AN: We take a look at the end of August and 1st of September 2015 as we wrap this story up. Alleys are visited, parties held and goodbyes said. (Standard disclaimer applies.)

Just wow. This story, when I started it a long time ago, was supposed to be two chapters. Crazy, I know. The first chapter is more or less the same as it was back then, but it was supposed to only be followed by an epilogue of sorts that took place ten years later with a much less changed Mrs Miller looking back at everything and wondering how she missed all the signs that her world was about to be forever changed.

Then I posted the first chapter, got great feedback and since I'd only finished about two and a half pages of the second chapter, I thought 'what the heck, I'll make this longer'. It might have downplayed the comedy aspect, but I could not let Mrs Miller remain static in this new version. So, I hope you all liked that decision and how this story turned out. Why not let me know in a review. :D

But stay tuned for the very important AN at the end. It deals with a few of the choices I made here in the epilogue as well as a BONUS CHAPTER!

It did not matter that she had done this several years by now, Mrs Miller still felt a little uneasy about the yearly visit to Diagon Alley to shop for school supplies. At least she would hopefully be able to beg off after this time, since it was Aidan's last year at Hogwarts. Both of Oliver's sons had received a letter from the magical school during the summer of the years they turned eleven. Both had turned out to be gifted with magic and received good grades. Matthew, however, remained too free-spirited to get a desk job and continued his passion and talent for the sport of Quidditch - which Mrs Miller still had trouble comprehending despite the hours her grandson had devoted to talking about it in her presence – and become a professional player right after graduation.

Luckily, Aidan was a bit more grounded and had sorted into Ravenclaw rather than Gryffindor, making good use of his intelligence and no doubt having an illustrious career in the Ministry of Magic ahead of him. Though, he too played Quidditch at school and happily mounted a broom when their magical family and friends got together in the summers and a friendly game was played. Not that they always ended up as friendly as intended, with so many competitive people among them, but at least everyone was having fun.

Well, except for her, since it could not be good for her heart to see Matthew and Aidan fly around in defiance of gravity, common sense and self-preservation. The only person who seemed to join her in her worry was Mrs Black, who, it turned out, was as true a believer as she was in the concept of keeping both of one's feet firmly on the ground. At least she was more used to it, seeing that she had watched actual games at school as well as having a husband who liked to take his bike on a ride through the sky every once in a while.

But watching others zoom around of brooms was nothing compared to what she had to do a few times each year ever since she had to accompany everyone back when Matthew was to start his first year. Her respite from interacting so directly with the magical world having come to an end at that time.

With London far enough away that using normal transport would take too long, they had been introduced to the concept of traveling by fire. While being taken almost instantly from one place to another ought to be a great way to travel, Mrs Miller could not quite reconcile herself to the fact that she was spinning around in dirty fireplaces, getting soot all over her clothes and exiting at the other end feeling terribly disoriented. It did not matter that Mr or Mrs Black would banish the dirt from her with a simple spell or that the dizzying feeling only lasted a few minutes. It was an unnatural way to travel, made worse by the destinations, since they were just as magical.

Naturally, everyone else had been amazed by the magical shopping district and their first outing had taken all day, with Mr Black having talked himself hoarse by the end of it, explaining everything to them. He had been the only one to join them that time, since both Mrs Black and the Potters had been at home with their children. Alphard James Black had arrived in May two years after his brother and Albus Severus Potter had arrived only two weeks before their excursion, prompting both parents to remain at home with him and his brother, James Arthur Potter.

Even if Oliver and Julia had had the fireplace in their sitting room in number thirteen connected to the Floo network since then, it was tradition that everyone who would be coming along gathered at number eleven to set out from there. She looked around at everyone while Mr Black held out the pot with the Floo powder so everyone could take some, observing the large gathering of family and friends.

The number of magical inhabitants of Carnation Lane had, just as Mrs Black had said, grown large. So large, in fact, that not everyone could join today since it would make them too many. The twins and their families, along with a friend of theirs, Lee Jordan and his family who had moved in a few years ago, went on a separate day, while the oldest of the Weasley brothers, Bill, and his family, who resided in number seventeen, were present.

Counting among them were also the Lupins, who lived in number nine since Mrs Ansell had indeed moved away after her husband's death eight years ago. It made for what she called the magical line with everyone in number seven to number seventeen being magical and part of today's excursion. Fifteen had been bought seven years ago by the younger Malfoys, since they wanted their son, Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy, and daughter, Capella Narcissa Malfoy, to grow up along other magical children rather than being sequestered away in Malfoy Manor. The older Malfoys were frequent visitors.

