Disclaimer: I don't own HP, please don't sue.

"Why in the hell did you do it Granger? Why?" he yelled at her, holding onto her elbows. "You know why Malfoy." she yelled back at him tears streaming down her face and her body softly shaking.

He shook his head furiously.

"No! No. I don't know why you did this Granger. There was no reason for it!" he cried desperately now, shaking her elbows and gripping on tighter.

Hermione winced, and faced him once more, the tears stopping and her face set like stone.

"Because he asked me Malfoy." she replied calmly.

He let go of her arm abruptly and dropped his own to his sides balling them into tight fists.

"You don't love him." he stated harshly as if Hemione herself had not thought of this. Or maybe it was to comfort himself.

"I do. I do love him!." she cried unconvingcingly, looking away from Draco's hard stare. Her shoulders started shaking once more, and she turned away from him as the tears started forming once more.

Draco moved quickly towards her and turned her to him once more. He shook her shoulders gently as he asked queitly,

"Do you? Do you love him like you love me?" he demanded. She could not look him in his face as she struggled to find words.

"More..." she finally managed to sob out. Draco stopped for a moment at this feeling the sting of her lie. He pushed her gently back by her elbows to a wall until she had no way out, and no choice but to face him. He moved in close.

"Does he make you burn?" he asked huskily.

She still avoided his gaze, but feeling the intensity of it she turned her teary face to him. Still sobbing, she fought with herself until she found the strength to nod.

"Does he make you cry out his name?" he demanded.

Another weak nod.

"When you're with him, is it his face that you see or mine!?" he roared, his voice filled with anguish. His grip on her had not loosened.

She sobbed louder now, gasping for air. She could not answer him.. She could not lie about this. It was always him, it had been always him. She shook her head her eyes begging him not to make her answer him. It would just hurt you more, she pled with her eyes.

"No." she said softly refusing to answer this one question.

He shook her.

"Answer me dammit! Is it his or mine!" he demanded. His eyes were also pleading for her to answer him. His eyes were pleading for her to declare her love for him.

She sobbed and she shook. Her body trembling with force.

"It's your face!" she finally cried out. "It's your face, dammit! I wished to God it wasn't but it is! It's always been your face!"

"I wished that I would forget you, that you or I would manage to wake up from this stupid affair and realize that it's not real. That there was never love, and end it. But God help me... I love you, and I didn't want to let go! And you.. You wouldn't leave me alone."

She cried loudly, and fell crumbling to the floor.

"Why couldn't you have left me alone?" she demanded queitly.

"Don't you think I tried?"

She looked at him.

"Of course. Of course you tried. You did everything you could to stop this from happening. You did all you could to stay away from me. To make me loathe you. And when you couldn't anymore, when you finally admitted that you wanted me.... After we were together...." she cut off, her voice trembling.

He said nothing. His face was emotionless, he could not help that.

"After we were together..." Hermione continue finding the strength, remembering what she had to do. " After we were together you did all you could to end it." She stated, her voice strong. Hermione pulled herself up off the floor and stared at him for a moment, trying to capture his face in her head. She knew that they would never be alone like this after tomorrow. After a brief moment she walked away from him, but before exiting. She said:

" What we both couldn't do, Harry Potter did for us. Goodbye Draco Malfoy. I loved you once."

And with that she walked out of his life.

For short while anyway.

Draco had never been one to give up. Or to let another man claim what was truly his.

And Granger was his forever.

End Chapter

Thanks for reading. Hope you liked it. I think this is gonna be pretty long. And I will update regularly, so keep checking for new chapters. Review! Pls....