Disclaimer: I do not now, nor have I ever owned the rights to 911 or its characters. It all belongs to Fox TV and the show's creators like Brad Falchuk and whoever else.

Warning: Strong sexual content


The reconciliations: Edmundo's Epic Faceplant and The Fire Family Truly Restored


Eddie shut he door to his locker and adjusted the strap of his duffle bag. It was the end of another long but good day at the fire house. However it hadn't been all the way fulfilling since Buck hadn't been there by his side, what with it being his day off. Buck had spent the day with Chris and his Abuelita Eddie wasn't above admitting that he had been mildly envious.

It had been two weeks since Buck's doctor had cleared him of the leukemia that had loomed over him and everyone else at the station and Eddie could say that this time had been among some of the most happiest he had ever experienced. The team had come together and healed tremendously from all the festering woulds the truck, the tsunami, and the lawsuit had all caused. The light had returned to Buck's eyes and though they had taken a step back from plunging headfirst into a full relationship, Eddie could say that he was madly in love and filled with so much hope. It also helped that Buck was still staying with him and Christopher, becoming a welcome fixture in their lives once more.

As he headed out of the locker room he said his goodbyes to Bobby, Hen, and Chim, assuring them that he, Buck, and Chris would be there for the get together Bobby and Athena were hosting at their house tomorrow, the first one since the night where they had all gathered for Buck to reveal his possible diagnosis to Maddie, Karen, and Michael, and where he, Bobby, Hen, and Chim had all been taken to task for how they had treated Buck and their failure to see what others had the station had done to him.

Eddie headed for his truck and climbed in. He peeled out of the firehouse parking lot and headed home with eagerness strumming through him. He made a quick stop to the grocery store to pick up some milk and some chewy chocolate chip cookies that he knew both his boys would enjoy. With a smile perpetually gracing his face Eddie drove the home. He smoothly pulled into the driveway of his house, quietly pleased to see that Buck's dark silver jeep was already parked further inward. Eddie turned off the ignition and got out with his duffle bag and groceries.

He fished his keys out and let himself into his house. When he looked into the living room to find it deserted rather than having Chris and Buck building legos or watching a movie, Eddie frowned lightly before he set his duffle bag down by the front door. Making a quick stop to set the bag of milk and cookies down on the kitchen counter, Eddie made his way over to the guest room where Buck was staying. When he found the room to be empty Eddie frowned lightly before he walked further down the hall. When he came to Chris' room he found it devoid of one special and darling little son of his.

With his confused frown deepening, Eddie turned away from Chris' room and stepped further down the hall and then rounded the corner thinking maybe Buck and Chris were perhaps in the laundry room. He had only rounded the corner when he crashed into something solid, lightly damp, and very much alive. With a pair of yelps Eddie and his houseguest went crashing to the floor. They landed as a pile of tangled limbs and mildly pained grunts. Eddie found himself with his vision completely blacked out and his face smooshed between a pair of solidly built pectorals.

" Ow Eddie!" Buck groaned from under his best friend, completely stunned. Eddie pushed himself up a little, unburying his face from its rather supple resting spot and looked down, his dark eyes meeting Buck's pale blue. Eddie felt his face heat up in embarrassment, but he also fought back the desire to put his face right back where it was because in all honesty it was a great spot.

Then Eddie noticed the rest of Buck, how the only thing he happened to have on was a fluffy dark blue towel around his waist, the end having come dangerously untucked with Buck's sharp hipbones on full display along with his well built upper body.

" B-Buck?" Eddie asked eloquently, blinking owlishly as his brain caught up with the situation.

He had just crashed into his best friend, who had just taken a shower, and they were on the floor tangled together.

" You okay?" Buck asked as he pushed himself up onto his elbows and gazed up at Eddie with concern shining in his bright eyes.

" Y-Yeah, where's Christopher?" Eddie asked, trying to ignore Buck's state of undress.

" Oh he's with his buddy Randy across the street, he wanted Chris over so they could play the new racing game he just got." Buck explained, squirming a little against the floor. .

