Surprise Everyone! This has been on mind for a while. Many of you have asked for something like this and I decided why not. I was inspired by the reading stories of Juubi no Shinju, KronoDono12, Arashi Uchiha's reading stories and I thought, "Maybe I can do something like this." And here we are. Now, this will have reading versions of the stories I have done and perhaps I want to do in the future (based on the feedback I get.).
Now to give context, the Naruto characters I will be from a time just before Naruto leaves on his training trip. Now a few filler arcs are canon here such as movies 1, 2, and 3. The Waterfall mission, The Tea country mission, The Yakumo Arc, The Bikochu Arc, the Kurosuki Family Arc, Land of Birds, Land of Vegetables, The Land of Sea Arc, and the Suna Support Mission Arc.
Alright, let us begin the show!
Gathering of the Viewers.
"Hm. Alright, everything seems to be in place." muttered a young man as he typed on a laptop. He was around 5'7'' with shaggy black hair. His attire consisted of a long, black overcoat with white trimmings. He had a letter, 'M' embezzled on his silver belt buckle. He wore dark blue pants with red lines going down the front of them. On his face was a black mask that resembles the head of a dragon with blue eye-pieces and a red jewel in the center of the mask's forehead.
This was Medrick one of the watchers that chronicles specific sectors of the multiverse.
"Alright. I have this recording done for the RDK universe and I should have one other done today as well. Man, it's hard recording these worlds. I wish this was simpler. Not to mention I have to go back to those earlier recordings and fix some mistakes I made. Plus there are those other new worlds popping up I will need to record as well." Medrick sighed.
"I could really use a break from all this."
"Hm?" Medrick noticed he received a notification on his phone. He blinked as he saw it was an email from his superiors. Hoping it was the email he was waiting for, he quickly opened the mail. The email had five simple words.
Your request has been granted.
Medrick jumped into the air. "YES!" He continued celebrating for several more minutes before calming down. "Time to get everything ready!" he cheered as he disappeared in a black flash.
A few minutes later, we find Medrick in an enormous room with hundreds of comfortable couch seats with recliners. It looked like a mix between a theater and a large college lecture room. In front of the room was a very large projector.
"Alright the projections are ready and food is ready at the leisure of everyone. Everything is good to go! Now its time to get my guests!" Medrick said as, with a snap of his fingers, several flashes of light appeared in front of him.
"What the hell is going on?!"
"Jiraiya, that better not be your hands on me."
"Sorry, Granny!"
"Can one of you please stand up. You're crushing me."
Medrick couldn't help but laugh at the antics of everyone in front of him. As they all got back on their feet, he looked over everyone he had summoned.
'Alright, let's see the current viewers. We have the rookie 12 when they were in their young teen years. If I am correct this is right before Naruto leaves on his training trip with Jiraiya (He rolls his eyes at that.) Yeah, right. Jiraiya, the amusing pervert as always. The senseis are all here. Anko and Kurenai are still as hot as ever. Shizune is as cute as ever. Tsunade...damn her breasts are bigger in person. Viewing them on a screen/book really doesn't do them justice.' he mused.
As everyone got up, they took stock of their surroundings.
"Where the hell are we?" Anko demanded.
"I don't know Anko," Kurenai replied.
"Jiraiya what the hell is going on?!" Tsunade growled. She was about to enjoy a nice sake break when she was covered in a flash of light along with Shizune. Now she was stuck here.
Jiraiya narrowed his eyes. "Your guess is as good as mine," he replied. He was in a foul mood as he was getting into some valuable research time when he was teleported here.
Tsunade narrowed her eyes as she turned to Naruto. The blonde raised his hands in surrender. "Hey! I have nothing to do with this. Besides I have no knowledge of seals to even teleport this many people. So I am innocent, granny!"
Tsunade felt several veins pop as she glared at Naruto for using that blasted nickname on her. A cough got everyone's attention as they looked at a masked figure looking at them with a wide smile.
"Hello everyone!"
"Who the hell are you?!" Tsunade demanded as the jonin, single chuunin, and genin all tensed in case this was enemy. Medrick shook his head.
"Now. Now. No need to be so tense. I didn't bring you here to fight."
