Godzilla: Planet of the Titans


Iduna's Pov

What I remember about the bomb dropping and the final days of society was how quick is was.

I was working in my office at home late that night. The very night I never thought would be the last in which our world would be the same. Sitting at my desk in front of my laptop, going over the notes of our new weapon. Since harvesting the energy from the meteor which struck the Yukon several months ago, i couldn't shake the thought of what power we were wielding. My research had all concluded that the radiation from the meteor far exceeded that of any on Earth.

Even Godzilla and the other Titans feed off of.

Releasing that in a atomic bomb, there was no telling what affect it would have. We were lucky the meteor didn't break upon Impact. Much of it was contain inside the meteor. At first I thought it was Particle radiation. But after we broke through, we learned that the radiation was nothing we had ever seen before. Even with the radiation suits, the subject had lasting side effects which no modern medicine could help cure.

And later died in quarantine.

Seeing the effects it had on humans, there was no telling what it could do against a titan. I brought these concerns to Monarch. But I'm afraid they are only leaping at the chance to use it against the titans.

Everything had been falling apart since San Francisco. Now with the release of Ghadorah, Boston and the death of Dr. Russel, Monarch was placed under the control of the Military. Under the direct command of General Runeard.

Our order were to eliminate the Titans.

Me along with out top scientists were tasks on developing a weapon from the radiation. But the more I researched the radiation of the meteor, I learned we were meddling with forces beyond our comprehension. The atoms and the chemical nature was of nothing I've ever seen before. Almost as if it they were a whole new particle we had yet to discover.

And after learning the effects it on humans, I realized how dangerous it could be if it was released through the means of an atom bomb. But no matter how many time I warn them, the General refuses to listen. I fear that my father-in-law is more preoccupied in destroying the titans, even if it results in the lives of millions.

This isn't what Serizawa would have wanted.

For the most part the night seemed peaceful. When suddenly I felt the sudden quaking jolt of my chair and desk. I gasped, looking up from my computer. There was another quake. This one more heavier then the last. I heard the alarm on my phone go off. I picked it up from the side of my laptop and glanced to the screen.

Titan Alert!

All civilians evacuate to the Military check point!

I stood up from my desk and shut my laptop.

"Elsa, Anna!" I yelled out, slipping my laptop into my beg.

I turned and came out the door to my office. I glanced down the hallway and saw my daughters open their bedroom door.

"Mama, whats going on?" Elsa said.

I threw the strap of my beg over my shoulder.

"We have to go, honey!" I said as i picked up Anna.

I grabbed Elsa hand and ran toward the stairs.

"Where are we going?" Elsa said.

We came out into the driveway where my car was park. I opened the door for Elsa as she climbed into the car and crawled over to the other seat. I place Anna on the seat next to her and shut the door. I came around the car and open the door to the driver seat, when she heard a loud screeching in the distance.

She turned and looked out toward the city. Anna and Elsa crawled up and looked out through the car window. And saw a large winged titan descend from above and landed in middle of the city with large explosion upon impact.

As the smoke cleared, a large creature unlike any I've seen. It was standing over two two short legs and long four digit wings which then closed into it's forearms. It had bony plates along it's spine, a long tail with three prehensile pincers on the end. With a long neck, a powerful jaws and two crests marked along it's snout and a study spike protruding from the back.

The titan raised it's head and stretched out it's wings, bellowing a horrible screech that I still remember to this day. I covered my ears, desperate to block out the noise. I glanced back at the titan, as it turned and scurried into the city, leaving in it's wake a path of destruction.

I then heard the faint sound of a jets engine from behind. Slowly it was getting louder. I looked back and saw several jets fly overhead.

I turned back to the car and quickly got in. I placed my beg over the passenger seat, reaching into my pocket as I pulled out keys. Elsa came up from the back seat.

"Mama, what is it?!"

"Just hang on, honey!"

I started the ignition and pulled out of the driveway.

Third pov

The jets flew in between the buildings and fired missiles at Otachi. The missiles struck the back of the winged titan in a fiery explosion. Otachi looked back as the jets flew overhead. She then forward and saw a group of tanks and infantry pulling up.

The tanks then stopped and raised their canons, firing at the titan. The shells struck the scaly armor. Otachi roared and scurried toward them. The tanks slowly pulled back, continuing to barrage the titan with fire. Otachi slashed her claw at the tanks, knocking them into the buildings.

