During the ride through the secret plane that Lance has, Stephanie checked her arm for anything that has changed.

Stephanie's right arm did not reach up to the bottom of her neck as she thought it would, but instead, the joints between Stephanie's fingers, wrist, elbow, and shoulder were almost concealed.

She could transform her arm or fingers into anything she wants more quickly than before, and camouflage better.

A smile appeared on Stephanie's face as she stared down at her arm, feeling happy she accepted the little upgrade she has.

A gentle knock knocked on the door of the female's bathroom snapped Stephanie back to reality from looking at the upgraded arm, as she glanced up over to the door.

"Hey, Stephanie?" It was Marcy's voice. "Are you okay in there?"

Stephanie had her sleeve pushed up to her shoulder, and her sweater was hanging on a hook.

Her shoes and socks were off and placed to the side.

Her pant legs were also rolled up to her thighs to look at her metal legs.

"I'm fine, thank you!" Stephanie called back to Marcy through the door. "I was just checking if anything had happened to my bionic limbs."

"Alright," Marcy, on the other side of the door, nodded her head. "I was just checking on you if you need some help, honey."

"Thank you," Stephanie thanked. "I'll call you if I would like some help."

Marcy nodded her head and walked away, heading to the seats, where Ears, Eyes, and Lance are.

Eyes and Ears were both excitedly talking to each other about their adventure with Lance so far.

Including the ride that they were inside earlier at night.

Lance, however, is flipping through the maps to look for the secret laboratory, looking busier than talking about their adventure.

Marcy looked concerned for her spy pigeon friend, watching as he continued flipping through the maps of the laboratory and using his feet, mostly his beak to type.

After a few minutes, Marcy sat right next to Lance as he continued flipping through the maps, mostly gently pushing Lovely to the side to focus with his wing or feet.

"Still looking for the laboratory?" Marcy asked, snapping Lance out of his research.

Lance only nodded with the silent treatment.

Marcy thought to herself for a moment and said, "You know, Stephanie did scan where the laboratory is back at the headquarters. You could ask her instead."

"But I am trying to find where could Walter be held at." Lance protested. "The laboratory usually has a room that has all the experimented experiments inside."

"So, that could be where Walter held?" Marcy guessed with a slight shrug of her shoulders.

Lance nodded his head in response as Lovely rubbed her head against his neck.

"Lovely, please, not now," Lance sighed, gently pushing Lovely to the side with his wing. "I'm busy."

Marcy softly chuckled as she watched Lance trying to do two things at the same time when Stephanie stepped out of the female bathroom.

"Ah, Stephanie," Lance said, turning around as the map he was flipping through showed the top of the laboratory, as Lovely missed him and landed in Eye's lap. "I was wondering if you-"

He stopped when he noticed something about Stephanie, looking surprised.

Marcy also noticed the change, and Eyes, including Ears, stopped talking, staring at Stephanie with surprise.

"What?" Stephanie's voice sounded a little deeper than her usual tone. "Is there something on my face?"

Not only that, her body structure looked more muscular than being skinny.

"Uh, no," Marcy answered, as Lance backed slightly. "But who are you?"

The figure standing in front of the group had the same body features as Stephanie, except a male.

He is also wearing her clothes and has her metal features.

But his hair is not down to his hips but his shoulders.

"Oh, the change of the gender," 'Stephanie' chuckled as he pointed at himself with a finger. "My new name in this form is Stephen, to let you all know, and it is still me. I need to stay undercover in Japan."

He sighed as he glanced away from the group.

"I don't trust enemies' laboratories that often," Stephen sighed.

Everyone glanced at each other for a moment before Stephen shook his head.

"Nevermind," he sat down in front of Lance and tapped the map with his right hand, as his second left arm pushed up the sleeve.

The second left hand swiped the fingers across the screen, and it glowed, before tapping the picture of the laboratory.

"Alright," Stephen spoke, flicking around the hologram. "Some vents around the laboratory is easy for Lance to go through in pigeon."

Then, he flipped around to the front of the laboratory.

"But the way in by an individual is hard." he sighed.

Marcy, Ears, Eyes, and Lance listened and watched as Stephanie showed the air vents of the laboratory.

"They have massive security and well-advanced technology too." Stephen continued. "But that does not stop a more advanced cyborg-like myself."

He winked slightly towards them, and Lance rolled his eyes while sighing.

"Okay, what is the plan?" Lance sighed.

