A/N: Welcome to my second Kim Possible story. Truth be told, this is going to be challenging and extremely time-consuming, which I'm not even sure I will be finishing. Rather than telling myself, I can finish this with episodes from all four seasons, I'm going to take it step-by-step. There is a possibility that each season will be one story, but I have not decided yet. I wanted to wait until 2020, but I think this is a good time to start because...I don't know.
Anyways, I'm going to do the disclaimer now so I don't spoil anything. I will say this though. There is not a Kim/Ron story. Also, I am including a big OC. Let's get started.
Disclaimer: I do not own Kim Possible. Unlike in my last story, I actually own these OCs.
"Get down!"
Ron Stoppable barely had time to react as a Smarty Mart Warehouse window two floors above him exploded. Someone rammed into Ron Stoppable's body and the momentum carried the two of them away from the flying shards of death. Ignoring the cloud of dust that swirled around every square inch, Ron Stoppable turned his head and saw that his savior was Shego. Dashing the tears from his eyes, the true master of Mystical Monkey Power, MMP, faced the former villainous. "Careful with the ribs, Shego. They're sensitive!" he whined.
The ground underneath the two sidekicks vibrated. Shego's eyes widened as she became aware of what was occurring and she grabbed Ron's hand. "We got bigger issues than broken ribs. Now come on." Ignoring the sounds that her heart was making in response to the innocuous and innocent act, Shego attempted to lead Ron away from the danger.
Another window exploded from the Smarty Mart Warehouse, knocking both Ron and Shego off their feet and to the ground. Ron used his Mystical Monkey Power to throw a force field across him and Shego as three rows of broken glass rained down on them.
"She'll be here any minute," a lean, muscular man with wild blue hair and green eyes informed Ron as he and a dangerously attractive woman with onyx hair and green eyes grabbed both Ron and Shego's arms and hauled them to their feet. "We need to move and find some shelter, if possible."
Before the man could turn around and flee, Kim Possible floated down in a bubble from the sky. A sinister red aura surrounded the bubble. Directly to Kim Possible's right was her accomplice, Monkey Fist.
When the people elected Kim Possible as president of the United States in 2028, everyone felt as if the country was going in the right direction. Unfortunately, power tends to corrupt a person's mind, and Kim was no exception. Instead of trying to save the world, she attempted to do the exact opposite, and it was all because of Ron.
Kim took her jealousy to the extreme that year, acquiring powers from Monkey Fist the Yono Destroyer and then using her new power to eradicate most of Middleton, Upperton, and Lowerton. Kim's strategy was so well thought out that Ron didn't even know what Kim was doing until it was too late.
Drakken and Shego, as well as their kids, Andrew and Sheena Lipsky, led the resistance up until Ron and his friends met up with Drakken. However, now that Kim captured Drakken, and likely killed him since most of the other villains were dead, Shego became the leader of The Resistance.
Kim Possible, clad in her favorite super-powered mission battle suit, stood in her signature battle position ready for a fight. Even though Shego played a key role in causing a temporal flux that would reset the timeline, Shego was one of the only ones capable of fending off Kim Possible and her Yono the Destroyer powers. Shego glanced at Ron Stoppable, battered, bruised, and clearly in need of medical attention. As much as she valued her life, Shego learned that Ron Stoppable's survival meant everything in stopping Kim. The moment had come for Shego to prove herself as a hero. There would be no Purple Hearts or award recognitions, only the satisfaction that comes from dying for the greater good.
The man with wild blue hair started forward to begin the battle against the near-unstoppable Kim Possible, but Shego grabbed his hand. "Ron, could you give us a minute?"
Ron heard the lack of strength in Shego's voice and nodded. He stepped away as Shego knelt down and faced her two children, Andrew and Sheena. Even though she would likely never see her son or daughter again, Shego kept her gaze and, in a voice that didn't crack, said, "I need you two to listen to me. Being your mother has been a privilege, but I'm afraid this is as far as my life goes."
"But what about the–" Andrew started.