Monarch Headquarters- Outpost 54, Castle Bravo.

General Runeard was watching the action unfold over the monitors. He stared sternly, clinching his fist as Otachi plowed through his forces.


Runard turned and saw Coronal Diane Foster, standing at attention.

"The evacuation is at Fifty eight percent." she said.

"Understood, Colonel," He said with a nod of his head.

"I want all forces to converge on that thing. We need to keep it at bay long enough to complete the evacuation."

"If I may, General," she said.

"But perhaps we should be moving the creature near the bay. If Serizawa..."

"With all due respect, Colonal," he said.

"Serizawa was a fool. These are mindless beasts bent on our destruction."


General Runard turned to one of his man at the monitors.

"We have something on radar."

"On screen." He said.

Runard turned back to the monitors. Over the screen, they saw a radiation signature closing in on the city. The general turned and squinted his eyes, sternly. There could be no doubt of what it was. He glanced back to his man.

"Put me through to Admiral Stanz."

Several helicopters flew over the eastern port of the city. The soldiers sitting inside gazed into the city and saw the explosions in the near distance. Hearing the roars of the winged titan. One of the soldiers glanced back toward the port. He the gasped.

"Look!" he exclaimed, pointing out toward the seas.

The others soldiers turned toward the open ocean. There was a massive rise in the water level in the distance. With three large spike pierced through the surface as they moved toward the port.

Otachi flew up over the top of a building, shattering the windows as the structure crumbled under her. She glanced up at the Apache helicopters surrounded her from all around.

"Engaging target." the pilot said.


The Apaches opened fire upon Otachi, launching several missiles at the winged Titan. Otachi roared. She then snapped her heard forward, spraying a strange blue ooze from her mouth. One of the Apachi's was doused in the ooze and began to lose turbulence.

"I'm hit, I'm hit!" The pilot cried.

The Apache fell into an uncontrollable roll and struck the rooftop of another building in a fiery blaze. Otachi then spread her wings and leaped into the air, reaching out her hind legs as she grabbed another, crushing it in her claws. She the landed over the roof of another building. She once more gave her another terrifying screech which bellowed across the city.

She then leaped off the rooftop, sprouting her wings.

But was then struck by a stream of blue flames. She was knocked down from the air, crashing down into the buildings below. The structure crumbled under the winged titan. Otachi growled, her body trembling as she felt the unbearable burning of her scaly skin.

The earth shook beneath her. She stood up and looked along the long path of destruction. Walking along the ruins, abandoned cars and debris crushed ore forced back by wide clawed feet, a large reptilian form standing over it's hind legs, with grey scaly armored skin, two long arms with claws on each finger. A long tail with dorsal fins lined along his back. A broad neck with a reptilian like head and snout and two yellow eyes.

Otachi turned to the intruder and roared at the monster king. But her threat hardly phased Godzilla. Rather he leaned his his head forward and gave a deafening roar that resounded through the city.

Otachi lunged forward and pounced upon Godzilla. Only for him to change forward and cease his neck in his jaws. Pushing her back into the debris and into the next building. He then turned and threw her to the side. Otachi turned and tried slashing her claws across his face.

He turned back to face her, only to be pounced upon by Otachi. He was quick to catch her and hold her back. He tail raised behind her and like a scorpion, opening the three tip claws and gripped Godzilla's shoulders, causing him to growl in pain. He turned his head and bit down hard over her tail. Otachi screeched in pain.

The dorsal fins along Godzilla's back began to light up in a bright flash. Hot blue mist began forming inside of Godzilla's mouth , amplifying the pain which was felt by Otachi. Suddenly a stream of his atomic breath shot out from Godzilla's mouth, severing the tip of Otachi's tale.

Otachi bellowed in agony, her blood spraying out from the missing end of her tail. Godzilla then turned and threw her into the street between the buildings. Landing over her back, she slid along the now crumbled streets, cars, street lights and debris crushed or thrown into the air.

She slowly slid to a stop as she rolled onto her stomach. She then open her eyes and stood up. Otachi looked back at Godzilla, who was moving toward her. She hissed at the monster king, who only growled back at her.

