A/N: Hi all! Sorry it's taken me so long to update, and I hope you all are safe and healthy! I won't take too much of your time, but just keep in mind updates will probably be a little farther apart. Thanks for all your support :)

Make sure to leave any comments/suggestions in the reviews.

No warnings this week!

Peter woke to the abrupt sensation that he was falling. His heart thudded against this ribcage, and he squeezed his eyes shut, trying to remember what he was even dreaming about. Unfortunately, it slipped from his brain, as most dreams did.

He looked around, confused once again to the pleasant sensation of warmth in his fingers and toes. Peter hadn't woken up to a comfortable temperature since summer; it was nice. Ok, where am I again? … right. Mr. Stark. The conversation.

He groaned and fell back onto the pillow of the guest bed. I can't believe I told him all of that. Everything's ruined now… plus, the thing with Mr. Ammons. What am I going to do about all of this?

FRIDAY's chipper voice pulled him away from his thoughts. "Good morning, Peter. It's currently 10am. Weather in New York is overcast and in the low teens, farenheit. Can I get anything for you?"

Thank goodness it's Saturday; I don't think I would've gotten up any earlier. "No, thanks, Ms. Friday."

"I have a message from the Boss, if you'd like me to read it."

Peter nodded, then wondered if she could actually see him. "Uh, yes."

Mr. Stark's voice filled the room. "Hey, kid. Me and Glinda brought over your stuff; it's by the door. I have a meeting today, but I'll be back around lunch. Do us both a favor and don't go out until I get back, but feel free to explore the tower. Ask Fri if you need anything, and try not to eat all of my frozen waffles."

Peter snorted, climbing out of the bed to get ready and stretch his limbs (that's the nicest mattress I've ever slept on in my life). He stripped his clothes from the previous day, taking a shower and relishing in the hot water. He realized happily that he could spend as long as he wanted cleaning off.

After a half hour, he changed into a pair of sweatpants and a gray tee that someone had left him on the dresser. Peter wandered out of the guest room and into the kitchen of the fancy penthouse (everything's so nice here).

He walked over to the fridge, but decided against looking inside (I don't want to impose on Mr. Stark's things).

"Not hungry?" A smooth voice called from behind him (crap).

Peter turned slowly, forcing a casual smile onto his face. "Loki! How are you?"

The man was dressed in black, as usual, but he had opted for a more casual outfit, with skinny jeans and a fitted sweater. An open book was in his hand, long fingers bookmarking a page. Peter read the title: Macbeth.

"I'm well, and you?" Loki dared, raising an eyebrow. His expression was clear: the lies were over.

Peter looked down and fiddled with the strings of his sweatpants. "Listen, I'm sorry. It really isn't that big of a deal."

"You were living on a roof," his friend deadpanned.

"Point taken," he mumbled.

Loki huffed and moved to the kitchen, opening the fridge and rummaging around. He pulled out a gallon of milk and set it on the counter.

"What are you doing?" Peter asked, finally looking up.

"Just hush, and sit down," he waved to the stool, continuing with his task. After a few minutes, Loki set a bowl of Froot Loops down in front of the teenager. "Eat."


Peter was silenced with a firm stare (it's easier to just eat the cereal at this point). He slowly spooned the food into his mouth, trying not to squirm under Loki's gaze. When he finished the bowl, his friend grabbed it and refilled it.

"You really don't-"

"Peter." Loki's tone was serious (he's mad). "You and I both know how much you need to eat."

He sighed, relenting. "Alright."

There was a pause as he started to eat again.

"Are you mad at me?" Peter asked, mouth full.

Inwardly, Loki groaned. There were the puppy-dog eyes again. "No. Just mad you didn't care to enlighten us on your situation."

(And how was I supposed to bring that up? 'Hi, how are you today? Oh, and I'm homeless'). "That's not fair." Peter was mad at how his voice came out, slightly whiny. "That sort of thing doesn't come into conversation naturally."

The older man was surprised at his spark of defensiveness. "Oh? A simple truth would have done the trick." (So he's mad I lied to him and Mr. Stark).

"I'm sorry I lied, ok? I just… didn't want to be a burden to anyone." He stared at his Froot Loops, swirling them around with his spoon.

"Look at me, Peter." Loki's voice was uncharacteristically gentle. Their eyes met. "You don't have to worry about that for me, or for Stark. I'm a god, he's a billionaire." He stumbled over his words a little. "Don't feel like a burden to people that care for you, child. Now, eat."

And just like that, quiet, snarky Loki was back. He brought his book up to his face and started to read.


He peeked over the top of his book. "Yes?"

"Thank you."

"Ah. Yes. Uh, you're welcome." He walked away quickly, returning to his spot on the couch.

Peter smiled to himself and finished his cereal. He sobered, remembering the conversation he had with Mr. Ammons.

"I have people everywhere, little bug."

"Hey… hey Loki?" (I think I could tell him without Ammons finding out… right?)


