AN: Hello all, Dragon Soul94 here with a new story and a more unique one for me. As you can tell this is a Naruto, Yu-Gi-5ds story but Naruto will be younger in this one. Not only is this one a single pairing instead of a harem and the pairing will be Luna with Naruto. This one Naruto will have the abilities of a psychic duelist mixed with Luna's powers but a much more deluded version. It will be explained in the story. Also just letting you all know, Naruto's deck is completely made up but I did my best to make it balanced. I also have OCs in the story to make it more interesting especially for later and I also want to make it clear that no decks using XYZ, Pendulum or Links will be used. If I do at all later on, they will be changed to fit the 5ds era. I also want to make it clear that I will be working on this as a side project due to me being busy and having other stories to work on. Also please keep in mind that Naruto was born here in the 5ds era so his powers are not going to be canon powers from the show though it will make more sense when the story goes on later. Either way, I hope you all enjoy the story!
"Naruto" - Normal talking
'Naruto'- Thinking
"Naruto"- Duel Spirits talking
Chapter 1: Enter the Tournament
"Thank you sir!" a young boy called out as he ran off and waved to an older man who returned the wave with a gentle smile. It was early day and the child refused to look up as he ran at quicker pace down the pretty busy road.
'Hopefully I can make it in time!' He thought to himself as he turned a corner and ran faster than someone his age usually ran at, looking almost like a blue to people. 'I should have known better than to allow him to wake me up in time. Because of him, I may not make it in time!'
This young child is named Naruto Uzumaki, age 13 and a contestant of this years upcoming Fortune Cup. He had blonde spikey hair that point into all directions while two bangs framed his heart-shaped face. He had deep blue eyes that resembles the beautiful oceans. He possessed three whisker marks on each cheek as birthmarks. He had a pretty athletic build for someone of his young age. He wore an orange hoodie that had blue sleeves and a blue hood. He wore dark blue slacks that hung tightly to his legs. He had black duel disk with white outlines on his left arm. On his feet were a pair of black sneakers with orange laces.
'I would be there already if that lazy lizard would have just given me a ride,' he complained as he tried to speed up towards the big building that was now within his view. 'But no~ I have to conceal my powers he says. Yeah more like he was too lazy to do it!'
Naruto, already completely out of breath did his best to push through the crowd of people who gathered for entry into the Kaiba Dome to watch the tournament. When he finally got to the front, he was stopped by the Sector Security who guarded it.
"Sorry little man, but only those participating are allowed inside right now," the officer to the left said, making Naruto growl at being called little.
Fishing into his pocket, Naruto pulled out a wrinkly envelope before shoving it into the officers face. "Oh, you mean like I am," he replied sarcastically, surprising the adults around him. "As you can see, I earned my right to be here like of any of the older duelists here."
"No way!" the officer on the right yelled out. "Your like what, twelve years old!?"
"Not like that matters at all," Naruto replied with his arms crossed in annoyance. "Just look at the letter, my name is on it along with the official stamp for it too. So, can I go in already or are you going to keep wasting my time."
After looking the letter over to be sure that it was indeed real, the officers stepped aside to allow Naruto through. "Sorry to keep you young man, the left officer as the young man walked past them.
"You guys were just doing your job," Naruto replied as he walked inside, excited to begin. He put his hand on the black deck holster on his belt as a black aura surrounded the box before it vanished seconds later.
After wondering around a bit more, Naruto arrived in front of a door that had the numbers 207 on it. "This is the room," Naruto whispered as he gazed at the door. "This is the point of no return for me. After I walk in, I will have to deal with them." After taking a deep breath, Naruto put his hand on the door. "Here's hoping that they will at least be skilled duelists."
-A Few Minutes Later-
Naruto walked right back out, a look of pure annoyance on his face. 'What a complete waste of my time,' he thought as he 'huffed'. 'Not only do I get told I have to to an ENTIRELY different part of the building to get ready, but they had the nerve to call me a shrimp! I swear I was so close to punching that man!'
The deck box glowed once more, making Naruto turn his glare towards it. "That's not funny you guys!" Naruto said towards the box which would have made him look crazy if anyone saw him. The aura faded away again as he crossed his arms once more. "I'm young, not short."
