Henry was at home, working on his homework. His phone buzzed. He flipped his phone and was horrified at the text.

Unknown: I see you.

He turned around and saw Cruella. "Hello darling," she said. He tried calling his moms, but she laughed. She grabbed his wrist and held them behind his back. "I'm just gonna borrow you for a few weeks."
"Let me go you monster," he says. That earned him a smack to the face. His hands were now free. He fought against her. She quickly pinned him to the ground.
Her hands were around his neck. She kept them there till he passed out. She threw the boy over her shoulder and carried him to her car. She put him in the trunk and drove off.

"Henry were home," Emma called out. Killian was right behind her. "Henry?"
"He's probably asleep," Killian said. He then went to the boy's room. He couldn't find Henry in the room. As he searched, he found a note. He read it.

Payback darling. Now if you want your kid back, you'll have to find us. LWM.
- Cruella

Henry woke up bound to a chair. He struggled with the ropes, but they were too tight. "Don't waist your breath darling," she said.
"Want do you want?" Henry asked.
"Revenge," she said. "On your mom for killing me. Your the leverage."
"Like they'd fall for your tricks," he said. She let out a dark laugh. She opened a door and a dead body fell out. Upon further exception, he recognized who it was. Issac. The author that came before Henry.
"You see, when I was brought back to life," Cruella stated. "So was my ability to kill. I sent your family a message."
He struggled against his binding some more. "Trying to leave so soon? The fun is just beginning," she taunted, pulling out a knife.