Stephen reached up with his left hand to his wire hair and took out some light blue strands, before connecting them in his right arm, after his second pair rolled down his sleeve.

"With the connection like this," Stephen smirked. "I will be able to hack through the security and allow me to go inside."

"What about us?" Ears asked as the wires disconnected from his arm, and he rolled his sleeve back down. "You need me and Eyes to keep an eye and an ear out for anythin' happenin'!"

Eyes nodded in agreement.

"Even if you are in that form," Marcy added. "You might even get attacked if you are discovered and not prepared for it."

Stephen smirked a mischievous smirk.

"I have an ability that I can," Stephan took out an empty bottle from inside his sweater pocket and bubbled it into a bubble magically.

Everyone's jaw dropped with surprise.

"Bubble items that are small, human-sized or bigger, and," he tapped the top of the bubble, and it disappeared into thin air. "Teleport it safely. And," he summoned the bubble back magically, popping it as it landed in his hand. "It comes back to me like a boomerang."

Stephen pushed his glasses into place and continued, "About being caught," he paused as he winked again, "I'm saving that for later."

Lance rolled his eyes as he sighed before saying, "Alright, Stephen, since you have these magical powers that could teleport my friends inside, what about Walter?"

Stephen sighed and said, "You are really determined to find Walter, are you? What are you, his boyfriend?"

Immediately, Lance's feathers on his cheeks ruffled after Stephen asked him that question.

"Uh, well, um," Lance stammered, confusing Stephen slightly as he watched. "That's private! "

He shook his head as he ruffled feathers disappeared from his cheeks.

"Alright," he moved his wing up to the air vents on the hologram. "Since I can go through small spaces through by pigeon, I can go through the vents."

"And you can save your 'best friend?'" Stephen chuckled.

Lance's cheeks ruffled again after Stephen asked.

"Anyways," Lance ignored as Stephen smirked and glanced up at Marcy, Ears, and Eyes, who all looked confused. "You could go through the entrance as someone else since you can change forms, even bubbling my friends."

Stephen nodded his head while smiling slightly.

"It's plain easy." Stephen nodded before tapping his chest with his left hand, as the colors of his sweater changed into a green camo jacket.

His pants changed into the same cameo color, and his shoes turned into black combat boots.

After the transformation, Stephen pulled his long hair up into a bun with a ponytail, putting some hairpins in it to keep it up.

He blinked once as his left eye camouflaged into normal, asking, "What do you think in this form?"

Lance glanced him up and down for a moment before saying, "You'll do. Just follow the plan."

Stephen smirked slightly and cleared his throat as they landed asking again as the voice changed into a Japanese accent, "I even have to speak with this accent until we are out of the laboratory."

"Okay," Marcy sighed as she turned to Stephanie as everyone exited out of the plane. "You're showing off a little, you know."

A slight blush appeared on Stephen's cheeks after Marcy added.

"Sorry," he apologized while following after Marcy off of the spy plane as it camouflaged into thin air. "It seemed like Lance's friends are more better than me."

Stephen shrugged his shoulders slightly.

"Even as a stranger," Stephen added.

Lance turned towards Stephen, cocking an eyebrow at her.

"Well," Lance flew up to Stephen's face. "First, you have these weird powers that can do pretty much harm to anyone and could hurt other civilians. So, yeah, we're not the only ones showing off."

Stephen cocked an eyebrow at Lance and sighed while rolling his eyes.

"Alright," he cracked the knuckles of his hands and said, "Let's just get this over with."

Stephen walked over to Ears and used her bubbling powers.

He bubbled Ears in a transparent one, along with Eyes and Marcy.

"Now I know how a hamster feels like in this," Ears groaned as he placed his hands against the sides.

Stephen rolled his eyes about the compliment and turned to Lance.

"Here," Stephen reached into his uniform jacket pocket and pulled out a pigeon collar.

It was in a black color and had a clip at the back.

He knelt down to Lance's height and placed it around his neck.

"This will keep you in contact with me, Eyes, Ears, and Marcy," Stephen explained, clipping the collar around Lance's neck.

"But what about you, Stephen?" Lance asked. "You have to have one too, to know what is going on with each of us."

Stephen pointed to his left ear and tapped it gently, as a soft metal noise came from it.

"Your ear is metal?" Lance asked, cocking his head to the side.

"Yep," Stephen nodded, before clicking his earlobe. "It's even easier like this because I can communicate with anything electronic that can be like walkie-talkies."

