First story was removed because I was tired of all of this 'blocking users' thing that I was getting. It's fixed now, so leave me alone about that crap. Okay.
Meetings and Heroes-Friends and Faux Alike
I don't own anything in this story. All rights go to Nintendo. Also, I would like to thank MasterClass60 for some of the inspiration for this so go check their story. Also, the speech in this story may get a little confusing, so I'm doing the smart thing and giving it to you all first thing. So…
"Standard speak"
"Flashback, thoughts"
'Reading, writing, and repeating'
[Pokémon speak]
We clear? Good! Now let's get to it.
Pokémon Center: Alec's POV
Alec Kirkland was waiting inside the town's Pokémon Center waiting for Nurse Joy to finish checking up on his team. He was of average height with amber eyes and short, brownish blonde hair wearing a dark blue shirt and black sport's jacket, jeans, and black socks and shoes. He hears a chime and Nurse Joy steps out with a tray of five Poké Balls, three standards, and two ultras. With her is a shiny Umbreon, who immediately runs up to Alec. "Ethan! You ready to go?" Alec asks his partner.
[You bet,] Ethan replies. Since Alec found Ethan, he found out he could understand almost all Pokémon perfectly. This has surprised many people, but he doesn't broadcast it.
"Umbreon and the rest of your team are in top condition," Nurse Joy told him. Alec was about to say his thanks when a young boy ran in with a Panicum in his arms.
"Nurse Joy!" he called out. "Help! My Panicum's badly hurt."
"Don't worry. Panicum will be alright," Nurse Joy reassures him as she takes Panicum into the medical wing.
"Man! That stupid trainer and his floating, psybeam using Pikachu," the boy curses and this gets Alec's attention.
"Wait. Did you say 'floating, psybeam using Pikachu?'" Alec asked him confused.
"Yeah! This trainer calling himself Ash challenged me to a battle. When I refused, he had his floating Pikachu use psybeam on my Panicum," the boy explained.
"Interesting. I'll keep an eye out for him then. Hope Panicum gets better," Alec tells him as he grabs his Poké Balls and attaches them to the left side of his belt. He leaves the Pokémon Center and starts to head to the edge of town. "What do you think Ethan?" Alec asked Ethan, who was walking beside him.
[A floating Pikachu that can use psybeam. Not likely. But from the way he spoke, he thought he was telling the truth,] Ethan replied. As they continued walking Ethan tapped Alec's leg to get his attention. [Scratch that. That boy was telling the truth.] Alec looks over to see a floating thing that definitely looked like a Pikachu, apart from the fact that it was floating. A man with black hair and wearing a blue sport's jacket and red trainer hat, who Alec assumed was "Pikachu's" trainer, ran out of a restaurant with the manager right behind them telling the group they still had to pay for their food and asking why they weren't.
"Because I'm Ash from Pallet Town," the man shouted.
"And I'm Serena from Vaniville Town," a woman with the same color hair as Alec wearing a pink fedora, behind him shouted.
"And I'm Bonnie from Lumiose City," said what looked like a little girl with yellow hair and a small yellow bag, but her voice seemed very guy like and was scratchy. Alec and Ethan just stood there stunned at what they had just witnessed.
"Okay, that is a thing we just saw," Alec commented, wondering to himself why coming from a particular hometown meant not paying for anything.
[It would seem so,] Ethan agreed.
"We'd better stop them before things get worse," Alec told his partner, who quickly jumped up onto Alec's shoulder as they pursued them, but lost them quickly. "They're a slippery bunch I'll give them that. Let's head back to the Pokémon Center and see if that boy is still there." Ethan nodded in agreement and the two turned around and headed back to the Pokémon Center. As he entered he noticed that the boy was gone, but he did see the people who ran out of the shop. And they seemed to have picked up a new friend who had yellow hair and had a large bag who Alec assumed was the little girl's brother. Before he can do anything an announcement goes out from Officer Jenny that Ash, Serena, and Bonnie needed to report to the front of the Pokémon Center. When they turn around, Alec is slightly surprised to see that the ones in question look different from before, and their new friend was Clement, the Lumiose City Gym Leader. "What in the name of Arceus is going on?" Alec asked himself. He followed the group outside to see Officer Jenny with three very grumpy looking managers.
