Just… unexpected

Hello there, I'm LaReinedesNieges and this is my first story for one of my favorite animes. I'm not an expert in writing nor english. However, I'm trying to do my best. The writers of the stories that I have read so far for Senku and Kohaku are just amazing, and I wanted to contribute. I hope to deliver something that you will like.

If you see any mistakes on my grammar or anything, please let me know. I apologize if the characters are not as in-character as I would like, but I had a lot of fun writing it; so, I like it this way.

Also, I may warn you that I have not read the manga. This is entirely based on what I have seen on the anime and few things that I have been spoiled about. For what I'm about to write I don't know if I'm giving additional spoilers.

Dr. Stone is not of my property, it belongs to Riichiro Inagaki and Boichi.

Chapter 1

There was no way to describe it, it was just so unexpected. No one in the village saw it coming. Not even the great detective Suika.

But really, you need to cut them some slack, it was so difficult to see it at first and it escalated slow.

At first, Kohaku started to help Senku more with personal projects, like making soap or more comfortable beds for the village. She would help him with the hard work on the steps that required more stamina, strength and speed. Basically, all the traits that implied his lack of condition.

– Come on, Senku. I know that I can do this –, her patience was starting to get thin.

– It will take a lot of precious time. Not happening, lioness –, the nickname only made it a little worst.

– Really, Senku? We both know that Chrome isn't enough sometimes.

To be honest, Senku did know that this was the best thing they could do. Two heads weren't enough in this stone age. Kohaku had demonstrated that she had a quick mind and was determined as hell. All that is needed in science. The tough of teaching her had come to his mind months ago and was planning to do it in the near future, why not now if she was willing?

Knowing this, why was he saying no? Well… he wanted to see a little bit of begging.

– If you don't want to waste much time, it can be during the nights… a couple of hours a day, that is all I'm asking for. I can come to your laboratory and… –.

– Fine, we start tonight but I will hear no complains. You complain and I'm done –, he cut her rambling.

– Are you serious? –, her mouth was wide open.

– Ten billion percent serious -, Senku assured while digging in his ear.

– Won't let you down – said with a bright smile leaving his laboratory.

Well this is going to be tough Senku though as he continued with his plans.


– What is the matter? Cat got your tongue? –, he couldn't suppress a smirk.

– What cat? Is this supposed to be a cat? You are the worst drawer ever. There is no way this figures that you made are a cat! –, she watched with blinking the ground.

– This is going to be a long and painful –, he had forgotten that she couldn't read, not even her name.

Those hours each night was the beginning. It took a few months for them to get closer.

Senku didn't notice when her spontaneous touches didn't bother him anymore, even less when he started to touch her too in a more casual way. Once her learning was over – which was only until middle school, she didn't need more, according to him – the late nights in the lab didn't come to an end.

– Senku… are you sure this is… normal?… in your time… –, the blond could barely say between kisses.

– What is the matter, lioness? Do you want me to stop? –, his hands were moving from her wide hips to her slim waist – I already told you…

– Yeah, yeah, yeah… a ten billion times. I don't need that lecture of our primitive ways another time –, her legs were now wrapped around his waist.

– Then don't ask for it again –, Senku was grateful that she was sitting on the table. He didn't have enough force to lift her if her feet aren't on the ground.

– Shut up… –, those were the last words spoken for the night as Senku led her to lay on the table as he introduced his tongue in the blond's mouth.

Soon, nights weren't enough.


As Senku was planning to build the furnaces in every home, he sent Chrome to find more metals with Magma and Ruri, at her insistence to be helpful. Everything was going smoothly to make the telephone; all the village was helping after all. To think that it all began with four persons in the very beginning of the Kingdom of Science.

He began to distract himself with the sounds of Kohaku's hammer as she was refining some copper outside the lab. Senku stared at her as she swiped some sweat out of her brow, but he quickly turns away as the blond stood up and entered holding the copper.

– Done –, she said with a proud smile.

A growl was all she received as response. Senku seemed to be very busy looking at the plans before him, she peeked above his shoulder supporting her chin in his shoulder. Unconsciously, he rested his head above hers, making simple calculations to determine the time it would take to construct one furnace in each home.

