Lilith Potter always knew she was different. For starters, she had naturally white hair and a very odd eye color, a kind of pale purple, along with a very pale complexion. The fact that she felt more comfortable and powerful at night whereas she felt uncomfortable if not straight up weakened in daylight was just another oddity.
She became even more aware of just how different she was when she started her education at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. Everyone was either jealous of her talent in magic or in awe. The teachers called her a prodigy. Though everyone was quite wary of her when people learned that things had an odd tendency of exploding whenever Lilith got angry, frustrated or upset in general. In fact, her magic was indeed more powerful whenever she was indulging in one of the seven deadly sins, most notably whenever she was either angry or feeling prideful. The fact that the more destructive magics was were particularly easy for her was a mere icing on the cake. Her favorites so far was the Reductor-curse and the Exploding charm.
Due to the rather disturbing gap in power between herself and her peers, she didn't really have any real friends who genuinely cared and wanted to be her friend for who she was and not because she was powerful. But that didn't mean that she was without friends, her best friend was the muggleborn witch Hermione Granger. Especially after she saved the young witch from a mountain troll.
In fact, the muggleborn witch remained one of Lilith's few genuine friends over the following years. Even after the third year where some form of metaphorical shackles were shattered and powers beyond human capacities were unleashed. It was quite obvious that the power stemmed from non-human heritage, especially when Lilith killed a swarm of dementors, completely destroying them on both the physical and spiritual plane of existence with a blast of pale purple energy. This awakening prompted the two girls to research the source of Lilith's power, and they found some answers, but not all of them.
The Power of Destruction, the hereditary power of the Bael-clan of pureblood Devils, was the closest thing to what Lilith did, leading them to suspect that Lilith's power was some sort of mutated variant and that she had the blood of the Bael-clan coursing through her veins. Lilith's diabolical heritage was only supplemented when she sprouted her wings for the first time. Four, admittedly skinny (almost skeletal), bat-like wings, with a full-sized pair and a smaller set beneath the full-sized ones, sprouted out of her back. It also explained to both of them why Lilith had hit puberty early and why she was already sporting a very buxom figure for her age, much to envy of her female peers and even some of the older girls… including Hermione. Though the witch did find some semblance of comfort in the fact that Lilith had been more or less oblivious of her well developed figure and didn't understand why most girls had been glaring enviously at her chest.
Even though the book claimed that Devils had gone extinct ages ago, but they pretty much instantly dismissed it since Lilith was living proof that Devils were still around. The Devil/something-hybrid had been feeling some sort of instinctual urge to do something she didn't really know what it was. And it was an urge that she simply couldn't ignore. Eventually, roughly around Christmas, the urge lead her (and Hermione, who had been following her) to a hidden storage room. Inside the room was a crapton of various kinds of junk and magical artifacts. It was one of the artifacts that Lilith felt drawn to, one half of a chess set made of some sort of crystal. As the Devil/something-hybrid was fidgeting with a chess piece, specifically the king-piece, it literally sank into her chest and not just into her cleavage when she accidentally dropped it. The strange thing was that she didn't feel any different from before it entered her.
The girls took the remaining pieces with them to their dormitory and it was there something really weird happened. Lilith had been playing with her owl, Hedwig, when a magic circle sprung to life underneath the owl, producing a blinding bright light.
Once the light died down and the two girls regained their sight, which took a bit longer for Lilith due to her diabolical heritage, it didn't reveal the snowy owl Lilith and Hermione knew as Hedwig. Instead, it revealed a rather cute girl with pale skin wearing a snowy owl-themed dress. The little girl was also wearing a white feathered cloak with an owl-shaped hood. She didn't have any real fingernails nor did she have normal eyes, instead she had very short, but still very real, talons and a pair of yellow owl-like ones. Completing the look was the snowy owl feathers in the little girl's hair.
"Hedwig?" Asked Lilith hesitantly the little owl-themed girl, who perked up and turned towards the Devil/something-hybrid.
"Master!" Exclaimed the owl-themed girl happily as she made a dive towards her apparent master, Lilith, crashing into the more buxom girl with her head pretty much buried in Lilith's chest.
"Whelp. This definitely isn't something you see every day, even in the wizarding world if I'd have to take a guess." Exclaimed Hermione teasingly while chuckling at Lilith's misfortune, who was looking very uncomfortable and confused at her situation.
