Magic Is Here.
Chapter 1.
Earth, the home of magic, the spark that set this story in motion was weeping.
She had lived longer than the other planets in the milky way, had out lasted not only the Sol system and the Sun but the very core of the galaxy.
The super massive black hole that had collapsed in on itself, the very spirit of the earth could only look back and weep, for the loss of her brothers and sisters it had taken all her might to save Luna and shield her from the others fate.
She had seen the very end of life on countless worlds as the raised in might and majesty but also at their fall as well, and as it had started now it was ending.
Now there was nothing left she could see all around that she was alone for she had watched as the very stars where extinguished in the heavens.
She had watched as her own children had grown and left her surface and colonised hundreds of her brothers and cousins.
She had felt as all save her most beloved child left to explore and expanded, she had seen as they soon left and never looked back at their mother world, and she was proud of them.
She had seen them bring life back to the dead and rejuvenate long dead worlds, but as all things she had seen them die as well for her chosen the magical had lost their magic as they left her behind.
To save them from death she had hidden from them for they could never come back, for it would destroy their now empty cores as they explode from over filling as magic tried to fill the void that their departure had left.
So she hid and went into a long slumber to be awoken to the final sound of her most curious children's final breath and as she stood in her humanoid form at the small child's bed, as she lay their struggling to breath in her now empty hospital room, for everyone else was dead and gone, their bodies already returning to dust, only kept together by the last of humanities faith in life.
She held her this last child of her earth to her, the Great Mother to Humanity that she was and comforted her as she slipped into deaths embrace, and her soul re-joined the earth for Human's were the little pieces of her that made up her soul.
For all the souls of Humanity had come back to her and she learned of their deeds and accomplishments, and their doom.
For even the humans that could not use magic were bound to it and thus to her. They had reached a point where they had evolved beyond her wildest hopes and dreams, they had learned to bend space and time and transcend dimensions, and then it had come.
In the end it came in the form of a plague that changed to overcome them in every way it first attack their bodies and as they overcame this it attack their mind and so on till it attack the planets and dimensions themselves it had killed her children but it killed everything else including itself as well.
It was a plague of both reality and soul, it warped the foundations of creation and left them barren of life, it was the end of all things. For it had even destroyed the foundation of this universe as it had others, but it had not counted on this version of humanity, they like in other universes had developed a connection to magic, had wizards and witches, mages and sorcerers. The difference came in how this universe had responded to magic. As an old Wizard once said names had power and these people had given magic a name on their planet. They named the very foundations of creation, they named everything and in doing so they had bound themselves to magic in anew way.
She did not know what it was she did not care it had taken them all and now she the foundation of all their magic was left with only her sister Luna they were alone, she had done her best to save he brother and sisters but could only save their most precious creations.
From scorched Mercury she had saved a silver spider like creature that housed all their fathers light as they weaved the very stars into their silk writings.
Her sister Venus she saved a race of winged hominids that that her sister modelled after her children (think a cross between Angels, Veela and Sirens from Greek Artwork).
From stoic Mars, she saved his first and last attempt at life for the old man had only just started at the beginning of the end and had many failed attempts. From his withering hands she took his only living children and shielded them.
They were not humanoid as her sisters or arachnids like her brothers, but a mollusc but they were sentient she felt that spark in them. She wept in telling him that he had done it, he had made true and unique sentience.
Clutched the last several of the living eggs, she had promised the red planet that they would be safe and cared for she pushed magic into their bodies to protect them even more saving them from the blackening that was edging into them as their father died. As his hands slipped from hers, he died with thanks on his lips and a kind, but regret filled eyes as he looked at his first son and daughters, as he looked on as they shined with his sister's radiance in his darkening sky.
From her ever valiant protector Jupiter, she saved a race of jelly fish like beings that were telepathic and glided no their fathers' storms their skin like that of linen cloth. Floating their father pushed the children though the portal his sister had made as he watched as them weep as he died. Never knowing that they had finally gained an understanding of what was happening to him.
