Chapter 1
A new hero in town

"So what you're saying, is that I actually don't have to take the exam again?" A young man with blonde hair and purple eyes asked as he looked over his shoulder. He had messy hair combed forward with a few bangs going over his forehead. He was wearing a plain grey shirt and black shorts and was carrying a small bag.

"Yeah, apparently the one you took back in America was enough as it is, kiddo." A man in his thirties responded, ruffling his hair. He had shorter hair than his son, but it was still as messy as his. He had fair skin, a pair of glasses and a small goatee."Besides, why are you nervous about taking the exam again? Surely you co-"

"Dad, that's not the problem." The young man cut him off."I heard that U.A in Japan is waaaaay more difficult than the one in America. Besides, I barely passed the test as it is. With my quirk, it was rather difficult to even destroy a single robot. Not to mention that I'm a day late due to the flight canceling on Sunday!"

"Nonsense, Darby. Your quirk is the embodiment of your mother and I's quirks." He slapped his back playfully.

Darby sighed, allowing himself a smile."If you can even call it that. Well, I better get going. I don't want to be late on my first day. Not to mention that if I get there late, everyone would just look at me weirdly because they probably have already bonded together as a class." He muttered the last sentences to himself as he left."Tell mom I love her!" With that, the boy broke into a sprint to the nearest train station.

'I do wonder if I'll do fine here...after all, the bar is set high because the top heroes are here. Can I even dream of becoming a hero with my quirk?' He looked behind him disappointingly.' Then again, I did do somewhat decent in my old school's exam...mainly because I got extremely lucky and panicked, causing my quirk to go berserk and somehow be enough.' The boy sighed is distress as he finally made it to the train station and sat down.' Although, I should be grateful for at least having an opportunity to prove myself. And as my dad said, my quirk is a mutation between his and my mom's quirks. You know what, scratch all of that. I have a feeling this will be a total walk in the park! I can do this! I'll be the best hero ever!'

U.A, P.E Grounds, Morning

'I take that back. This blows. And he looks so's like he's literally staring into my soul!' Darby stood in front of his new teacher. He was inside a sleeping back and simply looking over Darby with a tired expression.

"It's already troublesome enough that I have to do this a second time, let alone earlier in the morning." He yawned loudly."Well then, I'm sure you've heard, but you will have to complete Quirk Assessment Test which consists of 8 tests in total. If you were here yesterday, I would have said something about expelling the one who came in last, but since you're the only one here, there's no point in doing so. Let's get this out of the way and I'll check your results." He said, pulling a device from his pocket."Any questions?"

"No, sir. I got it." Darby gulped down nervously, making his way to his first test, 50-meter dash. Darby got in position and waited for the signal.

"3...2...1...GO!" The robot cried out, a cue for Darby to break into a sprint.

Aizawa observed carefully at the student, a bored expression on his face.'Is he not utilizing his Quirk? Or perhaps he can't use it to run?'

"6.70 seconds!" The robot concluded as Darby huffed after the exercise."The second one..." He was interrupted by Aizawa throwing a dynamometer to his hands."Uh, thanks..." He wasted no time and applied all the strength he could in his right hand."Dammit...he cursed upon seeing the 60-kilogram result. The rest of the tests went by uneventful and Aizawa was getting impatient. Not only was Darby getting standard results for someone with no quirk, but he was not using his quirk.

"Well, since this is the last test, it's rational to think that he'd have no choice but to put real effort." He said as he recorded all the scores he had available.

Darby picked up the ball from the ground, noticing it wasn't as heavy as he originally thought."Alright. This is it. Surely I can use my Quirk to get a good score in this. I would hate to be labeled useless just for not being able to use my quirk at least once." Darby reached for his eyes and with the tip of his fingers, he carefully removed the contact lenses he was wearing.

"Blue eyes instead of purple?" Aizawa muttered to himself."Here I was wondering why would a foreigner have purple eyes." With a sigh, a total of 4 black balls manifested from behind Darby. They were around the size of a fist and were floating behind his back. Slowly, one of them flew behind the hand he held the ball with."LET'S GO! BLACK SPHERES: Dark Cannon!" He threw the ball with all his might and as he did, a hole opened up from his palm and the black sphere quickly went through it before turning into what it looked like a small umbrella in size. The ball quickly went up in the air, but Darby was not done. He motioned for the remaining black spheres to fly up and hit the ball one after another, making it fly higher. Darby nearly lost his footing before he called back his spheres.

"600 meters." Aizawa said in an amusement tone.'Not what I was expecting, but certainly, I can see why he waited so long to use his Quirk. Americans sure are full of surprises, aren't they?"