"Ah, there you are," one of them says. "It's time for you guys to pay your bill already." Alec guessed that this wasn't going to end well.
"Hang on a moment," Alec said, stepping between Officer Jenny and the accused group. "I don't think these people are the ones you're looking for. I've been trying to find them as well and the ones here don't match with the ones we've seen." One of the managers seems skeptical of what Alec said and gets a better look.
"Actually, now that I think about it, you're all dressed the same, but don't seem to be the same," he says confused.
"Okay, let's head down to the station and see if we can clear this up," Officer Jenny tells them and everyone but Clement follows her to the station. Alec then explains how he was tipped off by the mention of a floating Pikachu, which Officer Jenny quickly notes. Once outside he sees Ash, Serena, and Bonnie already there.
"Hey, thanks for helping us back there," Ash says.
"No problem. Name's Alec Kirkland, and this is my partner Ethan. A pleasure to meet the real you," Alec says and shakes Ash's hand while Ethan simply nods in acknowledgment. They then ask if he will join them for dinner and he accepts. While waiting for their food to come out Clement shows up and Bonnie asks where he's been.
"A group of scientists asked me to help out with some of the machines they were having trouble with," Clement explains. "So what did Officer Jenny want?"
"Apparently there is a group going around pretending to be your friends attacking trainers and eating a bunch of food and not paying for it," Alec explains.
"Alec! Is that you?" Clement asks him.
"Yep! Surprised to see you out here Clement," Alec responds.
"Wait, you know him?" Ash asks Clement.
"Yeah. Alec came to challenge to Lumiose Gym as a new trainer and defeated me," Clement explained while sitting next to Bonnie.
"You give me too much credit. I just got lucky that Flame evolved when he did and learned how to use Brick Break," Alec responded. Dinner went by with no complications and the group asked Alec if they would help them search for the imposters tomorrow, which he accepted.
After asking around they found a fast-food stand whose owner told them that they had seen the imposters heading for the hills outside of town. They quickly make their way up to them were Alec sees the imposters. "There they are!" Alec shouts.
"So you're the ones," Ash says angrily.
"Who are you?" Bonnie asks.
"Your clothes awful, not like mine at all" Serena points out.
"Tada," the fake Serena says.
"Ugh, I never say 'Tada'," Serena says as the imposter continues to say tada which annoys Serena.
"I'll ask you this one more time. Who are you?" Alec demanded. The imposters respond by throwing off their disguises to reveal a woman with magenta-colored hair, a man with blueish purple hair and a Meowth and an Inkay.
For the record, this is the only time I'll add the motto unless it's memorable in some way.
Jessie: Prepare for trouble, without our disguises!
James: And make it double, with no surprises!
Jessie: To protect the world from devastation…
James: To unite all people within our nation…
Jessie: To denounce the evils of truth and love…
James: To extend our reach to the stars above…
Jessie: Jessie…
James: And James…
Jessie: Team Rocket rips you off at the speed of light!
James: So surrender now or prepare for a fraudulent fight!
Meowth: Meowth, that's right!
Wobbuffet: Wobbuffet!
"Team Rocket!" Ash shouts angrily.
"Why were you pretending to be us?" Serena asks.
"Okay, I'm confused. What's a Team Rocket?" Alec asks. Team Rocket apparently didn't like that question.
"'What's a Team Rocket?!' You dare to insult our perfect organization!" James shouts.
"I really fail to see how you clowns could call disguising yourselves as innocent trainers as something a perfect organization does," Alec responds.
"Team Rocket is a group of bad guys who are always trying to steal other people's Pokémon" Ash explains.
"And today, we plan on adding a Pikachu to the collection. Team Rocket's future is now thanks to science!" Jessie shouts.
"Team Rocketronic gear on!" James shouts and presses a button on a controller as a Heleoisk robot jumps out of the ground.
"I worked on that robot!" Clement says surprised.
"You can't unring a bell. And you did your work so well," Jessie comments.
"What have I done?" Clement asks with fear.
"Thank you for your brilliant help, without your naive assistance we'd be lost," James thanks Clement and does a small bow.
"So you two were the 'scientists' that Clement helped out yesterday, weren't you?" Alec asked.
