Chapter Fifteen:

The day of the second task had arrived, and the local Devils hadn't been able to get much sleep the night before it. Since the most regular companion in Lilith's bed, Luna Lovegood, hadn't joined the Devil/Reaper- and Devil/Hellcat-hybrids that night. The only other member who joined in was the Pawn of the Peerage, Jack, who Lilith was working on officially adopting into her household. The Cheshire Cat/Devil-hybrid's absence caused a huge amount of distress for Lilith and the rest of her Peerage.

The fact that she was instructed to head down to the lake pretty much immediately after breakfast filled her with dread, as she realized that the golden egg's song hadn't meant that she would have to retrieve something from the bottom of the lake, but someone. Which understandably made her feel very stressed out. Fortunately, Lilith could still feel her connection to Luna via their respective Rude Awakening Pieces, which relieved some of the stress she felt once she reached the platform she was supposed to be on before the second task started.

Once she was on the platform she could easily feel all eyes that were on her, most of which were staring at her with lust, envy or both. And she understood why. She was after all wearing a red and gold colored swimsuit that was hugging her figure quite tightly, which to her annoyance made her very buxom figure for her age more noticeable and her rather large boobs bounce whenever she moved.

With the boom of a cannon, she dived into the water and got a rather deep dive before running out of momentum. Which was when she proceeded to perform a variation of a partial transformation into her animagus-form. Instead of transforming in a way that brought forth specific limbs or traits of her animagus-form, like a partial transformation normally implies, she transformed a certain amount of her entire physiology.

Her entire body became covered in sea blue scales. Her teeth became fangs. Her ears became fins. A crest of pointy horns was formed on the back of her head. Her hands and feet gained webbings between her fingers and toes respectively. The sail-like fin, fin-like wings and fin-tipped serpentine tail that appeared from her upper back, lower back and tailbone tore her swimsuit to shreds. Gills were formed on the sides of her neck, making her able to breathe under the water. And finally, she gained a pair of transparent membranes over her eyes, which were still pale purple but had gained slitted pupils, allowing her to see perfectly despite being underwater. Upon feeling the water throughout her entire changed body, including her chest and below the nonexistent belt, Lilith worriedly touched herself, before releasing a sigh of relief that she was somehow able to perceive as an audible one. Her privates were covered by her scales and not visible. And with that done, she started swimming, trying to find her Cheshire Cat, an experience she likened to flying with her diabolical wings in the air.

She swam past two of the other champions, more specifically Cedric Diggory and Fleur Delacour, on her way towards the spot where the hostages were being held, surprising the two of them. Cedric didn't do anything other than waving hello at her, recognizing her despite her transformed visage, but Fleur apparently got a jumpscare, as the (part-)Veela sent a poorly aimed stunner in Lilith's general direction, which thankfully missed (especially since Lilith wasn't in the mood for testing whether or not her scales were Magic Resistant) when the (part-)Veela noticed the transformed Devil/Reaper-hybrid. The (part-)Veela made an apologetic gesture after realizing her mistake. Unlike Lilith, who gained gills thanks to her transformation and could therefore breathe underwater, the other two champions hadn't drowned thanks to the use of the appropriately named Bubble-Head Charm. Creating an air pocket inside of an aforementioned bubble. Despite knowing that she could somehow perceive sound underwater, as if she was above the water's surface, Lilith highly doubted that she could actually speak under the water. So instead of trying and most likely just waste precious time, she just shrugged and continued searching for her hostage.

After a few minutes of surprisingly undisturbed swimming and searching, the transformed Devil/Reaper-hybrid eventually found the spot where the hostages were being kept. Finding Luna was easy for Lilith for two reasons. One, she could still feel her connection to her Bishop via their respective Rude Awakening Pieces. And two… Luna was the only hostage who wasn't wearing anything more than her underwear, which consisted of a dark blue bra and dark blue panties, a sight that made Lilith gain a fanged and slightly perverted grin as she swam up to her Bishop.

As the transformed Devil/Reaper-hybrid worked on freeing her Bishop using Wizarding Magic, mostly because it was the style of magic she was most familiar with and the least suspicious, the other three champions showed up to rescue their respective hostages. The sight of Krum having the head of a shark instead of his actual head made Lilith raise a scaly eyebrow (not that she actually had any actual eyebrows in her transformed state, but some paler scales where the eyebrows would normally be) in slight curiosity before shrugging and returning her attention to Luna.

However she didn't get to finish freeing her Bishop as a sudden sound of something massive approaching was heard. Though considering that the other champions hadn't noticed the sound made the transformed Devil/Reaper-hybrid start to believe that the sound wasn't an actual sound, but something that she perceived as sound underwater thanks to her Animagus-form. Her worry turned into panic and anger when she saw and felt what was approaching. And what she saw approaching was something that had a strong resemblance to an aquatic dragon, but was clearly a Stray Devil, thanks to the demonic presence it was releasing uncontrollably. The Stray Devil had probably been following the Bulgarians all the way from Bulgaria, due to the fact that it was staring either gluttonously or lustily at the shark-headed wizard, who was oblivious to the threat and busy trying to rescue his hostage, a female student at Hogwarts that Lilith didn't know, probably his dance-partner form the Yule Ball last night. Knowing that a fight was more than likely inevitable, the Devil/Reaper-hybrid started swimming towards the Stray Devil, completing her transformation into her animagus-form.