Buck started to push himself up all the way, expecting Eddie to push himself up and away too, so it threw him when Eddie didn't move away and instead leaned in closer, his dark brown eyes black and filled with what Buck could only describe as hunger as they bore into him intensely. The next thing Buck knew he was being seized by strong yet gentle hands and yanked up off the floor onto his feet. Before he could make heads or tails of what was happening, Buck found himself with his back against the hallway wall, Eddie somehow looming over him despite him being that taller one between towel around Buck's waist loosened even further, riding further down his hips

" E-Eddie?" Buck whispered in shock as he gawked at Eddie.

Eddie didn't say a word, just stared back at Buck with the deep want he was feeling. It didn't take long for Buck to realize what was going on, what Eddie wanted. In an instant Buck felt something molten hot unfurl in the put of his stomach, his own blood roaring in his ears. Buck let out a shaky breath and slowly raised his arms, reaching out towards Eddie slowly, telegraphing his movements and giving the other man every chance to step away.

Eddie gasped softly as Buck wrapped his arms around him, his own arms lifting and wrapping around the taller man's barely towel clad waist seemingly of their own volition. Buck let out a soft, shaky breath of his own as he felt Eddie's arms around him, the feel of the fabric of Eddie's light jacket sleeves against his bare skin sending shivers through him. Eddie and Buck's ever sense was heightened, both men hyperaware of the other, almost intoxicated by it all. For what seemed a life-age they just stood there holding each other, reveling in the experience. It was Eddie who finally broke the silence, pressing his lips to Buck's ear as he spoke.

" God you are so beautiful Evan." He whispered huskily his hands seeming to tingle at the feel of Buck's bare skin beneath his palms.

Buck let out a soft chuckle, feeling his cheeks heat up a little at the complement. Then he grew sober and pulled back from Eddie, unwrapping his arms from around the older man to reach up and tenderly take his face into his hands as he spoke.

" You trying to sweet-talk me Edmundo?" He teased before he pulled Eddie's head towards his own and pressed their foreheads together, earning a soft gasp from the older man before Eddie grinned back at him.

" Is it working?" He asked as he gazed into those blue eyes he loved so much.

Buck grinned brightly at Eddie before his eyes turned mischievous. Eddie frowned lightly as Buck let go of him and side stepped him. He watched Buck make his way to the corner around which his own bedroom was located. Buck paused, sending Eddie this wordless, heated look before with a smirk he disappeared around the corner. Eddie took a step forward and then stopped when something flew through the air from around the corner and landed at his feet.

When he looked down and saw what it was, Eddie felt all of his blood rush South and his heart pounded against his sternum.

There on the floor was the dark blue towel Buck had been wearing... the only thing he had been wearing.

" Oh my..." Eddie breathed before he quickly hurried around the corner, shedding his jacket and t-shirt and tossing them to the floor as he went.

When he reached his bedroom, the sight that greeted him on the other side of the door had Eddie's knees almost going out from under him.

Buck was waiting for him on his bed, without even the sheets providing him any cover. Swallowing thickly Eddie shed the rest of his clothes and in a bout of playfulness gracefully leapt onto his bed to join Buck. Buck let out a loud bark of laughter, but he ended in a sharp gasp as Eddie covered his bare body with his own. They came together in a deep, searing kiss, pouring all of the want and love they had been keeping to themselves into it.

Buck tried to get his hands everywhere he could on Eddie, loving the way the older man's powerful back muscles coiled beneath his palms, soaking up his warmth. Eddie lost himself in the taste of Buck's lips, loving how their bodies fit so well together as they undulated against each other, feeling for themselves the kind of affect they had on each other.

When they broke apart with a gasp, Eddie set to work on Buck's neck with his lips and his teeth, one of his hands trailing down the younger man's chest, seeking out one of the buds that graced his pec. Buck gasped and arched magnificently as Eddie's fingers worked the bud and sent lighten bolts of pleasure through his entire body. He groaned without shame and lost himself completely to Eddie.