"How was that...sir?" Darby chuckled lightly with a shit-eating grin on his face.

Name: Darby Nishiwaki

Birthday: September 22

Age: 15

Height: 5'4 ft

Blood Type: B+

Homeland: Ohio, United States

Quirk Type: Mutant

Quirk Name: Black Spheres

"You did well for the most part. In fact, you did better than some other students in some categories." He turned around, taking slow steps forward."Go change into your uniform and be sure to be in class in 20 minutes."

Darby watched as the man slowly made his way into the school. He had twenty minutes to change into his uniform but his thoughts were all over the place."He was too lax about it, he didn't ask any questions about my Quirk." He said to himself as he went inside the school and into the boy's changing room while he put the contact lenses back on.

"My Quirk...a mutation between my dad's Quirk, Metal Touch, and my mom's quirk, Ball Creation. Though that's a bit unclear to me. My dad can touch things and turn them into metal whenever he wants while my mom can manipulate the shape of objects and make them into balls. It makes little sense why my Quirk was the result of theirs, but I don't really question it these days. Unfortunately, I can only manifest four black spheres and hardly manipulate them to change into different shapes. One of my weaknesses is my inability to being away from them for too long. My radius is about 10 meters and once they go further than that, I get pulled in as well. Talk about an imbalance quirk." His shoulder slump, but regained a smile when he looked at himself in the mirror.m He was wearing the regular U.A uniform, something he never imagined himself to be at after leaving America."Gotta say the uniforms look classy enough. Back home, they used to be more uptight with the dress code."

He made his way to his classroom, only to find himself lost in the vast hallways of his new school. Frankly, he had narrowed his search between two classrooms.

"Shit! All that nervousness made me forget which classroom I was supposed to go in!" He said as he fidgeted upon glancing at the two classrooms in front of him.'Well, my dad always says start with the second option that's in front of you. So...' He nodded to himself, slowly reaching for the doorknob and entering the classroom.

"Huh? I was not expecting another student to join us." A tall muscular man with pale grey hair grumbled while he was organizing some papers in his desk. There were a few students already on the classroom, giving Darby "the eye".

'I guess I entered the wrong classroom.' Darby deadpanned.'I am never listening to one of my old man's advice.

"Never seen your face before. Are you new?" A young man with cyan hair wondered. He had fair skin, yellow eyes, and had his hair combed to the side slightly.

Their teacher, Vlad King, shook his head."No, I have all your names on my roster already. We have 22 people already and apparently classrooms aren't going over that number."

"Oh? Then you got lost?" He concluded.

"Not really...I was supposed to go to another classroom but I did not read the room's number and entered here by accident. It's my first day today, so I just came out of the Quirk Assessment Test."

"Had a rough morning, I take it?" A girl with orange hair offered him a smile as she walked into the classroom."My name is Itsuka Kendo. And the guy with blue hair is Matsuda Hoshi."

"Oh! Nice to meet you! My name is Darby Nishiwaki." He offered a hand, which the girl returned.

The boy with blonde hair walking in patted his back slightly."That's an odd name. Are you perhaps a foreigner? Neito Monoma."

"Pleasure." Darby returned the formalities."But yes, I am from America."

A girl with blonde hair stood up immediately, sparks in her eyes."You're from America too?! How delightful! That makes us foreigner buddies! I am Pony Tsunotori!"

"I guess it does." He waved back awkwardly.

"But compare to her, your Japanese is actually pretty good." Hoshi crossed his arms."Did you learn the language before coming here?"

Darby shook his head, a nostalgic look present on his face."No, actually. I was born in Tokyo but I moved to America because of my mom. You see, my dad is Japanese but my mom is American. For some reason, we moved to America, but I can't remember why."

"Is that so?" He seemed interested in the topic."And why did you move back?"

"Mostly because my parents wanted me to have a better opportunity of becoming a hero." Darby began explaining."Schools in America are good and all, but my mom thought that since Japan has the top heroes, that's where things are blooming."

He nodded in understanding."Makes sense. You would want to go to the same place where the Pros are at after all."

"If you want to be a hero, you really should pay attention to your surroundings." A boy with short crimson hair said as he read his book."For all you knew, you could have stepped into a dark room with hungry beasts ready to devour anything on sight. My name is Nagito Yasukage."

"Right..." Darby's face was drained of all color.

"Ignore his remarks." Hoshi dismissed with his hand."He's always thinking of the worst-case scenarios, so he comes off as paranoid."

"I'll have you know I only think of the worst scenarios so I can think ahead of them." Yasukage said without batting an eye."It's not my fault if you can't use your brain to think far ahead."

