Stranded Side Story: Swapped
Chapter 1: A Concerned Girlfriend
It was a week since the incident involving Ember McLain and Camp Skull and Crossbones.
Star was going out with Danny to have lunch together at the diner. However, he's 30 minutes late. Star was both impatient and concerned.
She was tapping her foot. She wasn't sure what to say or think at this moment.
"How do Lois Lane or Mary Jane Watson put up with this?" She muttered, feeling more than a little bummed right now.
That's when he finally ran towards her.
She sighed.
"About time. Ghost attack, or did you oversleep?"
"Both. I was attacked by that iguana ghost, it was late, I overslept by an hour, then Skulker attacked."
Star took a moment to notice Danny had bags under his eyes. As a result, she lost interest in being mad and put her hands on his face. She looked sympathetic.
"Oh… poor Danny-Boo." She said. "You get exhausted fast. This superhero stuff is stressful, isn't it?"
"Yeah, but someone needs to do good. If not me, who else has the power to do so?" Danny answered.
Star, hearing that, felt conflicted. On one hand, she loves how heroic and caring he is. On the other hand, he's been missing dates and it's clearly affected his sleep.
I really wish I could do more than just give the assist.
"Well, we're here now, so-"
That's when Danny's ghost sense went off.
Both of them groaned.
They heard a crowd of people screaming and running away. They looked behind them, and saw crowds running from the ghost eel.
"I… better go…" Danny muttered.
Star sighed. "Yeah… you should."
Nodding, Danny went around the corner and morphed. As he flew off, Star shook her head.
I don't regret this, but it's getting out of hand.
Meanwhile, a truck en route to the museum on the other side of town was passing the lights had someone following from above.
This someone wore a red robe and observed.
She lowered her hood, revealing to be a ghost with a spiky mohawk. She scratched her chin in thought before deciding to take a look.
Once she arrived on top of the truck's trailer, she phased in. Upon seeing one glass case amongst the artifacts being brought to the museum, she smiled and left.
She realized it was what she was looking for, and what her master needed.
Now that they have a seat, Danny and Star sat down together.
Star wanted to express annoyance, but saw how tired Danny was and decided not to make him feel worse.
"So… how did it go?" She asked, wanting to not be upset.
"Well… those eels are slippery and very annoying with their shocks. But, as long as we're not having seafood today, I'll be fine." Danny said, his head up and not even looking down, just trying to take a breath.
Star frowned at seeing him tired and hurt. She thought to herself as she read the menu.
If only he could take a break, but there are no other superheroes in this world, much less those who hunt ghosts.
Danny then looked to Star and smiled.
"Hey, it's okay. We're here now. Let's just enjoy while we can."
His words made her feel a little better, but when he reached out for his menu, he winced and hissed in pain and held onto his arm, causing a concerned gasp from Star,
"It's fine… Star." He said, though clearly lying. "I'm a fast healer…"
Star sighed.
"I wish I could take the stress off you…" She whispered to herself.
"Huh?" Danny asked, not hearing her clearly.
"N-nothing." She lied, hiding her concern with a smile.
As Danny went back to soothing his arm, Star looked away and felt saddened for Danny.
A van had just left Amity Park penitentiary, one with a certain prisoner being transported. This one in particular is the former owner of Circus Gothica. He was grumbling to himself bitterly as he sat with cuffs on.
"Soon as I get out of this, I will have my revenge on Danny Phantom…"
That's when the van suddenly swerved left and right before braking loudly.
"Ghost!" The driver shouted as he and his passenger got out and dealt with the ghost.
Freakshow rose a brow as the men were firing their blasters at what was in the air. That's when a certain someone phased in from the floor, someone who made him smile.
"Lydia? You came back?"
She nodded as she grabbed his cuffs and phased them off of him. Freakshow then took her hand and the two phased out of the van.
The ghosts, her tattoos, disappeared.
"Where'd they go?!" The driver shouted.
"Forget that!" His partner said. "Let's get Freakshow out of here…"
Both of them got back in.
"Alright… Freakshow!" The driver said as he and his partner looked in through the window in the back, only to see he's not there. "Wait… where'd he go?!"
