Here we are! For those of you who wanted a bit of training between the Nakama and the Visored, here you go! It's not much, but I hope you like it. Also, Christmas, one more 'remembrance day' for the Nakama, New Year's, a bit more info on Serenity, and the second part of the confrontation with Isshin I'd been planning almost from the start but just hadn't found a moment to include.

Hope you'll enjoy!

Chapter 32. Truths

The following weekend all the Nakama went together to visit the Visored, who actually were expecting the group. It was one of the things they had talked about before Ichigo and Rukia had left the warehouse. The Visored were intrigued about the Nakama, about a group formed by a Quincy, several shinketsu shinigami and a bunch of spiritually aware and empowered humans, all who had known about Ichigo, and about Shiro, and who had accepted him. It made him wonder, if those same Nakama would be willing to accept the rest of them and mostly, if others could be like them.

There was some hope, with what Ichigo had presented to Yamamoto in that video-conference, and with the way the Captain Commander had replied; that was a hope for a possible future, for possibly rejoining a society that had once turned their back on them, and while they knew they could live without that society, some of them still missed it, or at least a part of it. And yet, while that was hope, it wasn't enough; it wasn't enough for a government, for a leader to accept him, what was the most important to them in fact was to know if the society in general, if the rest of the people, could accept them.

Being a Visored, or something like them, himself, Ichigo had no trouble at all getting through Hachi's kekkai, then he made a point on keeping his hand on the barrier as the rest of the Nakama went through it. He knew Rukia could have gotten in by herself, and suspected that even Hachi's great barrier might not be able to keep Orihime out if she had enough strength of will, but decided not to try that particular theory.

The group of teenagers went straight through the debris-filled ground-level of the warehouse, down a trapdoor and into what was actually the main level of the Visored hideout, a training area not unlike Urahara's own. There, the Visored's were in a lose half circle, waiting; the Nakama immediately mimicked the formation, pushing Ichigo, Rukia and Uryuu front and center, to the same level Shinji held.

"So, these are your subordinates…" Shinji commented as he observed the teens carefully.

He, like Hiyori, had seen them before, but hadn't had the chance to actually look at them, carefully, see their stances, notice their attitudes, their aura.

The rest of the Visored, on the other hand, seemed to be absolutely flabbergasted by them all, the fact that there were that many humans, or part-humans with spiritual powers, and not only that, that they were there, in that moment, regardless of what may have happened in the past.

"You say that as though you believe I command them, in the way the old-man commands his troops in Seireitei." Ichigo huffed. "That would never happen."

"That you choose not to give an order, doesn't mean there aren't those who would willingly follow." Shinji commented offhandedly. "It's obvious by the stances of them all, that they're loyal to you, they would follow you, probably still will, and most likely even better and faster than Yama's own soldiers."

"They are not my subordinates, but my nakama." Ichigo insisted. "I do not give orders, I do not lead, I only fight to protect, with them by my side."

"You say you do not lead now, doesn't mean you won't sometime in the future." Shinji insisted. "I noticed it from the very beginning; or after I was able to move past the fact that you didn't seem to be half-insane due to your Inner Hollow at least. You have the making of a natural leader Ichigo. One meant to lead, meant to rule…"

There was a cough, or maybe a snort, or something along those lines, that came from Karin's mouth. Shinji's eyes immediately strayed in her direction, but before he could say a thing, Hiyori was slapping him in the back of the head.

"Idiot Shinji!" She bellowed at him. "Stop saying incoherencies! That orange-top leading! Like anyone would be insane enough to follow!"

There was no reply to her rant, except for Shinji's dramatic whining as he rubbed the back of his head. However, if anyone had bothered to truly look into the Nakama's eyes in that moment, they would have realized how wrong Hiyori actually was; they, at least, wouldn't mind following Ichigo, and would, without hesitation, if such a time ever came.

"Now, now…" When Karin spoke again there was a glint in her eyes and danger in her voice. "I believe I have unfinished business with someone around here or, most likely, more than one someone…" she popped her knuckles slightly.

"What are you talking about?" Hiyori demanded.

"Well, dearest Hiyori…" Karin's voice dripped sarcasm as she kept talking. "If you remember correctly, I told you when we last met that I would bring down whoever dared so much as lay a finger on my brother, or any other of the Nakama…I would really, really hate to be unable to keep that oath."

"If I remember correctly, you swore to bring 'me', down." Hiyori pointed out.

"True, but I know you weren't the one to kidnap my brother, so…" Karin shrugged.

"I have a bone or two to pick up with them as well." Rukia pointed out. "I actually forgot last week, but not anymore. I too told them they would regret if they messed with my Ichigo." The temperature in the room actually began going down. "Oh, and if you're wondering Karin, it was Love and Rose." She pointed to the two Visored in question. "So, how about you take one and I take one, and we all have some…fun?"

"Fine by me." Karin nodded.

Before anyone could say anything to try and make the two girls rethink their plan, they had popped the ginkongan into their mouths, leaving their bodies and were rushing straight at the two who had kidnapped Ichigo the week before.

"If they're doing this in my name shouldn't I be the one fighting?" Ichigo inquired as he too popped his gikongan into his mouth so as to be on the same level.

"Something tells me we better allow them to do as they wish." Chad suggested.

"Men." Tatsuki drawled as she too left her body. "It's a woman's prerogative to defend her man. Rukia is in all her right to stake her claim and she'll prove it by fighting the one who dared to try and take Ichigo from her."

The three males just turned to look at each other, obviously still not getting it.

"What's your excuse for Karin?" Uryuu couldn't help but ask.

"She promised to take down whoever threatened us." Tatsuki reminded him with a roll of her eyes. "Besides, we might as well treat this as a rather interesting training session." She turned to the Visored. "So, who's up for a little spar?"

"I'm confused by something." Kensei commented as he looked her up and down. "I understand why those three would get out of their bodies, but why do you?"