Shego shook her head. "That is not as important as Ron. Ron is the only one who can fix this mess. Not me, not you, not Drakken, but Ron. Do you understand?"
Even though he didn't agree with the situation, Andrew knew Ron could fix this mess. After all, Andrew had never witnessed someone as calculating and hard-ass as his Mom trust someone so completely like Shego trusted Ron. Andrew nodded.
Shego took a deep breath and thought about her last words to her son. "Andrew, you've been so strong since your father's death, and I know it's going to hurt losing another parent, but you're strong and I know you'll push through. Remember what your father died for and use that to push you forward. Promise me that you will keep Ron safe and look after your sister for me."
Shego then turned her attention to her daughter. Sheena was the spitting image of Shego when Shego was in her teens. The similar hair color, body type, and eye color convinced Ron when he first saw Shego's daughter that Drakken had cloned Shego. Everything about Shego and Sheena was identical, with the exception of Shego possessing much stronger comet powers than Sheena. Shego had years on her powers and could create thermonuclear plasma blasts at will while the most damage Sheena could do was unleash two small waves of plasma before tiring out.
"Sheena, you are a beautiful young woman, and it hurts to leave you at a time when you need me the most. However, this is something that needs to happen. Promise me you will remember all that your dad and I taught you. Also, listen to Ron and your brother. Andrew will keep you safe. Just trust him. I love you guys."
Ron looked away, teary as Shego's kids said their goodbyes. Ron's stomach plummeted to the ground as he realized how many people had died because of Kim. Jim. Tim. Dr. Drakken. Monique. Bonnie. Tara. Betty. Rufus. His parents and Hana. Several people he didn't care about and didn't even know had also died, and now, Shego was likely going to die.
After Ron and the kids left the area, Shego stared down her rival. Everything she had ever learned about fighting, everything she ever learned about Kim the Yono's fighting style, everything she stood for…it all came down to one last dance.
A stray leaf fluttered across the area, a signal of a final showdown between two superheroines. After exchanging a few words, Shego charged at Kim.
Sheena and Andrew Lipsky helped a battered Ron Stoppable to perhaps one of the last abandoned houses left standing. As soon Andrew kicked the door opened, Ron began stumbling to the kitchen.
"Ron, I know you're hungry, but now is not the time to eat," Sheena admonished. "And it's not the time for rest, either!"
Ron Stoppable ignored Sheena as he curled up in a sleeping position and fell asleep. Sheena started forward in an attempt to give Ron a piece of her mind, only for Andrew to grab her hand. "Let him rest. He needs to heal."
Sheena opened her mouth to object, but one stern look from her brother silenced her. As Sheena stared at Ron, she realized that Ron's MMP was similar to her own comet power. Whenever she rested, her wounds healed and she came back with just minor bruising. Andrew was right. Ron needed rest.
Andrew Lipsky and Sheena loosened their muscles as the two discussed strategy and awaited Kim the Yono's arrival. Andrew, the calmer and more methodical attacker of the two, wanted to fight Kim the Yono. Sheena was okay with that; she hoped Drakken's flower power and the Go Glow would give them an advantage.
Andrew felt Kim the Yono's arrival before he saw it. Her aura was so utterly repulsive; it took all of Andrew's willpower not to retch. Fortunately, he had plenty of practice.
"Sheena, go get Ron," Andrew ordered, his eyes glued to Kim. He anticipated that Monkey Fist would be close by but Andrew was not seeing Monkey Fist.
Sheena nodded and dashed into the kitchen to fetch Ron. As Kim the Yono approached, Andrew thought of everyone and everything.
Drakken. Shego. World Peace. Revenge. Bragging Rights. Worship.
"So you're my opponent," Kim said. "I hope you said your goodbyes."
Andrew ignited his hands with the Go Glow. "Funny. I was thinking the same thing as you."
Kim erupted in laughter. "Nice one. Have you considered becoming a comedian?"
"Talk is cheap. It's time to fight."