I felt my cellphone vibrating in my pocket. I reached down and pulled it out of her pocket, glancing down at the screen. It was Agnarr. I pressed the answer button and placed it on speaker.

"Iduna!" he voice said over the speaker.

"Agnarr!" I said back.

"Iduna, you have to get our daughters out of the city, NOW!"

"I know, I know, we saw the titan." I assured him.

"No, Iduna," He said.

"It's not that. Father is launching the weapon!"

I stared down in shock at my phone.

"What?!" said.

"Father is launching the weapon," Agnarr said.

"He's going to use against Godzilla and the other Titan. He's going to drop it over the city."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I shook my head.

"No...!" I said.

"No... he can't...!"

"I'm sorry, Iduna," he said.

"You have to get to the airport NOW!"

Agnarr then hung up. I was speechless. I stopped the car, trying to make sense of it all. My hands clung to the steering wheel. He knows. He's knows the radiation of that bomb was no like any on Earth. And now he and the military were going to release it on the city.

I felt a small hand over my shoulder, shrugging me.


I looked back and saw Anna and Elsa looking nervously back at me.

"What's wrong, mama?" Elsa asked.

I turned back to the girl, placing my hand delicately over Elsa's shoulder.

"Mama's fine, sweetie," I assured them.

There was a bright blue light from the back window of my car. We glance back and suddenly felt then ground shudder in front of them. I turned forward and saw the winged titan, crashing down into buildings off to our left. Several rays of smoke coming off of it's scaly skin.

It got back up quickly and turned back, only to be struck down once more by a stream of blue flames.

The earth shook beneath the car. A tiny tremor which last for only an instant. And then another. And another. Each one getting more heavier then the last. And then I hear it. That roar. A sound I that still bellows in my mind to this day.

"Mama!" Anna called from the back.

"Mama, look!"

I turned and glanced back through the car window behind Anna and Elsa. And I felt a sudden sense of awe and shock. Like I had just seen God himself. The Reptilian form from what I could tell was over 335 feet tall, thick, scaly, black skin, two long arms with claws lined at each finger tip. A bright blue light glowing from off his back which I could only conclude to be the dorsal spines along his back.

And those eyes. From this distance they would have been hard to see. But I could just make up the bright yellow, which I swear looked as if it was gold.

The name of this Titan slipped through my lips in a small whisper.


Third pov

Godzilla roared once more at Otachi. She got back up and turned to the monster king, uttering another screeching growl. She opened her mouth wide and sprayed her ooze at him. Only for Godzilla to move out of the way just in time. She sprouted her kings from her forearms and leaped at Godzilla, who was knocked back. Falling down over the structures behind him.

He reached up and ceased her by the throat, pushing her back.

Iduna pov

The car rumbled as the titans crashed into the nearby structures. I turned, putting the car into drive..

"Elsa, Anna, hang on!" I said.

I stepped on the accelerator and drove forward. I glancing back to the rear view mirror at the ensuing battle.

Third pov

Godzilla slashed his claws across Otachi's neck, leaving three deep scars along her next. Turning back to face the monster king, she opened her mouth to spray her ooze once more. And then felt a powerful hand reach down and tear the acid sake from her mouth. Otachi screeched in pain, the blue blood pouring from her open fangs.

Godzilla threw aside the sake and came forward. Otachi turned back to the monster king, and pounced at him. Only to have the jaws of the monster king to clamp down over her arm and was once more tossed to the side. Otachi turned and grabbed onto his side, biting down over her shoulder.

Releasing his grip over Otachi, Godzilla roared in pain as he turned. Otachi flew back from the monster, spreading her wings. But found that she could not maintain her stance of flight as she tumbled to the ground. She tried to stand back up, only to be slung back as Godzilla's tail struck her from the side.

Iduna Pov

The loop at the airport was packed with cars. I couldn't see any of the drivers and there were several people turning along the sidewalks. People may already be inside. We couldn't wait here any longer. The bomber may already be on it's way now.

I unbuckled my seat belt and grabbed my beg off the seat, putting it over my shoulder.

"Elsa, Anna, come on." I said.

"We have to go."

I got out of the car and came around to the back seat. I opened the door and picked Anna up in my arms. I then took Elsa's hand and quickly ran toward the main gate.

"Mama, slow down!" Elsa said.

We couldn't afford to. Not with what was coming.