"So, how do I look?!" a young boys voice rung in Naruto's ears, knocking him out of his funk. Naruto looked around the corner and took notice of four guys and one girl, though the girl sounded a lot like a boys.
"Is that a boy dressing as a girl?" Naruto thought. His deck box burst with a dark aura once more, flickering this time. "What got you guys all angry?" Naruto whispered as he touched the box. "So you sense two signers nearby? That's great since that is the main reason that we came here in the first place. Let's go greet our targets and let me know who I am looking for."
"Relax Luna, I am about to make you a dueling legend," the 'girl' said in a males voice as turned to a guy in a blue jacket.
There were four of them all in total.
The person who spoke was the 'girl' whose outfit was consisting of a light pink short-sleeved jacket over a long-sleeved red shirt with golden markings. She also wore light purple shorts with a red belt and sneakers with black and pink markings and high socks. She had gray-gold eyes.
The next person was obviously related got eh last as not only did they have the same teal hair color and gray-gold eyes, but the same body structure. The person wore a large orange jacket that went down to their ankles and an orange cap. It was quite concealing so he couldn't see anything underneath.
The next person was a boy with brown hair and eyes, and pretty big glasses. He wore a white collared shirt with a red bow tie and suspenders, navy blue shorts, white knee socks, and brown dress shoes.
The next person wore a long-sleeved blue jacket with a high collar and amber gems, over a sleeveless black shirt with a red symbol, and gloves below his elbows with an amber gem on them. His lower body consists of black jeans with amber knee pads, a belt with two Deck holsters hidden under his jacket and calf-high motorcycle boots. He also spike black and gold hair and the mark of those who have been to the Facility (the prison for those of New Domino City) on his face.
The fourth person was a very tall man with spikey real hair that put his own spikey hair to shame. He had a tight short-sleeved back shirt and a tattered brown sleeveless jacket over it. He had piercing on his face along with the usual marking of those from the Facility.
The last person was the oldest man of the group wearing a tan tunic over a grey robe with a black belt. The man was really short, not that much taller than Naruto himself. He had grey hair and a golden tooth. He wore traditional Japanese sandals. He too wore the mark of the Facility on his face.
"So I was right," Naruto said getting them all to jump and look at him in shock, besides the the guy in the jacket. "You are a boy dressed as a girl, though I'm not judging you in any way."
"What do you mean by that?!" the 'girl replied in an obviously fake girls tone. "I am girl mister and don't you forget it! A pretty girl mind you as well." At the end, the 'girl' gave a laugh that Naruto could easily tell was fake.
"Pretty, right," Naruto replied in a sarcastic time which made the adults chuckle slightly. "Well either way, it's nice to meet you Mister Cross-dresser and friends. My name is Naruto Uzunaki and I am participator in the Fortune Cup."
"You're a participant?!" everyone shouted out in a surprised tone, causing Naruto to not at them. Not really getting why they were so shocked as the 'girl' looked to be about the same age as him.
The blonde boy gave them a a wide grin which not only stretched his whiskers a little but it also caused the person who was wearing the tan hat and was the same age to blush. "Yes I am and I am going to win the whole thing!" Naruto replied as he lost his chest. "Either way, I am looking forward to dueling you soon Mister Cross dresser so I shall wish you luck." With that, Naruto left and made his way to his position.
As Naruto walked away, he chuckled softly. "Yeah I know that was a boy, most likely the twin or something of the one in the orange jacket. In fact that one was most likely the real Luna. Not going to lie, she seemed kind of cute when she blushed." Naruto paused for a moment before his cheeks became a light rosey red. "No, it's not like that at all you guys! Besides, she may be a possible Signer and you what that means Wolf."
-A Few Minutes Later-
Naruto stood amongst the other contestants on a platform as the audience cheered loudly for the duelists. Naruto didn't pay much attention to the announcer as he called out the names of the competitors.
'It would seem the only other young contestant here besides myself is Mister Cross Dresser,' Naruto thought as be looked around again.
"Next we have another young competitor who is considered to be a true prodigy in the ways of using a deck. The young man is said to have a unique one-of-a-kind deck with unique uses. Give it up for Naruto Uzumaki!" the announcer yelled out as the crowd cheered in excitement.
Naruto nodded and waved to the crowd with his 'fox grin' as others have called it. 'Its nice to be appreciated for being so awesome,' Naruto thought.
