A.N Hi everyone just a quick thing before getting into the story. My Facebook has been suspended due to the fact that someone has reported me for using a false name. I am in the middle of trying to sort it out with Facebook, and I will be back on there as soon as I can.
Until then I hope that you enjoy this story, and it is dedicated to the amazing ArielSakura for all her amazing help and helping me beta, and inspiring me with her brilliant stories!
Chapter One
Harry yawned jaw stretching wide as he strolled down the hallway to the kitchen. All week, he had been whined to about making breakfast and he had finally given in. It was the day they were heading to Diagon Alley to get their things for school after all.
He set to work getting everything that he needed together, - and making sure that it was still in date knowing his parents - then he set to work cooking. With a quick flick of his wand, he tied his shoulder-length black hair out of the way as he turned to the cooker to get started. Glancing at the clock, he flicked his wand again to start the kettle boiling on the stove.
"Harry, you're cooking!" Lily said delightedly as she walked into the kitchen.
Her bedhead a riot of red curls, and pillow creases were still on her face. She was also wearing her favourite green pyjamas with cartoon snakes, the ones Harry had found three years ago and just had to buy for her birthday as a joke present. They had all wet themselves with laughter at the look on his dad's face when she unwrapped them.
"Yes, thought we could do with a proper big breakfast considering we're going to Diagon today," Harry shrugged.
"And it has nothing to do with the fact that your sister has been begging you all week and it is her first time buying her Hogwarts things?" His dad said with amusement as he walked into the kitchen dressed in simple slacks and a black shirt.
"Nothing at all," Harry sniffed, turning back to his cooking, the action caused his parents to chuckle; everyone close to him knew that when it came to his little sister, he had a soft spot a mile wide.
"Mmmhmm," His dad hummed before he began to start putting glasses out for drinks as his mum gathered the plates and cutlery.
"Speaking of where is that girl?" His dad frowned after a few moments, glancing toward the clock.
"She's hit the teenage years we never got with Harry, and is sleeping in I believe," His mum laughed before moving to the bottom of the stairs to bellow up them. "Ariel! Get a move on or we're going to be late! Come on!"
"Your mother has the voice of an Aberdeen Fishwife when she wants to," his dad muttered to him as he passed, the two of them had winced at the pitch and volume of her shout.
"I'm up!" came an annoyed shout came from up the stairs.
Harry exchanged an amused glance with his dad before turning studiously back to his cooking as his mum stomped back into the room, muttering to herself.
Ten minutes later, just as Harry was finishing plating everything up, his little sister jogged into the room looking a little ruffled but was clearly dressed and ready to go. She pulled to a stop suddenly, and her black eyes widened in delight as she took in the food floating itself over to the table. She shoved her red hair from her face as she glanced hopefully at Harry.
"You cooked?"
"Yes, I cooked, sit down, and start eating," Harry rolled his eyes as he took his seat at the table.
"You made chocolate chip pancakes! And banana pancakes! And bacon and hash browns and… oh french toast," Ariel groaned happily, quickly dropping into her own seat and started piling up her plate eagerly.
"Are you sure she isn't a Weasley swap?" Harry snickered and pulled a tongue at his little sister when she scowled at him, her cheeks puffed out like a hamster's full of food.
"Not with those eyes," Lily snorted.
"Your mother used to eat like that when we were children," Severus said waving off Harry's joking concerns. He picked up his paper and started reading through the articles lazily as he too devoured his breakfast.
"So, so, so good," Ariel groaned happily.
"Your father and I are not that bad at cooking!" Lily huffed and then scowled when both her children and her husband looked at her incredulously. "We're not!"
"How two people are so skilled at potions, are so pants at cooking, I do not know," Harry snickered.
"How someone so talented at cooking is so mediocre at brewing I will never know," Severus reached out and flicked his forehead affectionately.
When Harry first started getting medium grades in Hogwarts for his potions scores he had been terrified that his parents, especially his dad, would be disappointed in him. He had dreaded coming home at the end of his third year with his scores, having only received an Acceptable in Potions.
