Michael and Anthony just sat there for a little while. Saying nothing to each other, until Anthony realized something, "Do you think you'd want to go tell our parents and Mr. and Mrs. Brittany what happened to Gina?"
"I guess, but can't you do that?" Michael asked.
"Sure..." Anthony replied, sad he would have to leave Gorgonia. He got up and left the lab, leaving Michael alone with Gorgoina once again.
He sighed, thinking of all the good times they've had together. What if earlier tonight was the last one? Michael thought to himself in fear, and then he shuttered. He didn't believe that. He couldn't. Michael studied his best friend; she had a very blank facial expression, her long blonde hair looked frizzy, and blood was still seeping out of her blue knit dress. Micheal felt tears well up in his eyes again. Why did this happen to her? After a little while, Michael started hearing sirens in the distance. Finally, he thought, the ambulance is here!
Michael, Joan, Anthony, Philomena, Felicitous, and the rest their families were waiting in the waiting room of the hospital.
Michael was worried sick about Gorgonia; he just thought about everything they had been through together. Was tonight the last night they'd ever do anything together again?
Joan was still in shock; she had seen Gorgonia's blue knit dress, and how much blood it soaked up. It frightened her.
Anthony just sat in his chair, thinking of how little he and Gorgonia actually hung out or talked to each other. He wanted a second chance to actually get to know her. But would he?
Philomena was shaking, Felicitous was hugging her. Both had cried a lot. But what do you expect? Their sister was in danger of dying.
Matthew didn't know what to think. He had always been better friends with Max; Gorgonia's younger brother. But now that she was in danger of dying, he wished he would've got to know her better. But he was honestly worried about his siblings, they looked way worse than he did. Especially Joan, she never was the best at making friends, so to maybe loose her best friend... That was a lot to take in.
Maximilian was worried. He never got along with Gorgonia, but that didn't mean he didn't care about her.
And both parents were a nervous wreck, but they're parents, what do you expect?
All were lost in their own little worlds when the doctor came in. "Brittany?" He called out.
All of them jumped, "Yes, we're Gorgonia's parents, I'm her mother."
"Please, all family members follow me." He told them, and starting walking out the door.
"Can the Bowen's come too? They're like family to us." Gorgonia's mother asked.
"I guess so," he responded.
Then they all followed him to a room. It was a small room, there were only three chairs, and one couch in the corner. Of course there was a desk, and chair for the doctor. "So," he sat down in his chair.
Mr. and Mrs. Brittany got two of the chairs, the one was taken by Mrs. Bowen. "So how is she?" Mrs. Bowen asked.
"Where's my daughter?" Mrs. Brittany asked in a ? tone.
"Calm down," he told Mrs. Brittany. "Now, Gorgonia is in the ICU, she's going to be there for a while."
"Why's that?" Mr. Bowen asked.
"Because she's in a coma." He answered, in a sad tone.
Everyone in the room gasped, "Wh-what are you saying?" Mrs. Brittany asked, tears filling her eyes again.
"I'm saying, she is in a coma, and may be there for a while." The doctor answered.
"What will happen when she wakes up?" Mrs. Bowen asked, tears in her eyes.
"She may have memory loss, or a whole laundry list of diseases. It just depends." The doctor answered.
Everyone was silent. Michael was still trying to process how this happened, and thinking about if Gorgonia forgot him. Anthony blames himself. Joan was just flat out shocked. And the Brittnays, they were a mess. Maximilian was wondering if Gorgonia would ever wake up. Philomena was panicking, what would she do without her sister, and best friend? Felicitous was just a wreck. And everyone's parents were a mess. Mrs. Brittany was the worst, she's the mother of the child, what did you expect? Mr. Brittany looked sad, but was a big mess on the inside. Mr. and Mrs. Bowen were both really sad, and Mrs. Bowen was crying. Everyone in this room was experiencing the same thing; what would happened if I lost someone I cared about? No one wanted to asked themselves this question, but sometimes, it has to be asked.
"Wh-when c-can we s-see her?" Mrs. Brittany asked, very sadly.
"Whenever you like," he told them. "But only two at a time."
"Thank you," Mrs. Bowen said.
"Is anyone here younger than eleven?" The doctor asked.
"Two are, one is eleven." Mr. Bowen answered.
"Sorry, but they can not see Gorgonia. It's hospital rules." He told them sadly.
"But he's her brother!" Mr. Brittany shouted, pointing at Maximilian.
"Denis, calm down." His wife told him. "It's hospital rules."
He stopped, for his wife. But he didn't want too.
"Follow me," the doctor told them. He proceeded to get up, and walk out the room. The two families followed. They reached an elevator, and went up three floors. They then went to a door in the ICU hallway. "Now, only one at a time for now. And no one under eleven may enter."
Everyone just stared at the door. Michael wanted to run in, Anthony wanted to be by Gorgonia's side, Joan wanted to sit next to her best friend, and the rest wanted the same. They all wanted to be by Gorgonia's side. Because, the night before, they thought she had many, many years to live. But now, now they all hoped she would make it to tomorrow.
Hey y'all, I know this has taken forever, but I'm back! I don't know when the next chapter will be out, but probably not soon. Bye for now! ~ Maggie