Naruto completely ignored the commotion that was caused due to Yusei, the guy in the blue jacket from earlier, being from the Satalite. That did anger him though as he hated people who judged others like that. It's what caused his distrust of others, not saying he can't be friendly. After a speech from both another duelists names Griger and the general leader of all New Domino City named Rex Goodwin. It basically boiled down to stop being pricks and accept people for who they were!
Soon the lights cut off and Naruto watched as Jack Atlas, the current champion of the Fortune Cup and beside him was his infamous Red Dragon Archfiend.
Growling could be heard in his head as Naruto gazed at the Red Dragon Archfiend. 'So that is one of the Signer Dragons,' Naruto thought as it landed and held Back up along with his Duel Runner. 'It definitely looks like a fearsome monster, but nothing that we can't handle.' The growling slowly stopped before it vanished altogether.
After ignoring the speeches, Naruto heard the announcer say who the dueling people will be.
"The first match will be between the two young prodigies, Luna vs Naruto! The second match will be…." The announcer said before he was ignored by Naruto once more as he smirked in amusement. 'Hopefully Cross Dresser will give me some fun,' he thought as everyone left, leaving him and 'Luna".
Naruto pulled up his Duel Disk as be activated it and placed his deck into its slot. "Since I have to be a gentleman, you may go first Luna," he said, having already figured out he wasn't dueling the real Luna.
"I'll start us off then!" 'Luna' yelled out as 'she' drew her card. "Alright! I drew a card that will really get things going! I summon the monster known as Morphtronic Celfone to the field in Attack Mode!" A yellow cellphone appeared before it transformed into a small robot.
Morphtronic Celfone LV 1, Atk:100 Def:100
"Now with its special ability I can draw cards from the top of my deck depending on the number the dial light stops on. If one of the drawn cards is a level four or below Morphtronic monster then I can summon it." The light slowed down before it stopped on the number 3 and 'Luna' drew her cards. "Now I can summon my Morphtronic Radion in Attack Mode!"
Morphtronic Radion LV 4, Atk:100 Def:900
The monster hit the field as it twirled around a cord in its right hand. "And now with Morphtronic Radion in Attack position, all my Morphtronic monsters gain an 800 Atk point boost! And now I lay two facedown and end my turn for now."
(Luna- 3 cards in hand, Morphtronic Celfone [Atk:900 Def:100]; Morphtronic Radion [Atk:900 Def:900]
"Alright then it's now my move!" Naruto said as he drew his card with a grin of amusement. "Now ladies and gentlemen, making an official debut for the world will be my beast hidden within the shadows! Please give a warm welcome to the first of many powerful beasts! I play Shadow Beast- Panther in Attack Mode!"
A small light shone before a pure black panther appeared on the field. The ca5 barely had any shown features except for its pitch black fur. It had yellow cracks going down it's sides and ending at the tip of it's tail. It's eyes were a golden color with a deep red pupil.
Shadow Beast- Panther LV 3 Beast Atk:1400 Def:1400
"Wow that things pretty cool," 'Luna' admitted as 'she' gazed at the snarling wolf, feeling a small bead of sweat fall at its intimidating glare.
"There it is folks, one of the unique cards of Naruto's deck!" The announcer yelled. "An intimidating looking monster for sure and it looks like it has it's sights set on the young Luna!"
"Cool and intimidating yes," Naruto replied fondly. "But he's more than that! I now activate Panther's ability! When he's summoned to the field, I can give up life points equal to half of his Attack points to add a Shadow Beast monster from my deck to my head." He quickly swiped a card from his deck, his smirk never falling.
Luna- 4000
Naruto- 3300
"Now I activate my monsters second ability! I can Tribute him to advance summon one Shadow Beast monster from my hand. So, I send away my Panther to summon Shadow Beast- Bear in Attack Mode!"
Panther turned into a black mist that swirled around itself before a large black paw busted out and swiped it away. The monster was a big, pitch black bear with silver cracks throughout it's body. It's eyes were a silver color with a red pupil int the center.
Shadow Beast- Bear LV 5 Beast Atk:2300 Def:1500
"By paying life points equal to half of his Attack, then I can destroy a Spell/Trap you control. Oh and I can do that twice per turn! So go Bear, Silver Shadow Slash and destroy both of 'her' facedowns!" The bear roared back as the silver cracks glowed and it's claws with it. With a might swing, two large arches raced passed the two Morphtronics and destroyed the facedowns cards.