"Why you little-!" He was grabbed by the color by Kendo who proceeded to take him to his seat. He pouted like a little kid, crossing his arms as he stared daggers at Yasukage.

"Oh, a new student!" A feminine voice exclaimed from behind him. Darby turned around, only to see a floating mouth behind his head.

"AH!" He literally yelped in surprise, falling on his butt.

"Gotcha!" A new figure appeared, missing her mouth. A girl with dark green hair with pointy teeth laughed, holding her stomach."Sorry, sorry. I couldn't help myself. People always freak out when I do that. Hey there, big guy, you alright?"

Darby sweatdropped and stood up in the blink of an eye, eyeing the girl carefully. Surprisingly, even though they were so close, she didn't seem bothered by it and remained grinning."Are you making fun of my height? You are barely smaller than me by a few inches."

"Are you insecure about your height? Hey, don't sweat it too much." She quickly dismissed, pushing him off gently."We're young and we probably haven't hit our growth spurt yet. So yeah, you might be small, but don't let that rule over you, yeah?"

Darby's eyes twitched but finally relented. She had a point. Maybe. She giggled a bit, offering her hand to help him up."I'm Setsuna Tokage. Do you need a "hand?" She said as her hand disconnected from her arm.

"Are you seri-"

"I have to HAND it to you, Nishikawi, you're HANDling this way better than I thought you would!" She said, holding back her own giggles. Most of the students in the classroom were cringing hard while others were laughing out loud.

Darby looked around, a shiver running down his spine. He was being laughed at by another classroom that was not his. Great. But then...

"Sure, Tokage-san. I don't mind the help." He said with a dark grin in his face, slowly extending his hand and showing her his palm. He activated his Quirk and moved a Black Sphere behind his hand.

"Oh, Woah! I'm totally scared! You have a hole in your palm!" She shivered dramatically.

"Does that hurt?" A young girl with vines for hair asked, putting her book down.

"Surprisingly, no. I've always had this, so it makes it easier for my Quirk to move around my palm." That's when Darby took it to the next level and allowed his sphere to go slowly through his hand until it turned into an umbrella-like figure in front of Tokage's face, causing the moss-hair girl to flinch and crash against another classmate that was entering the classroom."Gotcha." He said dryly.

She blinked for a few seconds, processing what had just happened. It wasn't every day when someone would trick her in her own trick games. She adopted a challenging smirk."Alright then, big guy. I'll give you that one. But..." She walked up to him and him in the chest."I'll have my revenge soon enough since we're literally next door and all."

"Is...that their idea of flirting?" Hoshi muttered to Kendo, who simply shrugged.

"Sounds like a deal to me." He went along with the flow, but he had not intended on things going smoothly."Nice to you meet you, by the way."

"I hate to interrupt your guys' chat, but class is about to start." Vlad King spoke after a while."But since everyone has taken a liking to you, you should come over and visit whenever you want. Don't be a stranger."

"Oh, tha- Wait what?!" Darby looked at the clock and noticed he only had a minute left."CRAP! I HAVE TO GET TO CLASS!"

"Chill out, it's nothing serious." Tokage waved her arm, literally, dismissively."Your class is right next door. Can't miss it."

"THANK YOU!" With that, he sped off, turning off his quirk before he could hit anyone with it. However, as soon as he was about to run on the hallway, he stopped himself of doing so, nearly crashing against a black hair girl in front of him."S-Sorry about that!"

"It's fine." She muttered, walking past him. She seemed oddly familiar to Darby, but he had no time to dwell on the matter.

He quickly found the room next door and made sure to reduce his speed so he doesn't look like a total wacko as he entered."Excuse me."

Aizawa was standing in front of the classroom, sparing a look at the newcomer then sparing one at the clock."You made it on time. It's 8:00 A.M. Why don't you introduce yourself to your new classmates so they can get a feel of how you are."

Darby swallowed the lump in his throat and walked forward."Hello, everyone. I am Darby Nishikawi. Pleased to meet you. This is my first day because my flight got delayed yesterday. If you're wondering, I'm from America. My dad is Japanese while my mom is American."

"Oh, a foreign student! That's so cool!" A female voice exclaimed. Darby gazed in the direction where he heard the voice coming from but he only saw a floating uniform.

"American? I wonder what kind of Quirks foreigners have-gero." A girl with big round eyes put a finger against her chin.

A boy with red hair hit his desk with his hands."I heard Americans are pretty manly!"

"Settle down, class. I'm sure you have plenty of questions to ask him, but our time is short. Wait until lunchtime to continue. Nishikawi, your seat is number 10, in front of Kachidoki. He's the one who's not paying attention and dozing off in front of an empty seat.