"I have a zanpakutou too." Tatsuki deadpanned. "And my power tends to work against my own body unless I'm in my spiritual form." She held her abnormal zanpakutou at the ready. "So, wanna spar?"

"What kind of zanpakutou is that?" Kensei asked confused.

"I know she's not a normal zanpakutou, but she's all I need." Tatsuki declared with a smirk. "Let's get rolling." She got in position and called her shikai. "Dust all who stand against us, Chitania! Initiate: Wood."

Seeing the form of her zanpakutou and its release, Kensei decided it definitely was nothing like any zanpakutou he'd ever seen, yet that made it all the more interesting. He had no idea how the supposedly human girl had a zanpakutou, or why in spiritual form she wore a yukata instead of a shihakusho, or even modern clothes; in the end, he didn't really care, he liked the idea of a little spar. It was definitely his favorite way of spending free time.

In the following minutes the place became an absolute mess as most of the Nakama and Visored chose a sparring partner and got the ball rolling. The exceptions being Yuzu and Hachi who instead chose to work together to keep the kekkai up, with enough layers considering everyone involved and their levels of power, and at the same time talked about the way they each used kidou, their experiences and tips.

It had definitely been a good idea to keep Keigo, Mizuiro and Chizuru away, even though they all were spiritually aware, and Keigo seemed to be developing what thus far was a passive ability (he could adapt to things very fast, and whatever attack got him one time his body and mind learnt to endure and evade on the future). Still, they would have been crushed with the pressure of the reiatsu of everyone around.

"Well, everyone seems to be getting along just fine with each other…" Ichigo commented in a deadpan tone.

"Idiot berry!" Hiyori screeched, throwing a sandal at him.

And that signaled the beginning of their own little spar.

Shinji for his part only sighed before whining about being left out and joining the party, mostly against Ichigo too; after all, human or not, the orange-haired was strong enough to take both him and Hiyori on without dying, or so Shinji hoped…

In the end the Visored and the Nakama got along famously. So much that they were all keyed into Hachi's kekkai on their own and were free to come and go as they wished. Yuzu loved going to Hachi, to learn more ways of making her kidou better, particularly kekkai, as that seemed to be Hachi's specialty and Yuzu knew very little of that area. Tatsuki liked sparring against Kensei and Mashiro. They all liked sparring in fact, something they treated as a mix of training and bonding sessions. Also, it all allowed Karin and Hiyori to recover some of the friendship they'd had a century before, in a way even better than it'd been back then, because Karin wasn't a child anymore, and Hiyori herself had matured a bit; Rukia also joined the strange dynamic, quite an interesting group they formed.

The most important fact, however, was how they proved that people could accept the Visored, even knowing who they were, about the hollows they had inside. The Nakama knew it, accepted the fact, and it didn't make them treat the former shinigami any different. Even Keigo, Mizuiro and Chizuru, when they eventually met them, they all got along just fine. It was, in a way, more than anyone could have ever hoped for.


Christmas was a happy and quite funny affair among the Nakama, particularly since neither Rukia nor Renji had the slightest idea what Christmas even was! Then, when they did, they pretty much went overboard with the gifts, and things only got crazier when they got some of their friends from the Gotei, like Toushirou, Rangiku, Byakuya, among others, involved.

In the end, there were lots of presents, much laughter, songs, joy.

"I really cannot believe we've never celebrated something like this in Soul Society!" Rukia commented laughingly.

The Kurosaki family was sitting comfortably in the living room, surrounded by gifts, boxes and wrapping paper. Cups of steaming hot chocolate with small marshmallows helping in keeping them hot, as well as some cookies specially baked by Yuzu for that day. Rukia had hoped her brother would be there, but it had just been impossible, at least she'd been able to exchange presents with him and Renji.

An interesting moment came when, that afternoon, as the Nakama got all together in Uryuu's penthouse to exchange presents, they came upon a big box addressed to all of them, which wasn't from any of them.

"Hey everyone!" Ichigo called loudly as he read the card. "We have one more present!"

"Who's it from Ichi-nii?" Yuzu asked, interested.

"I thought we had finished exchanging presents." Karin commented thoughtfully

"This is from Kuugo and the others." Ichigo informed them as he held the card up.

That immediately had everyone rushing around the box, which called Rukia's attention.

"Who's this Kuugo?" The petite shinigami asked, confused.

"An old friend." Ichigo answered with a fond smile. "He and his nakama tend to move around. They lived here in Karakura about two years or so ago, didn't stay for long, not even a year. Last we knew they were planning to visit China, possibly Indonesia for a while."

"It must be interesting, to get the chance to go places." Rukia commented thoughtfully.

Just being in Karakura had been such an enlightening experience for her, still was at times, she could only imagine to be able to visit all the different places on Earth, to see so many different things; for Rukia knew not all places on the Living World were the same, some were vastly different, she'd seen as much in books and the computer, and could only wonder if she would ever get such a chance. It would be a wonderful experience!

The box was opened, and presents were handed around, one for each of the Nakama. The presents were in no way extravagant, or expensive, but they were still very much appreciated by each of the teens that received them. Uryuu was delighted by some Chinese fabrics and designs, everyone knew how much he loved to make clothes; Orihime got several postcards of paintings, and even a painting of a rainy landscape, because she loved the rain, loved seeing different places, and for some reason only known to her she preferred paintings and drawings over photographs; Tatsuki received a book on Sanshou, the Chinese free fighting style, a modern hybrid of several ancient Chinese martial arts; Chad got a few exotic shirts, since he liked colorful loose shirts; Yuzu a couple of cooking books of Chinese cuisine; Karin figurines of the ancient Chinese dragon and phoenix, because she'd been fascinated with those legends her whole life; and Ichigo received a knife that had the form of a miniature elaborate ancient sword, it was meant to be used as a letter-opener, but his card said it might be good as a secret weapon too. Aside from that the rest of the box was filled with traditional Chinese candy and some cards with prayers for good luck, health and success.

