I am sorry in advance for taking so long, I will fully explain why in the post-chapter authors note.

So much potential to be the best chapter I've written, I just need to execute this right! If this takes some time to be posted, let it be known now that the reason was I took my time in writing it.

On with some future details and plans, in case anyone was worried about implications after the events of last chapter.

This will mostly be fluff, so enjoy it before stuff gets serious again.

I promised no more battle scenes, and a woman of my word so I will not add large scale conflicts. You can expect some form of conflict, but not in the war kind of sense.

With that being said, I will leave you to guess at the type of conflicts that will be happening in later chapters! I would love to hear your ideas!

Now, on with the chapter!

- London

Rey awoke with a jolt, her eyes flashing open to find the ceiling of hut. Looking down she saw herself neatly tucked in her blanket, but she felt everything with extra sensitivity. What the- as if on cue, her head split into a pounding a headache and her mouth dried up like the Jakku dessert.

"Oww" She hissed, pulling her hand out from under the covers to grip her forehead. She closed her eyes, the light flowing into her room from the window seemed unbearable. Her stomach churned as well, feeling it coil into knots. "What the hell happened..." She cursed herself, rubbing her temple with one hand. As if her slow massage was the trick, she remembered having the drinks with Poe. That could not have been enough... Then she remembered the game of Dejarik, and the bottle.

"Oh my, please don't-" It was at that moment she became aware of why the blanket felt so close. She quickly opened her eyes, reaching up with her hands she peered under the covers. I'm naked- "Please, please, please don't tell me I- Rey! You're such an idiot!" She let her head flop back down on the pillow, closing her eyes in defeat. "I'm going to-"

"Good morning, sleepy head" Rey's eyes shot open, quickly recognizing the voice of Ben. She rolled her body over to see where he was, with that motion however, Rey felt her back ache with soreness. Once her eyes focused, which Ben thought was incredibly adorable to watch her rub her eyes, she was able to see he sat at her desk with the chair turned to face her.

"Ben..." Rey spoke his name first, still a little disoriented from the hangover. He smiled, and she scanned his face for signs of emotion. From her initial glace, he seemed amused and happy, which surprised her a little. "What happened, or" She winced again, closing her eyes while her head pounded. "What did I do?" She opened her eyes to find him smiling again, as if he were about to burst out laughing. "I'm being serious Ben." Rey said, with more of a firm tone this time around.

"Alight, alright..." He had tried his best to contain his laughter, but started to laugh anyways. Rey found his laugh cute, very, very cute, but now was not the time for him to be laughing at her.

"Hey!" Rey half shouted at him, snapping Ben out of his laughter immediately. He could sense her annoyance, and didn't want to upset her in the state he knew she was in. From what he knew, Rey had never been hungover before, and he started to feel something he had denied himself of for awhile... empathy.

"I have a few questions myself." He began, relaxing back into the chair. Rey raised an eye brow, propping herself up against the side of the wall her hammock was on, causing it to shift. This position was much more comfortable on her neck that was incredible sore.

"How could I answer, Ben, I don't remember a thing." Rey brought up the blanket to cover her neck, not wanting to expose herself to Ben in this manner. He chuckled and turned around briefly, grabbing an object off the desk before turning back to face the hungover Jedi.

"I doubt you made this while drunk." He replied. Rey tilted her head, made? What is he- Rey got her answer as soon as she saw the yellow blade of her newly crafted light saber spring out from the hilt in his hand. She peered past the glow to see him still smiling. "I see you finally finished it." He said, turning it off before placing it on the table again.

"Yeah, I finished before our walk." Rey replied casually, wondering whether he was angry about the color or knew something she didn't about yellow sabers. He nodded, looking back at the hilt, no emotion on his face just the smile.

"I must say, you did a fantastic job." He turned back to face Rey with a smile. It was true, he did like the hilt design and was proud she was able to finish it without his help. Rey's right lip went up to a half smile, happy that Ben approved of her work, but she had more pressing matter to attend to.

"So" Ben looked up intently. "Are you going to tell me what happened now?" She asked, giving him a hard look, not playing anymore games. He let out a sigh, flashing a smirk as he thought of a quick prank to pull on her.

"Are you sure you want to know." He stood up, trying his best to put on a concerned face. Apparently he did a good job, as Rey's eyes widened and a sense of fear washed over her like a tidal wave.

