Healing Love

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter.



(Headmaster's Office)

Last year Harry Potter defeated Voldemort. Now he was in his sixth year. Albus had spent the year destroying all the horcruxes. When Voldemort entered Harry's mind and possessed him the shard in Harry returned to Voldemort. The teen kicked the dark lord out of his mind with Albus's help. Now that the man was gone and the elderly wizard was more popular and had more power he pushed his agenda forward.

He had gotten the ministry to approve a yearly field trip. Two teachers would supervise twelve students for a month in the muggle world. The twelve students would be three from each house. They would live like a muggle the whole time.

Albus wanted them to see that Muggles were amazing but needed to be watched. They would appreciate him even more. They would grow up and approve of any bill he passed. He wanted to have control of the Muggles but not in a violent way. He knew the Slytherins wouldn't be happy. It was to torture them and punish them for making it into that house.

He had already selected the students who would be going. The Gryffindors he selected would help him keep an eye on the Slytherins. One of the Gryffindors was going as punishment for trying to escape his control. He also had the teachers pre selected. One was to keep an eye on them and the other he chose to punish for talking back to him.

He looked at the time. "Oh my. It's gotten late." It was time to make an announcement for the field trip.

Albus stood up and left his office. He made his way to the Great Hall. Once there, he got their attention. He smiled brightly at them.

"Good evening everyone. I have some exciting news. Two teachers and twelve students, three from each house, will be going to the Muggle world for a month. You will live like them." He told them.

Everyone looked shocked. Some looked happy and excited while the Slytherins and purebloods looked horrified. He noticed Harry look sick. He was happy about that.

"The two teachers who will be going are Minerva McGonagall and Severus Snape." He said. "I'll fill in for Professor McGonagall while Professor Slughorn will fill in for Professor Snape."

'If looks could kill Dumb-as-a-door-knob would be dead.' Harry thought as he watched the man glare darkly at the headmaster. 'Hmm. Should I continue looking sick? Yeah. For now.'

"A house as been provided. The classes you are in will provide work so that you can keep up. Your professors will watch if you need to practice spells. That is the only time you may use magic. Now from Slytherin we have Theodore Nott, Daphne Greengrass, and Draconis Malfoy." He was secretly pleased to see how upset they were. "From Hufflepuff it will be Susan Bones, Hannah Abbott, and Ernie Macmillian. From Gryffindor we have Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ronald Weasley. Finally from Ravenclaw we have Mandy Brocklehurst, Terry Boot, and Lisa Turnip. That will be all." He smiled at them once more. "Pack up and I'll send you to your new home."