"I really, really hope I'll get the chance to meet these friends of yours someday." Rukia commented with a smile.

She could see how happy all the Nakama were, not just at the gifts they'd received, but at the fact their friends had remembered them, had even thought of sending anything it all. Rukia couldn't help but wonder what kind of history might be there, it reminded her that even though she was a Nakama then, she hadn't always been, and made her wish to know more, to know about those friends, about the past, about everything she might have missed at one time.

"I'm sure you'll be able to meet them some day Rukia." Ichigo assured her.

"Maybe we can convince them to drop by for a visit sometime soon?" Orihime suggested. "Last time we saw them was right before the spring, shortly before we met Rukia-san. I would like to see them again."

"You would just like to see your boyfriend again…" Tatsuki teased her best-friend.

"It's not like that!" Orihime cried out, blushing just slightly. "Shu-kun and I aren't like that, not anymore…"

"Orihime…" Tatsuki whispered, she hadn't wanted to make her friend sad.

"It's alright Tatsuki-chan, I'm not really sad." Orihime assured her.

"I just…" Tatsuki wasn't sure how to explain her curiosity, which had existed for quite a while. "I just…I never understood why you broke up with him…"

"He's just…not the one meant for me." Orihime explained with a sigh. "He wanted me to go with him, you know? When they all decided it was time to leave Karakura? Shu-kun said I had no family left, no reason to stay here. But I didn't want to leave, didn't want to leave you all. So I chose to stay, and I chose to break up with him."

"But I thought…I thought you and him…" Tatsuki didn't understand.

"I told you, Tatsuki-chan, he's not the one meant for me." Orihime insisted with a small, almost sad smile. "It's okay, I'm not sad about that. We just went on a few dates, and it was nice, but we weren't meant to be."

"If you're sure…" Tatsuki muttered.

It was obvious the short-haired girl wasn't sure herself, but chose not to press on, in the end, it was Orihime's romantic life. Tatsuki had been fortunate enough to find the love of her existence so quickly, but not everyone had such luck, she just hoped Orihime would find hers someday; and hopefully that love wouldn't carry the baggage hers and Renji's seem to carry, or Karin's and Toushirou's, because no matter how much those two evaded the topic, everyone knew they were meant to be…

At the end of the day, perhaps the most exotic present was one given to the Nakama by Urahara Kisuke: a set of thin but sturdy chains made of some unknown metal, to be worn as bracelets, created for those among the Nakama who couldn't leave their bodies, to allow them to cross the gates into the spiritual worlds without need for the huge reiatsu converter; they were, for all intents and purposes, personal reiatsu converters. It was truly an amazing, surprising gift, and the way Urahara chose to try and begin making amends, even if he himself knew it was nowhere near enough…it would take a long time, and a greater effort, for the Nakama to ever forgive him…at least they appreciated the effort.


After Christmas, a couple of days before New Year, the time came for another group visit to Karakura Cemetery. This time to pay their respects to Ishida Souken. The experience was quite different from their visit to Kurosaki Masaki's grave, or their meeting to honor Chad's abuelo's memory, as Rukia noticed even before they were out of the Kurosaki home.

"Put on the white dress Uryuu gave you recently, please." Ichigo told her as he kept his back to his half-dressed beloved.

The comment actually caught Rukia by her surprise. As over-the-top as Ichigo could be sometimes, he'd never been one to try and control her, the way she dressed, or anything at all; which is why she didn't understand why he was suddenly telling her what to wear.

"It's nothing against you, or whatever you want to wear." Ichigo qualified. "It's part of the tradition. You'll understand soon enough."

Still not sure what was going on, Rukia finally dropped the dark mauve and gray sweater she was about to pull on, instead putting on a long sleeved white dress Uryuu had made for her at some point. Along with that she wore white tights, dark blue boots and a dark-blue coat.

It was as they set off from the Kurosaki home, that Rukia realized something: the light-blue dress Yuzu was wearing, the white tunic-like shirt Karin was wearing along with her jeans, and the blue dress-shirt Ichigo was wearing over an off-white wife-beater, they all had been made by Uryuu, and it showed by the star-cross the young Quincy seemed to methodically embroider somewhere in every single piece of clothing he created, either big enough to be seen, or small to be barely noticed, it was always there.

Upon arrival to Karakura Cemetery Rukia realized something else: it wasn't just the four of them wearing something made by Uryuu, every Nakama was doing the same. Uryuu, for his part, was dressed in his Quincy attire; and not only that, so was his father. The petite shinigami had never actually seen the older quincy dressed in the formal clothes of his race; and that, along with the fist sized star-cross hanging from his neck, showed in that moment that Ishida Ryuuken was very far from a normal man. He was a Quincy, what's more, he was the Master Quincy; and even if he didn't flaunt his heritage the way Uryuu seemed to, that didn't mean the older man was any less proud of it.

Ryuuken had actually taken the day off, he always did on the anniversary of his father's death, choosing to spend that time with his son and, in a way, with the rest of the Nakama. Though the rest of the teens mostly stood guard, very much like Uryuu himself and the others did when the Kurosakis visited Masaki's grave.

Once there, after the more 'human' traditions of flowers, incense and prayers were completed; Uryuu and his father also used several Quincy techniques as part of their rites to remember the man who had been the last recognized Quincy Master; for even though Ryuuken had actually earned the title, no other race had been called to bear witness and confirm the passing of the title, the only ones close enough being the shinigami, and even with all the changes Ryuuken wasn't that keen on asking them for help fulfilling what he saw as an entirely pointless rite. In the end, Ryuuken didn't care if others saw him as a Master Quincy or not, he would still hold onto the Master Cross until death came for him, or he deemed his son ready for the position, whichever happened first.