Lance, Ears, Eyes, and Marcy heard Stephanie's voice through their walkie-talkies and Lance from the collar around his neck.

"Awesome!" Ears remarked. "Now, how are you going to carry us in there without them noticing? They might have some metal detectors!"

Stephen rolled his eyes and tapped the top of the bubbles at a fast rate, teleporting them.

Once they were teleported, Stephen knelt down to Lance again, who looked startled from the sudden disappearance of his friends and said, "Sorry, sometimes questions make me a little nervous."

He picked Lance up from the ground and walked towards where the laboratory is hidden.

Mentally, Stephen could feel his stomach twisting in knots as he remembers his memories of laboratories when he was much younger.

Lance noticed that he was getting into the panic mode, saying, "Hey, remember this; it's like a walk in the park."

Stephen glanced down at him in his hands and nodded.

"Right," he nodded as he used the second right hand to open an air vent to place Lance inside. "'A walk in the park.'"

After gently placing Lance inside, Stephen said, "Oh, Lance, one more thing."

Lance glanced over at Stephen, and he said, "Be really careful. There might be some experimental cats there or any other animals. They like to have chicken."

Sighing, Lance assured, "It's fine. I can take this."

"Good," Stephen smiled. "Go find your loved one."

Lance's feathers on his cheeks ruffled slightly.

Without a word, he turned around and ran down the air vent, heading towards the lower chamber to find Walter.

Stephen closed the air vent after Lance disappeared and walked towards the front of the laboratory.

Half of his mind was screaming at him to abort the mission, but his stubbornness is refusing him to walk back.

But, before he could walk towards the front, Stephen stopped when he noticed something off at the backdoor of the laboratory.

It looked unguarded and opened.

Confused, Stephen summoned a machine gun and placed a helmet on top of his head, and entered inside, pretending to be a Japanese guard.

Once Stephen had entered the back of the laboratory, he could see there were no guards around, except him.

'That's weird.' he thought to himself. 'Where's everyone?'

He stopped in the middle of the room and glanced up at the clock, noticing that it was only 9:28.

'It's not even 12 o'clock to have a break.' Stephen continued thinking to himself.

"Hey," Marcy asked, snapping Stephen out of his thoughts. "What's going on over there?"

Stephen replied through his mind to answer to Marcy's question, as his left eye glowed.

'Nothing much,' he answered. 'The back of the laboratory looked deserted. As if someone forgot to hire someone over here.'

"'Deserted?'" Lance asked, sounding confused. "I thought you said it is a heavily guarded laboratory!"

'As I said it before,' Stephen snapped slightly. 'Sometimes cyborgs like me make mistakes!'

He glanced over to the side, before stopping when he noticed a knocked out guard on the ground, as his shoulder looked broken by something metal.

And hand shaped by the looks of it.

'Or else someone with a metal hand had come in here by force before us,' Stephen added.

"Robo Hand?!" exclaimed Lance.

Stephen winced as he covered his ear with his left hand, as Lance's voice was too loud.

"What's he doing here?" Ears asked.

"I think he had broken out of prison after staying there for 2 years," Marcy spoke softly. "Killian could be anywhere! He might be trying to get the ingredients to find the poison!"

'Roger that!' Stephen nodded before continuing on her way but kept an eye out for Killian. 'Oh, FYI, I might teleport items over so, keep an eye out for that too.'

"Roger that!" All of them simultaneously nodded before clicking off.

Little did they know, Killian, the name of the figure with the robot hand, was getting closer to what he was heading for, dressed in a general's uniform, and has an identity as that general.

He was not hiding his hand behind his back anymore, as it was camouflaged like before.

Killian walked up to the two talking guards as they noticed him and repositioned themselves.

"司令官!" One of them exclaimed in Japanese. "前かがみではなかった!"

Their 'commander' did not respond to their words, confusing them slightly.

"ええと, 司令官?" the second asked again.

Still, no response came from their 'commander,' until the camouflage disappeared and revealed Killian.

He has light black hair with blue eyes.

They both gasped with shock when they noticed Killian.

"それは-!" one of them exclaimed, before being grabbed by his metal hand after the camouflage disappeared.

Killian slammed him against the ground head first, causing him to be knocked out and went towards the other, repeating the same thing.

Once the last guard was knocked out, Killian repositioned his uniform and sighed, camouflaging again into his 'commander' façade.

He took out the security card out from his uniform's pocket and swiped it across the scanner.

It allowed him to enter the central part of the laboratory.