"Oh no, my Morphtransition Trap is gone!" Luna cried out in worry as she looked to the growling bear in worry.
Naruto- 3300-2300= 1000
"Now my Bear, destroy Morphtronic Celfone! Shadow Mauling!" The bear roared before it turned to mist and reappeared in front of Celfone and slashed it from head to toe with its claws, destroying it's target in a big explosion.
Luna- 4000-1400= 2600
"And in an almost seamless move, Naruto almost brought Luna to half her Life points while destroying her defenses. But he's brought himself down to only a thousand Life Points to do it. What does he hope to do with that issue?"
"Like this announcer guy," Naruto said with an eye till of annoyance. "I activate Shadow Beast Cloning. With this card I must Tribute one Shadow Beast monster I control and by doing so, I can Special Summon another one from my deck that has a different name, but it's level must be equal to or lower than the monster I have up. So, by tributing my Shadow Beast- Bear, I can Special Summon Shadow Beast- Turtle in Defense mode!"
Shadow Beast- Bear glowed slight before it exploded and the smoke converged together and created the new monster which was a bit smaller than the last. It was a pitch black turtle with three sharp claws on each foot. Throughout it's show were turquoise colored cracks and for sharp teeth in its mouth. Deter withdrew into its dark brown shell, the only thing being visible or at the green eyes and red pupil.
(Shadow Beast- Turtle LV 4 Aqua Atk:600 Def:2000)
" now I can activate the Continuous Spell Relief of the Beast! This will allow me to return one Shadow Beast monster in my graveyard back to my deck which will allow me to gain Life Points equal to the returned monster, once per turn. So by returning my shadow beast- Bear I can get my life back!
(Naruto- 1000+2300= 3300)
Now I'll lay down my own two Face Downs and end my turn. You're up 'Luna' show me what you got."
(Naruto- 1 monster, 2 face downs, 1 card in the hand)
"Okay, so he's tougher than I thought," 'Luna' said in a slight worry before 'she' drew her card. "Alright I'm going to play to the field my Morphtronic Scopen in Attack position." A telescope appeared before it transformed into a small robot version with punters and skinny arms.
(Morphtronic Scopen LV 3 Machine Atk:800 Def:1400)
"Now Scopen will allow me to Special Summon one level four or lower Morphtronic monster from my hand and the one I choose is Morphtronic Videon in Attack Mode."
A video camera appeared in a flash of light before it opened up and became a robot version with a small head.
Morphtronic Videon LV 4 Atk:1000 Def:1000
"Now I'll equip my Videon with the equip card, Megamorph! Since my Life Points are lower than yours, my monsters Attack is now doubled. Plus, my Videon's effect kicks in, giving himself an extra 800 Attack for each Equip card on him. And don't forget Radion give a all my Morphtronic monsters an 800 Attack boost as well!"
Morphtronic Radion 100+800= 900
Morphtronic Scopen 800+800= 1600
Morphtronic Videon 1000×2= 2000+800= 2800+800= 3600
"Amazing, young Luna has made a powerful monster to counter Naruto's field! With 3600 Attack points, Videon will flash away that turtle!" The announcer yelled out in excitement.
'He has two cards in his back row, but I have no clue what these Shadow Beasts can do,' 'Luna' thought. 'But I think it would be bad if I chose not to do anything. I have to strike while the iron is hot.' "Videon take out his Shadow Beast- Turtle."
"Not so fast! I activate my face down, Hidden in the Darkness," Naruto said with a smirk. "Not only can I negate your attack when you target a Shadow Beast monster, but I can also draw a new card."
"Dang it," 'Luna' said in frustration as 'she' inched at the fact her plan to take out his turtle was blocked by his Trap card. "I end my turn."
And due to it still being on the field at the end of the turn, Videon self destructed because of the downside of being summoned by Scope.
(Luna- 2 monsters, 2 cards in hand, no back row)
"My turn now!" Naruto said as he drew his card. "Alright! This will end it all here and now, 'Luna'. I play the monster known as Shadow Beast- Owl in Attack position!"