A part the Nakama took great pleasure in, in every group visit, was story time. And yet that one was particularly special, since they could all talk about how Uryuu had finally managed to fulfill his sensei's greatest wish, for Shinigami and Quincy to work together, as allies. The Nakama's alliance with the Gotei 13 was really more than Ishida Souken could have ever dreamed of. The last time Uryuu had felt so proud had been when, after almost a year of efforts and suffering, he'd finally been able to create his purifying arrows. It was that great an achievement. The truly sad part came when he'd to admit to having let go the man responsible for the deceased man's death, and especially his further suffering in the Soul Society. The only consolation was that no one doubted the man would make a mistake at one point, the creepy, half-predatory looks he kept directing at each and every Nakama at every turn was enough proof of that; and when he made that mistake, either Uryuu or Ryuuken, or any other Nakama, would destroy him once and for all (though the Ishidas had dibs, for the previous crimes committed against their family, their bloodline, but especially Ishida Souken).


After Ishida Souken's memorial came New Year. And at least that celebration the shinigami were more familiar with, even if they weren't as enthusiastic about celebrating them as people in the World of the Living were. Understandable for people who got to live hundreds or even thousands of years, the change from one year to the next couldn't be expected to be that much.

The day was pretty great, and the Nakama spent it together, as they usually did. It was at times like that when they seemed, acted and even felt more like a family than just friends, such a thin line, one so easy to cross.

Even Keeva was with the group, though she was still pretty much a 'probationary' Nakama. The Nakama had since been told how she was a member of an almost-completely extinct race, though the name had never been given. The teens trusted her, to a degree, not as much as they trusted each other, but enough to give them a chance, enough to believe she might one day be just like the rest of them. It was an opportunity Keeva thanked and treasured, she'd never found someone she could be close to, aside from her sister, but so much had happened in the years since her adoption, that at times she saw Serenity more as a leader, a figure of authority, than as family. Uryuu, and his nakama, were another chance to fill that void in her heart, another chance to be close to someone, to have close, true friends, and possibly a family as well. It was definitely a wonderful way for her to start the New Year.


Meanwhile, Serenity was taking advantage of her solitude to indulge in something that came every so often to her, even if rarely willingly: a trip down memory lane.

The young woman sat in a comfortable small sofa by her window, hot chocolate in hand (with no marshmallows because she hated those), dressed in a long lavender colored robe and with her usual white veil, her ungloved hands looking too-white under the moonlight as she held in her hands her personal photo-album, which held reminders of her most important memories, of how she had gotten to where she was.

The first picture was one of her as a ten-year-old in a knee-length skirt and sleeveless top, sitting on a bed of a simply decorated room, beside her thirteen-year-old cousin, a few days after she'd moved in.

A ten-year-old Serenity in a white skirt and a sleeveless lavender top watched, half-hiding behind the door of her bedroom, as the new member of the family installed herself in the until-then-empty guestroom. The newcomer was a girl, about three or so years older than Serenity, in a pale-red and pink summer dress, reddish-brown hair mostly covered by a white scarf. She had gotten installed in no time at all, something understandable since all she seemed to have with her was a black considerably big bag and a smaller handbag.

Serenity couldn't help but watch, curious. She knew who the older girl was, even if the two hadn't met in years, and she couldn't help but wonder what was going on.

"I know you're there, beag ceann." The soft voice of the older girl called from the door.

The ten-year-old blushed to the roots of her ebony-black hair, which seemed to bring out the strange reddish tint it had and contrast greatly with her light-gray eyes and alabaster skin.

"It's okay, come." The older girl called.

"Natalia?" Serenity asked as she slowly entered the older girl's new bedroom.

"Yes, beag ceann?" The girl, Natalia inquired.

"Ah…What does beag ceann mean?" Serenity asked, not quite pronouncing the words right.

"It's Irish for 'little one'." Natalia answered, still smiling.

"I did not know you spoke Irish."

"I don't do it often. At least I didn't use to back h…back at my father's house." Her eyes focused once more on the younger girl. "But that's not really what you wanted to ask…"

"Are you going to be living with Mama, Papa, little sis and I now?"

"Yes, does that bother you?"

"No, not really." She smiled brightly. "It makes me happy. I really like you cousin, and I've been sad that you couldn't visit us for so long."

"Well, I'm here now, and I don't plan on leaving for a while."

"I like that Natalia."

"I supposed you would. Oh, and please don't call me Natalia."

"Huh? But isn't that your name?"

"It is the name my Father gave me, but since he has chosen to cast me out, I think it's only right I leave all that connects me to him behind, including his name."

"What should I call you then?"

"Well, you can always call me your cousin, I'm still that…"

"Will you also be my sister now?"

"Yes, I can be your sister too. Would you like that?"

"Yes! I would like it very much!"

"I do too. Ad about my name…I think it only right that I take the one mother wished me to have, I'll have to see with Aunt Marie about changing it legally, maybe she knows someone who can help me. I don't suppose it will pose much trouble." She breathed deeply. "Yes, that's what I'll do, new life, new name…"

"New sister!" Serenity practically squealed in delight.

"New family." The 'former' Natalia agreed.

The next picture was from a short time later, before the end of the summer, which meant both girls were the same age and in clothes of the similar style; however, they were sitting on the entrance of an abandoned train station, and Serenity remembered quite clearly what had happened that day, in that place:

Dust rose and fell rhythmically as the two cousins-sisters walked down a rarely used road, following the mostly-abandoned train-tracks just a few blocks away from their home. It was a place where they could have some time to themselves, while still staying close to home, something very important as Marie didn't want them to go far.

The two girls were talking companionably, when suddenly sounds of crying reached their ears. Serenity didn't even think about it, running the several yards to where a little boy was on the ground, crying and sobbing.

"Hey, are you alright?" the young Serenity asked, crouching by his side.

"No!" He sobbed, not turning to look at her.