It was rare this kind of moments, were the two of them acted on their feelings… well, feelings.

It is impossible be that near each other without making a more intimate contact. It was matter of minutes before they were kissing. Well if you can call that a kiss, Senku blamed the hormones as he strokes Kohaku's leg that is up to his hip.

– Senku, we are sorry to bother you, but we were wondering if… –, the words were drowned in Ruri's throat. She and Chrome turned back to ask something about the cave, and they found quite a scene after moving aside the mantel that worked as door in the lab.

Senku and Koharku felt a chill on their spines and slowly turned towards the door. A deep blush began to burn in Kohaku and Ruri's faces.

– Nevermind! –, Chrome was the first one to react closing the door with the mantel.

Well, that was new.


Ruri and Chrome didn't touch the subject until they were back in the cave. While Magma was extracting some minerals with a pickaxe, they were searching in the surroundings for more rocks.

– I had no idea they were together –, Ruri was the first one to talk about the elephant in the room.

– I had no idea Senku was even interested into that! – Chrome was still shocked.

– Did he ever mention anything? –.

– No… did Kohaku tell you something? –.

– No…

They remained silent as Magma approached again, once he began to work again and they were far enough they continued with the topic.

– Well, I never excepted the day would come when Kohaku had a boyfriend –, Ruri let out a nervous smile.

– Wait… are they together? – Chrome turned to look at her.

– You don't think they are together?

– This is Senku and the go… and Kohaku we are talking about –, he corrected himself at Ruri's gaze on him.

– I guess you are right –, she turns to the floor nodding.

– It's obvious that nobody knows besides us.

– We should keep it that way in the meanwhile, I mean… that is very private thing –, a blush was starting to creep into her cheeks again.

– Y-Yeah…

Several minutes passed with both blushed. Slowly a frown formed in Chrome's face and latter it changed to an embarrassed look.

– I… I don't know about you, but I'm a little bit curious –, he glanced at Ruri.

– Oh thank God, me too! –, Ruri let out a sigh of relieve – I think our best option to know what is going on is asking my sister –.

– Yeah, let's try that first.

Magma, Chrome and Ruri left the cage a couple hours before it went dark; the latest two with a new determination on their minds.


At the campfire, where everyone reunited for dinner, Ruri asked her sister to keep her company for the night with the excuse of some sister quality time. Kohaku nodded with a smile as she got up and followed the priestess to her house. Chrome noticed how she tapped Senku's shoulder two times as the sisters passed by.

Now, this is interesting.


Kohaku was almost ten billion sure that her sister wanted to talk about what happened earlier in the morning. Dammit, she was starting to sound like him. Kohaku started to ask Ruri about her day and her visit to the cave.

Being honest, she wasn't exactly paying attention to her sister. The warrior was sharpening her weapons lost in thought when she noticed that Ruri stopped talking and was staring at her.

– What? –, she should have payed more attention.

– Nothing… don't worry – the priestess smiled at her returning to her sewing.

– I'm sorry.

Kohaku looked through the door to see a pitch-black sky, it was getting very late. Maybe she should go.

– Ruri, maybe I should… –, she was suddenly interrupted.

– Are you and Senku together?

– What?! –, Kohaku knew this was coming, but still the nervousness was doing its thing.

– Kohaku… I would really love if we talked about this… please –, Ruri pleaded.

Ruri was the one to win the staring contest as Kohaku turned her head away and let out a low "fine".

– Are you… –, the priestess was a little embarrassed of her question – just kissing or are you…? –, Kohaku's face turned as red as a tomato.

– Ruri!

– I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Probably not the best first question… Amm, when did this happened? –, Ruri came a little bit closer to her sister.

– After… I finished my schooling –, Kohaku was starting to play with the dirt.

– Wait… I thought you were still learning –, Ruri's voice rose a little bit – when did you finished? –.

– Six months ago…

– Six months ago!? –, Kohaku alarmed at Ruri's scream.

– Shhh! –, was the only response Kohaku could manage.

– Kohaku… –, the mentioned turned to see the priestess with a serious face.