A boy with thick, brown wavy hair that is swept up at the back, but left to fall over his forehead and face in the front rose his hand, not even bothering to look at what was going on. Darby quietly walked over to his seat, waving back at a couple of classmates who were friendly enough to greet him. He sat down, taking a short glance at his classmates.

"Hey there, neighbor. Here I was, poor me feeling lonely back here." He shifted his gaze to his sitting partner."Name's Takashi Kachidoki. A pleasure to meet ya."

Darby looked over his shoulder to analyze his classmate. Despite his hair being combed back, the front of it was slightly combed to the right elegantly. He had dark eyes and a tired look on his face with an amused smile.

"Pleasure is mine. And yeah, sucks that we have to be so far back. At least we won't get unnecessary attention I guess."

"Amen to that, brother." He rubbed the back of his neck."I wasn't planning on standing out, but with my Quirk, that seems impossible."

Now that got Darby interested more."Oh? What's your Quirk?"

"You'll see soon enough." He drawled, maneuvering a pencil with his nose."I'm almost 100% certain that we'll have some sort of test or activity going on today."

He nodded. He had some sense in that and seeing how he was recently tested today, that wouldn't be out of the question."Say, how are the others like? I was just curious to see what to expect."

"Oh, them? Sure, I'll get you up to that with this zoo of ours." He said sarcastically."Going by order, Aoyama. Show off, but keeps it under control. Ashido, the purple girl over there?" He motioned with his pen."Loud and obnoxious. She's funny though. Then we have Tsuyun and Iida. Tsuyu is pretty smart from what I can gather and Iida is as well. But they're both dense as hell. Then we have Uraraka. She's really nice and cute. Can't dislike someone like that."

Darby nodded absentmindedly, making sure their conversation wasn't being hurt. Not only was Aizawa giving out instructions for school, but Kachidoki was really blunt, to say the least. It seemed he had a good impression on his classmates but also critics.

"Oijiro is alright, so is Kaminari and Kirishima. Shoji and Jiro are alright too. Tokoyami is the almighty lord of darkness but otherwise, he's fine. As for Todoroki..." He beckoned him to look in front of him with his eyes.

'He must be talking about him.' Darby eyed the young man with dual-colored hair.

"Ice queen." Kachidoki muttered with an "okay" sign."Moving on, Hagakure is a bubble girl, similar to Ashido. She's always invisible so don't go thinking you'll see what she looks like. Then...there's Bakugo. He's a complete dumbass. Your stereotypical punk who thinks he's above others. He's all bark but no bite, so don't worry. Midoriya's Quirk is arguable useless since he needs to hurt himself to use it. He's shy as hell. The midget is funny enough and surprisingly, we get along. Now, Yaoyorozu here is very dependant and kind. Not to mention smart. And that concludes our tour through class 1-A. I am here on weekdays most of the time and I'll be happy to take any tips you have available."

Darby couldn't help but snicker at that."Thanks for that, Kachidoki-san."

"No need for formalities." He shook his head."I don't bother to use them most of the time, so I don't enforce them on others. We've talked enough and I'm pretty sure Aizawa-sensei has his eye on us."

The rest of their classes went...normal, to say the least. Present Mic was praising Darby all over due to his dominance of English but got him unnecessary attention. Kachidoki begged Darby to help him out in English, so as long as he would help him in math. Finally, lunchtime. To Darby's surprise, the cafeteria was a lot bigger than he imagined it to be. Apparently all the students had lunch at the same time, unlike his old school in America. As expected, his classmates asked him all sorts of questions on their way to the cafeteria, especially the girls. Apparently, they thought of Americans as the idols of the world. But once they started asking questions about his height, he left.

Once Darby grabbed his meal, which consisted of some rice with pieces of chicken, he began looking for an empty spot. He spotted his class and saw that a few seats were empty around where Midoriya, Uraraka, and Iida seated at.

"Oh, big guy! There you are!" On the neighboring tables, class B were enjoying their lunch together. Tokage waved him over and patted the chair next to her. She was sitting with only Hoshi and Yasukage. He shrugged, not really caring for who he had so sit with.

"Thanks for having me over, you guys." Darby thanked them as he took his seat.

Tokage snorted at that."I hope we didn't interrupt you for sitting with anyone else." She teased him."Just kidding. But seriously, did you have somewhere else in mind to sit with?"

"No, don't worry about it, Tokage-san." He assured her calmly."Either way, it's my first day and I have made friends with someone else in the class. Though I didn't see him coming in here."

"By the way, Nishikawi..." Yasukage called out from behind his bowl of cereal."Your Quirk...what is it exactly? I'm sure that your hand suddenly opening a gaping hole has something to do with it."