He had been snappy and angry the whole first day of Summer holidays until he made even Ariel cry, it was then his father had marched him into his study, sat him in a chair, and demanded to know what was going on. Harry had ended up merely thrusting his grades at his father, and waited with hunched shoulders, ready for the backlash of his results.
Instead, his dad had sat down on the arm of his chair and hugged him tightly.
"Harry, have you been worried about my reaction to your potions results?" Severus had asked him gently.
"They're rubbish! I should be better at them, you and mum are both brilliant at potions and I grew up watching you brew! You… I don't want you to be disappointed in me," he had muttered.
"Harry Potter-Snape, look at me, how on earth could I be disappointed in you? Look at these results! O in Ancient Runes, O in Care of Magical Creatures, 100% in Defence Against the Dark Arts, what exactly is there on here that I would find disappointing?"
"But...my potions scores…" Harry had looked around at this point at his father and found him sitting there was a warm smile he only showed to his family.
"Just because I am good at something, or your mother is, does not mean that it is something that you have to be good at. You have your own talents and skills, something that is clearly more in line with Defence going by these scores, and you are excelling in what you are good at. I would not be any type of father if I was angry and disappointed at you for being good at something just because it is not my field. As long as you get a passing score in Potions, along with all your other studies, I will be proud of you," Severus had assured him.
"Dad..." Harry wouldn't admit even now that he had thrown himself into his dad's hug like he was five again and had just skinned his knee.
"There there, we can't all have master intelligence like myself," Severus had patted his son condescending on the shoulder and laughed when his son huffed and shoved at him.
"My talents lie elsewhere," Harry shot back, grinning at the memory that had flashed into his mind and receiving a chuckle from his mother and father in return.
"Are we ready to go then?" Ariel beamed excitedly hopping to her feet.
"Not unless you think I plan on going like this?" Lily snorted, motioning to her impressive bedhead and pyjama's.
"Mum! Hurry!" Ariel whined.
"She is just trying to put off going as long as she can because she doesn't want you to grow up, remember how long it took her to get ready for my first shop?" Harry laughed.
"I don't understand why the pair of you insist on growing so quickly!" Lily huffed as she stood, throwing up her arms as she made her way up the stairs.
"I myself can not wait to be childfree, no annoying little brats underneath my feet, peace and quiet, it will be wonderful," Severus sniffed turning the page of his papers.
"Don't worry, I will make sure that Uncle Sirius comes over to keep you from getting too lonely," Ariel smirked.
"Don't. You. Dare." Severus hissed, lowering his paper to glare at her over the top of it, and then at Harry when he started laughing.
"It would be like exchanging one child for another," Ariel shrugged.
"It is bad enough that your mother keeps insisting that we babysit Teddy, I do not like any children bar my own," Severus glared.
"Awww, we knew you loved us!" Harry grinned.
"I didn't say that," Severus snorted, disappearing behind his paper again.
"You never know, with the way Sirius is going with this girlfriend there might be a mini Padfoot running around soon," Harry said winking at his sister who grinned.
"Awww! That would be so cute! He and Teddy would be adorable together!" She agreed.
"And this girlfriend really does seem to be lasting the test of time, a whole three months they have been together," Harry said as he scooped the last mouthful of his breakfast into his mouth.
"His longest relationship yet, it must be serious," Ariel agreed with Harry.
"The pitter-patter of little feet could be just around the corn…"
"I do not know why you two are so insistent on giving me nightmares, but if you don't scram and go get ready, then I will ensure that you end up with the ugliest possible school supplies that I can find you," Severus interrupted from behind his paper.
Laughing to themselves his two children stood from the table and scrambled for the stairs, thundering up to their rooms and ignoring Lily's shout from her and their father's bedroom about being quieter.
Harry stepped into his bedroom and started gathering his things together, changing into his going out clothes now that he had finished cooking their breakfast. He pulled on a skintight pair of trousers that left very little to the imagination, a deep purple shirt that he left half-unbuttoned to reveal his muscled chest, but particularly the tattoo that Sirius and Remus had taken him to get for his 17th birthday. Re-tying his hair up into a higher ponytail, he tugged on his shin length boots and admired himself in the mirror.
