I Would Give You the Whole World, Kid.

Peter bounded happily to the entrance of Mr. Stark's lab. He had so much energy from getting his grade back on his huge science project that Mr. Stark had helped him with the last month.

"Mr. Stark! Mr. Stark! Guess what! Guess what!" Peter said as he threw his backpack to the ground.

Tony couldn't help but smile at the kid's energy. "Well hello to you too, Pete. Now, what are you so excited about?" He asked as he pointed to pizza that was laying on the table next to him.

Peter grabbed a piece and started talking a mile a minute.

"Pete, slow down." Tony put his hands around Pete's shoulders. The kid looked like he was ready to burst. "Pete, I like you so much, but you need to chill before you burst. Sit down and eat your pizza."

Peter was going to sit in the rolling chair, but Tony led him to a non-rolling chair.

"No rolling chair until you calm down some and especially not when your eating." Tony said as he sat down across from Peter.

After Peter told him all about how he got an A on his project and how even Flash had complimented him, Tony let Peter help him with some of their projects they had started on together. May had told Peter to get his homework done before he got home from his "internship."

"Pete, I don't think you want your aunt to kill both of us, so go do your homework." Tony ordered.

Peter groaned overdramatically. Tony couldn't help but laugh at Peter's comments. He was always impressed that Peter could sit in the rolling/spinning chair and spin around while reading or roll from one side of the room to the other. Today, Peter used his web to hang upside down while reading.

It was 8 p.m and Peter was supposed to be back home at 9 p.m. It usually took an hour for Peter to get home.

"Kid, you want me to drive you home or Happy?" Tony asked as he was finishing up something.

"Happy doesn't like driving me home." Peter said.

"Why do you say that, Pete?" Tony smirked but turned serious.

"Oh, probably because I annoy him, at least that's what he says."

"Well, in that case, I will take you home."

"I don't mind walking or using my webs." Peter said not wanting to bother the man.

"I will take you home, not a problem, besides I will get you a large chocolate milkshake."

"Mr. Stark, the last time you sent me home with one, my aunt was ready to kill you and me."

"Well, she can't exactly kill either of us." Tony grabbed the keys to the car.

"Fine but if she gets mad, she will kill you and me." Peter said.

"Come on, Pete. You know you want a milkshake." Tony said tauntingly.

Well, May didn't exactly like that Tony had given Peter a milkshake and he was literally bouncing off the walls when he got home. She didn't kill him, but they were going to have to a discussion about rules.

What could go wrong?