"Yeah, it's called Black Spheres. I can manifest a few black balls behind me and they just go wherever I tell them." He summoned a sphere and it began moving around his head.

"'s so cool!" Tokage said in glee."It's like my amputation Quirk! But the only difference is that you use something else instead."

"So...what are they made out of?" Hoshi addressed the elephant in the room.

"Apparently, they are carbon-based. They say it's graphene, but I never bothered with knowing those details. All I know is that I can wreck most things. To be honest, no one really knows what exactly they're made out of. Even all the doctors I went to had no idea. What I showed you guys earlier today is basically my defense system. I call it Black Spheres: Umbrella because it covers me from any incoming attack."

"Seems useful. How many can you make?" Tokage asked as she laid back in her chair, even more, sinking under the table.

"Uh...four..." He muttered under his breath.

"Not so great then?" She asked upon seeing his troubled expression.

"It could be better if I could make more. Not to mention I can barely control them when they're about 10 meters away from me. And if I happen to lose one, I won't be able to create a new one in its place.

"So pretty much if you somehow lose them all, you'd be Quirkless?" Yasukage connected the dots and threw his theory out there."If you ask me, that's not much of a Quirk. You'd have to worry about not losing any."

"Right." He clenched his fists, once more being brought back to his reality.

"Hey, don't feel bad. I bet you don't even need to worry about losing them, right? Besides, that's why we're all here. To become stronger so we are fit to be heroes." She offered a gentler smile than the previous ones he had seen.

"'re right." He nodded, turning to the other two in front of him."If you don't mind me asking, what are your guys' Quirks?"

"Sure thing. My Quirk is called Dead Barrier. I can create barriers." Hoshi created a small barrier around his hand."However, the more barriers I create, the less durable they are. Meaning that the first barrier is always the strongest, but the others get weaker."

Yasukage finished his cereal and sighed."Guess I'm up... My Quirk is Midas Touch. Don't let that name fool you, I can't turn stuff into gold or anything like that. I can basically absorb whatever I touch and my body becomes said material. For example..." He touched the table and his right arm slowly turned into the same material."As for weaknesses...well I don't really have any I think..."

"Seriously?" Hoshi rose a brow in suspicion. He just shrugged, closing his eyes and leaning back.

"Probably... I never really got into that either...I just go with the flow of things..."

Tokage shook her head, rolling her eyes."You have to start considering your own weaknesses, you know? Who knows what kind of challenges we'll face and how they'll affect us."

"Yeah, yeah...I got it, boss lady..." He drawled before falling asleep.

"You are hopeless, my friend." Hoshi huffed, resuming his lunch. They ate quietly without making much conversation. Monoma had passed by earlier to greet their visitor but went back to his seat. Monoma's Quirk was Copy, and he could pretty much copy anyone's Quirk for 5 minutes.

"What are these?! Inverse controllers?!" Monoma complained upon copying Darby's Quirk, causing his classmates to erupt into laughter. Tokage, who had sprung the idea, was enjoying herself even more at Monoma's inability to control Darby's Quirk. Finally, lunch ended and they departed back to class. Tokage and Hoshi had decided to walk with Darby since their classes were together. That and Yasukage had somehow sneaked past them and went to class first.

"Oh, there you are, Nishikawi."

"Kachidoki." Darby nodded in acknowledgment.

Kachidoki looked unamused at the pair of students with Darby."Friends of yours?"

Before Darby could answer, Tokage stood in front of him and gave Kachidoki a toothy grin."That we are. I'm Setsuna Tokage."

"And I'm Matsuda Hoshi. We're both from class 1-B." He explained.

Kachidoki crossed his arms, nodding a couple of times."I see. Well, any friend of Nishikawi is a friend of mine. I'm Takashi Kachidoki. Same class as him. Mind if I tag along?"

"Sure! The more the merrier." Tokage offered, shaking hands with him. As they walked back to their respective classrooms, Darby got closer to Tokage to be within ears reach

"How come you didn't try to scare him too?" He said eyes narrowed.

She hummed for a few seconds, folding her arms under her chest before answering."I dunno. He seems smart enough to know what's going on once he seems my arm floating around him. That and..." She got even closer, putting a hand around her mouth."He's waaaay taller than you."

Darby's face immediately turned red, almost bumping into someone else who was walking by."Are you serious?! Now that's just mean."

"Oh, you'll be fine." She hit him in the arm, turning to Kachidoki."Say, do you mind me asking how tall are you? No offense to the "big guy" here, but you seem to tower over the three of us.

"Hey, you talk like I'm a giant or something." He said sheepishly."I'm only 6'0 feet. Frankly, being this tall is not that great, but I don't really mind."

