The girl went over and started ordering her drink, when suddenly, the girl said her name, so Clarke could write it on the cup ,"Octavia" Clarke quickly looked up, surprised.

"Hi so you are Octavia? I am Clarke, the girl you are supposed to meet here today!" Octavia mirrored her smile.

"Oh, hey. It's nice to meet you Clarke! I'll wait for you right there." She pointed to a free spot in a corner with high table. "Don't rush though, I am here sooner than I should be anyway."

"No, it's okay, you were actually my last order. I'll make our coffees and come over there."

Clarke put off her apron, washed her hands and made two coffees. Truth to tell, she was pretty nervous about meeting Octavia. She also preferred solo singing but since she did not have an opportunity to perform even at some small bar alone she said to herself, 'What the hell, what could go wrong?'. Clarke has also never performed with anyone but her dad.

Clarke took the one latte for Octavia and a flat white for her, while her hands were shaking and her heart was beating like crazy. Why was she so nervous? It was all going to be ok, right? Why did she have any doubts about herself anyway? 'I am a good singer, I got this.' She told herself.

She reached Octavia and said across her on a tall stool while she handed her the mug. Octavia smiled and took a sip.

"My God, that is delicious! Thanks." She told Clarke with enthusiasm.

"Well, it's nothing. Thanks for meeting me, I really appreciate it." Clarke smiled and took a sip from her drink. She felt, that her nervousness started to die down slowly.

"So, you say you sing and you can also play guitar, correct?" Octavia asked and her eyebrows were slightly risen up. Just then had Clarke noticed her sharp green-blue eyes. They were so, magical and mesmerising. Clarke wanted to paint them. The colors were perfect. She didn't even realise she wasn't paying any attention to Octavia's question but got out of her trance when Octavia called her name again.

"...rke?" She now stopped concentrating just on her eyes. What the hell just happened to her? Clarke shook it off and answered the girl's unanswered question.

"Yeah, I've been singing ever since I could remember I guess, and I started playing the guitar when I was like, seven?"

"Really? That is really cool!" Octavia smiled widely. "Do you also have any experience in performing? I don't want you to be nervous when you stand on stage, you know?"

"Yeah, lately I've been singing at birthday parties. I am not really proud of that, but I needed some extra money and I get to do the thing that I love the most, even though it is not what I've always imagined. Also few years back I performed with my dad quite a bit, he was a really good singer. He passed away few years ago though." Clarke's expression has darkened, all the joy from earlier gone from her face. But Clarke wasn't there so someone can pity her. She had enough of that.

"What was his name?" Octavia asked gently with a soft smile on her face.

"Jake Griffin" Clarke answered. Octavia's eyes lit up and she took a sharp breath.

"NO WAY!" Octavia practically shouted. Clarke brows furrowed out of confusion. She also turned around to check if anyone heard Octavia's shout. Of course they did. The majority of the people in the coffee shop were looking at them, but just after few seconds they stopped being interested again and minded their own businesses.

"My brother used to sneak me into his concerts. He is part of the reason I sing. When I listened to his singing and watched him on the stage, I wanted to be like that. I imagined how he must have felt while he sang out there, people looking at him showing off his talent. My brother used to tell me before, that I've got a good singing voice. I didn't even notice it until then. Clarke, if you're his daughter you must be good. Come on we are going to our 'studio'." She put her hands in the air and motioned with her fingers for quotation marks as she said the word 'studio'.

Octavia finished her drink, got up and took Clarke by her wrist. She gently dragged her to the exit while Clarke giggled and said to herself: "I have a hunch we are going to be good friends." Octavia heard her mumbling, but she couldn't figure out what she was saying.

They got out of the shop and since Octavia didn't have a car right now, Clarke offered she would drive them to this said 'studio'. The drive wasn't that long, Octavia just made a few calls to some people telling them something like "I got her, get your ass to the garage in five!"

Octavia navigated her to a neighbourhood at the far end of their city. It was a nice area. There were a lot of small houses with adorable front gardens and porches. The one, in front of which Clarke parked, was a little bit bigger than the others. It was a two story, grey-painted house with a front porch.

Clarke loved it. It wasn't like the home where she had grown up. It looked more homey and comforting.

The girls got out of the car and stepped forward towards the garage. Octavia pulled out her keys and opened a side door to the garage. When Clarke stepped in, she stopped in her tracks.

She noticed few musical instruments as well as a big couch in the corner, a fridge and a bright wall coloured with blue, red and black random designs. On top of those designs Clarke also noticed some pictures. She took a step closer, so she could see the photos more properly.

There were various photos of Octavia singing either alone or with three more people. They looked really young. The pictures must be old. There was one picture though that caught Clarke's interest. It was once again picture of Octavia, but this time, she was standing between a tall dark haired woman and a slightly older freckled boy. The photo screamed of happiness.