Things devolved rapidly after that, flesh was touched, lingering walls were torn down, the room was filled with unabashed sounds of pleasure, and most importantly, a true forgiveness was reached between the two best friends turned lovers.

A couple of hours later...

" I am gonna get all pruny thanks to you." Buck grumbled with mock indignation against the back of Eddie's neck, the other man letting out a low, rumbling chuckle and leaning back against Buck. He gave Buck's hand a firm squeeze before he slowly rolled over with a groan to lay facing the younger man.

" You'd be one hot prune." He rumbled with a grin as Buck barked out an amused laugh and then leaned in for a couple of chaste kisses. They drew apart with a sigh before Buck spoke as he ran his hand up and down Eddie's smooth back.

" We really should get up though, two hours is pushing it and we need our Superman back." Buck said with warmth in his eyes and an eager grin on his face.

The next thing Buck knew he was being all but tackled and kissed very enthusiastically. Buck let out a muffled laugh as he kissed Eddie back, his laugh coming out fully when they drew back and Eddie started kissing along his jawline and down to his neck.

" I love it when you call him ours." Eddie said softly between kisses behind Buck's ear.

Buck turned and looked up at Eddie in quiet wonder.

" You don't mind?" He asked almost unsure. Eddie drew back and loomed over Buck as he spoke.

" No, not at all, after everything you did for him and me, after I've seen just how much you love him, of course we want to be yours Buck, just like you are ours." Eddie said with all the conviction he possessed inside him.

Buck felt something inside him burst with pure joy as with a slightly watery laugh he leaned up and took his turn kissing Eddie almost senseless.

They eventually did break apart and head to the bathroom for a quick and moderately tame shower to cleanse themselves of their earlier, highly pleasurable activities.

Sharing kisses and dodging playful towel snaps at each other, Eddie and Buck quickly split off to their designated rooms and got dressed. Eddie came out of his room dressed in dark blue jeans and a dark blue Henley, as he came around the corner Buck stepped out of the guest room wearing a black and white striped polo shirt with a crisp white button up shirt over it and black jeans.

They grinned at each other, Eddie leaning in for a kiss that Buck happily accepted before they headed out the door to go to Randy's next door. Chris came shuffling out and his face instantly came alight with the pure joy that was his signature.

" Daddy! Bucky!" Chris called with a happy laugh as Eddie swept his boy up into his arms and effectively smothered his face with kisses while Buck grinned and thanked Randy and his mom and dad for inviting Chris over. The trio headed back across to their house, Chris regaling them with how great the new racing game Randy and he played was.

" Sounds awesome Superman, now how does cheesy pasta for dinner sound?" Buck asked as he opened the front door and held it open for Eddie and Chris to step through first.

" Yes please!" Both Eddie and Chris answered in perfect sync, earning a laugh from Buck as he shut the door and followed after father and son.

The three of them lounged about the living room for a bit, Eddie and Buck listening attentively with matching smiles as Chris recounted some of the hilarious fails he and Randy had while playing the video game and the three of them all played nonsensically with Chris' legos. Then Eddie took Chris to get his evening bath out of the way and Buck got started on the cheesy dinner he promised them. For the first time in a long time Buck finally felt fully like himself, the dark clouds that lawsuit and the possible leukemia had brought, clouds that seemed endless and permanent finally having lifted from him completely. He had other dark clouds that proved more stubborn, but they were in the background now.

He was okay right now, he was happy and with a couple of special men who meant the world to him.

Once the water was boiling and properly seasoned with salt and olive oil as per Bobby's fool-proof instructions, Buck dumped in the bow-tie pasta and then got to work on the cheesy sauce. He had just added the milk to the roux as Bobby had called it when there was a warm, familiar presence behind him. Buck gasps softly and almost dropped the wooden spoon in his hand as he felt Eddie's warm lips press a kiss to the back of his neck.