It was now late afternoon. Danny was walking with Star through the part, looking drowsy, to her concern.
"Danny-Boo?" She asked. "Are you alright?"
"Yeah… it's just… I didn't fall asleep until 2 and that's when… Technus attacked downtown and…" He yawned. "Still… I should-" That's when Danny collapsed onto a bench, before laying on it and falling asleep.
Star sighed and shook her head. She then sat next to him.
"My poor Danny-Boo…" She said with sadness as her hand went through his hair.
She lightly lifted his head so that she could place it in her lap.
As much as I like this position, I wish it were under different circumstances.
She looked down at the sleeping Danny, feeling unsure about how he feels.
"If only there was a way to help him feel a bit better…"
"Hey, Danny! Star!"
Tucker's voice caught her attention. Star looked up and saw Danny's two best friends were together and took notice of them.
"Oh, Manson and Fo- I mean, Sam and Tucker… hey."
Since that incident, Star has made an effort to be more friendly with the two. While Tucker seemed a bit more accepting, though likely because he's still attracted to her, Sam was a bit more reserved. They respect each other more, but it wasn't likely they're friends yet.
Sam saw what Danny was doing and rolled her eyes.
"Hey Danny. Care to stop daydreaming and say hi?" That's when Danny snored lightly, making both Sam and Tucker surprised. "Uh… is he asleep?"
"Yeah. Looks like Technus attacking early morning tired him out. Plus, he had to deal with a ghosts on the way." Star said before looking down at her sleeping love and kept her hand on his face, lightly brushing it with her fingers. "I think he should take a break from this."
Tucker looked a bit surprised to hear this, while Sam had a minor glare.
"Uh, Star?" Tucker spoke up. "Danny's like the only superhero around. It's not like we can ask the X-Men to drop by and look after the place for a week."
"I know… but don't you think it'd be great?" Star asked. "Just letting him be a normal person for a while."
"Excuse me?" Sam asked, taking some level of offense. "Danny is an amazing superhero. He gets to fight ghosts while kids like you have to fight acne."
Just because they're learning to show respect, doesn't mean they won't disagree.
"Yeah? Well acne doesn't keep you up at night. You realize if Danny's too burnt out, he won't be able to fight off ghosts like the Fright Knight or that Ghost King he told me about." Star argued.
Sam thought and had a rather guilty look on her face.
"I can't argue with that… maybe he could use some time off." She admitted.
"As I pointed out…" Tucker said. "We don't exactly know any other superheroes, much less ghost hunters who would listen to us."
"What about the Groovy Gang?" Star asked.
"They realized fighting real ghosts was too dangerous so they settled for disproving ghost sightings." Tucker explained. "Also… Scaredy Cat was sent a wildlife preserve out of protection, since he kind of clawed a guy in a costume."
"The Extreme Ghostbreakers?"
"They went back to the original team so that they could finish school." Sam explained. "The originals are on the other side of the country."
Star sighed.
"I see.." She looked down at Danny.
If only there was a way for me to help him…
Inside an abandoned theatre that acted as a temporary hideout, Freakshow was looking at a printed out news article Lydia stole to show him.
It was of a certain item she saw being transported to Amity Park Museum. He looked to her.
"Is this true?" He asked her. Once she nodded, he grinned evilly. "Excellent… I'll have my revenge on Danny Phantom and the power to make Amity Park and its riches mine… dramatically!"
He got up and rubbed both hands together gleefully.
Soon… my revenge will be here!
"Now…" He looked to Lydia, looking hungry. "Please tell me you stole something for me to eat. I'm so tired of gruel!"
Lydia nodded, revealing she had stolen a fruit basket that Freakshow took graciously and ate one of the apples.
Even as he ate, his plans were in action.
All we have to do is make sure he's busy doing something else… then we'll make our move.
"Revenge… like this apple, will be sweet and delicious!" He laughed evilly, but then looked to Lydia with concern. "You brought water too, right?" She nodded. "Alright, good." He continued laughing.
Welcome to our latest side story to the Stranded stories, Swapped.
Star, the worried girlfriend, voices her concern.
Meanwhile Freakshow is back.
What's gonna happen when and what did Freakshow see that made him think he could have his revenge?