He looked good, he admitted to himself, his skin was tanned a nice deep golden from their holiday to Italy to visit Grandma and Grandpa Evans, and then their holiday to France to visit Grandma Prince. It seemed to show off the muscles he had built up over the years, partially from helping his parents heft around heavy cauldrons from a young age, partially from the Quidditch he had been involved in from a young age and trained hard for.
He had not been able to decide when he entered Hogwarts and tried out for the House team as to whether he wanted to be a Beater or a Seeker, he had the skills for both, but in the end, he had decided that he wanted to follow in the footsteps of his birth father James and so he became a seeker.
Thinking of his birth father he glanced over at the board on his bedroom wall that held all his favourite photos, some of his family, some of his friends. There were several pictures of him, Lily, Severus and Ariel, including a photo of seven-year-old him holding Ariel for the first time and looking like he had been given the best, most precious, gift in the world.
There was a picture of Lily, James, Sirius and Remus at Lily and James' wedding, all of them looked so young. Next to that, was a picture of Lily and Severus getting married, Harry was five in the picture and was grinning happily at the camera as he stood between the two of them in his fancy robes.
There was also a picture from the day that Harry had asked Severus to adopt him. He had been six. It was on the first anniversary of Severus and Lily's wedding, Harry had asked his mum a couple of months before why Ronald Weasley had said that Severus wasn't his dad; he had been there for him as his dad for as long as he could remember. He had always known about James, and how he had passed away in an accident, saving a lot of people because he was an Auror. His mum and dad had never ever kept that from him, and Sirius and Remus had told him so many stories about James. But he hadn't at that young age understood why Severus wasn't also considered his dad.
To his young mind, Severus was his dad as much as James was, simple as that. He did everything that Arthur Weasley or Lucius Malfoy did for their children, and he had been calling Severus dad since he could talk. Lily had explained to Harry when he asked that technically Severus wasn't his dad, though he was his stepdad now that they were married.
Harry had sat there thinking things over as seriously as a six-year-old could, before asking his mum if there was any way to make Severus his official dad along with James. She had smiled while tearing up and explained the process of adoption to him, and then they had begun to plan.
On their first anniversary, they and Harry had gone on a little holiday, and in the morning Harry had scrambled onto the bed clutching an ornate wooden box and thrust it at Severus with a huge smile on his face.
Severus had been bemused as he opened it and took out the adoption papers, but once he began to read them, his eyes had rapidly filled with tears as he realised what he was holding.
"I think it is stupid that we need to have these papers to make it off...offi-cial but you are my daddy and I don't want stupid Ron being able to say anything else! I want you to be my real daddy off...offi-ci-ally because you already are! I can have two daddies! Millicent Bulstrode has two mummies and a daddy!"
"That is a little bit different sweetling," Severus had laughed wetly running his fingers through Harry's hair and getting a scowl that was painfully similar to his own when he thought someone was being stupid back.
"It's not! Daddy James isn't here, and that makes me sad, but you are, and you are my daddy too!" Harry had scowled.
"I would be honoured to 'officially' be your daddy," Severus smiled shakily and had tugged Harry into a hug until the little boy had wriggled free and announced that he was hungry. Lily had snapped a quick picture of the two of them before they had gone down the stairs for breakfast together.
Harry smiled now at the photo, he had been lucky really, Severus had helped his mum and him when James had passed away, and along the way, his parents had fallen in love. Severus never ever treated him as anything but his son, he was proud of Harry and everything that he did, he hadn't missed one birthday, one schooling event, he had been there for every Quidditch match with Lily. When Ariel came along he didn't treat Harry any differently to how he treated her.
"Harry! Stop dilly-dallying and hurry up!" Ariel bellowed up the stairs.
"I'm coming, I'm coming!" Harry rolled his eyes and grabbed his sleeveless robes and money pouch before jogging down the hallway and down the stairs to where his family were waiting, Lily still locked in what looked like an epic battle with her hair.
"Ready, Son?" Severus asked talking Ariel's hand.
"Ready, Dad," Harry grinned before spinning on the spot and apparating out.
He loved finally being of age!