" Hey Eds, did Chris insist on dressing himself?" Buck asked knowingly as he leaned back against Eddie and the older man ran his hands gently over his wide shoulders.

" Yeah, little man picked out what he wanted and got to work, practically ordered me to come check on his Buck." Eddie said as he nosed lightly at the back of Buck's head and neck, earning a wonderful chuckle from the taller man as he went back to stirring what he was cooking.

They lapsed into a comfortable silence, Eddie staying close behind Buck and watching him work some of the magic he picked up from Bobby, pouring in the two different kinds of cheese into the roux and then adding him Bobby's patented blend of spices and herbs that would definitely make it taste even more divine. In no time Buck had two big bowls and a smaller bowl heaping with fresh, cheesy bow tie pasta. He turned to ask Eddie to help him set the kitchen table when he suddenly found himself pulled into a tight embrace, warm and insistent lips covering his own in a deep kiss. Buck let out a muffled chuckle as he kissed Eddie back whole-heartedly. They were so caught up in enjoying this brand new level of closeness between them that neither heard the tell-tale clatter of crutches against the floor until a certain bespectacled cutie-pie was lightly clearing his throat.

Eddie and Buck broke apart with a gasp and wide eyes, before they both slowly turned their heads to see Chris standing there, dressed in his favorite Spiderman t-shirts and dark blue sweatpants. Chris gazed back at them with a surprisingly unreadable look on his normally expressive face. Eddie and Buck shared a fleeting look, about to let go of each other and try to explain when Chris' face morphed into one of his brilliant grins as he chuckled angelically and spoke.

"About time you guys."Chris said like he held the key to the whole universe.

There was a beat of silence where Eddie and Buck blinked owlishly at Chris, then Buck's face split into a wide grin, Eddie's following before they were both rushing forward and picking Chris up between them. The three of them laughed and hugged happily before Chris looked to Buck and spoke.

"You're gonna be our Buck forever?"Chris asked softly, hope and the smallest bit of uncertainty shining in his bright eyes.

Buck had to swallow back the lump that formed in his throat before he nodded and spoke.

"Y-Yeah buddy, gonna be your Buck forever." He croaked out, seeing that Eddie was barely holding it together himself before he wrapped his arms firmly around the Diaz men and held them tight. Buck pressed a kiss to Chris and Eddie's cheek each before they set Chris down.

"C'mon, cheesy pasta is ready and waiting. Gotta see who eats the most." Eddie said with a crooked smile and love in his dark eyes.

"Yeah let's eat!" Buck said with a small sniffle before he went off to get the bowls of pasta while Eddie got Chris settled at the table. Eddie then grabbed the utensils they would need and set them at each place setting before he and Buck took their seats on either side of Chris.

Sharing smiles and quietly loving looks the trio finally dug into dinner, but more importantly they did so together. The rest of the night was spent watching one of Chris' favorite Disney movies and just enjoying the warmth that only being close to the ones who held your heart could give. When it was time for bed, Eddie and Buck both read Chris his bedtime story, showering their Superman with hugs and kisses before tucking him in.

Eddie may have fallen on his face today, but it had been straight into the arms of the man he was madly in love with. Buck hadn't minded and it had led to them finally reaching that good place they had been skirting around for weeks.

As they lay together in Eddie's bed, drowsy with oncoming slumber themselves, Eddie made a silent promise to always cherish what he had now, the man in his arms and the family they made. With Buck and Christopher he had that little slice of Heaven everyone dreams about. He aimed to hold onto it for as long as he breathed. Pressing a kiss to an already fast asleep Buck's forehead, Eddie shut his own eyes an drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

The next day, on a lovely Saturday afternoon...

"If those two glow any harder, the Sun's literally gonna go on vacation."Hen quipped good-naturedly as she stirred the pitcher of iced tea she was making.

"You got that right."Athena agreed as she sprinkled the crumbles of feta cheese over the large bowl of Caesar salad she was preparing.