"Please tell I didn't sleep with P-" Rey wasn't able to finish before Ben cut her off, kneeling beside her hammock where she lay. His face was grim, and he looked straight into her eyes forcing himself not to laugh. He could sense Rey's fear, and had second thoughts about his prank.

"You did..." He joked back, but with a serious voice. Upon hearing the news, and reading his face, Rey felt an overwhelming sense of shame stab through her. Ben could sense this, as the entire hut burst into feeling he could sense with their Force connection. It wasn't long before Rey's lips started to curl back, and a tear ran down her right cheek.

"I'm sorry Ben." The feeble voice cracked out of Rey's mouth, as more tears began to race down her face. Ben, now feeling terrible, stood up. For starters he was shocked; he hadn't expected Rey to apologize for whatever she thought she had done. Second; whatever it was she clearly meant it, as Ben could barely think as raw sadness filled the hut. He paused for a second searching the Force for what possibly Rey could be thinking about. It didn't take him long to find out, and he suddenly felt very, very bad.

"No, no Rey! It is okay!" Ben put on a smile, speaking in a friendly tone. "I was just kidding, I'm the one who's sorry!" He reached out with his hand, a gesture to which Rey just looked at. "None of that happened!" Rey looked up at him, anger flashing in her eyes for a moment, before she began to question whether or not he was just trying to comfort her.

"Then how am I naked?" She asked, glancing down at her figure that was covered up by blankets. Ben noticed her voice sharp with apprehension and smiled warmly back at her, remembering what happened fondly. This smile, however, just confused Rey more who had stopped crying.

"About an hour after I put you in bed, you stood up and yelled 'Why is it so hot in this god forsaken jungle!'" Ben smirked "I must admit, you're quite the handful while drunk." Rey felt her cheeks grow hot, embarrassed as Ben pointed to her garments that were strewn across her hut in various locations. He wasn't lying, and due to his smile she assumed the rest of her evening went in a similar manner.

"Can you tell me the rest of what happened... I can't remember." Rey asked, gazing up at him with trustworthy eyes. Grabbing the end of her blanket, she pulled it up to her neck to get cozy. Ben sighed, using the Force to pull a chair up behind in to sit on.

"You remember, like before, search your memory." Ben said, in a firm voice. He didn't want to explain that he had only found her a few hours before he went to bed. He knew there would be gaps in his story, and all Rey had to do was search her mind like he did hers to find the missing details of the night. "Oh, take these." Ben remembered that a friendly onlooker had given him some pain killers for Rey to use in the morning. Rye perked up, and caught the bottle Ben has tossed to her.

"Alight, I will try." Rey replied, gaining confidence in herself even with her splitting head ache that would soon be cured as she swallowed two pills. Take a breath, with Ben overseeing if she needed any assistance, Rey began to look inwards and search her own mind for the recollection of her intoxicated night.

"Its okay, I feel it too." Ben gave a little motivation, reaching out to touch her hand under the blankets with his. Rey barely heard him though, all she could see were her own memories. Not long after, the night started to unfold before her eyes...

"How?!" Poe's mouth hung open, astonished by his defeat in Dejarik at the hands of Rey. Smiling, she leaned back into the seat and crossed her arms. "That's impossible!" He spoke again, getting at eye level with the holoboard to inspect the game up close. Rey shrugged, even with her mind foggy with the drinks that had now kicked in, she could sense his moves a mile away.

"You're predictable." She proclaimed, hitting the reset button on the game causing the holographic figures to disappear. He looked up to meet her smug grin, a little bit irritated by her comment.

"Rematch, now!" He demanded, firing up his competitive instincts. After spending some time around him, Finn and Rey both concluded he wold have made a great land speeder racer had it not been for the war. Rey started to laugh though, knowing she would win, and because she felt more giggly now the drinks had settled in.

"I'm surprised you'd want to lose again!" Rey jabbed at him, flicking the switch to turn the game back on. Whatever the drinks were doing, they certainly had worked. Her head felt fuzzy, her chest felt warm, her cheeks were slightly flushed and her legs felt kind of weird. Whatever it was, the feelings were great.

"Every time someone wins, they take another drink, deal?" Poe said, knowing that if he got his young friend drunk enough, he could shake her focus. Rey raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the proposition. The holographic pieces appeared back in formation as she reached for the bottle.

