Even though everything that happened through the next few months were for the benefit of April, it still brought her a lot of pain. She had to relive many horrible moments by telling them to strangers. Things that she had never told anyone. Things that she had tried to convince herself was just a horrible nightmare. She was going to have convince random people that she was afraid during family dinners whenever Randy had to use a sharp knife. That she would dread family occasions in case he found some way to be alone with her. Try to convince other people that she wasn't a convenience for him but prey that he sought out, even though she had refused to believe that herself for years. The whole time while he would be telling everyone that whatever happened between them was consensual.

He pushed hard. He was a public figure and had money to afford the best attorneys. April had no prior complaints against him. But little by little evidence was pulled together and combined with interviews of people who were around the duo, they were able to build a case. Bob wasn't sure what to do. He felt like he should be supportive of his son, but he wasn't sure how he could stand behind someone who had done this. And to someone that Bob was also fond of. Especially after finding out that Randy started preying on her when she was only fifteen. Even though he didn't know about it at the time, he knew both of them well enough to know that Randy was capable of questionable things and April wouldn't lie about this.

Mary and April had moved out of the house they were in and into a small two bedroom apartment together. Bob and Mary were on the verge of a divorce because of their own issues, and this just pushed it to happen sooner. April wasn't able to go back to that house. The house where most things happened. The house where Randy knew where she would be and where she slept

Carmella and Corey were still around and they helped with everything as much as they could. Whenever there were times where April had to be in the same place as Randy, his eyes stared daggers through her, resentment burning in his chest. Because of all this he had been fired from WWE, losing the one thing he really loved. But whenever those times had to happen, Aleister was by her side. The trial was set to start tomorrow, April was being prepped by an attorney while Randy was in a meeting with his lawyer.

"Randy, this is our last chance to make some kind of a deal before the trial starts and we let a jury decide."

"Are you crazy? I'm not pleading guilty." Randy scoffed.

"You already lost your job Randy. Maybe you should listen to him." Bob advised.

"They may take into consideration that you won't be making April go through a trial." His lawyer added.

"Spare her a trial? What about me?" Randy said with a weird chuckle. "Besides, once I'm cleared they'll "re-hire" me and it'll all be good. They just did what they were pressured into." Randy stated as he sat back and crossed his arms over his chest.

"You think you're getting your job back? You really think after all the details come out they're gonna take you back? Especially when some of the testimonies are coming from your co-workers?" Bob blurted in disbelief. "I don't care how close you think you and Hunter are, there's no coming back from this."

"He's right." His lawyer agreed. "I don't think you're going to walk on this. This is our best shot."

"What are you talking about?" Randy asked with a furrowed brow. "People love me."

"In the ring, yeah. But when you're up against a scared looking young lady, along with a recording of you saying you've done things to her and threatening her friend who was trying to help, that may change. There's bound to be people on that jury who are going to be sympathetic parents." His lawyer tried to explain while Randy became more annoyed. "Look, I wasn't going to bring this up but it looks like I need to. Since this began to come out, others have come forward."

"What are you talking about?" Randy asked.

"There are a few other women who came forward who are claiming that you forced them to do things they didn't want to. They've been interviewed by the prosecutors."

"Jesus Randy." Bob uttered.

"Relax, it's not as bad as he's making it seem." Randy assured.

"That's not what they say."

"They were playing hard to get. They found me in the hotel and started something. I just finished it."

"You really need to think about this. Her testimony, your co-workers, these women, past friends, it's really not looking good, her being underage, you're looking at going away for a long time if convicted. Possibly life." His lawyer tried to reason with him.

"There is no proof of…"

"They found everything she said she'd find on the bus. She gave them her old diary. There are hotel cameras from the other women. Randy, you really need to think about this. Pleading guilty to assaulting her while she was on the road will spare the whole trial, the other women won't need to come forward, you'll get less time."

"How much time are we talking?" Bob asked for his stubborn son.

"Probably about ten years."

"Ten years? Are you serious? You want me to admit I did this shit and voluntarily put myself away for ten years when I could be found not guilty and go free? No deal."