Peter realized something suddenly, interrupting his train of thought. "Crap!"

His friend stood, looking mildly alarmed. "What is it, child?"

"MJ's gonna kill me!"


"You're… you're not mad?"

They sat together in a small park near the tower, observing a few kids playing together in the large green field. A dog bounded among them, tail wagging, as the parents watched from a picnic blanket. It was all very peaceful, which was the opposite of what Peter was feeling.

His girlfriend sighed, running a hand through the mess of curls on her head. "No… yes? I don't know. I-I get why you did it. I'm just... Well, you lied, Peter."

He looked down at his hands, mind drifting to his identity as Spider-Man (that secret is different. I need to keep her safe). "I know. I'm sorry. I won't make excuses… you can be mad at me. It was wrong…"

MJ smiled sadly, tilting his head back up to meet her gaze. Peter was shocked as this was surprisingly affectionate for her. Since they had dated, she'd shown her more caring side, but her normal demeanor hadn't changed, and he was grateful for that. He liked her just as she was.

"Peter. This isn't something I'll hold against you, ok? We all make mistakes. But, no more secrets." He nodded furiously. "Good. Now, let's move it dork, we've got places to be."

He smiled (there she is).

Ned reacted in about the same way MJ did when Peter called him. He was upset at first, but slowly understood as they talked. Peter was beginning to realize how lucky he was to have them (another reason to protect them from… Spider-Man).

Yes, he decided, thinking of his crazy gym teacher and the mess he was in. I have to protect them.


Chunky footsteps echoed in the small room. "Spider-Man, Spider-Man…" Ammons tilted his head at the board of heroes. Several of the papers fluttered as a cool wind filtered through the window. He leaned over the old card table to write in his notebook, scribbling down several notes. "Super strength and agility… the webs seemed to be man-made… and his suit was high-tech. Probably Stark."

The sticky web on the table caught his eye. "Who are you, Spider-Man?" Returning to the notebook, Ammons wrote his notes on height. "He had to have been around 5'10'. Skinny, but strong."

He paused, thinking. "He obviously used something to modify his voice, but why?" The large man began to write again. "One of two most likely options: he has a recognizable voice, or he knows me. So, he's either an extra lucky famous person, like Stark, or someone around me…"

He hummed and tapped the pen against his chin, taking a mental census of everyone he knew. "It couldn't be any of the buddies I used to work with, they're all gym bugs," Ammons muttered to himself. "It couldn't be anyone who knew Marine, I haven't met her guy friends… hmm, who wouldn't want me to know?"

A beeping sound interrupted his thoughts. His computer for work sat balanced on a stack of health and anatomy books. A thought struck him, bringing a smile to his wide face. "Ah. A student. And one that somehow knows Iron Man."

He sat down, satisfied. "All I have to do know is find a clever little spider hiding among my students."


"Attention all superhuman teenagers!" Mr. Stark's familiar voice entered almost as flamboyantly as he did. He strutted into the room, expensive suit, sunglasses, and all. "Or, should I say superhuman teenager, because last time I checked, there's only one of you."

Despite how nervous he was, Peter laughed. "Yep. I'm here."

Tony threw a sleek silver suitcase onto the couch and walked to where the kid was sitting at the counter. Loki had once again forced him to eat, and a bowl of noodles rested half-eaten in front of him. The god had since left, disappearing with Thor on a mission.

"Ok, bud, we gotta talk," Mr. Stark said, removing his red sunglasses and leaning onto the marble countertop. Peter braced himself for bad news, already trying to think of somewhere he could stay tonight (I'm in for it now).

"Good news, I called my lawyer and got all the legal crap smoothed out. So, we can buy a new bedspread for that room if you want, and all of your stuff is already here. Obviously, the room isn't perfect, but I think we can make it work; I mean, I can have furniture ordered and delivered by tomorrow-"

Words were going too fast for Peter to comprehend. He interrupted, "Wait, wait, wait. W-what? What stuff? What furniture?"

Mr. Stark stared at him. "Well, you're not going back to a roof, kid, I hate to break it to you. I figured you'd be fine here." The man smiled, almost nervously. "Sound good to you?"

Peter's mouth hung open. "H-here? Really?"

"Of course, kiddo. Now, finish your noodles, we have a room to decorate." He swept away down the hall, in the direction of the guest room (I guess it's my room?).

Disbelief and wonder filled his mind (if you had gone back in time and told me that I would be living with Tony Stark, I would have laughed). This was the first time since May that he'd had a home. It felt nice…

Peter didn't ever want that feeling to leave.

A/N: Thanks for reading! Sorry for the long wait, and I hope you all stay safe and healthy!


xXxOtAkU-444xXx: Thank you so much!

Belbelanne: Teehee ;) I'm so glad you liked it and thanks for your sweet review!

xSapphirexRosesxFanx: Very true!

halen deardeuff: Thank you! I hope I didn't disappoint!

See you next time!
