Chapter Fourteen:

The weeks following the first task of the Triwizard Tournament was rather busy and interesting for the members of the British Peerage, in more ways than one. Not only was figuring out what to do with the golden egg Lilith stole from a dragon during the first task was practically a task by itself, they also had to deal with a Stray Devil that had somehow managed to infiltrate Lilith's territory the same night as the day of the first task, who they let Jack eat once they killed it not only to make the clean up a little easier but also to actually serve as the Pawn's dinner (who had been a bit upset that she didn't get finish her previous meal back in the castle). But the most interesting thing that happened (sort of in the cursed sense of the word), was the announcement of the Yule Ball. Which quickly became something that the members of the little harem looked forward to.

For Lilith, it was the thought of not only seeing her girls in dresses, dancing with them, closely, and maybe having some intimate fun afterwards. A thought that made her chuckle pervertedly and make her nose bleed, much to everyone except her fellow Devils discomfort. After the first dancing lesson, during which she was paired up with Ron Weasley (much to her annoyance and disgust), who's toes she accidentally (read: intentionally) kept stepping on, she asked Professor Mcgonagall (the teacher who lead the lesson) if she was allowed to invite her cousin and said cousins group (Rias and her Peerage), to which the reply was positive. And as a result, the Devil/Reaper-hybrid sent her cousin the invitation.

Roughly two weeks or so after Lilith sent Rias the invitations, the reply of acceptance came in via owl post. Informing the local Peerage and the Hogwarts staff that six people would come to attend the ball as guests. The fact that there would be six instead of four probably meant that the mostly Japanese Peerage had acquired two new members in the time since the Quidditch World Cup.

About a month or so later, the ball came and the local Devils were already in the ballroom enjoying themselves. The members of the little harem were currently taking periodic turns at dancing with each other, all while being dressed in both very beautiful and most likely expensive dresses. Jack was happily enjoying the snacks at the snacks table. And Ginny was bored out of her damn mind, but she did find some kind of entertainment in the form of watching people stepping on their dance partner's toes, not that it really did anything about her boredom.

But what really made people turn their attention elsewhere and as result step on their respective partners toes was when a particular group of six arrived, and only two of them were male. Rias Gremory, Lilith Potter's cousin, and her Peerage. The Devil/Reaper-hybrid proceeded to go and welcome her cousin to Hogwarts. The male one of the new members of the mostly Japanese Peerage immediately noticed the white haired girl walking up to Rias and his eyes immediately went to said white haired girl's rather large chest.

"Rias. It's been a while, hasn't it?" Exclaimed the king of the British Peerage.

"Indeed Lilith. It has been a while indeed." Replied the King of the mostly Japanese Peerage.

"I can see that you have gotten yourself two new members of your group. Care to introduce them cousin?"

"Sure. The girl is Asia Argento, my Bishop, and the boy is Issei Hyoudou, my sole Pawn. I can see that you have gotten a new member as well. Care to do the same?" After Rias introduced her new pieces, she made a gesture towards the snacks table as she said the last part.

"Of course. That's my adorable little Ghoul of a Pawn. Her name's Jack."

"Oh? And when you say ghoul, do you mean-"

"That it's her former species? Yes. Just enough to have all benefits and none of the drawbacks." As Lilith said that, unnoticed by everyone, Jack perked up upon hearing her name and as a result made her way towards the Kings, while carrying a comically massive mug of soda (which absolutely nobody had any idea where it even came from, nor how someone even managed to smuggle it into the castle (let alone the ballroom)). "Though she does have an almost ridiculous appetite, happily eating as much as she can, because she can."

"Seriously? Is it then safe to assume that her main sin for power is gluttony?"

"Yup." Exclaimed Lilith as she and Rias noticed that Jack had walked up to older Devils, popping on the p.

"Did someone say my name?" Asked the Pawn of the British Peerage rather adorably with a tilt of her head, while taking a sip of the soda. The fact that she was wearing what could easily be described as a gothic version of the dress Alice wore in Alice in Wonderland only amplified the effect.

"Cute." Exclaimed Issei suddenly, causing his fellow Pawn to turn her head towards him and suspiciously take a sniff of the air before starting to growl at him with clear irritation and disgust? The fact that her eyes activated, turning her sclera from its normal white into pitch black and her iris from its normal yellowish green into crimson, the color of blood.

"Normally I'd say something like, back off or I'll eat you, but I don't want any indigestion." Growled Jack at her fellow Pawn, causing the other Pawn to back off out fear for his life.

Ignoring their respective Pawns antics, the two Kings were enjoying themselves sharing what kind of events and other shenanigans they had gotten themselves into since the last time they saw each other.

"… okay now that's dedication, especially considering that he's a bloody pervert!" Exclaimed Lilith in response to Rias telling her how Issei crashed an engagement party and saved her from a marriage contract.

"That may be true, but he's my pervert."

"Whatever. By the way, wanna stick around for the second task? Apparently I'm supposed to return something precious from the bottom of the lake and I for one intend to use my newly acquired animagus form during the task."

"Oh? Care to share what you transform into?"

"Of course not, that'd ruin the surprise. You'll have to stick around to see it, or wait until I transform at another time."

"I guess that settles it then, me and my Peerage will be sticking around for awhile Lilith."

"Glad to have ya Rias."