Andrew circled Kim while Kim's eyes followed Andrew. Shego taught Andrew everything she knew about Kim the Yono's fighting style. Ever since Kim acquired the Yono's powers, her fighting style was more unpredictable. Then again, so was Mystical Monkey Power.
"You know, standing there isn't going to do you any good," Kim warned. "You're different than Shego, but I'll still beat you. I have a secret weapon on my side."
"Ron has Mystical Monkey Power. That isn't a secret," Andrew said.
"I know. But there are advantages to living on the dark side," Kim said. "And no, it's not the cookies."
Andrew stopped circling Kim and motioned for Kim to continue.
Kim used her arms and produced a portal. Inside the portal, the image of a man with his arms and legs shackled sat inside a strange prison. Despite the picture having poor quality, Andrew recognized the blue skin and the scar.
The man was his dad.
"Holy naco," Andrew whispered before he grimaced. He had been hanging around Ron too much.
"I kept your pathetic excuse of a father alive. It's what the villains always say: keeping loved one's hostage is the best leverage."
Acting out on instinct, Andrew threw a punch at Kim's face, only for Kim to catch the fist in her palm.
"Opening," Kim whispered. With speed only Kim was capable of, Kim thrust her other hand at Andrew's shoulder before attempting to flip him.
Andrew saw the attack coming and managed to turn sideways. He attempted to body slam Kim, but Kim escaped his grasp and retreated.
"I don't think my dad would approve of what you are doing," Andrew stated as he feinted a punch at Kim's lower body before aiming for Kim's jaw.
Kim didn't fall for the feint, but instead ducked under the punch and cartwheeled back a few feet.
"What are you talking about?" she inquired.
Summoning two plasma balls, Andrew threw them both at Kim, only for Kim to activate her force field and block them. "My dad admired you. Did you know that the reason Drakken quit Global Justice; the reason Drakken married Shego; the reason Drakken traveled the country to help people was because of you? He admires you, Kim, and I'm not going to let you destroy the world when the one person in my dad's life that means so much to him wanted to save the world. The Kim he still admires is in there."
"Bite me," Kim snapped. "That Kim died a long time ago."
Andrew sighed. "If defeating you is what it takes, then so be it."
Andrew threw a plasma ball to distract Kim while he vaulted himself into a handspring and aimed a kick at Kim's chest. What surprised Andrew was how quickly Kim recovered.
Kim caught Andrew's leg in midair and with her enhanced strength, courtesy of Yono the Destroyer, twisted it. Andrew let out a cry as he heard bones snapping in his right leg.
Andrew stood up with a grimace. Every cell of his leg was on fire. Andrew knew better than to set it, as he heard some people passed out when setting their leg back. Instead, he would wait for his Go comet power to heal himself.
"I told you there are advantages to living on the dark side," Kim said with a grin.
Ignoring Kim, Andrew summoned up a plasma ball the size of a small car and hurtled it at Kim. Instead of activating her force field as Andrew thought she would, Kim transformed her arm into a catapult and caught the ball.
Andrew thought of how much this was going to hurt before the plasma collided with his body and sent him flying airborne. He did not have time to react as the impact of the blast carried him through the walls of the house.
Upon collapsing on the floor, Andrew looked up and screamed as the ceiling started to collapse. No sooner did Andrew throw up his hands did the ceiling bury him under a pile of rubble.
"Too easy!" Kim bragged. "I need a tougher opponent."
"Be careful what you wish for," Ron spoke. "It might just come true."
Kim the Yono's face twisted into a feral grin. The itch to fight Ron once again was stirring up Kim's adrenaline.
Without a word, Ron held out his hand and caught the Lotus Blade. The master of Mystical Monkey Power ordered Sheena to stand back. Once Sheena stood back, Ron plunged the Lotus Blade into the ground and a tremor vibrated under the ground where he stood.
Kim summoned a force field and blocked the flying soil that jumped out at her.
"I see you have learned some new tricks, Ronnie. Unfortunately, so have I."
Kim the Yono raised her hands to the sky and a blast of lightning struck the ground, leaving a burn mark where the ground had once been. Sheena ran for her life while Ron simply summoned a force field and blocked all the lightning blasts.