"Why did you bring us here?" Tsunade demanded. Medrick made a calming hand motion in response. "Easy, Tsu-chan." Several more veins popped on Tsunade's head. "You'll do your best to keep that temper in check."
"Who are you?" Tsunade gritted out.
Medrick took a bow. "My name is Medrick and I am a watcher."
Everyone looked confused. "Watcher?"
"Yes, we are god-like beings tasked by higher deities to watch worlds and document their events so all watchers may read/see them for information or entertainment."
Everyone looked in shock. "You're a god?" A skeptical Naruto asked. Medrick nodded.
"That's right. And each one of us chronicles specific areas of several different multiverses. I am currently recording events for universes in the Naruto-verse."
"WAIT THE WHAT?!" everyone exclaimed in shock as they turned to the blonde teen. Naruto-verse? What the hell was that?
"Ah. Let me explain. You see each universe has its central character that the universe revolves around. And from that universe, several different versions of it pop nearly every day. Think of it as a river being split in different directions or a tree with its branches. The base is the original and the branches are all the alternative versions of that universe. Sometimes the differences are small, other times the differences are quite radical."
Medrick then snapped his fingers as several panels appeared his guests.
"ARE THEY ALL ME?!" Naruto shouted in excitement as he and everyone saw several different versions of the blonde ninja.
"That's correct. As I said this multiverse revolves around Naruto. In each variation, you will find a version of Naruto. Sometimes you're similar to your current self, other times you could be radically different. You could be in Anbu, different facial features, a different gender, hell you could be part of a different clan and even village. Infinite possibilities, so infinite possible versions of Naruto."
"Wow!" Naruto said in excitement as he looked at different panels. One pannel showed him wielding two daito swords, black and white with a wicked-looking mask on his face.
Another panel showed him fighting with a group of customed warriors. One wore red and blue with an 'S' on his chest. Another was dressed as a bat. One was glowing green and fired beams from his ring. Another was a green skin maned that could shapeshift. One was running really fast. A female was holding down the enemy with a lasso as another female with wings attacked with a mace.
Hinata blushed as she saw a version of her with Naruto and what looked like an older version of herself and her younger sister, Hanabi. Though she didn't know why her alternative self and sister had butterfly wings.
Kakashi raised an eyebrow as he saw a panel where Naruto had a pair of mature Sharingan eyes. What was more surprising is that version did not have a single speck of orange on him. "Interesting." he mused.
Jiraiya saw a version of Naruto with toad-like eyes. "Sage Mode? How?" he muttered to himself. Naruto seemed so young and yet he has a completed sage mode. How did he master it? More important why did that Naruto look like he was on fire.
Tsunade eyes widen as she saw a Naruto able to perform the wood release. But how?! No one has had the wood release, except for her Grandfather and Yamato, but his wood release is considerably weaker than what her grandfather could perform. Was Naruto her son in that world, or perhaps her grandson? She did see the boy as little brother/son, but this was more than she expected. Then again, Medrick did say infinite possibilities, so anything was possible, she mused.
"Hm." Anko hummed as she saw one Naruto having several females at his side. Many of them being in this very room. 'Who knew the gaki could be such a player. And does that version have wings?' she asked in confusion.
"As you can see, there are many versions of Naruto and each is unique in their own way. However, they are all at their core still Naruto in some capacity. What you just saw were just glimpses into worlds that I have jurisdiction over."
"Jurisdiction? Do you mean to watch over?" Kiba asked. Medrick nodded. "That's right. I am currently charged with recording worlds in this section of the multiverse. I will probably be asked to record/watch worlds of other multiverses later on, but for now, the ones I am recording are part of the Naruto-verse, except for one."
"So why did you bring us here?" Tsunade asked in a more relaxed tone. "I asked my superiors if I can bring you all here to watch some of the worlds I have recorded that has our little blonde here as the main focus."
Tsunade narrowed her eyes. "Why?" she asked in a suspicious tone. What did he gain from all this?
Medrick just shrugged. "I was bored." Cue sweatdrops from everyone. "And entertainment." Several more sweatdrops appeared. "And as a learning experience for many of you. Some more than others. I think it will be good for all of you. So what do you say?" he asked.
"Hell yeah, I want to see more!" Naruto shouted in an excited tone. Medrick chuckled at Naruto's excitement.
