A/N: Happy Easter, dearest reader. I pray this update finds you safe and healthy XO
Chapter 13: Dear Olivia
Olivia had trouble sleeping, tossing and turning to the point she decided to go for a run around 6am. The town itself was quiet except for the main bakery in the village which just opened. The smell of fresh baked bread was heavenly, and she contemplated stopping by on her way back to her private villa.
Since she was a young girl, running often helped clear her mind. It was the only time she could truly think- not only about her past but also about the future. Her last conversation with Fitz replayed in her head as her body instinctively ran faster almost as if it was trying to keep up with her memory.
In the distance, the lights from the boat dock twinkled and she couldn't resist the temptation. Maybe being in the presence of such beauty would help give her the clarity needed. The closer she came to the dock, the more relaxed she became, until the waves of the ocean became too powerful to ignore. She stopped at the bridge to catch her breath and stared into the beautiful water ahead. Her breathing soon began to steady when she caught glimpse of the figure down by the dock's entrance. They were sitting on the edge of the bridge which connected the dock to the small town.
From behind, she could tell it was a man and there was something about his silhouette she found intriguing. He appeared to be waiting for the sun to rise based on the way he was facing, and she suddenly found herself approaching the figure. The moment she saw his profile, there was no mistaking exactly who the person was. He must have sensed her arrival, because just as she grew near, he turned and stood facing her.
"What are you doing here?" she bellowed, not hiding her surprise.
"I came to watch the sun rise. Care to join me?"
Fitz's smile was endearing…almost innocent and she found herself sitting next to him without hesitation. He wore gym shorts and a tight-fitting shirt with small beads of sweat drenching his hairline. Despite the sweat, he still smelled good – a mixture of cologne and the ocean.
"What are you doing here?" Fitz asked, returning the same question.
"Couldn't sleep."
She purposely kept her answer short not sure what else to say.
A long silence passed, and Olivia could feel his stare. She remained focused on the ocean awaiting the bright beam of sunlight soon to rise in the east.
"You're never going to forgive me, are you?"
It was a fair question and for some reason the idea of being brutally honest felt refreshing. He had a feeling spending the day together would be too good to be true and seeing how conflicted she was only solidified his fear.
"I don't think I can, Fitz. I'm not sure this will ever work out. Even if it did, we are worlds apart."
There. She finally spoke her feelings out loud. Fitz bowed his head as these last words rang heavy piercing him straight in the heart. Although it hurt to hear them, deep down he knew this was something he had no choice but to accept.
"Can I have one sunrise with you? You're already here."
Olivia smiled at the request and felt lighter being so truthful with him. She could see how heartbroken he was, and she couldn't leave him just yet. It was likely the last time she would see him.
They sat in silence side by side; both their heads turned towards the breathtaking light coming from the east. Its brilliance was mesmerizing leaving them both speechless as it rose slowly giving the illusion it was coming straight out of the ocean.
"Thank you."
Olivia turned at the words, not certain she heard him correctly. Before she could ask him to repeat what he said, Fitz was on his feet apparently ready to leave. Olivia was forced to also stand, not wanting to create more awkwardness between them.
"I'm sorry, Fitz. I thought I could get passed it. Believe me, I've tried."
"You don't ever have to apologize to me."
They stood staring at one another in silence both on the verge of tears. Thankfully, Fitz was first to make a move, kissing her softly on the cheek.
"Goodbye, Olivia."
Fitz spent the remainder of his morning trying his best to change his flight back to his original time. He felt overwhelming homesick and couldn't wait to sulk for the remainder of his days alone at a place that gave him great comfort and solace. Fortunately for him, he was able to change his flight plans again just in time to shower, pack, and return to the boat dock. Just as he was about to zip up his bag, his small black journal fell onto the floor freezing him in his tracks. These past few days he'd completely forgotten about it and the longer he stared at the journal the more he never wanted to see it again. Without thinking further, he scooped up his things and stopped by the small desk by the villa's front entrance. He scribbled a quick not on the piece of paper and wrapped it around the journal, carefully tying it with a piece of twine he stole from a nearby flower arrangement.
If he hurried, he could stop by Olivia's and drop off the journal on her porch. He would cut it close but if he hurried, he would make it to the dock in time to catch the private plane awaiting him on the main island. He walked fast down the path, the sun now in full force beating down with no reservation. His pride kept him from handing her the journal himself, part of him feeling embarrassed for even keeping a journal to begin with.
By the time he reached Olivia's porch, he had about 10 minutes to make it to the dock. This meant he had to nearly run so he didn't miss the boat's departure. He quickly placed it near her door and bolted back down the path taking long swift strides, blocking out every emotion with each step taken.
Until his mind finally grew numb.
Olivia tried her best to keep busy, purposely making several calls to various people she hadn't spoken to in months. Since leaving Fitz that morning, she felt as if a huge weight had been lifted off her shoulders. She could finally carry on with her simple life and never have to worry again about getting her heart broken. The idea of spending the rest of her days alone felt safe and was proud of herself for not even shedding a tear.
