Chapter 13.


Anakin, tentative, walks down one of the long hallways in Senator Palpatine's quarters, he had just been brought back by Qui-Gon, he stops before a door that is flanked by two guards, the first guard upon seeing him asks, "May I help you, son?" Ani, "I'm...I'm looking for the handmaiden, Padme." The guard speaks into his commlink as Ani looks around a bit nervously. Guard "The boy is here to see Padme." Rabe responds to him, "Send him in" The doors open, and ANAKIN enters the Queen's quarters, Rabe greets Ani as two other handmaidens come and go into the next room. "I'd like to speak with Padme, if I could." Rabe "I'm sorry, Ani. Padme is not here right now." The Queen speaks out in the next room "Who is it?" "Anakin Skywalker, to see Padme, Your Highness," The Queen moves into the doorway and studies Ani. Anakin bows and looks down, then takes a peek at her, Amidala speaks with a kind tone "I've sent Padme on an errand," Ani looks up crushed at that he may not see his friend again, "I'm going to the Jedi temple to start my training, I hoped," The Queen just stares at him, Anakin "I may not see her again...and... I just wanted to say Goodbye," Amidala "We will tell her for you. We're sure her heart goes with you," Anakin bows again still upset, "Thank you, Your Highness. I'm sorry to have disturbed you," The Queen disappears behind the doorway leaning against it for support as a single tear falls for her young friend. She did not think she could cope with watching his exit.

All the while two entities looked on from out the window, legs hanging over the ledge, with amused looks on their faces, Magic Looked over at the other and winked at him before changing into sparkles and floating up to the city above them. The Force looking confused for a moment before looking around at the scene and leaving as well in an more "I'll fade out of existence kind of way," women confused him and Magic was the most confusing of all.


A large, distinctive looking domed building stands out amid the cityscape of Coruscant. The Galactic senate, The Senate chambers are a huge cavernous room that if you looked you would never see the ceiling well you would but let's just say it was very high. Thousands of senators and their aides sit in the circular assembly area. Chancellor Valorum sits in an elevated area in the centre.

Hundreds of Aides and Droids hurry about. Senator Palpatine, Queen Amidala, Eirtae, Rabe, and Panaka sit in the Naboo Congressional box, which is actually a floating platform. Palpatine leans over to the Queen. "If the Federation moves to defer the motion...Your Majesty, I beg of you to ask for a resolution to end this congressional session," Amidala "I wish I had your confidence in this, Senator," Palpatine "You must force a new election for Supreme Chancellor...I promise you there are many who will support is our best chance your Majesty, our only, chance." Amidala "You truly believe Chancellor Valorum will not bring our motion to a vote?" Palpatine, "He is distracted...he is afraid. He will be of no help" Valorum calling out so all can here the "Chair recognizes the for the first time in millennia a new sovereign power in our Galaxy, may we greet the Free peoples of the Earth and their Allies."

With that Harry in a visitors box floats up so that he may be seen clearer, his midnight black hair seemed to suck the very light from the room, his eyes shine an eerie green that speaks of both power and a warning to all.

He and some others greeted the dignitaries and give a brief history of the planet Earth the races that live their how many of which are sentient and of the peoples they have met and who they are allied to, all of this is edited so that the current room get only what Harry and his party want them to get.

Most of which left the assembly shocked, most of the races he spoke of were thought to be extinct, the Kwa, the Killik, then there was races that they never knew existed, the Goblins, the Veela, trolls, merfolk, centaurs, the Fae, the Venus Angles, the court of change (Mars children) the council of Mist (Jupiter's children) the Union of Claws (Neptune's children), the Tide (the children of Triton), the weavers knot (the children of mercury), the council of coils (Pluto's children) and finally the Alteran's high council.

Going on harry revealed that their civilisation was over 60 million years old and that was just the recoded history in the Alteran's case some were newer races that had evolved over the years, it left most of the gathered races in shock here was a very old race and they had a complete history of over 60 million years.

Some were sceptical and it showed, some just did not believe it and other thought them delusional, after voting weather to allow them to join the Republic they were shocked when the Alteran said that any trade would be a case by case basis as to not damage their current level of social development, this made some seethe with angry and other nod with understanding, but the vote passed and they ended up with a seat on the senate as a diplomatic liaison.