"What's wrong?" Serenity asked, in the same worried tone.

"A monster has been pursuing me, and I cannot find my mom!" The boy cried.

"Monster?" Serenity was confused, but decided to push that fact aside. "Do you want me to help you find your mom?"

"Would you, miss?" The boy seemed delighted by that. "Thank you!"

"I will." Sere promised him. "Just wait a minute okay? While I talk to my cousin."

The older girl had been watching her all along, and took care to speak in a very low voice when Serenity approached her.

"I don't know if you've noticed this, beag ceann, but that little kid is…well…" The teenager wasn't even sure how to say it.

"Dead, I know." Serenity nodded calmly.

"You know?" That actually surprised her cousin.

"I can sense it…somehow." Not even Sere was sure how to explain that. "Also, he's Bill Thomson, from down the street, he and his mom died in a car accident last week, I think."

"You seem to be pretty comfortable with what, to most, would be a quite strange situation."

"I've been in this situation before." Sere admitted. "I've been able to see and hear spirits my whole life; and at some point I began helping them, I like doing it, makes me feel useful, like I can do something for others."

It was obvious that the older girl hadn't been expecting something like that, even if she'd always expected her little cousin to be able to connect with the spiritual world, the fact that Serenity was already so connected was…staggering.

"What about this monster the boy, Bill, just mentioned?" The teenager asked.

"I actually don't know." Serenity said, thoughtfully. "I've heard other spirits talk about monsters before, but I've never actually seen one."

"I think you're about to…" The cousin muttered under her breath.

Right then a blood-freezing howl echoed all around, making Serenity instantly jump in alert. A second later, Bill was hiding behind the girls, muttering about the monster finding him. And in the next second, a seven foot tall crab-like black creature with a white porcelain-like mask was rushing at them.

"What is that?!" Serenity asked, trying her best not to panic. "It…it feels so wrong!"

She knew the presence of that spirit felt wrong, even if she had no idea how exactly she knew that; but in the same way, she also knew she had to stop the creature, somehow.

It looked like the older girl was going to try for a quick escape, but Serenity wasn't really paying attention to her. As the hollow roared less than five feet away, something inside the young girl seemed to snap.

"No!" She yelled as she held both hands before her, palms out.

It was as if the monster had crashed against some unseen barrier right in front of her hands. The creature had no idea what it was, neither did Serenity, but it was enough to make the monster run away and her collapse.

"Miss! Miss!" Bill began calling to her. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine…" Serenity half-lied as she dropped to one knee, panting. "Just very tired."

Serenity was guided by her cousin to the abandoned train-station at the end of the block, where she sat as she did her best to recover from whatever it was she'd just done. Time passed, possibly minutes, possibly hours. Bill's mom arrived, meeting her son and the two left together, something that actually made the girls happy.

Eventually, Serenity recovered enough to actually turn to look at his cousin.

"What was that?" She asked, looking at her hands.

"If I had to guess, telekinesis." The teenager answered honestly.

"Telekinesis…" Serenity repeated with a tired sigh. "So now I no longer will be 'feeling' things, now I can also move things with my mind?" she turned to look at the older girl. "And you don't seem that surprised."

"I am, just not about the things you probably would expect me to be surprised." Her cousin admitted. "I knew you could see the spiritual world, because I see it too, however, I didn't expect you to have such a 'connection' to spirits already. I knew you would have abilities, yet again, because I have a gift myself; though I hadn't expected for you to already be using one, and to develop a second one so suddenly…" her eyes narrowed slightly. "How long have you been able to 'feel' things."

"Since I can remember, I guess." Sere admitted. "Though I didn't actually begin paying attention to it, didn't actually notice that others couldn't sense things the way I did, until about a year ago or so."

Silence reigned, as the teenager probably was left to consider the implications of everything Serenity had just confessed.

"What does this all mean?" Serenity asked, tense. "You said you expected me to see spirits, to have abilities, because you do, Why? What are y…we?"

"That's the crux of the matter, if only the beginning of a very long explanation." The cousin said in a serious voice. "We're réalta. It's Irish, it means star. We're both part of an ancient lineage of women with spiritual awareness and powers."

"If we're part of a lineage, if this is in our blood, how come I had never before heard about any of it?" Serenity inquired.

"It is a bloodline." The older girl confirmed. "But most have forsaken their own power, their past. Our mothers are the last two, as far as I know. And yet, only my mother truly practiced being a réalta, Aunt Marie preferred to be involved as little as possible."

"Is that why she 'feels' so sad every time I mention things I see and feel?"


"Does she not like it?"

"I honestly don't know. I think Aunt Marie is afraid you might end up hurt. For example, what happened just now, with that Corrupt Spirit, if your telekinesis hadn't manifested in that exact moment we would have ended up very hurt, or worse."

"I think I understand. It's just…if we have this abilities, there must be a reason, right? I mean, I managed to protect that spirit with my new power, and that's good, I think. And if, like you said, we're the only ones left, that means there's no one else protecting the spirits. I want to be able to protect them…"

"Even if it's dangerous for yourself?"

"Even then." Serenity was suddenly full of confidence. "I like being able to help others. I would like to do it more, much more." She turned to her cousin. "Will you teach me? What I need to know to be able to help others?"

"I promise to teach you as much as I can. Just remember, once you've stepped into this world, you cannot go back."

"I'm ready."

It had been crazy, absolute insanity, to believe she was ready for what would be coming. But then again, who truly expected someone, anyone, to be ready at ten-years of age for the rest of their lives? Particularly when it was a life so tightly connected to the spiritual and the supernatural. She'd made that statement so full of hope, of confidence, yet she'd had no idea of everything that would come to pass; of everything that meant being not only spiritually aware but empowered. She'd had no idea…At least she had survived…thus far.