"Sounds fair to me." She grabbed it, pulling it towards her mouth taking a decent swig. Her previous drinks had kicked in, this taking away the initial burn she felt when first drinking his rum. Poe watched her, his eyes gleaming. This was the Rey he always thought was there, but too stuck to her ways to come out. As she put the bottle down, he thought that maybe he was a bad influence, but quickly shrugged that thought off.

"Ready to get your ass kicked?" He chirped, placing his hands on the board in preparation for the hardest fight of his life. At least when he played Chewie, he knew he was going to lose. Rey flashed her teeth back, getting ready to make the first move.

"Are you?" Rey retorted, placing a piece in the same spot as her previous opening move. Poe saw this, and matched her move with a different strategy then last time hoping to catch her in a mid game trap. Rey, being as smart as she was, saw his move coming before it happened and thought for a moment on what she should do to counter. Watching her think, Poe began to wonder how she had gotten so good at the game. Perhaps she played on Jakku, or maybe Jedi also study this game as part of their training. Rey then moved a piece, an unexpected move, but one that would make sense later.

The rest of the game went accordingly; Poe trying his best as Rey matched him move for move with her own plot. To poor Poe, it always felt like Rey were five steps ahead of him during the game. He observed her as she studied the board for what felt like minutes, until she finally moved. Poe had also noticed she played in advance, guessing his moves before he did them and preparing before he even knew what he was going to do.

"That's game." Rey said, moving her final piece in line to chapter his General. Looking up she gave a half smirk, more of the alcohol kicking in making her face feel heavy. He just stared at the board, mystified. The only person he ever read about having plans like these were the Emperor, and Leia. Of course there were better Dejarik players out there, but he couldn't think of any before he blurted out what was on his mind.

"How." He asked again, not taking his eyes of the board. "You sense what I'm going to do five moves before I make them!" Rey just gazed at him, her mind slow to react. Impeded by the alcohol, she was starting to zone out at times. "The only person who plans wars like that was the Emperor." Poe said, shaking his head in dismay. Rey's head sort of jerked up in a tipsy manner, hearing her grandfathers name.

"That would make sense." Rey thought aloud, knowing Finn must have not told the pilot about her lineage. He looked up at her with confusion, taking a second to think about what she said.

"What?" Poe question, still confused. Maybe the drinks were finally catching up to his Jedi pal, but he sensed she was just playing coy with him. Rey sat up straighter, feeling how odd her head felt when she moved. Shrugging it off, she elaborated on her previous statement.

"You said I'm like the Emperor, that makes sense." Rey continued to beat around the bush. Even in the very isolated, enclosed and personal space they were in she found it somewhat hard to talk about her lineage to a non-force user. Rey wasn't afraid of the truth, or of Poe knowing the truth. The thing we was worried about would be his reaction, even if they butted heads more often then Rams, Poe was still her friend. That was something she didn't want to lose, but the truth always reveals itself, this time the truth seemed to be revealed to Poe in their games of Dejarik.

"I'm lost." Poe said with a sigh, shaking his head and leaning back. Grabbing the bottle he took a swig, he noticed Rey's face get serious while he did so and started to worry a bit. He had not the faintest clue about what was to come next.

"I am a Palpatine." Rey's voice was clear, calm and slight unnerving to Poe. In disbelief he stared at Rey for a moment. The look on her face confused him even more; there she was, calm and serious, but her cheeks were flushed from the drinks and her eyes were starting to glaze. is she serious? He though or is it just the drinks? In a quick decision he went with her just having to much to drink.

"I think you've had enough." Poe said, taking the bottle and setting it on the floor. While he looked down to place the bottle on the floor, he could hear Rey's giggle. This reaction unsettled him more, perhaps she was telling the truth, but how could that be? Looking back up he saw her lean back and sigh.

"No, silly. I haven't had enough!" Poe snorted, but he wasn't in the mood for laughter, so it ended up sounding like a muffled sneeze. "I am the granddaughter of the Senate, I am Rey Palpatine." Suddenly, it all made sense to Poe. Being smart, he had picked up on Rey's quirky personality traits very quickly, but he could never explain them. Now, they all made sense. Rey always seemed to have energy, or power, as Leia said. Rey would get angry, which to Poe that was never a problem, but he noticed how Leia would scold her. No wonder Rey always thought of Kylo different, they understood each other better then anyone else could. Of course Rey would hate lightning; not only had she had little experience with it, but it was quite literally inside her- and Poe had seen her use it. After his mind stopped spinning, he formed a reply.