Next Valorum called "We now recognise the sovereign system of Naboo," The Naboo congressional box floats into the centre, as Harry floated into his new place in the wall a row above Naboo and nested to the Alderaan representatives, with that Palpatine "Supreme Chancellor, delegates of the Senate. A tragedy has occurred on our peaceful system of Naboo. We have become caught in a dispute you're all aware of, which began right here with the taxation of trade routes and has now engulfed our entire planet in the oppression of the Trade Federation, a second box rushes into the centre of the Senate. It is filled with Federation trade barons led by Lott Dod, the Senator for the Federation, Lott Dod "This is outrageous! I object to the Senator's statements!" Valorum "The Chair does not recognize the Senator from the Trade Federation at this time. Please return to your station." Lott Dod reluctantly moves back to his place.

Palpatine, "To state our allegations, I present Queen Amidala, the recently elected ruler of Naboo, to speak on our behalf." Queen Amidala stands and addresses the assembly. There is some applause. Amidala "Honourable representatives of the Republic, distinguished delegates, and Your Honour Supreme Chancellor Valorum, I come to you under the gravest of circumstances. The Naboo system has been invaded by force, invaded...against all the laws of the Republic by the Droid Armies of the trade," Lott Dod "I object! There is no proof. This is incredible. We recommend a commission be sent to Naboo to ascertain the truth." Valorum "Overruled," Lott Dod "Your Honour, you cannot allow us to be condemned without reasonable observation. It's against all the rules of procedure." A third box representing Malastare moves into the centre of the room. Aks Moe, the Ambassador, addresses the convention, Aks Moe "The Congress of Malastare concurs with the honourable delegate from the Trade Federation. A commission must be appointed...that is the law," Valorum "The point" Valorum is interrupted by an aid, conferring with several of his Aides and Vice Chairman Mas Amedda. Palpatine at that moment whispers something to the Queen, "Enter the bureaucrats, the true rulers of the Republic, and on the payroll of the Trade Federation, I might add. This is where Chancellor Valorum's strength will disappear." Valorum, "The point is conceded...Section 523A take precedence here. Queen Amidala of the Naboo, will you defer your motion to allow a commission to explore the validity of your accusations?" Queen Amidala is angry but remains composed, "I will not defer...I have come before you to resolve this attack on our sovereignty now. I was not elected to watch my people suffer and die while you discuss this invasion in a committee. If this body."

That was as far as she got as a ball of fire appeared in front of the young Queen, and from it came the most beautiful bird she or anyone in the room had ever seen it flapped is wings once and landed on the edge of her box, and began to sing, and Harmony was heard, as the Phoenix calmed their angered souls and soothed agitation from their thoughts, so to was it torturing the Sith in front of it.

Pain like Palpatine had never experienced before, it was not something he could overcome with his own power, it was the work of a true immoral, what could a mortal even a powerful one do in the face of, for all intent and purposes a god, (note the lower case "g" please.) and Fawkes looked at this being that tainted the very air around it and with an almost vindictive pleasure removed its influence from his presence, for how dare it pollute the world before the embodiment of life, light and rebirth.

The flame of creation.

It took every bit of the senators Sith's training not to attempt to kill the bird, it was ruining everything and calming and undoing his force manipulation to the point he could no longer hold it, and while it was not effecting the shroud that he and his master were using against the Jedi.

He could feel its effects in the immediate area reducing in the presence of this light, shadows fled before it, the light removed the deepness of the Dark, now it did not destroy the darkness but it was now equally Dark and Light, in the room and the immediate area, For what is light without darkness or darkness, light.

Magic is and has always been, magic it is not influenced by mortal concerns like light and dark it was not about balance like that, magic was about the moment and the effect, yes there is a balance of magic but it is more about bigger things then mortal efforts.

It's about the big picture like if I move this planet what will be effected in turn, if I go back in time how will that destabilise the time stream and so on, for every action there is a reaction, but at the same time you only get what you give, yes it's a horrid paradoxically problematical area of confusion and intrigue.

Back on track -

The bird then to the shock of all gathered took wing and then ascended to the box of the peoples of the Earth, Harry with Fawkes riding on his shoulder, looked towards the Queen and met her at her own level he turned to look at Valorum and asked a question, that would both help the Queen, "would Queen Amidala, like too ask, her allies in this time of need if they would be willing to help her with this domestic dispute?" The look he gave her said play along.