"Is it really you Hedwig?"
"Yup! That's my name!" Exclaimed the owl-themed girl, who was by now confirmed to be Hedwig, happily as she basically rubbed her face against Lilith's rather large chest.
"This 'oughta be the weirdest Christmas I have ever had." Deadpanned Hermione at the sight of her female friend and the former normal owl rubbing her face against the Devil/something-hybrid's chest in a somewhat perverted manner.
"And I say that this 'oughta be the best Christmas I have ever had. I've always wanted a younger sibling… and actual family." Exclaimed Lilith in response while muttering the last bit to herself as she wrapped one arm around Hedwig and the other one around Hermione, who clearly heard her muttering and returned the hug. Which finally broke the waterworks, making Lilith start crying tears of happiness at the affection, being somewhat overwhelmed due to being very unused to getting any form of positive kind of physical affection. Eventually, the Devil/something-hybrid fell asleep in the embrace of her new familiar and female friend, who after realizing that she had fallen asleep cooperated with each other to get Lilith into her bed. Though they did leave her clothes on since she tended to sleep in the nude whenever she went to sleep on her own accord, something that was apparently a common thing amongst the female members of the Bael-clan and the female children of members of the Bael-clan who became part of other clans and families through marriage.
Another common trait amongst the female members of the Bael-clan was a rather infamous lack of care for a few things such as nudity and modesty. A trait that Lilith displayed through her habit of sleeping naked, even to the rather extreme extent that she was fully capable of stripping herself in her sleep, and a bad habit of not bothering to put any clothes on within the girl's dormitory. Much to the dismay and envy of the other girls. Though for some reason, Lilith had caught Hermione staring at her with drool coming out of her mouth and blood running out of her nose occasionally whenever Lilith did wander around within the female dorm in the nude.
Anyway, the following morning, Christmas Day, Lilith was still asleep in her bed… and she was naked… again, having stripped herself down to nothing at some point in her sleep (quite how she could strip herself down to nothing in her sleep and doing so without waking anyone up was something of a mystery that Hermione had decided that she was better off not knowing the answer of), the Devil/something-hybrid's female friend, Hermione Granger had let her curiosity get the better of her and was currently fidgeting with one of the chess pieces she and Lilith had retrieved in her hand, specifically one of the two bishops. She was still wearing her sleep wear, a nightgown, while she was doing this.
"What are you? You're clearly connected to the king piece inside Lilith somehow, but how the two of you are connected to each other is something I don't understand, but will learn." Muttered Hermione to herself. If it wasn't for the fact that her friend was asleep she would probably have said what she just said a bit louder. Sending a glance at the sleeping Devil/something-hybrid, the witch absently noticed that the owl-themed girl, previously simply known as the snowy owl Hedwig, was absent, despite the fact that the witch knew that the owl-themed girl had been sleeping next to the girl who she called master (way too happily for Hermione's tastes) last night. "Stripped herself down to nothing again. *sigh* you're one lucky girl Lilith. And she accidentally kicked the covers off again." As Hermione said that, she walked up to her friend's bed to pull the covers over Lilith. As she did it, the more buxom girl suddenly grabbed Hermione's nightgown and pulled her down onto the bed next to herself. The fact that she grabbed the witch's ass with one hand and had the other hand on the witch's lower back made Hermione blush. Hermione was about to either struggle to get free from the Devil/something-hybrid's embrace… or return the embrace… until said Devil/something-hybrid woke up.
"Good morning Hermione." Exclaimed Lilith absentmindedly, either not realizing the position they were in… or simply not caring.
"Good morning Lilith." Deadpanned Hermione in response. "Could you maybe let go of me?" At that Lilith glanced down and saw the position she and the witch was in, before returning her gaze to Hermione's face.
"I could… but don't wanna!" At that, the more buxom girl simply took a firmer hold of the witch in her embrace, showing no intentions of letting go.
"Lilith, could you please let go of me."
"Let go."
"Let go."
"Lilith Azrael Potter! Let go of me right now or I swear to god, I will find and destroy your hidden stash of photos from that time we essentially did a catwalk in nothing but our underwear together."
"*GASP* you wouldn't!?"
"Ohhoho. I would."
"Oh please, you'd just destroy half of them and keep the other half. And the half you'd keep are the photos of me."