With fifteen children still in school or not yet started, they made for an unruly group and the chatter was even noisier than the roaring flames as they started to go through. All too soon, it was Mrs Miller's turn and she took a deep breath, hoping to calm down the accelerating beats of her heart, before she called out her destination and threw the powder. Quickly closing her mouth and eyes and moving her arms to hold them tightly around her upper body, she began to spin. Her head did not stop doing so as quickly as her body and as usual she stumbled out of the fireplace in The Leaky Cauldron and was caught by Mr Miller. He had done so ever since she had gracelessly stumbled herself straight into a chair the first time, souring her experience of magical London even more, and challenging Mrs Lupin for the spot as champion of most spectacular Floo exit.

"Alright there, my dear?" he asked, still holding her.

"Yes, thank you Ernest" she replied, smiling in gratitude at his reliability.

After the four of them who lacked magic, as well as the children who were not allowed to use any, were dusted off by those who could spell the ash away they moved into the courtyard that held the entrance to Diagon Alley. Standing tightly together, they watched as Mr Potter tapped the bricks with his wand, opening the archway. While the bricks moved aside, Mrs Miller took another fortifying breath, and then they were off into the hustle and bustle that lay beyond.

"Mum. Mum. Can we go get my wand first?" she heard Regulus plead.

"Dad. Dad. Can we go look at brooms" Alphard said at the same time, while their twin sisters, Adhara Lily Black and Lyra Helen Black wanted to go visit Weasley's Wizard Wheezes.

The identical girls had been born three years after Alphard and while they were a perfect blend of their parents in looks, Mrs Miller had often heard Mr Lupin comment on how much they resembled their father as a child in temperament and mischievousness. The Weasley twins had appointed themselves prankster godfathers, teaching the girls all sorts of misdeeds and quickly becoming favourite uncles. No wonder they wanted to go see them now.

Regulus and Alphard were both calmer but did not lack the so-called Marauder spirit either. Regulus, looking so much like his father, had a grin that could put the Cheshire Cat to shame, while Alphard, almost a male version of his mother, had a look of innocence he used to great affect when it came to getting out of trouble. Mrs Black sometimes, usually after the boys had pulled a prank at one of the many birthday parties that brought them all together these days, complained that they were too like their father. Mr Black would only smile and reply that she was no saint herself and had provided their children with a level of planning and preparation even the Marauders had lacked.

With it being Regulus' first year at Hogwarts, Mrs Black did go with him to Ollivanders, accompanied by Mr Potter and James, while the Malfoys, whose children were both too young to attend yet, and the rest of the Potters helped Mr Black with his three remaining ones. Mrs Miller saw him crouch down in front of his daughters and heard him promise them that they would go visit uncle Fred and uncle George once everything else was done so long as they behaved well enough.

One would think the man would appreciate how difficult he himself must have been as an unruly child when faced with his own, but he had taken it all in stride and tended to struggle with hiding a smile as he let his wife do the chastising. However, to his credit, he never failed to firmly put his foot down every time he felt they did cross the line between fun and mean or dangerous.

Eager to see another wand selection, Mr Miller followed Mrs Black and Regulus, while Mrs Miller accompanied Oliver, Julia and Aidan as they went to get the school supplies, starting with a visit to Flourish and Blotts to buy the books needed for class as well as extend the library Oliver and Julia had started eleven years ago.

The Lupins and Weasleys also went off in search of school supplies, with the former going to Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions and the latter to Mr Mulpepper's Apothecary. They would all gather again in an hour and a half at Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour for some treats even Mrs Miller could freely admit were delicious.

After acquiring everything on his list, Aidan asked that they stop by Quality Quidditch Supplies since he needed a new servicing kit for his broomstick. He had made captain for the Ravenclaw team last year and wanted to perform the best he could. Of course, it did not hurt that Mr Black insisted on buying his nephews the best broom available on the market for their second years and then an upgrade as a reward for their top O.W.L. results. Not that they did not adore him even before then.