That had been just the beginning, of her teaching, of her new life. Serenity learnt a lot in the next months, about the Irish language and culture, about the Réalta, their history, their powers.

The next photo in fact, showed her at one point during those teachings. In her room, wearing a longer skirt and a short sleeved shirt to help with the chill caused by the afternoon late-spring rains so common in their hometown, while her older cousin wore a dress and leggings, it was the first time Serenity wore the white scarf; both were sitting on Serenity's bed, legs pulled underneath them, feathers from a pillow floating around them, those, and the camera, had been manipulated by the girl's telekinesis.

Serenity closed her eyes briefly to concentrate, placing the floating camera back on her desk, allowing then all the feathers to fall slowly onto the bed in a, mostly, ordered, bunch.

"How did I do, Deirfiúr?"Sere asked with an excited smile.

She was practicing, not just her telekinesis, but also her pronunciation of the Irish language, she wasn't very good at it yet; the telekinesis on the other hand…

"You're so good at this, beag ceann." Her cousin commented encouragingly. "It seems almost impossible that you've been practicing for less than a year."

Serenity was practically glowing with the praise, and it wasn't over yet.

"Deirfiúr?" She called softly to the older girl. "I wanna show you something."

"What is it beag ceann?" The fourteen-year-old asked.

For all answer Serenity closed her eyes tightly, pressing the palm of one of her hands to her forehead, while holding the other in front of her. At first it looked like some strange dust, or ash floating in the air, right in front of her hand. Then the quantity of that ash grew and grew, until it began looking less like dust and more like an actual something, then it gained color…

"Deirfiúr…?" The older girl rarely referred to the younger in that way, as sister, preferring to call her as she had from the very beginning: 'little one'.

After what felt like very, very long seconds, a form actually became visible, floating in front of Serenity's extended hand, it was a glass figurine, of a fairy with her wings extended, long, layered dress and long wavy hair seemingly floating in an invisible breeze, her bare feet hanging, as if she were actually flying. In fact, the fairy truly seemed to be flying, projected as it was on the air, by Serenity's new ability.

"You can create illusions?!" The teenager was absolutely shocked.

"Project, not create, not yet at least." Serenity qualified as she let go of the image and relaxed again on the bed. "That figurine I saw two weeks agp, when I went to that crafts market with Mama. Later on, I couldn't help but think about it, and discovered I could do this."

"But…wow…" The cousin-sister just couldn't believe it.

"It still isn't perfect." Sere defended herself. "It takes a lot of time, and effort to create the simplest image, and it never lasts more than a few seconds."

"But if you just discovered you could do this two weeks ago…?"

"Are you proud of me, Deirfiúr?"

"Prouder than you'll ever know, Deirfiúr."

Serenity's smile was blinding.

Serenity passed several more photos, just briefly touching those memories in her own mind. Some of days spent training her gifts, others of outings, either as a family, or just the two of them and, of course, the usual holidays. Eventually her eyes stopped on a particular photograph, taken a year and a half after the one she'd focused on before. In it she was wearing a long skirt and long sleeved blouse, while her cousin wore a dress with a pullover on top, both with boots and gloves to guard the cold. One other detail was also noticeable: the pendant and the brooch they wore (one piece each) with the same symbol: a five-pointed star made out of intricate Celtic knots. The symbol of the Réalta, which showed they were no longer apprentices but true members of the ancient lineage.

"Why can't Rachel be like us?" Serenity was talking about her little sister. "She turned ten last April, and I was ten when I began training. She could be like us, then there would be three Réalta, instead of only two."

"It's not as easy as that, I'm afraid." Her cousin informed her in a low voice.

"But…but she has the blood, doesn't she?" Sere was confused.

"She does, but even though the blood is important, it doesn't determine everything." The teenager explained. "In people like us, whose blood is already so thin…the gifts don't always show. I have it, you have it, and particularly powerful too, but Rachel doesn't."

"Ah…ok…" Sere sighed sadly. "I suppose it's better this way. Mama probably would only be sadder if Rachel got involved with this too."

"How much I wish I didn't have to involve you in this…"

"I don't." Sere's voice was full of confidence, like every time they talked about that. "I like… no, I love being able to protect others. That's why I'll never regret being a Réalta."

"Have you chosen what you'll be?" The older girl changed topic slightly. "You'll turn thirteen in February, and it's time for you to focus on what you want to be; quite a few options are open to you, with how you have several quite different gifts."

"Did you get to choose too?"

"No, in my case, it was my destiny to be what I am. I've told you before, I'm an Oracle, I was born to be one."

Serenity nodded, thoughtfully, as she considered what she wanted to be, what she wanted to do with her abilities. She had been an empath for as long as she could remember, then there was her telekinesis and her ability with illusions, what could she use all that for? And, of course, helping as many people as she possibly could, that was the most important part, the core of her reasons for being a Réalta.

"I know!" She suddenly knew the answer. "I'm gonna be a Peacekeeper!"

"Well, then you know the things you must focus on." The cousin said with a knowing smile.

"Yes." Sere nodded. "I have to learn to keep my emotions concealed, learn to be neutral no matter what, never let any previous knowledge of the situation or the people involved cloud my judgment…"

"Very true." The Oracle nodded. "You are allowed to use a veil to cover your hair and face, helping you with concealing your emotions. The rest you will have to learn as you go. As you know, a Peacekeeper is meant to act as a third party, help solve conflicts unrelated to her. She is meant to help prevent fights, even wars, by settling matter before things can escalate."

Yes, Serenity knew, and it was why she liked the idea of being a Peacekeeper so much. Above all, she was a pacifist, she hated conflict in all ways; doesn't mean she was afraid or hesitant to do whatever was needed to help protect, however, if she could help settle matters with words rather than fists, or some kind of power…it would be a dream come true. And yet, there was something that still bothered her…

"Deirfiúr…?" The Oracle asked, wondering what was in the younger girl's mind.

