Poison Pen

Chapter 61

Kate had always pictured the awarding of Pulitzer Prizes as a glitzy event, like the Oscars or Emmys. She's relieved that it isn't. She didn't have to face a gaggle of photographers or tell anyone who she's wearing.

She and Castle are sitting around a table at a luncheon with writers and Columbia University trustees. Castle's already decided to donate the $15,000 prize to a program to support young writers. She couldn't be prouder of him for that. The next hour or two will just be a matter of getting through the meal and various speeches.

It's only about three weeks until their wedding, and from the catering samplings she's tasted, the food at the reception will be better than what she's eating now. At least she hopes so. Her mind drifts to what lies ahead.

The perfect dress is waiting at Lanie's apartment. With a full dose of theatrical superstition, Martha insisted that the gown be stored out of the loft, to avoid any chance that Rick might see it before the wedding and bring down a curse on the proceedings. Kate has to admit that she is enjoying Rick's restless curiosity. He was in on everything else. They slogged through the guest list together, mercifully restrained by the fire marshall's occupancy limits for the hall. Agreeing on the menu wasn't difficult. The caterer threw in enough diversity to satisfy guests with an array of dietary needs. The music was another matter, Kate being more jazz to Rick's rock and roll. At Alexis' suggestion, they settled on a string quartet that the teen's violin teacher recommended for the ceremony, and a D.J. to play a mix of styles at the reception.

Ever since she was twelve and saw an island nations travelogue, Kate has always wanted to visit Figi. With Martha volunteering to keep an eye on Alexis, or maybe the other way around, Rick enthusiastically agreed to the trip. Kate will be using her hoarded days off to spend two glorious weeks with Rick in paradise. She just has to make it through the next few weeks – and lunch.

Kate gazes at her fiancé. He's glowing. The Poe award was an honor, if a dangerous one, but she knows how much more a Pulitzer means to her future husband. She couldn't be happier for him. It may be time for her to start moving up too. When they get back from Figi, she'll be working toward that goal.

Castle anxiously scans the sky. Not that rain was predicted, the forecast featured zero probability of precipitation, but he's gotten soaked after similar prognostications. Still, no sign of a cloud.

Alexis is playing hostess to the musicians, smiling her welcome to the 16-year-old cello player. With Owen having departed the picture after getting too friendly with a former acquaintance from summer camp, Rick's daughter is a free agent. After deluges of tears, she accepted her new status. At the moment, she seems to be enjoying it. Rick's hoping she isn't enjoying it too much.

Kate's closeted inside the museum with Lanie and Sophia. Martha gave into Rick's urging to go check on her and reported that he'll be blown away by the radiance of his bride. He's blown away by Kate when she's wearing a T-shirt and old jeans, and Mother's opinion has all of her experience with preternaturally stunning starlets behind it.

The aisle leading to the wedding arch is closely mowed grass topped by a scattering of lilac petals. As the sun slants through the trees, Kate appears on it like a vision. The ivory satin of her simple gown is warm in the filtered light, her hair loose and graced by a bit of baby's breath. To Castle's bewitched eyes, she floats over the space between them on her father's arm, to take her place at Rick's side.

Pastor Madeleine Modeen raises her hands in silent blessing to signal the start of the ceremony. "Dear ones, we are gathered here to celebrate the most joyous of passages in the lives of Richard and Katherine.

"Marriage in these times is often taken too lightly, as something to do at a particular stage of a career or relationship. But marriage is the most serious and all-encompassing of commitments. Richard and Kate will be entering into a new life, not as self-sufficient souls but in a joining of hearts and spirits. Two as one, they will face every challenge this world presents. Whether knocked to their knees or rising to greater heights, they will do it together, gaining strength in shared love.

"Now, I invite you all to stand witness as Richard and Katherine join hands and speak their vows to each other. Richard?"

"Kate, you are the light of my life and the beat of my heart. With you, I have done what I never thought possible. I can share with you as I've never shared with another being. I feel your joy, your hope, your sorrow, your fear, as you know mine. When you fall, I promise to be there to pick you up. When you soar, I will ride the wind at your side. I vow to stand with you, holding fast in the face of whatever the future may bring." Esposito passes Kate's ring to Ryan, who gives it to Rick. "For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, with this ring I thee wed." With a steady hand, Rick slips a gold band on Kate's finger.

Pastor Modeen turns to Kate. "Katherine?"

"Rick, I never knew I could feel as close to a man as I do to you. I can share thoughts and dreams I'd locked tightly behind the wall I'd built around my heart. Your kindness, your insight, and your love led me to a life I never knew existed and give me the courage to seek new possibilities. I want to work with you, play with you, fall asleep in your arms, and wake to your smile." Sophia passes Rick's ring to Lanie, who hands it to Kate. "For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, with this ring I thee wed."

Modeen lays her hands on Rick and Kate's shoulders. "Richard and Katherine, as you have pledged yourself to each other through the exchange of vows and rings, I now pronounce you husband and wife."

Rick can see only Kate as he takes her into his arms for a kiss, while Modeen waits with a patient smile. "May I now introduce to this assemblage, Kate and Rick Beckett-Castle."

Digging her toes into the sand, Kate gazes out at the ocean. "The time has gone so fast. I can't believe we have to head back to New York today."

"I know, right?" Rick commiserates, wrapping his arms around her waist." I was considering calling management and asking if we could extend our stay in the bungalow."

Kate sighs. "We can't, you know. I don't have any more vacation, and I need to study for the sergeant's exam. Black Pawn is expecting a Nikki Heat, and HBF wants you to work on a new book, too."

Rick sighs. "Maybe we should have given some thought to being miserable failures."

"Too late for that," Kate laments, rolling sparkling eyes. "From now on, you're going to have 'Pulitzer prize winner' in front of your name, and I'm planning to add another title in front of mine, too."

"The time has come," Rick proclaims, "to begin the era of our new and exciting adventures. Let the world be warned. The Beckett-Castles are coming through!"


A/N Thank you, gentle readers, for taking this ride with me. For the next story, we'll need some divine intervention. Kate Beckett is plummeting down the rabbit hole after fruitlessly investigating her mother's death. Johanna asks the heavenly powers for permission to intervene to help Kate find peace and her one true love. Join me for "Guardian Angel."