As she stood by the shop window, looking out on the alley and the countless people milling about, while she waited for the others to complete their errand, Mrs Miller caught sight of something unusual. On the other side, in a small sort of nook between two shops, stood Teddy Lupin and Victoire Weasley. Not that it was unusual to see the two together since they were among the oldest of their generation, but what was unusual was seeing them holding hands and the girl looking as if she was blushing, a small smile gracing her beautiful features, while the boy whispered something in her ear.

With gossip about what their children got up to being common when the adults had a moment to themselves during a party, Mrs Miller felt sure neither set of parents knew about this development since she had heard nothing about it. However, it was not really any of her business, so best leave it to everyone else to find out on their own.

Or maybe, she would let the older Mr Malfoy in on the secret next time they met. They still found some time to share in a suitable corner every once in a while, even if they had both allowed themselves to be better integrated. Keeping away from most of the Weasleys was still standard protocol for them both, though. She knew he could keep a secret and with Teddy being part of his family and Victoire the daughter of the only Weasley brother he could tolerate, he would no doubt appreciate being able to knowingly observe it unfold.

The perfect opportunity for that would be in three days when the annual 'Last day at home' party at the Blacks would be held. To their credit, they had started the tradition when Matthew was to go to Hogwarts, even if their own children, or those of their friends and family, were still too young. Teddy, being in the same year as Aidan, though sorted into Hufflepuff, was the oldest among the children with magical parents.

Since it was a sunny day, they occupied more or less all of the tables and chairs in the outdoor seating area of the ice cream parlour. Mrs Miller watched in amusement as Teddy kept glancing surreptitiously towards Victoire when he thought no one was looking, while Aidan talked Quidditch with his friend, not noticing how distracted he was. Regulus and James sat next to each other, comparing their wands and being told off by their parents when they tried to use them.

Alphard sat with Albus and Scorpius, the three of them all set to start in two years and having grown up as close friends, talking about the four houses at Hogwarts and where they thought their brothers would end up as well as themselves. It had surprisingly developed into a serious discussion about how much a parent's sorting affected the child's. From what she had understood about what traits were valued in the houses, Mrs Miller thought they would all end up in Slytherin. Not that they had sharpened their elbows into lethal weapons yet in their ambition, but the fact that they all tried – and on occasionally succeeded in – avoiding blame for something they had done by playing innocent spoke of their more cunning natures. Regulus and James, however, were surely bound for Gryffindor with how their grinningly and proudly took credit for their pranks when they got caught.

Adhara and Lyra sat with their favourite uncles, who had joined them for ice cream, Lily, the Potters' youngest, and Capella next to them, also listening intently to whatever the redheaded troublemakers were explaining. Hope sat with Victoire and had more success in talking with her friend than Aidan had, even if the latter looked at the only male metamorphmagus from time to time. Louis and Dominique sat with their parents, talking about Christmas, which they would spend in France, with Mrs Weasley's side of their family that year.

The only person from that generation missing was Matthew. Since he was to play a game with his team that afternoon, he had to miss that year's visit to Diagon Alley and Mrs Miller felt it keenly, missing her grandson who was always so busy with his work. Though, if he'd hear her describe it as such, she was sure to get an earful, with him explaining that it was his calling in life and a such did most decidedly not qualify as something so mundane as work. He would, however, be joining them at the Blacks for the party.

The 31st of August being a Monday that year, everyone was invited to spend the evening at number eleven. It was another warm and sunny day, making the back garden available. Mrs Miller had learned, all those years ago, that the Blacks had warded their property so as to make what happened in all places except for the front garden invisible. Well, the windows of the rooms facing the street would also let things through but filtered to hide any magic. It meant that no one raised an eyebrow when another friendly game of Quidditch was started, while Mrs Black, Oliver and Julia handled the barbecue.

"Hey! Don't start without me!" Mrs Miller heard someone shout from behind her as she watched the host, along with many of the guests, rise up into the air on their brooms.

Turning around she saw Matthew coming out of the house, eyes shining and smiling broadly as he took in the sight of them all. Oliver and Julia hurried over to greet their son and both Aidan and Mr Black landed in front of him to do the same.

It had been a few years since Mrs Miller had finally been able to pinpoint what it was she found faintly familiar about Mr Black, but it was no wonder she had had such a hard time making the connection earlier. Marius Black had not shared the Black traits so distinct in the current head of the family, so when she had looked at the few pictures they had of him after she learned about them being related she had not found anything concrete. But as Matthew grew older and older, his features maturing and sharpening, she had at long last been able to satisfy that mental itch.