"Wow, this new twerp actually seems to have some brains," Meowth comments.
"So, your plan was to impersonate Ash, Serena, and Bonnie knowing they'd be investigated. While that happened, you'd convince Clement to help you on a false pretense. That's all kind of low," Alec says.
"That's how Team Rocket works. Now Megatron, capture Pikachu," Jessie commands. Megatron fires its fingers with cables attached to them and Pikachu jumps into the air to dodge.
"Pikachu! Use Thunderbolt!" Ash commands. As Pikachu fires, Megatron's fins come out and absorbs the attack. "Use Electro Ball!" Ash tries but the attack is absorbed as well. Megatron then fires all the electricity absorbed back at Pikachu. Alec quickly grabs one of his Ultra Balls and throws it in front of the electricity as the Poké Ball opened. When the smoke from the attack cleared everyone but Alec and Ethan were surprised to see a Garchomp standing in front of Pikachu.
"You're not taking Pikachu. Shark, use Dragon Rush!" Alec commanded as Shark formed the attack and charged straight at the robot, destroying it with a single attack.
[That was almost too easy,] Shark comments when a sphere appears from nowhere and closes around Pikachu, trapping it.
[You spoke too soon,] Ethan points out as Team Rocket runs to another device that popped out of the ground. Jessie puts the ball in and presses a button sending Pikachu to who knows where.
"Pikachu!" Ash calls out.
"You won't get away with this. Ethan, Dark Pulse! Shark, Flamethrower!" Alec commands and the two Pokémon combine their attacks, which sends Team Rocket flying. The group quickly runs toward the device that Pikachu was put into.
"Clement put me in a capsule and send me after Pikachu," Ash tells him.
"The capsule was designed for Pokémon only. And besides, there's only one," Clement answers.
"Alright then," Ash says as he tries to climb down the tube, but Alec and Serena pull him back.
"Clement is there anything you remember about where Team Rocket would send the capsule?" Alec asks.
"Yes. They wanted to send the capsule about one and a half miles away from here. Serena, can I see your guide book?" Clement asks as Serena gives it to him. "Team Rocket has to be somewhere around the edge of this one and a half-mile radius." Clement then releases his Bunnelby and asks him to check which direction the tube goes. Bunnelby then pops out and points in the direction. Alec quickly returns Shark and the group heads that way.
They find Team Rocket by a series of cliffs with the capsule containing Pikachu. "Stop right there!" Alec shouts. "Give Pikachu back and we'll let you walk away." Team Rocket merely laughs.
"How dare you make a mockery of science. Clemontic gear on. Mechanical Absorber of any Pokémon's Moves Module 2," Clement says as he pulls out the device.
"What kind of name is that?" Alec asked.
"You get used to it," Bonnie responded in a way that sounded like you don't.
An Inkay then tries to hit Clement's device with Psybeam while a Pumpkaboo tries a Dark Pulse followed by a Shadow ball but all the moves are absorbed. "Bunnelby, Double Slap!" Clement commands.
"Ethan: Night Shade!" Alec commands. Ethan and Bunnelby then hit Pumpkaboo and Inkay with their respective moves knocking both Pokémon out. "Now! Iron Tail!" Ethan then hits the capsule that Pikachu was trapped in freeing it.
"Pikachu, are you okay?" Ash asks.
[Good to go,] Pikachu shouts back.
"Great! Use Electro Ball," Ash commands and Pikachu throws the ball with its tail as Team Rocket attempted to escape in their balloon which explodes and sends Team Rocket flying again. "Alright. Thanks a lot Clement, Alec, you two saved the day," Ash said.
"No, in fact, it's all my fault for that building that robot," Clement counters.
"Team Rocket knew exactly what to say to get inside your head. It's not your fault," Alec points out. Clement's device then starts sparking and explodes, covering Clement in soot.
"Whoopsy doops. Are you okay Clement?" Bonnie asks. Clement just coughs in response.
"So, where are you all headed?" Alec asks.
"Were on our way to Shalour City so I can challenge the gym leader," Ash responds.
"Well, I'm on my way to Geosenge Town, which is on that path. Mind if I join you?" Alec asks and the group nods as they get moving.
That wraps up this chapter, and I hoped you enjoyed.