A massive crowd of people stood along each gate. Military personal stood along each of the gates, hurrying people along. We ran over to the nearest gate, moving through the crowd of people before we got to the front. As we emerged from the crowd, I was approached by a military personal

"I'm sorry, mam," he said.

"This flight is all filled up."

"Please," I begged of the soldier.

"I am Dr. Iduna Marean, I am top scientist at Monarch."

"I'm sorry, Miss Marean," the soldier insisted.

"But this flight is to take off in five minutes."

"Please, sir," I pleaded further.

"My daughters."

The man glanced down at Anna and Elsa. They glanced up at him, frowning and shuddering. He narrowed his eyes glancing to the side for but a moment. He then glanced up at us.

"Go, hurry." He said, nodding his head.

I smiled and nodded my head.

"Thank you,"

Third pov

One of his lieutenants came up next to the General.

"Sir, the evacuation is at seventy five percent," he said.

"All forces have began pulling out of the city."

General Runeard nodded his head.

"Good," he said.

"General, the B-2 is closing on the city." Colonial Foster said.

"Excellent, colonial." He said, turning back to the monitors.

Agnarr glanced to the colonial, who in turned looked back at him. They both questioning the military's decision on using the weapon. And in a highly populated area. He could only pray that Iduna and the girls had gotten out in time.

He walked around the projection table and came up to his father.

"Father, I'm not sure about this," Agnarr said.

"Iduna said the radiation is unstable. And dropping the it over the city?"

"We have our orders, Agnarr." Runeard assured him

"And if this radiation can do to them what it does to us, it's a risk we have to take."

"But there could still be people in there," Agnarr said.

"Iduna and the girls..."

"I'm sure she followed proper procedures like everyone else," Agnarr said, setting his hand over his shoulder.

Iduna's Pov

We sauntered through the isle of the plane. We came toward the back where we found a row of seats that haven't be claimed yet.

"Here," I said, stepping aside to let Elsa in

Elsa walked in and sat I set Anna down next to her. I sat down on the seat next to the isle, pulling the beg from, over my shoulder. The captain then came over the intercom.

"All passenger, please strap in as we are about to depart."

I turned to Anna and Elsa.

"Strap in, you two." I said.

Third pov

The plane pulled back from the jet bridge and turned to the runway.

Otachi was thrown back into a structure, the debris toppling over her. Godzilla trudged up toward her. Only for her to burst out from the debris and charged at him. him. Godzilla once more ceased her neck in his jaws and threw her against a building, dragging her head along several floors. Shattering the glass windows and ravening the offices inside.

He then came around and tossed her down. She landed over her feet and turned to the monster king, opening his mouth. Godzilla grabbed her jaws and pushed her back. Her claws digging into the ground. Raking cars and debris like leaves in the fall.

The B-2 flew over the city with it's jet escorts, clsoing on the Godzilla and Otachi.

"Big bird to Monarch, target in site." Pilot said over the comm.

"Readying payload."

The hanger below the B-2 opened, revealing a long missile shaped object. Marked with a red symbol over it's side.

General Runeard and Agnarr came up to the holotable, peering down at the map of the city. Seeing the bomber coming over Godzilla and the other titan.

"Big bird is closing in. E.T.A, ten seconds!"

Agnarr glanced to his father.

"Father, please," he begged of him.

Runeard hardly acknowledged him. He was more concerned with the holomap, anticipating what he hoped would be the end of the titans. The years humanity had spent, enclosing these monster, all for the sake of science. It had all cost the lives of millions. Blood that was on the hands of Dr. Russel and Dr. Serizawa. And that terrorist, Colonel Jonah.

It was time to take their world back.

"Five seconds."

Agnarr glanced down at the map as Big Bird was now over the Godzilla.

The clams of the bomber released and the bomb dropped from the opened doors. The bomb fell from above and came between Godzilla and Otachi, who continued fighting below. And struck the earth beneath the Titans in a sudden bright flash of light.

Iduna's pov

The plane shook. I reached out and grabbed Anna in my arms, holding her tight. Bracing one another. Before long the plane had regained altitude and settled. I glanced up.

"Mama!" Elsa said.


I turned and glanced out the window and saw a bright flash of light slowly in the near distance. I stood up, my face written with the horror of what had happened.

"No!" I whispered.