"You are so infuriating; do you know that?!" Ray growls out, her fists clenched tightly at her sides as she stares down the product of her irritation. Poe Dameron doesn't flinch as her fiery eyes glare up into his own eyes. Rather, instead, he glares down back at her. If there was one thing I had learned during my time with the resistance, it is that Rey and Poe have a love/hate relationship. The first time I experienced it, I thought Ray was going to bring the entire base down on our heads from her frustration. The Traitor, I mean Finn, was quick to assure me that such confrontations were a common happening between the two hotheaded pilots. Needless to say, when I came down to the canteen to meet Ray for an early lunch before our daily training session, I was not completely surprised to see the two of them in a heated argument. Searching the room for familiar faces, I stop when I spot Finn and Rose sitting a table or two away from the arguing pair. Making my way to them, I set my tray on the end furthest from them, while they may not believe I am going to kill them in their sleep, I know I am not welcomed in close quarters with them.
"What's the argument about this time?" I ask turning my body toward rose, while also keeping an eye trained on Ray should she need me, taking a bite from my sandwich once the words have left my mouth. Rose turns to me with a shake of her head and an eye roll toward the arguing general. Finn gives me a slight nod in greeting before turning back to his food.
"Poe told Ray that given the situation she is not permitted to go on any field missions for the time being. I'm surprised you managed to talk him into telling her in your place." She says giving me a sly look. I grin sheepishly, swallowing the food in my mouth before answering.
"I managed to convince him that she would take it better coming from him rather than me, after some thinking he was inclined to agree with me." She raises an eyebrow at me, I duck my head slightly at her look.
"Ok, ok, I might have also mentioned that while he has to see her during the day, he doesn't share a room with her. He agreed after that, with the promise that during the next time we go out for drinks I help him gain the attention of a certain bartender." Rose bursts out laughing, causing Finn to turn around toward us. She waves him off when he gives her a questioning look. Calming herself down, she wipes a stray tear that had fallen during her fit.
"Now, that, I believe. I wouldn't want to be in close quarters with an angry Ray on a normal day, I definitely wouldn't want to during a time such as this." She said, turning her attention to Ray and Poe, her eyes falling on Ray's bloated belly. A look of realization falls on Finn's face as he understands what we were talking about.
"I have to admit Solo; I was surprised you allowed her to continue on being in combat for as long as you did. I mean she is seven months along now, isn't she?"
"Seven months, two weeks, four days, and," I look down at my watch "Four hours and thirty-three minutes." The two occupants at the table with me, roll their eyes in unison as they shake their heads at me. We fall silent as we all finish eating and Poe and Ray's argument comes to a close. With a final glare and a huff of indignation, Ray turns on her heel and storms off. Well as much as a heavily pregnant woman can storm off, with her swollen belly she more waddles off than anything. I can't help the smile that comes to my face at watching her attempt to show her anger in such a state. I wipe the smile off my face as Poe comes to sit at our table, he drops heavily into the seat across from me. His head coming to rest on the table with an audible 'thunk'. I inwardly smirk to myself as I wipe the last of the crumbs from my hands.
"Did you have an eventful conversation General." He sits up and glares at me, his heated look makes me smirk wider. He rolls his eyes at seeing my reaction.
"Remind me the next time you ask me to break some new to Rey that we both know she won't like, for me to say no."
"What's wrong general, can't handle a little bit of a temper?" He crosses his arms over his chest as the glare comes back.
"You and I both know that her temper is anything but little, besides if it's so easy then why did you ask me to tell your wife the news?" This time he smirks at me, the smirk drops from my face, to be replaced with a small smile.
"It's quite simple really, you tell her and she gets angry and goes into a rage of fit. If I had told her it would have ended with a lightsaber fight that could very well have ended up with half of the base in tatters. My way caused less of a mess, it also puts her irritation against you and not me." I tell them, standing from my seat with my tray in hand.
"Where are you going?" Finn asks as they all watch me begin to leave. Looking over my shoulder at them I flash them a smirk.
"To calm Ray down before she decides to take her anger out on an unsuspecting pilot or worse Chewy." They nod their heads in understanding, all of us knowing that an angry Rey is not someone you want to bump into with knowing. Dropping my tray off at the door, I make my way to the falcon, where I am sure my Mate is currently terrorizing a random mechanic as Chewy attempts to calm her down. There's never a dull day with my ball of light around, that's for sure.