Behind her Bobby chuckled and nodded in agreement himself as he added the final touches to the homemade burger patties he was preparing to take out to the grill, where Michael was waiting to showcase his legendary grilling skills. He and Bobby were tag-teaming to make sure today's lunch would be nothing short of Michelin star worthy.

The subjects of the seasoned EMT, Police, Sergeant, and Fire Captain were currently outside in Bobby and Athena's backyard helping with setting up the long table and chairs. Buck and Eddie were both smiling and looking at each other constantly with love on full display. They weren't making out like teenagers or just standing around and admiring each other, but the moment they had arrived for the get together everyone could tell that something had shifted, and something else had finally clicked back into place.

They had come into the house with Christopher while holding hands without shame for Pete's sake.

"It's just great that our Buckaroo's back."Athena said with a smile as she looked out at the backyard in time to see Buck throw his head back and laugh at something Chim just told him, the older man grinning triumphantly, looking quite pleased with himself. Maddie giggled beside her boyfriend, looking just as bright as her brother as she laughed.

"Our boy Eddie's just gone."Hen chuckled as she, Athena, and Bobby all saw the way Eddie was staring at Buck as the blue eyed man laughed, looking completely besotted.

Karen and May giggled together at the sight while Michael smiled as he poked at the charcoal that was going good now, of course Denny, Harry, and Chris were busy playing the cornhole board to really notice what was going on with Eddie and Buck.

Bobby, Athena, and Hen quickly finished up the food items they were preparing and headed outside.

Bobby made a b-line for Michael who grinned eagerly at his arrival with the burgers while Hen and Athena made their way to the table, setting down their pitchers and bowl respectively. Hen made her way over to Buck, grinning widely when he pulled her into an impromptu hug. She chuckled throatily to hide the powerful emotions this simple gesture from the friend who was more like a little brother to her caused to ride up in her as she patted the back of Buck's head.

"Where's my hug?"Chim asked with a dramatic flair and a mock pout.

The next thing Chim knew, tiny arms were wrapping around his waist and squeezing him. Chim looked down and found Christopher Diaz grinning up at him brilliantly as he spoke.

"Don't worry Chimney... We love you lots."Chris said in that soft and soothing way of his. Hen and Buck drew back and grinned at the adorable sight, Eddie all but beaming with pride at his sweet boy.

Instantly Chim's eyes grew a little watery as he smiled down at the darling boy and gathered him in for a full hug. Beside him Maddie just about melted.

"Thanks Buddy, you're the best."Chim said and if there was a slight croak to his voice, no one commented on it.

The hug got even sweeter as Buck promptly joined them, wrapping his arms around Chim and Chris in one of his patented bear-hugs, laughing loud and happy but also giving Chim this look that told the older man that they were well and truly ok.

Once Buck, Chris, and Chim's little love-fest ended Eddie made his way over to Bobby and Michael to see if he could pick up some grilling tips. Buck made his way over to Karen and Athena, catching up with them and taking their gentle teasing regarding him and Eddie in stride, a smile never leaving his face.

"You guys look like you're fully back to good." Bobby said with a smile at Eddie, who ducked his head shyly before he looked to Bobby and nodded.

"I am really glad." Bobby said as he reached out and gave Eddie's shoulder a squeeze.

"Thanks Cap." Eddie said quietly before they turned their attention back to Michael it time to see him flip not one but two burgers at the same time, a spatula in each hand and a wide, triumphant smile on his face. After a few minutes Bobby broke away, leaving Eddie to Michael's tutelage and made his way over to Buck, who had Chris in his arms. Bobby's smile widened as he saw the pair were busy making silly faces at each other.

"Cap!" Chris said with a wide grin when he caught sight of Bobby making his way towards him and Buck. Bobby's chuckled as Chris raised his arms from Buck's neck and made grabby hands for him.

The fire captain wasted no time taking the boy into his arms and hugging him soundly, Chris all the while giggling happily. Buck chuckled and reached out to ruffle Chris' curly hair.

"Hey Cap." Buck said with his smile turning quiet, more thoughtful.