Tokage decided to keep the ball going and sent a mischievous look at Darby."If you ever have the chance, you should give some tips to Nishikawi about how to grow faster. I'm sure he'll appreciate them.

Hoshi and Kachidoki held in their laughter upon seeing Darby fuming in both rage and embarrassment."You found yourself a good friend, Nishikawi."

"A-anyways, Kachidoki, where were you during lunch today? I didn't see you anywhere." He changed the subject quickly.

Kachidoki furrowed his brow, letting out a heavy sigh."I was just talking to my stupid brother."

"Oh, you have a brother? What class is he in?" Darby waved Tokage and Hoshi goodbye, entering their classroom and taking their seats.

"He's a third-year student. He's a wuzz with no backbone." He said bitterly, not really wanting to talk about it.

Darby got the hint and chose not to press further. "Never mind that, you being friends so quickly with people from class 1-B instead of your own class? That's kind of cold."

Darby scoffed, unamused by this remark."Don't try to put the blame on it. I have become friends with a couple of our classmates. Besides, I went inside class 1-B by accident today so I ended up meeting a couple of them. We became friends and they invited me over to their table today."

"Makes sense. But it seems they've taken a liking to you. Especially that Tokage girl." Kachidoki attempted teasing but...he wasn't very good at it.

"You think so? I think you might have a surprise as well." He smiled at the round-face girl who walked over to Darby's desk.

"Uraraka-chan?" He put his hands behind his head as he relaxed.

"I was wondering where you were, Kachidoki!" She huffed, her hands behind her back."Deku, Iida and I were wondering where you were during lunch today."

"Heh heh...W-well I...I was...having lunch with Nishikawi!" He quickly lied, sending a pleading glare to the raven-haired boy. He figured it had something to do with his brother, so he went along with it.

"Yeah, I apologize for taking him from you, Uraraka-san." Darby apologized, slightly bowing down.

She waved her hands around, chuckling nervously."Don't worry about it, Nishikawi! If you want, you can join us too next time. I'm sure Deku and Iida would enjoy your company as well."

"Class is about to begin," Kachidoki observed ahead. Uraraka said her goodbyes and went to her seat. They all sat quietly, waiting for their next teacher to show up.

"I'M HERE...COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!" All Might, the symbol of hope, came through the door, not like a normal person.

"WOAH! It's really All Might!" Darby couldn't suppress his surprise."And that must be his Silver Age costume!"

"Finally realizing the beauty of Japan, eh, Nishikawi?" Kachidoki asked with a smug smile."But damn...I can't believe he's actually our teacher either."

All Might put his fists on his hips, standing heroically."I teach Hero Basic Training. It is a subject where you train in different ways to learn the basics of being a hero. As for today's agenda..." He reached for something in his pocket dramatically."COMBAT TRAINING!"

'But it says "Battle" in that piece of paper he's holding.' Darby rose a finger slowly but decided against it.

Everyone had a different type of reaction. Some were thrilled, others afraid, Bakugo was definitely excited and Kachidoki was playing around with his pencil. Darby had mixed feelings about the whole situation. On one hand, he didn't know what kind of Quirks his classmates possessed, and on the other, his Quirk wasn't that great for offensive moves. Then again, Tokage had reminded him that they were there to improve their Quirks and themselves, so maybe it wasn't so bad.

"And for that, you will need these!" He pointed at the wall, pressing a button on a remote he had. Slowly, cabinets began appearing from the wall number from 1 to 22 containing suitcases."Costumes made based on your Quirk Registrations and requests you sent in before school started.

Now everyone went batshit crazy. Even Kachidoki was showing more interest now."After you change, gather in Ground Beta! Looking good is very important ladies and gentlemen, especially for you, because starting today, you are all heroes!"

U.A Highschool Ground Beta

"You know something, I was expecting something completely different from you." Came a disappointed voice from behind him. Darby turned around but it was hard to see due to the entrance being so dark. He could only make out two floating cubes of what it seemed light walking towards him."Keep going, slowpoke. You're missing out."

"Yeah, sure." Darby rolled his eyes at Kachidoki. Once they were out of the, he stretched a bit, cracking his back. He was wearing black cargo pants that were somewhat a bit big on him. They almost hid his black shoes entirely. He was also wearing a black sweater with dark grey lines going horizontally across it and a black jacket with red lines going down in a pattern. A pair of fingerless gloves with small holes in the center of his palms and finally a white bandana on his forehead that had a black ball on it.

