even Edward, it was Emmett and some Rude Girl. He's kind of a jerk. Then when we got to Charlie's he locked my bag in his trunk."

"My God, Bella. I'll be having a word with Charlie."

She sounds mad.

"Mom, Charlie has a fiancé!"

"What!" She screeches, and I pull the phone away from my ear.

"Her name is Esme."

"You're kidding," she breathes.

"She's nice and all, but get this! Charlie gave my room away to Edward. Even my bed!."

I can't see mom, but I know steam is coming out of her ears. Charlie's going to be in so much trouble.

"Where are you now, sweetie?"

"In my room. I threw most of Edward's stuff out into the hallway and locked myself in here which was kind of a mistake because it's kind of cold in here and I'm hungry."

"Sweetie, you shouldn't start trouble. I know your dad is known for disappointing you, but you don't want to start the summer off on the wrong foot. Does this Edward not have a hoodie you could borrow?"

Mom has always been a contradiction. She hates Charlie but encourages me to have a good relationship even when he's constantly showing he doesn't care for me.

"I don't know. I'll have to check."

"I can't believe your father would do this," mom says. "Are these boys this Esme's sons?"

"I think so?"

"I'm not sure I like you staying in a house with teenage boys."

Yeah, I was wondering if she was going to catch onto that.

"Trust me. I want nothing to do with them."

At least Charlie isn't replacing me with new daughters.

Mom and Charlie have a long history. When I was young, he cheated on her and she forgave him but then he did it again, and she filed for divorce. He left and his visits with me became less and less frequent until it was once a year during the summers. Pretty much he's been a shit dad who tries to make it up to me every year but doesn't know how.

Mom and I live in Florida near my Gram. Mom's been seeing Phil for years now but refuses to get married again. He seems to be okay with that arrangement. He's a nice guy, and he treats mom and Gram good, so I like him.

"How's Gram?"

"She's good. Already misses you."

"Tell her I miss her."

"I miss you, too, baby. It's going to be a long summer."

"I'll call everyday and pray every night it goes by fast."

"Try to make it work with Charlie," she says. I know she means it even if she does hate him. "He's always going to be your father."

"Okay, mom," I say but I make no promises.

"Love you, sweetie. Call me anytime."

"Love you, too."

We hang up, and I crawl off the bed and dig through my closet until I find a black nike hoodie and pull it over my head. I'm drowning in it, and it looks like I have no shorts on, but it will have to do for now.

Two more 90210 episodes later, there's a knock on the door. "Bells," Charlie calls. "Open the door."


Slowly, I make my way to the door, unlock it and pull it open.

"Hello, Charlie," I say, squeezing the doorknob in a death grip, my eyes zeroing in on Emmett standing behind him, my suitcase at his feet.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there to pick you up." He pats my shoulder - my shoulder - awkwardly after not seeing me for an entire year.

"Yeah, it's okay."

It's not, but whatever.

He scratches the back of his neck uncomfortably, and I stand and wait for him to spit it out. "The thing is, I gave this room to Edward…"

"Who is Edward?"

"Esme's nephew. Emmett's her son as is Jasper. Edward will be home soon."

"This is my room. It's always been my room."

"Maybe we could talk to Edward, and if he's okay with it, we'll make another switch."

I step forward and yank my suitcase handle out of Emmett's hand and drag it into my room. Yeah, maybe I'm making a big deal out of the whole room situation, but it's been my room for years and it's the principle of the thing.

Charlie gave my room away!

"I'm sure he'll be okay with it," I say, smiling sweetly at Emmett.

He rolls his eyes and looks away.

"Esme made dinner if you're hungry."

I'm starved.

I nod and push my suitcase to the side. "I'll be down in a minute."

"Alright. I'll have her set a place for you."

How kind of you!

Charlie walks away, and Emmett steps forward, grinning. He's not half bad looking honestly. "You're not gonna win, princess."

"Stop calling me princess, prick."

He walks away, and I close the door. Man, if I have to deal with that all summer, I may just lose my mind.

I pull my suitcase to the bed and heft it up and open it. I dig for comfy clothes and strip out of Edward's hoodie and my jean shorts and tee and pull on a cotton pair of shorts with a long sleeved PacSun tee.

I don't really want to leave the room because if I do I chance Edward trying to stake claim, but I also don't want to die so I need to eat.

I leave the room and laugh to myself when I spot Edward's stuff shoved to the side.

When I get downstairs, I hear voices coming from the dining room and reluctantly head that way. Emmett and Charlie are seated and Esme is fawning all over them, serving them their plates.

"Bella!" She says, spotting me in the doorway. "Take a seat. I hope you like meatloaf. Charlie wasn't sure…" Of course he wasn't. "...but I'm sure you're starving after your long flight."

I take a seat at the opposite end of the table and take the plate Esme offers.

It looks good, and I do happen to love meatloaf.

I dig in and for a while the only sounds in the room are forks scraping against fine china.

"Bells, how did you do in school this year?"

I chew and swallow before answering. "It did good. 4.0 GPA. I'll start college classes in the fall."

Esme gasps. "Wow. You're only going to be a junior?"