"How long..." He started to worry, that she had kept this a secret. "How long have you known?" Rey frowned, sensing fear start to build up slowly across form her. Maybe he was just shocked, and nothing more.

"Just recently, Ben told me when we were on Kijimi." Rey informed him as the memories of her shock and devastation slowly crept back into her head, delayed by the alcohol in her veins. Poe let out an audible sound of relief, slumping in his chair. He felt embarrassed about being worried, or even frightened by his Jedi friend.

"That must have been hard." He spoke, looking up at her with soft eyes. "Learning that kind of news... on that mission." Rey nodded, dropping her gaze to the floor. "No wonder you seemed so distant then, I'm sorry." Poe finished, grabbing the bottle from off the ground and placing it back on the table before sliding it to Rey. "You could use another drink."

"It was hard." Rey muttered, swinging her head back up slowly feeling her haziness from the drinks really start to kick in. "I'm just glad I had people to help me overcome it" She paused, taking the bottle. "Or in better words, accept myself for who I was." Quickly she put the bottle to her mouth and took another drink. Poe suddenly felt empathy for his friend, and knew exactly what to say to cheer her up.

"What you are is an amazing, selfless hero who deserves a better name then that." Rey put the bottle down, and Poe tapped his fingers on the table. "And, just for the record, I would have accepted who you are then, and now, had you found out and told me earlier." Rey felt relieved, and a smile grew on her face.

"Thank you." She breathed, flicking the switch on to start another game. Poe nodded and took the bottle for himself as the holograms appeared back on the board, not caring if he was going to lose again. These are the moments he would always remember, if they weren't drinking so much.

"Yes!" Poe yelled in celebration as Rey slumped her head onto the board. Poe stood up shakily on the chair in a victory pose, the last piece of Rey's troop was captured and he had finally beaten her. Rey just laughed, feeling her hot face against the cool table. "I, Poe Dameron, have finally defeated the infamous Rey!" Excited he placed his foot on the table and saluted himself. Rey rolled her head over to the right, her cheek mushed against the table. Her glazed eyes slowly looked up at her friend and she laughed harder.

"Shut it." Rey thought she slurred her words, but couldn't tell, as she wasn't paying to much attention to what she was doing. Her mind was loopy, darting from place to place. Any effort to stay focused was to no avail, however, she was aware to her state of intoxication. Poe wobbled a bit, looking down at her.

"I will never forget this day!" Not even a second after he finished speaking, his foot suddenly jerked forward and in an instant he was falling towards the ground. "Wh-" He closed his eyes, sensing that he couldn't stop the fall. Rey saw this happen out of one eye, shocked for a moment but instinctively reached out with the Force grabbing him and locking him in place. Before Poe could even brace for impact, he felt a strange hum around him. Opening his eyes, Poe found himself hovering inches away from floor of the Falcon.

"Are you alright?" Rey's voice filled with drunken concern. Poe glanced at where Rey was to find that she had stood up using the table for support, and held one arm out. That must be how she caught me, with the Force- Poe thought, even thought it was obvious.

"Y-yes, I am..." Rey walked over, kneeling beside him. Using the Force when drunk felt quite weird. "Can you let me down?" Poe asked shyly, started to feel the hum buzz inside his ears. The pressure started to enclose around him and he felt trapped. Rey gasped, realizing her grip on him was far to tight.

"Ah! My bad." Rey apologized, quickly letting him softly drop to the ground. Once he had landed he rubbed the sides of his ribs a bit, before pushing himself upright to sit on the floor. Poe then looked over at Rey, who looked like she was focusing on standing still.

"What else can you door with your, er... umm powers?" Rey giggled a bit at his question, even reaching up to touch her face as laughing made her lip tingle. Poe just stared at the tipsy Jedi, waiting for a response. He had already seen her use lightning, control minds, lift huge objects, and heal wounds. What else could she do?

"Want me to show you?" Rey leaned over slightly, her words slurring just enough to indicate she was wavy but not enough to sound belligerent. Poe raised an eyebrow curiously, intrigued.

"Go on..." Poe enticed, maybe even a little husky as he too was tipsy. Not as bad as Rey though, his tolerance was much higher. Rey tilted her head, expecting to move herself only a little bit, but ending up actually swinging her head completely to the left.