"You doing okay kid?" Bobby asked with a smile.

Buck's eyes immediately turned to Eddie who was standing a few feet away chuckling as he shared grilling adventures of his own with Michael. The blue eye young man ducked his head for a moment, his smile growing shy before he looked back up at Bobby and nodded.

"Yeah Bobby, I am okay. Better than okay." Buck said as a bright grinned returned to his face and he playfully poked at Chris' sides, making the boy throw his head back and guffaw happily.

"So going on insta."Came May's voice as with a smile she captured the sweet moment on her phone. Buck, Chris, and Bobby posed for a couple of more pics, May promising to send Buck and Bobby the shots later.

A few minutes later Bobby set a smiling Chris down on the grass and the boy shuffled off to see who was winning the game of connect four between Harry and Maddie.

As they watched him go Buck spoke.

"I got more good news, my doctor says I can finally get off the blood thinners next week." He said.

"Buck that's fantastic!" Bobby said as he promptly pulled the younger man into a bear hug of his own.

"Thanks Bobby." Buck said with a chuckle as he squeezed Bobby back just as tight.

If the hug lingered a bit longer than necessary, no one said anything or batted an eye, Athena looking on with approval and quiet relief.

Eddie and Chim weren't the only ones Buck was finally back to someplace good with. Unofficial father and son enjoyed a few more moments of embracing before they drew apart and shared a slightly watery laugh. Bobby made his way over to Athena and wrapped an arm around her shoulder as they shared a sweet kiss, while Buck unsurprisingly made his way to Eddie, pressing a kiss to the slight shorter man's temple, earning a look of mock indignation before Eddie smiled at his brilliantly and wrapped an arm around his waist.

"You guys are just too precious." Michael cooed, earning a pair of snorts from the newly minted couple before he chuckled and asked them to grab up the two large serving platters, the burgers, buns, and assortment of grilled vegetables were cooked to perfecting and ready to enjoy. Buck got the vegetables and bread on his platter, Eddie's was piled high with the perfectly cooked discs of beef or chicken. The pair held firm to what they were carrying and headed for the long table.

"Foods ready!" Buck called as he and Eddie set the platters down, everyone converging on the table.

With laughter and chatter, everyone sat down at the table. Bobby sat at the head, Athena and Michael on either side of him, with Harry and May sitting beside their father. Buck sat on Athena's other side with Chris between him and Eddie. Across from them were Hen, Karen, and Denny. Maddie sat beside Eddie and Chim rounded out the group by sitting at the other head of the table. A quick prayer of thanks was said.

Everyone's eyes subtly took in the sight of Eddie and Buck both doting on Chris, encouraging him to make up his own plate with one of the smaller buns and a burger with cheese on it, some mashed potatoes and vegetables.

"Mustard please." Chris said as he pointed to the bottle just out of his reach.

"On it bud." Buck said as he got the bottle for Chris. Buck then turned to preparing his own plate while Eddie made sure Chris didn't end up squirting too much mustard over his burger by accident.

Everyone got to eating and the combination of Bobby's preparation and Michael's grilling skills made for one hell of a great burger. Karen's chicken and green bean casserole was a huge hit too. The food may have been great but what made the afternoon get together so wonderful was the fact that they had finally found each other again, the 118 and their loved ones were united. No more embolisms, no tsunami, no lawsuit, and most importantly, no leukemia. The last few months had been some of the most turbulent, both due to powerful events and event more powerful emotions. Bonds had been tested, trust had been frayed to the point of almost breaking completely, and several lives came to a standstill as they had waited for a potentially fatal diagnosis.

They had gone through all of it, Buck had gone through all of it.

As he enjoyed his burger, Buck took a look around the table at the smiling and laughing faces of his family and felt the last tendrils of the darkness that had gripped his heart finally dissipate. His blue eyes found dark brown one's staring back at him.

Buck found a smile spreading across his face, Eddie smiling back at him just as brightly.

Up above the Sun kept happy vigil, bathing everything in golden warmth.