"Hello:" Normal Speech

'Hello:' Telepathy

Hello: Thoughts

"Hello:" Flashback

("Hello"): Poke-Speech/Poke-Speech to Ash

Ash and the gang decide to head to the grocery store in picking up some supplies before heading off to Valencia Island. This new adventure will do them all some good, after everything that happened during the Indigo League. Gary's whereabouts are still currently unknown, but Prof. Oak promised to inform them should he hear anything about his grandson. As for the people of Pallet Town, they weren't interested in hearing anything in regards to them. At this point, nothing they say will justify their actions, and trying to make excuses for them would make them look even more disgusting in their eyes. Anyway, back to the point—currently they were in the grocery store stocking up on some supplies before heading out on the road again.

"We need some potions, pokemon food..." Ash was going by the list he and Brock made together.

"And we'll need some food for us, too." Brock points out.

"That's right."

Misty and Serena were looking at some hygiene products, while Ritchie and the kids looked at some healthy snacks both them and the pokemon could share.

"Here we are." Ash says as he grabs a potion from one of the shelves.

Brock nodded his head with a smile, "Good choice, these potions should last us for a while."

"Goes in the basket," Ash places the pink potion in the basket, "And now for some pokemon food. It'll be good to have some in case you run out of your homemade recipe."

"By the way, did your mom pack any food for the pokemon?" Brock asked him.

"She did, and I can honestly say that the pokemon are going to love it." Ash says.

"Pika Pikachu (I want some right now)!" Pikachu's mouth waters a little at the thought of eating Delia's homemade pokemon food.

Ash chuckled at his friend.

Finally getting everything they needed, the gang were headed out the store and on the road again.

"So what does the guidebook say about Valencia Island?" Ash asks his friend.

Brock takes out his guidebook, "Let's see, according to this we can get there faster if we use a blimp."

"Okay, but I don't see a single blimp around anywhere." Misty said as she looks around.

"Togi Togi (Don't see one anywhere)." Togepi giggled.

Serena then spots something, "Hey, look over there!"

Almost as if being summoned, there indeed was a blimp right before their eyes. Not only that, but two men were also standing in front of it. They were going on about some contest where the winner gets a free prize by simply showing their store receipt to them. Ash did just that and wouldnt't you know it? He was the winner!

"I get the feeling this can't just a simple case of good luck." Ash suspiciously said.

"This almost feels like it was planned." Serena agreed.

"Should we even go on it?" Misty voices, also equally suspicious.

"As suspicious as this looks, we do need a faster way to get to Valencia Island." Ritchie points out.

"Its still suspicious." Molly said.

Tomo nodded in agreement.

Ash was still a little uneasy, but Ritchie had a point. They needed to get to Valencia Island, and since he'd already won...

"Since we're already here and I won and all, I guess it can't be all that bad..." Ash tries to see the good in their current situation.

'What could go wrong, anyway?'

For some reason thinking that felt ominous.

And he was right.

When they went to see the blimp, it was broken down, and basically unfit to ride in. To even attempt to ride on this thing would be stupid, as well as suicidal.

Ritchie stared up at the broken down blimp, "Uh...is it too late for us to walk?"

"Yeah, that doesn't look very safe to ride on." Molly points out the obvious.

"Can we even really ride on this?" Tommy questions.

"I'd vote "no" but we really don't have any other choice." Serena voices her opinion.

"Fenne (Its still dangerous)!" Fennekin protests.

Misty holds Togepi close to her chest, "Walking sounds good right now."

"I agree with Misty on this one." Ash said.

Pikachi nods in agreement, as does Brock.

The two men from before approach them, "You kids should be careful though, because this blimp is haunted."

And you just decided to tell us that now?! Ash thought as his eyebrow twitched in annoyance.

"You know what? Let's just get on." Ash sighs. The group could see he was tired and annoyed with these two guys, and honestly so were they. So without another word, they all got on the blimp, unaware that the whole thing was not as it seemed.

Inside the Blimp

"Geez, its even bad inside as it is outside." Ritchie said, looking around.

"Pika pikachu (Maybe we should have walked, after all)." Sparky says dryly.

Molly gently pokes the walls of the blimp, "Are we going to be okay on this?"

Teddiursa was also concerned.

"They did say this blimp was haunted." Tommy remembers what those two guys said earlier.

Brock looks around, skeptical, "I don't know, somehow this blimp doesn't feel all that haunted to me."

"Let's hope it stays that way." Misty comments.

"Y-Yeah..." Serena nervously agrees.

Ash and Pikachi didn't comment, but sincerely hoped nothing goes wrong.

They were finally served something to eat, after having freaked out enough. Ash eyed the waiters, having gotten the feeling he'd seen them somewhere before. Could they be...

Suddenly, the ride wasn't so smooth anymore. The blimp kept shaking so hard that it was no wonder it didn't fall apart.

"I don't like this." Ash said.

"Pika (Me, neither...)." Pikachi voiced.

Misty was looking around franctically, "Togepi, where are you, Togepi?!"

"Togepi's gone?" Serena questions.

"We need to find him, Togepi's so little, there's no telling what could happen." Ritchie voiced his concern.

"Let's go find, Togepi!" Ash said.

Little did they know, Jessie, James, and Meowth were on the very same blimp. And there was something they just noticed.

"There's nobody flying this thing?!" Meowth screeches.

"That's what it looks like, what do we do?" James looks to them for answers.

"Don't ask me!" Jessie snarls.

Who's That Pokemon?



"Togepi!" Misty calls out.

"Togepi, where are you?" Ash calls out.

"Just where could he be?" Ritchie wonders.

Molly and Tomo look around and see some familiar faces, "Hey, what are you doing here?!" Tomo yells at Jessie, James, and Meowth.

"Big brother, Team Rocket's here!" Molly alerts Ash.

"Why does that not surprise me?" Ash sighs in annoyance, ignoring their motto.

"Sparky, Thunderbolt!" Ritchie orders.

Sparky doesn't hesitate to shock them out of the blimp, which is what he did. But the downside to this, was that a hole was created because of Team Rocket, the upside? They found Togepi...

On a high ledge!

"Togepi!" Misty cries out in horror.

Molly comes to the rescue, "Espeon, use Psychic to bring Togepi over here!"

Espeon comes out of her pokeball and uses psychic to bring the small pokemon over to them. Misty brings the baby pokemon to her chest.

"Thank goodness!" Misty sighs in relief that Togepi was okay.

The happy moment didn't last however as the blimp was taking a nose dive.

"We need to try and steer this thing!" Ash said.

Everyone pitched in to try and gain control of the blimp, and surprisingly it worked. They managed to take control and steer the blimp, crash landing it somewhere on land.

"Everybody still alive?" Ash calls out. Hearing everyone's own roll call, they stood up slowly before walking out of the death blimp.

"Where are we?" Misty wonders.

Brock walks out of the blimp and look at his guide, "Guys, I think...we've arrived at Valencia Island."

Ritchie and Serena fall to their knees in relief, "We made it..."

Yes, they did.

Finally, they've arrived...

To Valencia Island.

Professor Ivy & Lost Baby Lapras!