It had been easier to recognise the familiarity in Mrs Black since she shared a resemblance with people Mrs Miller had known before, while it was technically someone else resembling Mr Black that had tickled something at the back of her mind. At the age of twenty now, Matthew had those same prominent cheekbones and overall handsome face as his uncle and no one who saw them together could doubt that they were related.

Aidan had the same, but in a softer version, making Mrs Miller wonder if it had something to do with having magic that made the outside look a certain way. But when she had asked, Mr Black simply shrugged and said he had no idea. Mr Malfoy had done the same, though without the shrug. The man never shrugged if he could help it, she had learned over the years, meaning his son had inherited the entire habit, and not just how he did it, from the Black side of his family, along with naming his children after stars and constellations.

"Good to see you Matt" Mr Black said, embracing his nephew once the immediate family had already done so. "Heard you won the game almost singlehandedly."

"Not really, but I did score the most goals" Matthew replied, returning the hug.

"No need to be so humble. Just make sure your next game doesn't end up on the same day we're busy with something we can't get out off. You know how hard it can be to find a day when everyone can get away to Diagon. And I can't wait to see you fly again after the league's summer break."

"Sure, I'll do my best" Matthew replied, laughing.

"Good. Then get on a broom and get up there. My team's one short."

"I'll be there in a minute, Sirius. Save me a spot as Chaser, yeah."

"Of course" Mr Black said and then mounted his broom and took off once more.

"Hey! That's cheating if you have a professional player on your team!" Mrs Miller could hear Mr Potter shout up above while she watched her grandson walk towards her.

"Stop complaining!" Mr Black shouted in reply. "You were the youngest seeker in a century at school! That even things out!"

"Good to see you, gran" Matthew said as he reached her, engulfing her in a strong hug that lifted her up a little with how much taller he was. "I missed you. Everything alright?"

"Good to see you too" Mrs Miller replied after both of her feet had returned to the ground. "I am well. Congratulations on winning the game."

"Thanks. I wish you'd come and watch more often. Then maybe the Farleys would turn up a bit more too."

"I think they are turning up as much as they are comfortable with, dear. Besides, as much as I love watching you doing something you are so passionate about, I do not think my heart would survive more than a few games each year. I am not as young as I once was, you know."

"Rubbish. You have decades to live yet."

"Only so long as you or Aidan do not perform any death defying stunts on those sticks. I have yet to get over seeing you get hit in the head by that bludger last year."

"Yeah, I can understand that" he replied, sheepishly rubbing the back of his head, right at the spot that wretched ball had hit him. "But what can I say, it's standard practice for the Beaters to go after the best player on the opposite team. I'm simply too good for my own good."

"Oh, hush you. No need to brag like that" she replied, smiling. For, despite the risks involved in his profession and her conviction that a desk job was perfectly suitable for anyone of his intelligence, Mrs Miller was proud of her grandson's achievement.

"There you are."

Mr Miller joined them just then, putting his arm around Matthew's shoulders.

"How are you, grandpa?"

"Oh, the usual. But you had better get up there now or you'll miss the entire game. Food won't take forever, you know."

"And best not to miss out on Hermione's cooking" Matthew replied as he pulled out a miniature broom from his pocked, used his wand to enlarge it, and then saluted them as he mounted it and rose up into the air.

There he quickly manoeuvred himself into a position where he could claim the Quaffle when Ron Weasley tried to pass it on to Mrs Potter, then diving beneath him so he could throw the ball into the single hoop at that end of the garden.

"Hey! Not fair!" the youngest Weasley brother shouted, even if it had been perfectly within the rules. Even Mrs Miller knew that much. The trouble was that Ron Weasley was a lifelong and diehard fan of the Chudley Cannons and viewed it as unsportsmanlike that Matthew would lend his talent to Puddlemere United instead.

In the end, Matthew's team won, though not by a large margin. It might also have been different if Mrs Black had not ended the game before the snitch had been caught, by informing everyone that the food was ready. Harry was a superior Seeker to Aidan and more likely to locate and catch the small golden ball. One of the Weasley twins – Mrs Miller still could not tell who was who – scored one last goal while Mr Black zoomed down to his wife, leaving his team's goal unattended, but it did not tie the score anyway.

"Sirius! What are you-" Mrs Black began, but was silenced by her husband's lips on hers.

