
I go after Edward after he leaves me in the woods. I wasnt going after him to follow him or try stopping him from leaving me. Oh no, I was going after him to give him a piece of my mind. After getting lost I finally stop following and think.

"Fine, we'll play this your way fuckwad. YOU WON'T KEEP HIM FROM ME CULLEN! HE WILL BE FUCKING MINE AND YOU NOR PIXIE BITCH WILL BE ABLE TO STOP ME! HE WONT LEAVE ME YOU SORRY BASTARD!" I hear a deep chuckle and turn facing who I wanted to be facing.

"Well, darlin I think ya got whatcha wanted," he says.

"Bout damn time you got here Whitlock," I tell him putting my hands on my hips.

"How'd ya know my name was Whitlock, ma'am?" His southern drawl comes out.

"I 'no lots bout you Major," I drawl out in my accent.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" Another southern familiar voice asks.

I turn to face the biggest prick of them all Peter Swanson. I turn back to Jasper very upset that he came back for him, but he didn't come back for me.

"Are ya serious?" Peter asks looking at me.

"Well, if it isn't Swanson," I say glaring at him.

"His name is Whitlock," Jasper says.

"Na it's not kind Jack ass. His name is fucking Peter James Swanson named after our damn Pa," I growl out.

"How the hell?"

"Isabella? How?"

I let down the human glamour and they gasp at my red eyes. I shake my head and glare at the two of them. I wanted to know how neither of them could come for me. I hear another vampire approaching. I didn't crouch because I could tell they didn't mean any harm.

"Peter, Major, what's going on?" A female asks.

"Um," Jasper says looking at me.

"I'm not gonna harm who ever it is, Major." I deadpan.

"Isabella?" The female looks at me.

She comes out of the shadows and I growl. Peter jumps in front of her and I shake my head. I tell him I mean no harm, but I turn to Jasper.

"How could you fucking turn my brother and my best friend but forget about me? Your damn wife! Ya know what, I think Imma tell Charlie I can't stay. Maybe leaving would be best considerin' ya didn't want me to begin with," I say.

I flit back to the house noticing that Charlie's cruiser was in the driveway. I walk in and slump down on the couch. He looks at me and asks what made me take my glamour down.

"My dumb ass husband Jasper. Ya may 'no him as Hale, but Major Jasper Sebastian Whitlock is 'is actual name," I say.

"So is Peter back with him?"

"Yes! He sired Peter and Charlotte, but never even thought of me! I lived for ten fucking years before that bitch got to me. Just to fucking punish someone who never even gave a fuck about me!" I yell.

Charlie shakes his head and tells me he'll make dinner tonight. I glare at the t.v. because I could hear the three of them outside still.


I was standing there in shock after Bella went into her house. I didnt understand what she was talking about because I never had a wife. Char gasps and pulls out her phone. She hands her phone to Peter and he curses. He tosses me the phone and I'm looking down at a family tree. There in black and white is my name and next to it is Isabella Marie Whitlock. I ask Char if she can find a picture of her and she nods. She hands me her phone ten minutes later and there's a picture of one Isabella Marie Swan.

I rush to the house and knock on the door. Charlie opens it and tells me she's in the living room. He asks the three of us not to eat him and we'd be good. I shake my head and think he's a strange human. I hear a growl and before I know it I'm being knocked down.

"Never and I mean never say he's a weird human! He's more my family than you'll ever be," Bella growls baring her teeth.

I push her off of me and she lands a punch right on my jaw. Peter whistles and she turns to glare at him. I flex my jaw and watch as Charlie shakes his head. He tells her if she plans on fighting Peter to take it outside. Her and Paul already had to repair her room upstairs once and he didn't want a repeat. I give her a questioning look and she tells Charlie to hush.

"One of the shapeshifters from La Push has taken a liking to Bells. He should be coming over soon," Charlie looks at me.

"Oh dear Lord Charlie! Its not like that Jesus! He's a member of Sam's pack and has very bad anger issues. I'm working with him on them and in turn Sam let's me in La Push." She defends herself.

"Have you told Renee?"

"You didn't!" She looks at him in shock.

"I didn't, but I may have hinted," he tells her.

She glares at him before storming outside. I smell the dog before I hear him. Bella starts squealing and I hear a deep voice asking who was here.

"Ugh can't we just fucking leave? I don't wanna go in dere and deal with the likes of em three," I hear her say.

"Shit Bells, your accent is showing and that's never a good sign." I hear a male laugh.

I can't stop the growl and the next thing I know she's crouched before him. He shakes his head and tells her he can take care of himself. Peter looks at me with a smirk and he knows something.

"Chief," the male says.

"Paul, this is Jasper Whitlock and Peter and Charlotte Swanson," Charlie says.

"The last name for us all is Whitclock," I growl out.

Paul reaches his hand out for Bella and she takes it. I growl again and she gives me the stink eye. She stomps up to me and growls back.

"Ya wanna fight Major then let's go, but ya will not growl any time Paul touches me! I'm nothing to ya so y'all might as well leave!"

"Sorry, ain't gonna happen there Sug," Peter says from behind her.

"Ya know what may be I'll go back to Maria and have her fuckin kill me. Paul let's go," she says.