Octavia came closer and started speaking in a low voice. "That's me, my brother and our mom. It was the day he got his first camera. He was so happy and the first thing he wanted to take photo was our family." She smiled and looked away from the picture. "So, let's just wait for the rest of the guys and then you could do a little audition for us?"

"Yeah, sure. I need to warm up though, do you mind?" Clarke asked with her nervousness and stress from earlier building up again.

"Yeah, I'll go and give you a minute while I go and grab something for drink. Do you want anything?"

"No, thanks I am good for now." With Clarke's reply Octavia smiled and left the room. Clarke could hear some shouting from Octavia from behind the door, but she just concentrated on her warm up.

Clarke just sang few tones and then tried to perform a part of a song. After a while she decided that it was enough and sat on the couch. In that exact moment Octavia walked in with a two boys and a girl. One of the boys was tall and skinny, while the other was clearly asian and bit shorter. The girl had long blonde slightly curled hair.

"Sooo guys, this is Clarke." Octavia pointed her hand in Clarke's direction and Clarke smiled awkwardly. "Clarke, this is Monty he plays the drums, Jasper-the bass guitar, Harper-piano and play the electric guitar."

Clarke was trying to think of the sound these four instruments made together. It was pretty hard. Guess she just had to wait to hear it.

"Hi, nice to meet you all" Clarke gave them a small wave. "What do you want me to sing? Something slow or maybe something faster?" She was getting more and more excited about the whole thing. Sure the nervousness was still present, but she wanted to do this as best as she could.

"We play both, slow and fast, so it's up to you with what you feel more confident or comfortable." Said the blonde girl whose name Clarke recalled was Harper.

"Alright, but could I please borrow that acoustic guitar?" Clarke pointed to the corner of the room to a guitar, that looked like it hasn't been used for a while. But it was truly beautiful. It had engraved tree that went from the bottom to the headstock.

Jasper, Monty and Harper looked hesitantly at Octavia but Octavia just ignored them and went off to take the guitar and handed it to Clarke.

The whole exchange felt a little bit weird and Clarke didn't know why. What was up with this instrument she was now holding? Did it have some sentimental value for the band or just one person? Clarke wondered if it was connected to the sad reaction Octavia had when she looked at the photo of her, her brother and their mother. Anything it was Clarke wasn't really keen on asking them about the situation now. What if it was too personal of a reason to ask about. She just knew them for a hour, tops.

When she tried the sound of the instrument it felt like her ears bled. It was so out of tune. Even all of the band guys made funny faces after hearing the sound. Fortunately, Clarke also had perfect pitch, so she was able to tune the guitar in matter of minute.

Just then, the sound was so charming. It felt like honey. Just imagine honey without the whole sticking on everything. Watching honey slowly flowing down from a cup. The soothing sweet smell. If only the sound of Clarke running her fingers through each string had this effect, she couldn't wait for the sound of a song being played from it

"Nice, so here we go!" The other guys sat themselves on the couch opposite of Clarke and watched her every move.

Clarke thought about what she should sing throughout the whole day. She thought something like an audition would come eventually. She then decided upon 'Can't Help Falling In Love' by Elvis Presley. Her dad used to sing this to her when she went to bed. After the years she taught herself the song and made some adjustments in melody, so it was faster but still sweet. And she thought that the sound of the guitar will simply compliment this particular song.

She tried the chords on the guitar once more and then she started her performance.

"Wise men say only fools rush in

But I can't help falling in love with you

Shall I stay, would it be a sin

If I can't help falling in love with you?

Like a river flows, surely to the sea

Darling, so it goes, some things are meant to be

Take my hand, take my whole life too

For I can't help falling in love with you

like a river flows, surely to the sea

Darling, so it goes, some things are meant to be

take my hand, take my whole life too

For I can't help falling in love with you

Oh, for I can't help falling in love with you"

The gang clapped and told Clarke to wait a minute, so they could discuss this. They got into a little circle and started whispering something Clarke quite couldn't make out.

She just realised how much she enjoyed it. It was a while since she sang this song in front of someone. Clarke smiled. It was a genuine satisfied smile.

After a minute or two their heads rose up and Octavia announced: "Welcome, Clarke Griffin to our band! We knew you were in immediately, we just wanted to tease you a bit and also discuss what take out we want for dinner." They all chuckled.

Clarke's eyes went wide with Octavia's statement. She smiled and managed just a small "Thank you"

"Don't thank us, really we should be thanking you, you basically saved us and you sound amazing." Said Jasper gratefully.

"So, what do you want for dinner Clarke?" Asked Octavia while grabbing her phone already looking for a number for take-out.

Hey guys, thanks for reading again. It's lovely to see someone is interested in something I create.

Also thanks for the review. Tried to improve it a little.

I would love if you reviewed so I could learn how to make it better. If you have any suggestions what do you want to happen in the story, I could also do something about that

Bye for now