"You no longer have the right to call me that," Ron said so softly that Sheena couldn't hear him.
"As your ex-wife, of course, I do."
Ron didn't respond. Instead, he summoned his Monkey Powers once again and rose into the air. A blue aura surrounded him as everything metal lifted off the ground, including the house that collapsed on Andrew Lipsky.
"That may have worked against the aliens, but I'm on a different level altogether," Kim stated. "Prepare to meet your match, Ronnie." Upon summoning her Yono force field, Kim flew into the air.
Meanwhile, Sheena and Monkey Fist were engaged in hand-to-hand combat. Sheena knew Monkey Fist to be a dangerous villain and on par with Shego and Ron. To Sheena's astonishment, she had Monkey Fist on the defense. Also, Monkey Fist had yet to throw a punch.
"What's wrong, Monty? Losing your touch?" Sheena taunted as she went to scratch Monkey Fist's shoulder.
Monkey Fist didn't even blink as he blocked the attack. "You're going to-" Monkey Fist paused as he cartwheeled backward to avoid a blast of plasma. "Tire yourself out eventually."
Ignoring the alarm bells going off in her head, Sheena used a plasmatic body blast and aimed it at Monkey Fist. He didn't even attempt to get out of the way, which confused Sheena.
"I want to help," Monkey Fist said as he sat up. "Kim's gone mad and I'm scared for my life."
Shego snorted. "Oh please."
"I have a proposition for you," Monkey Fist said as he charged at Sheena. Monkey Fist scored a hit on Sheena's shoulder and then followed it up with a leg sweep.
Propping herself up on her elbows, Sheena looked at Monkey Fist and said, "Why should I trust you?"
"You have every reason not to trust me. However, I'll still help you. Monkey Power and the Go Glow, which you and Andrew both have, will create a temporal flux and allow you to travel back in time. Of course, you need a lot of power. Holy…"
Sheena turned around and saw a blue energy field that she assumed to be Ron demolish Kim the Yono's force field. The impact of the blast caused Kim to sail through the air. Sheena didn't see where Kim might land until someone collided against her back and knocked her to the ground.
Sheena groaned and stood up shakily, forgetting that Kim the Yono was right behind her. Sheena gasped as Kim touched her forehead and her eyes glossed over. Ron knew what that meant. Sheena was under the control of Kim.
Kim the Yono beamed as she praised Ron. "Thanks for the help, Ronnie."
Ron growled and his eyes once again turned a shade of blue. "You are a coward, having someone else fight your own fight."
"You're one to talk," Kim said. "If you weren't such a coward, then Shego would still be alive. Thanks to you, she's not."
Ron didn't say anything as he transformed his sword into a javelin before he changed it to a boomerang. He threw the boomerang off into the distance – hoping the boomerang would come back and surprise Kim – and stared down his ex-wife. "Only one can win. It's not going to be you."
"We shall see."
Kim the Yono launched a force of evil qi at Ron right as Ron launched his qi at Kim. A spectacular burst of red and blue collided as each person attempted to overpower the opposition.
"Give it up, Ron. You'll never defeat me!" Kim shouted.
"Never!" Ron shouted.
Both opponents pushed more energy into their qi. Neither one of them noticed Andrew Lipsky running towards the fray until Andrew stood in the middle of their energy.
Andrew screamed as both energies collided with his body. Every cell was on fire and Andrew wanted nothing more than to collapse from the pain. However, he had a job that had to be completed.
"Monkey Power and the Go Glow, which you and Andrew both have, will create a temporal flux and allow you to travel back in time. Of course, you need a lot of power." Monkey Fist's words echoed inside Andrew's head. The only way out of this mess was to create a temporal flux, and Andrew was determined to make sure Ron made it back.
Turning towards Ron, Andrew blasted a wave of plasma at Ron. The plasma combined with the Mystical Monkey Power created an explosion. Kim had to look away. When the dust cleared, both Ron and Andrew were gone.