Everyone else was a bit more reserved but were also interested in seeing more. The idea of seeing other worlds was a hard offer to ignore.
"I'm in. This could be fun." Anko said.
"Same here," Kurenai replied with the other jonin nodding in agreement.
"I am interested in seeing more," Jiraiya said.
"Troublesome. This is such a drag, but I'm curious as well." Shikamaru said.
"Well Medrick, you heard the verdict," Tsunade said. Medrick nodded as he snapped his fingers as the panel in front of him glowed. The audience quickly sat down to watch.
"Now if you get hungry just think about the food you want and it will appear in a flash There's a tray in the armrest if you want to set the food and a holder for any drinks. Bathrooms are to the left and marked. Now the first world you will be seeing is set in the RDK universe. The story takes place on a planet called Earthland in the country of Fiore. This is a world where magic exists."
Everyone's widen in surprise. "Magic? Like wizards, witches, dragons, and fairies?" an incredulous Tsunade asked as Medrick nodded.
"Correct in this world, magic can only be used by 10% of the population. These people are known as wizards or mages. Their magic is powered by their mana or magic containers. The container is filled with something called ethernano Think of it as chakra. They convert the ethernano into mana or magical energy inside their containers to perform spells. If the container is empty they can't perform spells. Overtime the container is refilled up by either resting and/or absorbing ethernano particles from the atmosphere. Are you with me so far." They all nodded. So far it's not too complicated as mana containers sounded like chakra network, while ethernano is the chakra that is absorbed and converted to perform spells.
"Spells come in a variety of forms and there are also a variety of wizards. Physical mages, weapon mages, elemental mages, summoning mages, caster mages, holder mages, etc. Now wizards join together to form guilds to perform jobs. These jobs and the wizards are all ranked similar to your system. From D-Rank all the way to SS-Rank. Now we will be focusing on a certain guild known as Fairy Tail. Here's a rundown of their adventures so far."
Everyone watched in excitement as they were introduced to Fairy Tail and its members. Naruto was in awe of Natsu Dragneel's magic. Being able to actually slay dragons sounds amazing. He wished he could learn something like that. Jiraiya and most of the other males had a nosebleed when Mirajane was first introduced, which led to them getting smacked by several of the females, much to Medrick's amusement. They all smiled in nostalgia when they see Makarov as they are reminded of the Sandaime Hokage. Tsunade sucks in her breath when she sees Erza for the first time. She glances at Jiraiya. He and Kakashi had the same look of understanding. This girl could pass off as Kushina's daughter. Naruto tilted his head when he sees Erza.
They all had a good laugh, some cheers, and even tears as they saw all the adventures that the fairy Tail guild. Tsunade commented at how much trouble the guild seem to get into with everyone agreeing. Everyone had a good laugh when they see Gildrats for the first time, but cringe they see his injuries. Being a mage can be as hazardous as being a ninja, everyone mentally mused. They were all on the edge of their seats in the battle between Fairy Tail and Hades, who had enough power to be compared to a sannin. They all cheered when Team Natsu manages to pull a win.
However, everyone's happy mood dropped when Acnologia appears. They were frightened by the incredible power that was oozing out the black dragon and the destruction he was causing. "Holy shit. That thing is as dangerous as the Kyuubi," muttered Anko. Naruto flinched but did not disagree with that comparison. But for some reason, he felt a connection to Acnologia. It was almost like he should know who the dragon was. But why he would know who this dragon was? He wondered if this was from the Kyuubi. Deep within the seal, the Kyuubi was also watching the events and even he was impressed by the power of Acnologia. Though the Kyuubi still believes it would be the victor if it ever fought the dragon. Many did notice Wendy's odd behavior when the dragon appeared but filed that away for later. Everyone flinched as they saw Acnologia destroy the island.
"Are they dead?" Tsunade asked in concern. Despite only seeing them for a few minutes, she and the others grew attached to the Fairy Tail mages and hoped they were okay.
Medrick smiled. "You're about to find out. Oh before we really start, I want to say one thing. You may see alternate versions of people in this room do things that you do not agree with or completely out of their character. I would like to remind you these are alternative versions so don't attack them for what their alternative selves do, understood?" Everyone nodding.
Medrick smirked. "Then let us begin RDK!"
I hope you like the beginning and come back for more.