"Yes. I won't turn 16 until June 14th. I started school early."

"That's great!" Esme says.

"It is," Charlie says.

Emmett says nothing, just keeps stuffing his face like a little fatty.

"How was work, sweetheart?" Esme asks Charlie, and I catch Emmett making a face at his plate.

Hmmm, does Emmett not like Charlie or does he not like the idea of his mom and Charlie?

"Good, good. We're short an officer, so we're having to cover shifts. Sorry again, Bells."

I nod and wave my fork like it's no problem, but it's a big problem. "I think mom's going to give you a call later."

"I'm sure she is," he says, an edge to his voice.

Emmett lifts his head and glances at Charlie before his eyes slowly move my way.

No one is paying us any attention so I make a face at him until he stops looking at me.

Freaking weirdo.

The front door opens and someone calls, "Honey, we're home!"

"In the dining room, lovelies. Come and eat."

Two boys come in laughing and carrying on, and I almost choke on my bite of meat. I gulp some water to wash it down and stare at the taller one.

He hasn't noticed me, but the shorter one has.

"Hey, you must be Bella. What's up?"

"Hey," I say, wondering if this is Edward. If so, talk about night and day.

"Bella, dear, this is Jasper," she says, pointing at the one who spoke to me. "The other one - who needs to take his hat off - is Edward, my nephew. This is Bella, Charlie's daughter."

Edward's eyes move my way, and I hope the blush I feel in my cheeks isn't visible to anyone else in the room. Edward lifts his chin my way, and I mumble a hello.

Both boys take a seat, Jasper pulling out the chair next to me, and Edward the one across from me.

"Edward," Emmett says, smirking at me. "Bells here made herself comfortable in your room."

"Oh yeah?" Edward asks, his eyes glancing from his plate to land on me.

"Technically, it was my room first."

"It's mine now," Edward says, shoving a piece of meatloaf in his mouth. "I like that room."

"So do I although I could do without the black."

"I like the black."

"You can paint your new room black."

Edward's eyes move down the table to Charlie, and Charlie finally speaks up. "I told Bells we'd see about getting her old room back. If you're not okay with it we can figure something else out."

Edward nods. "I'm not okay with it."

My mouth drops open, and Emmett chuckles.

"I don't want to paint another room. I like my bed, too."

"It's my bed!"

He smiles at me, and I'll admit, my stomach may have fluttered a bit. "It's been my bed for almost a year."

"Bells, we can buy you a new bed."

My eyes shoot to Charlie, and if looks could kill, he'd be dead. I don't think I'm being unreasonable here. "I don't want a new bed. I want my bed."

"I'll share my bed with you," Jasper jokes, but Esme doesn't take it as one and looks very appalled.

"Jasper…" Charlie warns.

Jasper holds his hands up, laughing. "I'm kidding, Charles."

"Jasper," Esme scolds. "Do not call him Charles. It's not his name."

"Sorry, ma."

"Tomorrow, you'll pick out a new bed," Charlie says, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "End of discussion. Sweetheart, do we have any ibuprofen?"

End of discussion?

As if!

I stand from the table and rub my stomach, catching Edward and Emmett's eyes following the gesture. "Thank you for dinner."

Before anyone has a chance to say a word, I bolt from the dining room and head up the stairs.

"Thanks, ma," Emmett says, and I start to run.

Footsteps - more than one pair - sound behind me, and are you kidding me!

I make it to my room and am about to slam the door when a foot stops me. "Move out of the way," I say, looking up into narrowed green eyes and the cutest face I've ever seen.

"No. It's my room. Jasper, grab my shit."

"Yeah, it's all shit. It belongs outside or in a different room."

"You're real cute," Edward says, shoving the door open, making me fall back a couple steps.

"Hey, watch it," I snarl, righting my step.

Jasper carries Edward's stuff in piled in his arms, and Emmett has his ripped posters.

"She ripped these up," Emmett says, the tattle tale, and he starts laughing when he catches the look on my face.

"Damn," Jasper says, chuckling. "What a savage."

"She can buy me more."

"Sure," I say, sarcastically.

Edward walks to the bed and grabs my opened suitcase. "This yours?" He asks, holding it up.

"Don't touch my stuff!"

"Why?" He asks, tilting his head, his wicked green eyes narrowing. "You touched mine."

Edward walks by and tosses it out the door. I see red and knock everything off his dresser before grabbing his stupid hoodie and pulling it over my head. It makes no sense but whatever.

"That's mine."

"It's mine now," I say and stomp out of the stupid room.

"Dude, am I the only one who thinks she's hot?" Jasper says.

The door slams before I hear anything from the three douches.

I grab my suitcase and zip it up and drag it to the last door down the hall. The bed's smaller and the walls are pink. Not only do we need a new bed but we need new paint.

I want to go home!

A new story! It's a cheatfic (kind of) in the teenage/young adult world. My other stories are being worked on, but I'm finding it hard to get into the groove with them. Hopefully some extra writing will help. My goal is to post once a week, but like all goals, that might not happen. Hope you enjoy.

I'm so happy that (for those that read it) you enjoyed Bella and the Black Heart. I love all the reviews! :)