"I'm just wondering…will I really be able to help anyone as a Peacekeeper?" Sere asked in a low voice. "I mean, we're the last Réalta around, and you've never mentioned any other race around here. Even the ones you've told me about, like the miko, the Tuáreg, the Valkiries, they all are from other parts of the world."

"That I do not know of any other races around doesn't mean they do not exist." Her cousin reminded her. "You may one day be able to travel to places where such races exist, where you'll talents will be needed. Also, there's no rule stating that you must only help the members of the 'supernatural areas' as a Peacekeeper, you could very well do the same with normal humans. You would have to make sure your gifts are never noticed, but there's no rule against using them to your advantage in such a situation." She smiled with melancholy. "You never know what could happen in the future, one day you just might find yourself in the right place, at the right time, to be just what they need…"

The Oracle smiled at Serenity, and while the younger girl knew that smile hid something, she chose not to ask, chose to trust her cousin-sister, after all, there was no reason not to…

"The right place, the right time…" The nineteen year old Serenity whispered to herself. "I wonder Deirfiúr, did you know, even back then, that one day it would come to this?"

Still with that question in mind Serenity went through several more pages of the album, until she reached the last one, one in which, even though the two girls (fifteen and eighteen by then) were dressed in their usual styles, it was clear how different the time was, as the older smiled half-dreamily, half-sadly, while the younger one did her best to smile, and yet the puffiness and redness of her eyes showed the truth she couldn't fully hide.

"You cannot leave me!"

Serenity's words still made echo in her own mind as she remembered that day, the last time she'd seen her beloved cousin-sister…

"Happy New Year, Deirfiúr…hope you're happy, wherever you might be…"

And with that, she closed the photo album with an audible snap.


The day hadn't yet finished, but the Nakama had separated, each going to their own homes to sleep, particularly since they began classes again the very next day. Certainly a tiring situation, but it was very important, particularly since college entrance exams would be taking place in just two weeks. The seniors with high expectations of themselves, of their future would want to take advantage of as much time as they had to get ready.

In any case, the four Kurosakis (even if one wasn't yet official) were just arriving to their home when they found someone unexpectedly waiting for them. Even though Ichigo had been on his guard in case his old man tried to attack him, though he actually hadn't in quite a few months, neither of the siblings could have expected their father as they found him: sitting on the living room, a cup of strong black tea in front of him, and his expression so absolutely serious, like they'd never seen it before their entire lives. Even Karin, with all her past-life's memories, couldn't recall a time when she'd seen him like that.

"What's going on?" Ichigo inquired, on guard.

Isshin, noticing the attitude his son was taking could only sigh and close his eyes briefly. He really didn't like the situation they were all in, but then again, who would in his place? So much had changed…at first, when he'd been found out by his children, his past unexpectedly revealed; he'd known things would change, it was only natural, since he no longer had to pretend his past had never happened, no longer had to act like he was nothing more than a small-town doctor. For the briefest time, in the days before the Nakama had infiltrated Seireitei to save Rukia, Isshin had felt like maybe it had been for the best, his children knew the truth and they could all be a family, with no lies, no pretending, just truth. Even after their return, his son had taken the teasing about his marriage good-naturedly, Karin had accepted the change in their dynamics, and Yuzu was as sweet as ever…and then everything had collapsed.

Isshin wanted to tell himself that he didn't know why everything had gone to ruin, that it had been a total surprise, and absolutely unfair…but he knew it would be a lie; and while he might have gotten somewhat used to lying to everyone, even his family, after almost two decades, he couldn't very well lie to himself, especially not when doing so wouldn't make things any better. If he wanted to solve things, he had to be honest. And the beginning of that honesty laid in accepting why his relationship with his family had been ruined: because he'd placed his trust in another person, over his own family. Granted, Urahara Kisuke was one of his best friends, had been for centuries, but still, he should have never trusted the blonde over his own family, especially when it came to the welfare of that same family.

The bottom line was that Kurosaki Isshin was a lousy father. He'd always known that. The fact that he'd lied to his three children their whole lives; that he'd been unable to save his beloved wife from a terror of his own past; that he'd been unable to convince his son the death of his mom wasn't his fault; that it had to be his oldest human friend, rather than himself who trained his children on how to use their inherited abilities; that he hadn't been able to stop his children, and their friends, from getting involved with the spiritual; but mainly, that he hadn't even known they were involved with the spiritual! It was all, stone after stone, part of the solid proof that showed how incompetent a father he was. And yet, he was still their father, and he didn't want to fully lose his children. He wanted to get them back, and he would, no matter what he had to do to achieve that…

"My children…" Isshin murmured, his whole demeanor that of a thoroughly defeated man. "We need to talk."

His attitude just put all of his children even more on guard, as if his words hadn't been enough already. It was just so unlike him, unlike the happy-go-lucky, forgetful, careless, more-than-half insane persona they had known while Isshin hid his past; and also the serious, focused, grieving former-captain they had gotten to know recently. The tired, defeated old man before them didn't fit either form.

"What is going on, oyaji?" Ichigo asked, very much confused.

Isshin's harsh inhaling just confused everyone further, but no one except the older shinigami seemed to realize how old it had been since any of the half-shinigami teens had addressed their father with their usual words, moreover, since they had addressed him directly, period.

"I really wish for us to talk." Isshin insisted, doing his best to keep himself, his rampant emotions, under control. "Please take a seat."

Ichigo and the twins turned to look at each other, unsure, wondering what exactly was going on, when Rukia finally interfered.

"Give your father a chance, Ichigo, Yuzu, Karin." She whispered softly as she held her beloved's hand. "I think this is really important to him."

The three just turned to look at her, still unsure, particularly Ichigo.

"Ichigo, you're giving Urahara the chance to make amends, even with all his past faults, against you, against me, against us all." Rukia reminded him still in the same soft voice. "Doesn't your father deserve the same consideration? He isn't as guilty as Urahara, and what's more, he's your father, give him a chance."