– Do you love him?

– I…

– What did you find out? –, he said whispering.

– Well… this has been going on for six months, at first this was only during the nights… but she told me this has starting to happen sometimes in the day…

– You mean that… they are having…?

– I think… I think they do, but she didn't exactly tell me "yes".

– I can probably get a confirmation from Senku… anything else? –, Chrome peeked to see if anybody else had woken up.

– I found out my sister's feelings about the matter… It's just, I can't… –, she was cut when Chrome held her hands with a comprehensive look.

– You don't have to tell me… I understand –, he showed a tender smile.

– Thank you –, Ruri smiled with her hearth pounding.

– I will try to talk to Senku today, let's see what I can find out –, with a nod, they both left the back of the priestess house just as the sun was rising.


Of course, today became a week.

Chrome was waiting for a chance to be alone with Senku. How the gorilla managed to be alone with him?! He was always with Kaseki, Ginro, Kinro, little Suika or the gorilla, of course.

Finally, one day most of the village went hunting for the winter and the others were helping Kaseki to strengthen the bridge. The perfect chance on a stone platter.

– Hey, Seku… can we talk? –, Chrome made sure to close the door of the lab.

– Yeah, I'm almost finished –, answered the green-haired as he was smashing something in his mortar.

– I had no idea that you and Kohaku were a thing now? –, he sits down at his side. He cursed, I made it sound like a statement and not a question.

– Ah? You got it all wrong… we are not a thing –, he smirked at the mortar.

– Senku… are you dishonoring the gorilla? –, Chrome frowned resting his arms on the table.

– Dishonoring?... Oh yeah, the primitive mentality… We are having sex, if that is what you are asking –, he turned from Chrome to clean the mortar. Senku found something good.

– Senku, the rest won't care you are the village chief, they are going to kill you –, stated.

– I have you to know that in the civilization, those primitive principles such as dishonoring a woman before marriage are long gone… more than a half people that have sex are just for pleasure and they do it without being married –, Chrome had to bit his tongue to avoid asking more about Senku's time, it was not the time.

– Well, that doesn't work here… they are going to kill you no matter how much you explain that to them –.

– And that is not their business… I hadn't done anything wrong, since the lioness is willing –, Chrome didn't say anything after that.

The subject seemed over when Chrome asked something that made his mind slow down.

– A brain filled with love is most illogical –, Senku stated turning focusing only on the man in front of him.

– That doesn't mean that your brain will always win to your…

– Just because I'm having sex with her doesn't mean I love her –, Senku replied hastily before Chrome could finish.

As those words left Senku's mouth, they both heard the rest of the village come from the hunting. In matter of seconds, Ruri entered the lab with a smile.

– Hey guys, Kohaku and Kinro hunted a giant boar, the village is celebrating tonight for the best hunting of all year, come on! –, she disappeared after that.

– We better go –, Chrome put his hand in the scientist's shoulder.

– I'll catch up later –, Senku said a little bit colder without looking at Chrome.

– See you later then… –, he didn't get a response.


Gen managed to get more than five barrels of sake for the celebration, of course, everyone was drunk enough not to notice the absence of the chief. Well, everyone except for 3 persons. A priestess, her accomplice and a certain mentalist. The latter observed with attention how Kohaku entered to the lab, he showed a little smirk opening another bottle of his precious cola.

– Senku! You are not hungry? –, Kohaku neared seeing him breaking another test tube.

– Not really –, he said without looking at the blond.

– Well… I just wanted to tell you that we can't do anything tonight… I'm feeling a little bit odd… –, she said tangling her arms in his neck and resting her head beside his.

– Fine for me. I have things to do, lioness –, the way he said the nickname this time was very different from the last months.

Something was wrong Kohaku thought as she returned to the campfire; and she is determined to know why.

The moment Kohaku crossed the door, Senku turned to see her go. His eyes didn't leave her until she was out of his sight.

– Fuck.


This turned out to be longer than what I have expected. I hope you enjoyed it.

Chapter one of "Just… unexpected" was finished on 12/29/2019. 2,435 words.

Last edition on 12/31/2019. 2,443 words.