"Nishikawi-kun! You look so cool!" A couple of his classmates had gathered around. Ashido, Uraraka, Kaminari, and Mineta. Uraraka's costume was a skintight bodysuit with a pink-based. Ashido was also wearing a bodysuit, but it only reached up to her chest. Along with that, she was wearing what it looked like to be a jacket? Darby wasn't sure but what most attracted his weird-senses was Mineta. He looked like a grape, but..."

"Are you wearing a diaper?" Darby bluntly asked, causing them to break into laughter at poor Mineta who looked in between Uraraka and Ashido's torsos and gave a thumbs up.

"You guys are pretty loud." Kachidoki finally appeared from the darkness. He had a long-sleeved black coat with light purple details including the shoulder epaulettes which has a brown Sam Browne belt passing diagonally over his right shoulder and two rows of gold buttons on the front. Along with that, he had a pair of black gloves and a purple metallic utility belt with two cristal cubes carrying different kinds of light in them.

Uraraka immediately rushed over to her friend, holding her hands."Kachidoki-kun! You look so dark and mysterious! It has a cool aura going around it!"

"U-Uraraka-chan?" He was expecting all sorts of things for costumes, but he didn't want to believe people would go with skintight suits. Especially her, a very innocent girl.'Damn, she looks so good in that.' He cursed himself, coughing a bit before regaining his bored look."Thank you. You look outstanding yourself. I see you like the color pink, huh? Not a bad choice."

"And you like purple right? I guess they're pretty close." She said with a giggle.

"Oh, Midoriya is here." Darby went up to his spaghetti hair classmate whose costume was...really similar to All Might. His mask consisted of pointy ears, mimicking All Might's hair and also had a mouth protector that really looked like teeth. A green bunny.

"H-hey, uh...Nishikawi-san, right?" He stammered a bit, probably embarrassed in having trouble remembering Darby's name.

Darby held out his hand, offering a friendly smile."Yup. Nice to properly meet you, Midoriya-kun. I saw you on the news a while ago and honestly, I thought you were awesome back then. I'm curious about what you're capable of while using your Quirk."

"R-r-right..." His voice died down a bit."I'm looking forward to seeing what you have in store, Nishikawi-san." He said as he returned the handshake.

"ALRIGHT! SINCE EVERYONE IS HERE, LET'S GET THINGS STARTED!" All Might's potent voice boomed through the whole area.

U.A Highschool, Ground Beta, Observation Room

"There goes Bakugo, being the punk that he is." Kachidoki sighed in exasperation."Truly, I wish I had the chance of going up against him to shut him up a bit."

"You really don't like this Bakugo guy at all, do you? Or maybe you really want to brawl it out with someone?" He asked.

He shook his head, a skeptical look on his face."No way man. Fighting is such a pain in the ass. I'm not really looking forward to this exercise at all."

Darby squinted his eyes, studying his frame carefully.'Maybe he has a long-distance QuirK and that's why he prefers not fighting. His costume doesn't really tell me much though.'

Although Midoriya and Bakugo's fight was far more serious than intended, everyone began feeling the intensity of what the course could offer. Indeed, it was true that Midoriya had to hurt himself to use his Quirk, or maybe he couldn't control it yet. Which was completely understandable. After all, he himself had not mastered his Quirk yet. He didn't know if he even could. Bakugo was a formidable fighter as well but was also a freaking maniac. If he wished to kill Midoriya, he could have very well done so. In fact, everyone in their class was incredible in their own right. Yaoyaorozu was incredibly smart as Kachidoki had pointed out. She was one of the students who got in through recommendation along with the powerhouse of the class, Todoroki, who finished his fight in mere seconds.

"At last, it seems we're up." Kachidoki broke Darby away from his daydreaming."Nervous?"

"Not really." He shrugged, lying to himself. With that, they exited the observation room with their respective partners.

U.A Highschool, Ground Beta

"I really hope we get along in this exercise of ours, Sero." Kachidoki exhaled loudly as he laid on the wall. He had to say, the fake bomb they were supposed to protect looked quite real.

"Hell yeah, man." Sero said with his carefree expression."We've got this in the bag. Say, I hope you have a plan 'cause I'm not really got in strategizing."

"I see." He folded his arms."Don't worry. I have a plan or two up my sleeve if anything. I just need you to stay here guarding the bomb. You'd be our ace in the hole in case I can't capture them. But that probably won't be a problem for me with my Quirk."

"That sounds good to me." He cheerful said."What exactly should I do?"

Meanwhile, outside of the building, Jiro and Darby were sitting around studying the map and strategizing.

"So, Jiro-san, do you have anything in mind? I don't mind if you have any preferences.." Darby asked, setting the map down and watching the timer.