"… damn it. I hate it sometimes when you're right."
"Okay! That's enough Lilith. If you don't let go of me right now we'll both miss breakfast."
"Damn it."
A while later in the great hall of Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, quite a good amount of people were still there for the holidays, and two of them were currently enjoying being the annoyance of a certain Slytherin, by singing a parody of a classical Christmas song.
"Jingle bells! Jingle bells! Malfoy smells! He just ate a rotten egg!…" so on and so forth sang both Lilith and the younger girl in Ravenclaw, Luna Lovegood, much to the amusement of everyone but Malfoy, who was just annoyed at the girls childish behavior. Personally, Lilith was enjoying the opportunity to be childish since she hadn't had the chance when she was younger, and the fact that Luna was something of an enabler for her spikes of childish behavior was just a happy coincidence. The Devil/something-hybrid did also privately hope that Luna wasn't joking when she said that she wouldn't mind sleeping with Lilith (and not just in the most literal interpretation).
Same-sex-relationships weren't exactly common in the wizarding world, but not exactly frowned upon either… at least when it was between two or more women. Hermione have guessed that it was because of the fact that two or more women could impregnate each other through the use of the rather recent Genitalia-potion. A potion that made the drinker temporarily adopt the genitalia of the opposite gender until the potion was fully digested. According to a lesbian couple amongst the older students, the potion didn't actually taste too bad considering what it allowed them to do.
Lilith did try to brew the potion on one occasion but the only result she got was the potion exploding in her face. The accidental result of that incident was Lilith getting a nosebleed every time she got excited for an entire week straight, which pretty much confirmed her sexual preference for women.
The rest of the year flew by without much happening along the way. That is unless Lilith finally learning how the chess pieces, now known as Evil Pieces, worked and what their purpose was. The reincarnation of other beings into Devils and the creation of a Peerage. Lilith's first two pieces being her friends Hermione and Luna, using queen piece and the two bishops to reincarnate the two witches into Devils respectively. They also learned, through some thorough research that Lilith's middle name, Azrael, wasn't a coincidence but the name of one of the two founders of the Peverell-clan, the clan that the Potters were descendants of. Azrael, the angel of death, and Thanatos, the Greek god of death, the first grim reapers. Which solved the mystery that was the other half of Lilith's heritage. She was a Devil/Reaper-hybrid.
With the reincarnation of the two witches into Devils, something unique was discovered by the members of the Peerage about not only themselves but also Lilith's set of Evil Pieces. The demonic chess set appeared to have the power to reawaken the supernatural heritage that laid dormant in the two witches' blood. Not only reincarnating them as Devils, but also reawakening their dormant heritage, resulting in them being reincarnated as Devil/something-else-hybrids. An attribute that prompted the Devil/Reaper-hybrid to start referring to the pieces as Rude Awakening Pieces, something of a joke on the fact that they were based on Evil Pieces that had been modified to reawaken dormant supernatural heritage. In Hermione's case, an until recently extinct subspecies of nekomata known as a Hellcat, a pair of cat ears sprouting from the top of her head and two cattails sprouting from her lower back, just above her ass, with an appearance similar to blue fire. And in Luna's case, another until recently extinct subspecies of nekomata, Cheshire Cat. The awakening of Luna's supernatural heritage caused her dirty-blonde hair to gain pale blue stripes and a pair of cat ears in the respective colors of her hair, along with a pair of striped cattails (which were akin to the tail of a Maine Coon, thick, fluffy (and very soft according to Lilith)).
On a side note, the two newly reincarnated girls' figures were starting to develop at an accelerated rate, gaining more buxom figures closer in shape to their king, much to the envy of their peers, particularly Ginny Weasley. The fact that Luna was getting particularly clingy to her king didn't go unnoticed by anyone. Not that Lilith was complaining about it. In fact, the Devil/Reaper-hybrid enjoyed the sensation of Luna's rather rapidly developing figure touching her, especially when the Cheshire Cat/Devil-hybrid clung to her king from behind.
While the newly formed Peerage didn't have a concrete plan, the king definitely had the full intention of contacting her fellow Devils, specifically the one she discovered, through some help (bribery) from the goblins, was her godmother, Venelana Gremory (née Bael). Her mother's, Lily Potter née Evans (true name, Nerine Bael), older sister.