The monster that appeared was a pitch black owl about the same size as Naruto was. The owl had the common pitch black coloring like the previous monsters with a wing span of a medium sized car. The tail feathers broke off into a pitchfork shape that curved when it sat down. It had multiple red cracks that traveled throughout its body. It had two horns on its head that curved backwards. It possessed dark blue eyes with red pupils.
Shadow Beast- Owl LV 3 Winged Beast Atk:1200 Def:1700
"But that wouldn't be enough to beat me though," 'Luna' said in confusion. The monster was way too weak to help Naruto win here.
"Oh, I know that," Naruto replied with a chuckle. It's why special abilities are so great and my buddy here has a few awesome ones. I'll activate his first ability which will allow me to target a Shadow Beast monster I control and gain Life Points equal to their Attack Points and I target my Shadow Beast- Turtle."
The owls cracks glowed before turquoise colored lights came off the turtles cracks and was absorbed into Shadow Beast- Owls mouth. Owl turned to Naruto and shot the lights at its master.
Naruto- 3300+600= 3900
"Now I'll pay Life Points equal to half of Owls Attack to activate his other effect. By doing so, my friend now becomes a Tuner monster but I must Synchro Summon using him this turn or he's banished. So go, Shadow Beast- Owl tune with Shadow Beast- Turtle!"
"When thoughts hidden in shadows reveal itself, may it shine to show the muscles of the dark stars! Synchro Summon, Dark Star Minotaur!"
A pillar of light shone through the rings before it faded and revealed a rather intimidating sight. The Beast was huge, about the size of two grown men. It had a human shaped body but the head was in the shape of a goat with pitch black. On the back of its two huge pale hands were black stars. From its legs to its waste were are pitch black fur that look like leggings. On the top of its head was blood red horns and its eyes were a golden color with black stars for irises. In its hand was an ax which was a twisted mangled mess of bones.
Dark Star Minotaur LV7 Beast Atk:2100 Def:2300
"No way, that thing is huge!" 'Luna' cried out in terror as 'she' stared into the beasts deadly gaze. 'She' had to fight the urge to jump in fear as the monster roared loudly.
"Now I activate the Shadow Beast Cloning in my graveyard. By banishing it from my grave I can now return 1 Shadow Beast monster in my graveyard back to my hand and I choose Shadow Beast- Owl!" Naruto said as he added the monster to his hand. "Now I activate my face down card Shadow Beast Schematic. This handy spell allows me to add 1 Shadow Beast monster from my deck to my hand and can Special Summon that monster by paying Life Points equal to its Attack. So I summon Shadow Beast- Bear! Welcome back my friend!"
The Spell card glowed bright before a black mist poured out from it. The mist took shape and Shadow Beast- Bear appeared with a mighty roar.
Naruto- 3300-2300= 1000
"Now I activate the last card in my hand, Shadow Beast Lake! I can target one Shadow Beast monster I control and you take Life Points equal to hald of it's original Attack, and I target Shadow Beast- Bear."
Luna- 2600-1350= 1250
"Now Dark Star Minotaur, attack his Morphtronic Videon! Midnight Slash!" The stars on his hands and eyes glowed bright as his axe turned black. He tossed the axe where it lodged into Videon's head, causing it to be destroyed and the axe to fly back to the hulking beasts awaiting hand.
Luna- 1250-1100= 150
"Now Shadow Beast- Bear, end this duel with Shadow Mauling!" Bear appeared in front of Morphtronic Scopen and slashed the monster to pieces.
Luna- 150-1500= 0
"And that is all she wrote folks! Continuing to the next round will be the duelist of the shadows, Naruto!" At this, the stadium erupted into cheers at the impressive duel between these two kids.
Naruto shook 'Luna's' hand in good sportsmanship. "You were good and I hope we can duel again sometime, Mr. Cross dresser." Naruto said the last part in a whisper that only 'Luna' was able to hear Naruto as he smirked in amusement. Before the teal hair child could reply, Naruto walked away towards the other exit.
AN: and that is everything. I hope that you guys enjoy this chapter of this new story that I'm trying I know it's a bit different than something I normally do but I thought I'd give it a try. But either way I hope you all enjoyed it let me know what y'all think in the comments section as usual. Please favorite review and follow as usual thank you all.
Dragon Soul94 is out!