"And that, my boys, is how your godfather vested me in the greatest race known to anyone in history..." Tom said to his millions and millions of children. "Quite possibly the greatest man that ever lived."
"But that's IMPOSSIBLE!" One of the boys exclaimed. "No way a turtle like him can beat a hare!"
"Well, son..." Tom said. "Back then I was young and dumb. I know better than to assume an old man still can't learn a new trick!"
"So, where's Mister Johnathan, now?" Another one of Tom's sons asked.
"Why, my boy, he's up there in heaven...he's had multiple children, and his children have had children, and so on...so his brilliance will continue to live throughout the ages..." Tom said, looking outside to the grave where the elderly turtle was buried a long time ago. "He's up there, looking at us all with an open heart..."