Slowly starting to open his eyes Naruto looked around and saw that he was no longer in the dirty alley way, but instead he found himself laying atop a comfy futon bed in the middle of a small living room.

"thank goodness your final awake, how are you feeling?" looking around for the source of the voice Naruto came face-to-face with a girl. She had large light-brown eyes, long straight dark brown hair that reached past her shoulders, soft peach skin. She was dressed in a blue jean, a pink dress with a short sleeve white shirt underneath.

"Wow she's cute." Naruto thought to himself, before quickly shaking his head clearing his thoughts.

"Um, yeah I'm feeling great actually thanks." Naruto said as he tried to sit up.

"Hey, wait you shouldn't try to sit up yet." The girl said in a bit of a worry, but Naruto was really felling fine already.

"Don't worry about it, I'm fine really see." Naruto said as he stood up and started to stretch his stiff body out after being stuck in bed for who knows how long. "I'm Naruto, Naruto Uzumaki by the way." He introduced himself to the girl

"Well fine if your really alright then, I'm Haruhi Fujioka, wait here I'll go get your clothes." and as Haruhi left the room Naruto looked down and saw that he wasn't wearing his shirt or jacket for that matter and his chest was covered in bandages. It didn't take long for Haruhi to come back into the room holding Naruto's missing clothes.

"Here you go, it was covered with blood when my dad brought you home, so he had me wash it for you." Haruhi told him as she passed him back his shirt and jacket which he quickly started to put back on. Now that he was awake Haruhi hoped her dad would be back home soon, she didn't really know what to do now that Naruto was up out of bed. then again three nights ago she hadn't expected her father to come home carrying a half dead boy on his back n the middle of the night.

"Wow, thanks for taking care of my jacket." Naruto said happily as he finished putting his clothes back on and started to examine his jacket. Just then the front door open and in walked in the redhead Naruto remember seeing that night in the alley. Fully awake this time around Naruto got a better look at the woman. He could see the resemblance between her and Haruhi, they both had the same skin tone and eye color.

"Hey dad look who's awake." Haruhi said as Ranka closed the door behind him, before he quickly ran across the room and started to fuss over Naruto.

"thank heavens you're alright, when I found you that night in the alley and brought you home, I didn't think you where going to make it. How are you feeling, do you need anything, how did you get injured so badly, do you need to contact your parents. Oh, they must be sick with worry." Ranka said all this very quickly and didn't really have Naruto a chance to answer him till he was finally finished talking.

"Uh yeah, well thanks for taking me in and don't worry about my parent's. . . "Naruto was silent for a moment as he remembered the last time he spoke with his father. "I'm. . . I'm all alone both of my parents aren't around anymore." Naruto finished saying as he started to give a little nervous laugh as he rubbed the back of his head.

"You poor dear that just terrible." Ranka said as he started to hug Naruto close to himself. "Well you don't have to worry about another thing any longer all take care of you from this day forward."

"Dad don't you think that's a bit much." Haruhi said as she quickly pulled her hysterical father off Naruto. "You have to forgive my father Naruto; he can be a bit overdramatic at times."

"Dad?" Naruto asked not understanding why Haruhi kept on calling her mother dad. "Why do you keep calling your mom dad?" however, Haruhi and Ranka looked at the confused blond teen as if he had just asked to most obvious question in the world.

"Because this is dad." Haruhi said plainly, looking back and forth form daughter and Mother Naruto's mind was starting to piece together what was going one.

"What! That your dad!" Naruto called out in shock. "This tranny is really Haruhi's father." Naruto thought to himself.

"Well that doesn't matter thank you for saving me." Naruto said as he dropped down to his knees and bowled deeply towards both of the Fujiokas.

"I couldn't just leave you there." Ranka said as he helps Naruto stand up from the floor. gladly taking the help Naruto got up off the floor and started to make his way towards the front door.

"Wait where are you going." Haruhi asked as she stopped the blond.

"I'm leaving. . . I have to try to find somewhere. . . I don't belong here." Naruto said as he looked over at the girl.

"Naruto wait place stay. . . you can stay here with us." Ranka said

"What?" Naruto said not sure he heard him right.

"You can stay here with us, it not you have any other place to go." Haruhi said as she and her father stood smiling at the blond.

"Yeah alright." Naruto said happily as he took his hand off the door and turned back towards the living room. From the day the next week seemed to pass in a happy blur for Naruto as he grows accustomed to life with the Fujioka family. During the days Naruto's would spend his morning helping Haruhi with the household chores and trips to the grocery store.

"this is a nice change." Naruto thought to himself as he was able to walk around in public with out having people give him dirty and hateful looks. It was during these times that Naruto came to the conclusion that he could no longer use his chakra. While both teens stayed at home Ranka would be at work at the bar.

During the evenings the two Fujioka's and Uzumaki would spend time getting to know each other during and after dinner.

"So Haruhi do you have everything ready for next week." Ranka said as he started to clear off the small table in the living room, they had eaten their dinner on.

"Yeah dad I finished all the paperwork already, I'll be going in for the orientation on Monday." Haruhi said as she started to help her father.

"Wait what's going on." Naruto asked not understanding what they where talking about.

"Next week I start attending Ouran Academy." Haruhi said as she looked at the confused blond

"Oh, dear come to think of it I don't think we ever told Naruto about you starting to attend school." Ranka said then she suddenly got a big smile on her face. "I just thought of something Naruto you need to started attending school too."

"What!? School." Naruto cried out in shock at the thought of having to go back to school all over again.