By her third phone call, a knock on her door sounded causing her to check the time. She arranged to have groceries delivered to her at noon, and knowing Mama Two, she made certain the delivery arrived early. Just as she opened the door, the young girl smiled handing her a large sack made of burlap. She smiled, thanking her for the trouble by kissing her cheek in appreciation. Before she could close the door, Johanna stopped handing her what looked like a gift.
"This was by your door," she said softly in a thick accent.
Olivia took the item and thanked Johanna again, making her way to the kitchen. She set the sack down on the large granite and studied the package turning it around several times in her hand. Without hesitation she untied the twine opening the note that covered the small book. It read:
I wanted you to have this.
I've never been much of a writer but this journal was only way I could keep you close.
It says everything I never had the courage to tell you.
Olivia immediately opened the journal turning to a page dated nearly a year ago and scanned the contents too shocked to comprehend exactly what she was looking at. She quickly flipped through the pages and each one began the same way, "Dear Olivia." Nearly the entire journal had been filled, with dates spanning an entire years' time. Page after page, Fitz poured his heart out, from proclaiming his love for her to sharing his despair of not having her in his life.
Overwhelmed with the contents, she set the journal down and went to her favorite wine collection. She poured herself a generous amount and stared at the journal from across the kitchen. All this time Olivia was certain she was the only person suffering but clearly, she was not alone. There in black ink was proof of Fitz's own struggle written on paper.
Desperately wanting to read an entry, she mustered up the strength to return with a large glass of Merlot in hand. She carefully sat down on a barstool picking up the journal as if it were made of glass. The front was solid black with no writing or image. Her mind told her to open it from the beginning but instead she followed her heart by turning it over, blindly selecting a page towards the back. Through tearful eyes she read Fitz's innermost thoughts; secrets he most likely thought would never see the light of day.
Dear Olivia,
The weather today is beautiful. The trees are turning orange and the temperature is crisp enough for a jacket. I had the same dream last night again. We went skiing together. You kept making fun of my clumsiness and threw several snowballs my way. The snowball fight always ends with us running into the cabin to get warm by the fire. We make love and you fall asleep in my arms. Then I wake up. I reach for you and you're not there. The only comfort I have is knowing I will see you again in my dreams.
Olivia set the journal down and wasn't certain she had the guts to read anymore. She closed her eyes giving her tears permission to fall down her cheeks.
Love wasn't supposed to hurt this bad, was it?
She struggled for some time to answer this question until her heart ultimately took control. Within minutes she had her shoes, threw on some sunglasses and grabbed her purse near the door. Although she was likely too late, she was hoping to find him.
She rushed to open the front door when a thud sounded, her tiny frame running smack dab into Fitz. Before she had a chance to process their collide, Fitz quickly spoke, pleading from the bottom of his heart.
"I couldn't leave, Olivia. Not like this. This is not how it's supposed to be. I know you think we are world's apart but what if we're not? What if we go our separate ways and –"
Olivia dropped her bag and kissed him hard, silencing him in the process. He welcomed the embrace and held her tight lifting her up, so her legs straddled his waist. They were both starved for affection and wasted little time undressing, each of them throwing clothes onto the floor between open mouth kisses. He lowered her gently onto the nearest rug while spreading her legs to his liking. More open mouth kisses made an imaginary line down to her inner thigh until his tongue took over plunging itself directly into her pussy.
Her tummy constricted from the pleasure lifting her hips in mercy. At this moment nothing else mattered…the past….the future….all she could think about what how incredible this man made her feel. He purposely grazed her clit with the tip of his tongue sending a rush of heat throughout her body. Loud cries were soon to follow leaving Olivia no choice but to pull the top of his hair for support. He obediently soaked up her fluid before returning to kiss her inner thigh up back up to her breasts and finally stopping when they were nose to nose. She could smell herself all over him, his lips shiny and plump. He smoothed the hair from her face and smiled kissing the corner of her mouth.
"I've dreamt of this movement."
"Did this happen after our snowball fight?"
Fitz's face contorted for a moment until he understood her reference. His face turned bright shades of red making Olivia smile. She reached in between them until she found his cock, grabbing it with a firm grip. His pre-cum was thick coating her hand and she pumped him hard while he buried his face into the crook of her neck.
Unable to take any more, Fitz suddenly switched positions with her, his back now on the plush rug. Olivia slowly slid down his shaft causing them both to succumb to the magic happening between them. She rode him slow, watching his face while interlocking fingers with him. Fitz knew he couldn't last long. There was no sense in proloning what he'd been dreaming about for the past year.
Slowly, he rose careful not to disconnect himself until they were once again eye level. He cupped her breast and kissed her hard slowing sliding his tongue into her mouth. She tasted exactly like he remembered. Tears pricked his eyes as an overwhelming sensation took over. He emptied himself hard shielding his face against her skin. It was raw and beautiful and everything he envisioned it would be.
"I think we're worth giving us a chance." Fitz spoke honestly, purposely keeping them connected.
"I think we are, too."
Fitz caressed her cheek kissing the side of her face while Olivia strummed his back in silence. They remained this way for some time.
Neither of them wanting the moment to end.