"Ew! Dad!" Alphard, who stood next to them, complained.

Laughing at his son, Mr Black pulled back, only to reach out and ruffle his son's already naturally unruly hair.

"Just making sure to thank your mum for her wonderful food, son. No harm in that now is there."

Alphard just looked at him a short while before his expression showed that an idea had come to him.

"So I should kiss Capella to say thank you for letting me play with her knocking marbles or Albus for showing me how to degnome Molly and Arthur's garden, or Dominique for-"

"Alright, son. That enough. Those things are not the same."

"How so?" Alphard asked, looking innocently at his father.

A small snort actually escaped Mrs Miller at the sight. The boy would end up in Slytherin for sure, she thought while watching Mr Black trying to explain himself to his son, oblivious to everyone else starting in on the food he had tried to reach first.

The next morning it was time for the other destination she had to use Floo to reach. It was also located in London, but at King's Cross Station. Just as shopping for supplies and having a party the day before school started was tradition, so was going along to platform nine and three-quarters and waving the children off as the Hogwarts express took them away, not to be seen before Christmas and only reachable by owl until then.

Both Matthew and Aidan had been given one when they started their first years and soon Oliver and Julia had bought one of their own as well, quickly learning how bad boys could be at writing home. Mrs Miller, along with Mr Miller of course, was free to make use of them when available and suddenly found herself writing even more letters than before. While owls could hardly compare to the Royal Mail in terms of being civilised, she had to admire the magical world for still using such a traditional and proper means of communication. There were no blasted computers to be found in their society.

Staggering out onto the floor of the Floo room connected to the magical platform, Mrs Miller was, as usual, caught by her husband and saved the disgrace of making a painfully close acquaintance with the marble tiles. Arriving half an hour before the train was set to depart, there were already a lot of students, parents and other family members milling around, but not the crushing mass that would happen the last ten minutes or so when everyone who had trouble being on time showed up all at once. It was best to already have your child, or grandchild, hugged, kissed and onboard by then so one could avoid the stampede.

"And you're sure you have everything packed?" Julia asked Aidan just ahead, where they stood waiting for everyone to arrive.

"Mum. You know I do."

"It's only that three years ago you forgot to pack any clean socks and-"

"Mum" Aidan hissed, looking embarrassed.

"Don't worry" Oliver interjected, laying a comforting hand on Julia's shoulder. "We can always send Hermes if he's left something behind."

"I know, it's just I want to make sure you can focus on your studies and having fun, Aidan, not be bothered about missing items or smelly feet."

"I've learned how to magically clean my clothes since then, so even of I would've forgotten my clean socks, it wouldn't be a problem, alright."

"Alright" Julia replied, her eyes glassy.

"Oh, mum" Aidan said, hugging her tightly. "You know I'll miss you too. And I promise to write often, yeah."

"You better, son, or I'll finally let Hermione help me write a howler. I let you get off far too easy that time in fifth year when you snuck out into that forest with Teddy. I know for a fact that Dora sent him a howler after that."

Mrs Miller decided to intervene before Julia spent all the time they had left with her motherly admonishments and went straight for a hug.

"Please be good with your studies at least" she said, looking up at him. He was as tall as his brother.

"I promise, gran" he replied. "I need top grades if I'm going to land a good job at the Ministry, so don't worry."

"And have some fun too" Mr Miller said, going in for the next hug.

"You know it, grandpa."

The Blacks and Potters stood next to them, as they had travelled together, displaying much more tear-filled goodbyes. It was no wonder, seeing as they were sending of children for the first time. She had even overheard Mr Black talking to her husband last night about how difficult it would be to send Regulus away for several months, even if he himself had had a wonderful time at Hogwarts and wanted the same for his children. Separation was never easy, but a parent saying goodbye to their child, even if it was only temporary, was even harder.

"And I don't want to receive a single letter from Headmistress McGonagall saying you've been up to no good" Mrs Miller hears Mrs Black saying after wiping away a few tears.

"At least not the first week, son" Mr Black said, better at hiding his feelings, though the wobbliness of his smile gave him away.

Regulus only grinned at his father, making his mother sigh.

"Alright" she said, "let's say a month and I won't send you a howler."

"I'll try, mum."

"Will you join the quidditch team" Alphard asked.

"Can't until second year. You know that."

"But uncle Harry did in his first year."