"Rukia…I don't know if I can…" Ichigo murmured, pained.

He'd tried, he really had, to connect with his father, and at one point he'd believed they would manage, when they had their first father-son talk ever, shortly before the ground had departed to go save Rukia. And then everything had gone to waste.

"Ichigo, don't do this, don't do this to him, but mainly, don't do this to yourself." Rukia insisted in a low, heartfelt tone. "Uryuu told me once about what you did for him and his father, what you told Ishida-shishou, how you convinced him to reconnect with his son. You cannot tell me you do not wish the same with your own father. Don't give up this chance, for all you know, it might be your last."

It hurt Ichigo, but he knew his beloved was right. Just as she was right in saying that they were all giving Urahara the chance to make amends, after all his faults; if they were able to deal with the emotional baggage of doing that, shouldn't it be easier to do the same with his father? But maybe precisely because it was his father, it hurt worse.

It took several more seconds of silent deliberation, but finally the four younger shinigami took seats on the two empty couches in the living room.

"Ok, here we are." Ichigo declared in an almost despondent tone. "What now oyaji?"

"Ichigo…" Rukia whispered, holding tightly onto his arm, trying to calm him.

"I'm sorry." Isshin whispered brokenly.

Those two words, such simple words, were enough to bring even Ichigo's storm of emotions to an absolute halt, as he turned to look at his father in surprise.

"I know it's not enough." Isshin went on. "I know saying sorry is pretty much useless in most situations. But even after thinking over this for so long, I still don't know what else to do. I know I've done wrong, mistake after mistake. Everything I've done your whole lives has just hurt you. But I really don't know what else to say or do right now except tell you I'm sorry."

Silence laid heavy over the whole family for what seemed like forever, but when it was broken, when Ichigo broke it, it was in a most unexpected way.

"You're right, saying 'I'm sorry' doesn't cut it." Ichigo stated in an empty tone of voice. "You have regrets now, but what about the ones I've had, the ones we've all had our whole lives? About the fact that you never told us about the power that ran in our veins? What's more, you pretended like you couldn't see what we all saw! The day we lost mom, when I blamed myself for her death, and my sisters lost their innocence at age seven. And we might as well have lost you then as well for all the good you've done since!"

"Ichi-nii!" Yuzu couldn't believe what her brother was saying.

"He's right Yuzu." Karin stated coldly. "I mean, he's supposed to be our father…and yet, the times when we needed him the most, where was he? When kaa-san was killed, when Ichigo nearly died himself, and more than once too, when we all suddenly began seeing not only pluses but hollows as well, when we developed our powers, when our friends developed their own powers, and then when we got involved in Soul Society's mess? Where was he every freaking time we needed him?!"

"Karin…" Yuzu whispered.

"It's okay Yuzu, sweetty." Isshin said in a pained voice. "Your siblings are just saying the truth as they see it, as they feel it, and that's why we're here."

"The truth?!" Ichigo's voice suddenly went from toneless, emotionless to painfully passionate. "Wanna know the truth? I kept telling everyone that I didn't mind if you were hiding your past from us, you were entitled to your secrets after all; but I think I was just trying to convince myself. Even after all their trouble, Uryuu had his father to teach him, and I didn't. I had shishou, true, but it still wasn't the same; all he could teach me was the basics, he never fully understood what my power was about." He took a second to gather his wits then went on. "Wanna know what else? Mom died, and I thought it was my fault! I thought I was a murderer, even though I couldn't remember a thing! I had been all alone with her, so what other possibility was there than I somehow killed my mother?! You went to Yuzu and Karin, tried to console them, and me? You left me hanging, or no, not even that, you began attacking me every day, when I woke up, and every time we met. Was that your way of punishing me? Of taking your frustrations for mom's death out on me?"

"Wha…?" Isshin certainly hadn't been expecting that. "Ichigo, son, I've told you time and time again I don't blame you…"

"Yes, your mouth says one thing, but your actions express an entirely different one." Ichigo interrupted him. "I was ten years old, a broken, scarred ten-year-old, and all you could do was scream about keeping my guard up and kick me around. You know that for the longest time I didn't defend myself, because I actually thought I deserved it?"

Everyone in the room gasped; even those who knew, at least in part, the trauma Ichigo had gone through during that time, could have never imagined something like that.

"I don't know what would have become of me if it weren't for Ossan and Nii-san…" Ichigo admitted in a low voice.

"Ossan? Nii-san?" Isshin drew a blank.

"The 'voices in my head'." Ichigo joked mirthlessly. "Which reminds me. I go through a traumatic experience, and you send me to a psychiatrist?! What the fuck old-man?! You should have known there was no way he would ever be able to help me, no way he would ever understand what was going on? Were you really that keen on getting rid of me? Was I really that much of a burden that you couldn't help me yourself?! Do you hate me that much?"

That was it, the crux of the matter.

It was then that something became clear. Things hadn't been solved back when Ichigo and Isshin had had their first serious conversation. It had been a chance to solve things, but not a magical cure, there was no magical cure. One couldn't solve everything just saying 'I'm sorry', couldn't say they knew someone just by talking once, couldn't say they were family just because they had the same blood…

And maybe just one talk wouldn't be enough to truly change anything, maybe it wouldn't make any actual difference, but it was a start, it was a damn good start.

I hope you liked this. I know some might feel we're moving a bit slowly, and that I'm dragging things out a bit, but there's a reason for all, which I hope will become clear eventually. Also, I can promise you that once the important things start happening... well, you better brace yourselves because it'll get insane (hope you'll enjoy that too).

To those who might be interested, particularly fans of X-Men, Cherik, and/or perhaps Nina in particular, in the next couple of days I'll be posting a One-Shot, current tentative title being: Miss Xavier (no genderbend, promise!).

See ya next week!