Randy really was cocky enough to believe that he wouldn't be found guilty. He knew what he was doing was wrong, but it made him feel some sense of power that he enjoyed. He was always so good with words that everyone was too intimidated to come forward. Until now. Carmella may have been the one to set everything in motion, but April ran with it. Once it was out there, she didn't back down from him. She attacked. Then once it hit the media, other women felt safe enough to come forward. When all was said and done several weeks later, the legacy of the legend killer Randy Orton, was dead.

When the verdict was read Randy uttered a series of curse filled statements. He ended up having to be restrained and dragged out of the courtroom when he started shoving his lawyer while yelling at him. Once he was out of the room, tears fell from April's eyes. Aleister's hand held hers tightly while Mary had her arm draped over her daughter crying as well. She was finally free. Not free until the next holiday, or free while at classes in college. Free for the rest of her life, because that's how long Randy was going away.

April stopped by the doors of the courthouse, hesitating to go outside due to all the media cameras. She wasn't quite ready to face them all yet. She took some time to briefly speak with the other women who had testified against Randy. They were all in their early twenties at the time with Randy. She felt horrible for all of them, but they all felt worse for her. Once they had all gone outside and she was just with her mother and Aleister, Bob walked over to her.


"Bob I really don't think you should be talking to her." Mary stated.

"I just wanted to apologize." He replied as Aleister stood protectively next to her.

"Mom, it's okay." April said as she stood and waited for him to continue.

"I just wanted to say how sorry I am for what my son put you through."

"It's not your fault." She replied.

"I hope you understand if I had known any of this was happening I would have stepped in. I cared for you and your mother."

"I believe you. Thank you, but it would be better if we don't have any more contact. I'd rather not have any for your son to be able to have anything to do with me." April replied respectfully but stern.

Bob nodded, with a tint of sadness in his eyes and walked away.

"You handled that very well sweetheart." Mary commented.

"Thanks." April said with a brief smile. "It's not his fault I can't blame him. Plus you're already divorced so it's not like I have to be around him."

"You keep continuing to surprise me." Mary said with a smile. "I'll be right back. I'm going to step outside and give Carmella a call and let her know that a verdict came back."

"You really have been amazing lately." Aleister said to her.

"I have to be. He fucked up my teenage years. I'm not gonna let him take the rest of my life."

"So what are you going to do now?" He asked her.

April sighed. "I wanted to continue school, but people are being weird and intrusive. So I might take a break."

"Didn't you just say you weren't going to let him take your life?" Aleister reminded.

"That's different. People staring at me during class makes me uncomfortable. And random people stopping me between classes to question me about things that are none of their business. And my professors treat me differently."

"What about online classes? A lot of schools have them. You could see if yours has any for what you need and take them online until this calms down a bit."

"That is a great idea." April said as she looked up at him and smiled. He smiled back at her. "I'll make an appointment with the guidance department first thing Tuesday morning."

"Why not Monday?"

"I'm going to the social security office to have my name changed. Then after that I have an appointment with my therapist. She's really helping a lot."

"Good. Keep going." Aleister encouraged. "Have you thought about what you're going to change your name to?"

"Probably back to what it was before mom married Bob. Why? Did you have any suggestions?"

Aleister rubbed his chin. "April Black has a nice ring to it, don't you think?"

"I think you're getting a little bit ahead of yourself there." April said with a laugh.

"Well yeah, for now. But it'll be easier in a few years when you won't have to change it again." He said with a smirk.

April leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. "One step at a time."

"Aright. I just got off the phone with Carmella. She and Corey will be here tomorrow to celebrate." Mary said as she came back to the duo.

"That's great. I'm going to tell Celia to stop by too. She got pulled into this and I have some stuff I have to explain to her." April added.

"You ready to go?" Mary asked.

April took a breath. "I'll have to leave sometime."

They walked out of the courthouse trying to stay away from any of the cameras or media that was still there. April took a deep breath of the fresh air and could swear she tasted freedom. For the first time she could lay in her bed peacefully and not worry if Randy was going to randomly show up. She could lay with her window open and feel the breeze while listening to the crickets and not have to worry about someone slamming it shut so no one would hear her. She could lay in the arms of a man who genuinely cared for her and wanted what was best for her. She was ready to start this new chapter of her life, burning the pages of the past.