(Over the next few thousand years they would change into great philosophers and pass down his image as the birth world and their saviour, they called him father and after some thought came to the conclusion that the Earth was their mother. She would take that roll gladly when they did but was always sad when they prayed to their now gone father.)
From ever serene Saturn she saved a non-sentient race for it had the most possibility of becoming so, it was a race of flying bee like creatures for they were just starting to awaken to sentience, and lived in her beautiful rings, building huge constructs in the vacuum from the rocky ice of her rings.
From calm old Neptune she saved a race of crab like cave men just learning how to hunt and paint in their pearl filled walls, they lived on the very bottom if Neptune's sea floors, they thrived on that cold and dark place. They were about as advanced as chimpanzees at the moment but were of a more advanced level of evolution it was more their own environment that hindered them then, there intellectual advancement, from a social standpoint they were very Roman empire in advancement.
From Neptune's and moon Triton she saved a small eel like race that was in the process of wondering about the lights in the sky and the way that they could one day reach them.
From her eldest sister Uranus, she saved a race of small salamander like creatures that were in the misted of their renaissance period.
She also took from the moons and more advanced or large planetoids as well but only the creatures that could survive or adapt. Then she came to her last sibling and the one that would pain her most.
From her oldest and most darkened brother she saved his light the only race that had ever loved him as much as she had.
They were not tall or strong, they were not brave or daring, but these cunning and Sweet snakes could sing as well as her sirens minus the allure, they saw their father for what he was, the too long forgotten eldest brother.
To the only father they knew, Pluto my not be big like Jupiter or impressive like Saturn or glow like Mercury, but his soul was most of all resembled hers, he had the same spark that she did the spark that had nearly saved him much to her eternal pain. For magic is expressed in more than one way and as Pluto was most associated with death, his magic had altered so, where she was life and infinite creation, he was the death and entropy the end to her beginnings.
He did not go out like the others his end was long and in much pain as creation was torn and undone, for even as she tried to save him his spark was fading as he to entropys away, and as he lay back and look her in the eyes and smiled at her for the last time he said how he would miss their talks in the night under the stars, and as she looked at him she raised her hand into the now empty sky she made the heavens glow with a thousand specs of glowing light as if the universe was not coming undone.
As he beamed one last smile at her kind gesture, he passed one last time into darkness, for the last of her family was also almost gone.
She looked back at the star that had been her cradle and there for all her family, the Star that first gave her and them life, and allowed them to change with that life, and as she walked to meet the now ancient being only held together now with the concepts that humanity and the earth had given him.
For the last time as he too was soon to fade she met the only father she would ever know or acknowledge, and as he held her for the last time he told her to do as her children had always done, and he too faded into nothing holding the only one to remember them as the concepts of forever and life left him, for there would be no more dawns of hope for this universe.
She fell down as he to left her in this now collapsing place and she wept, for ever she wept until the very edge of the universe encroached on her power. So, with a great push of anger and sorrow, she raised to her feet and stood up and looked around the now empty universe as it was all now around her small pocket of space and time.
It had tried to return to its centre only to find that it became stuck around one point, unable to hold is form any more it warped round this small pocket of time and reality.
As the great mother of earth raised to her feet, her eyes burned with determination, she would follow her farther advise she would do as her children had done till their end, she would find a way, so for maybe the last time she walked to the only other being of power left.
So, first of all, just some notes, I've written some stories in the past and taken them down, as I am rewriting them at the moment, this was not the first try on this crossover this just inherited some of the better ideas, I'd like to thank those who gave constructive criticism I'm trying to take it on board.
I've gone back over the spacing and rewritten some of chapters as I didn't catch all of the spelling mistakes as I originally wrote this in my iPhone notes so apologies, but I have a laptop again now so hopefully it will improve from now on.