"They most likely already know about my Quirk. You know, kind of hard to hide my ears and all. They would most likely be extremely wary of me finding them out." She began explaining."But also we already know what Sero can do, since he basically yelled it out earlier. That means that you and Kachidoki are the wildcards of our teams."

"Seems about right." He remembered Kachidoki's words about him finding out about his Quirk sooner than he realized. He chuckled at that, thinking he was right after all.

"What's so funny?" She asked curiously.

"Kachidoki said him and I would fight. I just didn't know it was this soon." He confessed, earning a confused look from the girl.

"You and him get along, right?" He moved around her ears accusingly."Maybe you have a few pointers about his Quirk?"

"Nah, we didn't mention our Quirks exactly for that reason. But I can give you some info about mine." Darby activated his Quirk, releasing his four Black Spheres behind him."I can control them at will up to 10 meters. That and I can combine them into one to make a more powerful attack. Other than that, it's not that good for combat."

"Well, it's better than mine, that's for sure." They heard the timer get started and both entered the building."It's unlikely they're on the first floor, which means we'll have to rush to the third floor."

Both of them sprinted towards the stairs, making sure they weren't walking into any traps. As soon as they made it to the third floor, Jiro plugged her ears into the walls."I hear something coming and fast. But it's just one."

"Sero isn't that mobile from what I saw." Darby looked around, feeling a faint tapping noise coming from somewhere above."It has to be Kachidoki. Jiro-san, remain on standby until I get a clear idea of what Kachidoki's Quirk does-" He saw a purple light appearing from the corner, behind Jiro. Darby quickly sent a Black Sphere to move the girl out of harm's way. MIssing its target, the being fired a projectile from its hand which barely missed Nishikawi's arm as he jumped down and rolled on the floor."Jiro-san! Are you alright? I'm sorry for hitting you with my Black Sphere!"

"It's fine..." She groaned, sitting up."It's probably way better this way than getting hit by that attack.

Darby sighed in relief but a voice spoke from behind them."You are fast on your feet, Nishikawi. I have to give you that much." Kachidoki stood still, leaning against a wall and looking as his right hand with a smirk.

"H-how did you get here so fast?!" Jiro asked in disbelief."Even at the speed, you were moving, you shouldn't have been able to make it here.

Kachidoki chuckled, shaking his head."I was suppressing myself at the beginning, to make you lower your guard, even for a second. Then, I activated my Quirk."

"And you're alone." Nishikawi concluded."Sero-san must be somewhere on the fifth floor, most likely guarding the bomb. So, you've gone the Bakugo route?"

"His strategy wasn't that bad and besides, with Sero's help, we can pull a really cool stunt." His gaze fell on the Black Spheres behind Darby."That must be your Quirk, isn't that right? Since you've shown me it, I should return the favor." His hand began glitching out, turning into white as a purple aura began surrounding it.

Name: Takashi Kachidoki

Birthday: November 8

Age: 15

Height: 5'7 ft

Blood Type: AB+

Homeland: Shibuya, Tokyo

Quirk Type: Emitter

Quirk Name: Neon

"Jiro-san, please go along with our plan." Darby stood in front of Jiro, not being able to hide his smile anymore."I'll handle things over here and keep him occupied."

She sighed, smirking at his thirst for battle."If you wanted to fight, you should have said so. So much for this "master plan" of yours." They both exchange nods before going their separate ways.

"Not going to stop her?" Darby asked, genuinely curious.

"Meh, Sero's got this. It's a straightforward plan. Now..." They both took battle stances, facing each other."How about we get down to business, hero?"

Darby snickered, not expecting him to get into roleplay."Alright, let's go."

Thank you all for reading the first chapter of my Hero Academia story. A few things I'd like to mention is that this is my second story, as I am still finishing my Yu-Gi-Oh Arc V story. Feel free to check it out! Also, Darby Nishikawi. I was inspired in his name by D'arby from JoJo part 3. I liked his design and name, but I made Darby's ability completely different. It's inspired by the Truth-Seeking Orbs from Naruto and they work in a similar fashion, but Darby can only manifest 4. I'll give you guys a surprise with his quirk as the story progresses and don't worry, no naruto related business. On another note, Kodai and Sato aren't in class 1-A, but it doesn't mean they are not entirely in the story. I had to switch them out with Darby and Takashi just as I did with Nagito and Matsuda. As for who they replaced for class 1-B, I haven't decided it, but I'll find a way to somehow include the changed characters someway or another. If you have any questions, feel free to message me. And if you have any suggestions for future chapters, feel welcome to! For now, I am open to any kind of criticism regarding this chapter, since it's the first chapter of the story and by an extend a pilot chapter. And I wish to make this as enjoyable as possible. Hope you all have a Happy New Year and thank you once again!