"Your uncle Harry was a very special case" Mr Black explained. "He needed to be in order to defeat old Mouldy-pants."

Both sons grinned at their father at that, but were interrupted when the twins made a joint assault to get to their oldest brother and hug him goodbye.

A similar scene played out with the Potters, where James was nothing but excited to go, his parents were trying to put on brave faces and his siblings were eager to learn about what their brother would do as well as sad to have to stay behind.

It took a long time before those that had a ticket had boarded the train after every last hug, kiss and quick words of encouragement and admonishment had been given. After that, those left behind moved to stand by the wall to avoid the late arrivals that were due any moment and simply waved as soon as they spotted the windows their children, grandchildren, nephews and nieces were seated behind until the train started moving and took them out of sight.

Having done this for a decade now, Mrs Miller could still feel as tears started to slowly find their way down her cheeks. But while once they might have been tears of resentment at having been forced to accept this new and magical reality, it was now only a grandmother's tears at having to be parted from her grandson. Her eyes might be wet, but her heart was warm and filled with gratitude at being given this chance at a newfound closeness with her family. Magic would never be a natural part of her own life, but that did not mean it had not taught her to see beyond what she could now only describe as shallow things and values and fully embrace loving and supporting her family while they faced a new world.

Looking to the side, she watched Mr and Mrs Black, clutching their three youngest tightly to themselves, as they watched their oldest head of to his own adventures. Now, twelve years after meeting them for the first time, it was hard to recollect what she had disliked so much about them back then. Without them in her life, in her family's life, they would have faced magic wholly unprepared and it would likely have torn them asunder. She would have been unable to accept something she would have viewed as unnatural and Oliver, Julia, Matthew and Aidan might have been lost to her forever. Eleanor was similar enough to herself to have caused the same between their two families, and Ernest would have been heartbroken as he was forced to pick a side.

No, they owed the Blacks more than they could ever repay, because they owed them everything. And having already thanked them enough to be asked to please stop, she sent them her silent gratitude every time she could have all of her family together for a birthday party, a Sunday dinner, or any other occasion. Every time she had tea with Mrs Jones and knew the woman was her genuine friend now. Every time she saw her husband, son, daughter-in-law and two magical grandsons interact with the wizarding world and everyone who inhabited it. Every time Ernest eyes lit up as he talked to or about his now large family and every time she could fall asleep or wake up next to him.

Carnation Lane was forever changed, but so was she.

AN: It's such a strange feeling to have reached this point in my first story. But it's not the end, in a way. Almost from the start I have toyed with the idea of writing a prologue that is written from the (Granger) Blacks' pov and showing them finding the house. Then I started thinking that maybe there's some other scenes you readers might want to see from their perspective, or simply some random glimpses into their lives.

So, here's my offer. I'm going to take longer than a week this time, probably a few, to write the bonus chapter (and maybe do some cleaning since I don't have a beta and am bound to miss some mistakes) and until I upload it you are free to give me suggestions on what you'd like me to include, either in a review or by pm. I will not, however, write anything that takes place before the prologue or will change the rating since I want to have at least one story not rated M. I'll save that for next time. ^^

About the epilogue. I decided to let Florean Fortescue live since I wanted them all to enjoy some delicious ice cream. I also disregard The Cursed Child as canon, so no blood curse and the Malfoys get to have two children. Yay! If it's not obvious, Alphard is named after Sirius' uncle that supported him when he left his family. Adhara and Lyra are names I simply like. Though Adhara is the name of a binary star so there's that, as well as part of the constellation Canis Major, which also contains Sirius. Sirius is also a binary star. The constellation of Lyra contains at least one binary star. A binary star is two (or more?) stars that orbits so close together they are seen as one, to explain it extremely simple and perhaps not fully correct. I'm basically admitting I spent maybe too long finding "good" reasons for choosing these two names I liked when I first saw them anyway… ^^'

As for middle names, James and Lily should be obvious, but if anyone's forgotten, here's a little reminder that Helen was the name of Hermione's nana (Mrs Saunders). James Sirius turned into James Arthur since Sirius is still alive and both grandfathers got to be represented instead.

Lastly, thank you all so so so so so much for reading this story and a special thank you to everyone who took the time to leave feedback, no matter if it was by clicking favourite and/or follow and/or reviewing. You have made this such an amazing experience for me. But don't forget to stay tuned for the bonus chapter, or the story I'm going to write after that.