"Grab some stuff to throw at me, l-lets go outside." Rey had forgotten about the torrential rains that had just passed by not so long ago. Poe stood up quickly, excited with the opportunity to chuck stuff at Rey without her getting angry. Normally, he would do it just to annoy her.

"You got it." Rey didn't have time to react before he was already turned to find the objects she requested. "Met you outside!" He called back, disappearing into the halls of the ship.

Rey fell once trying to leave the ship. It was an accident, she told herself after it happened, that it was "Just a misplaced item." that she had tripped over. Unbeknownst to her was that she was the one to leave a bag or miscellaneous tools by the cockpit.

Stumbling slightly, she walked down the ramp and into the evening air. Rey took a deep breathe, the world seemed fuzzy, but she could still sense everything on the base. The air was humid, but cooler then before. The storm must have ushered in a cold breeze, which met her skin in a joyful reunion. Closing her eyes Rey could feel inside the base, and inside her. Somewhere, a young couple were arguing about joining the Resistance. Rey could feel their tension radiating from the barracks. Opening her eyes, she saw a fallen tree atop a parked x-wing. Still, everything felt different and she couldn't decide if she liked it or not.

The late evening sunlight felt great on her skin, more than usual, and Rey took a deep breath of jungle air. I wonder what other people think of me. She though to herself, slightly feeling the world spin. I'm not like Luke, does anyone even know my story? That was a sad thought, but did she even care if she was a legend? She was perfectly fine being alone, even if it ate away at her insides. No, I can't stand being alone! Her own thoughts conflicted themselves, she assumed because of the alcohol. I can't be alone, not after meeting my friends. I couldn't stand being away from Ben... she paused her own train of thought and just stood still for a moment. I used to miss when the Force bond wouldn't happen for a while... Rey remembered how during her year training with Leia, she had frequent Force bonds with Ben. During that span, their talks ranged from personal problems to arguments and even fights about ideas. Each time they bonded, however, they seemed to grow closer.

"Hey!" Rey jumped, startled by Poe's loud intrusion into the open space near the Falcon. She had been so deep in thought, she hadn't heard or sensed him coming. Poe had seen her many time before just staring off into nothing, so he knew just how to surprise her.

"Do-don't sneak up on me!" Rey said, trying her best not to slur her words. Poe raised an eyebrow, not taking her as serious as he normally world. Her voice when she was drunk was too much for him.

"You ready for me to throw shit at you?" He asked, dropping a bag of what Rey assumed were objects he had picked for her little experiment. Rey turned around to fully face him, stumbling a little to which Poe chuckled at.

"No-" Her answer didn't matter, Poe already had a spoon in hand threw it at her chest while she was wobbly, hoping to catch her off guard and land an innocent blow. Rey saw the glint of metallic, sensing right away the motion behind the thrown object, and sensed it's very trajectory. Reaching out with her mind, she the Force, she quite literally grabbed the spoon and held it in place, without even moving her arm. "Don't try that again." Rey hissed, but Poe just kicked the ground with his foot.

"Damn it," Rey folded her arms "I thought I had you there" He joked, bending over to reach into his sack of goodies. Rey rolled her eyes, he would have to try better then that.

"Better luck next time." Rey said with some sass, not changing her position as Poe pulled out a large ball of something from the bag. It seemed to be metal as Rey saw the reflection of the world behind her in it. He tossed it up and caught it, before gazing at Rey. They stood only a few feet apart, maybe he just had to throw it harder.

"Oh, really?" He gave a little half smile before arching her arm back and tossing the ball at Rey. The throw had some vigor on it, but Rey could easily doge it as she tracked it all the way. She quickly leaned right, allowing the ball to pass to her left. Poe cursed under his breath, but not loud enough for Rey to hear. Rey then got an idea, and reached out to grab the ball, but keep it flying around to eventually come back at Poe, much like Snoke did to her.

"Do you hear something?" Rey asked with a serious, pretending to look around. Poe raised his other eyebrow, stiffening slightly. The ball started too curve around behind Rey at this moment, while Poe just stood confused, evening turning around at one point.

"I don't hear anything." He concluded, just assuming she was really drunk, as she was starting to laugh. "What?" He asked, moments before noticing the ball flying back at him. Poe's eyes widened and he didn't have time to react before it whooshed past his head right as he ducked, but Rey wasn't done just yet. The ball came back around, and stuck Poe on the back of his head. "Ow!" He yelped, wincing as the ball hit him with enough force to be felt, however not enough to hurt him.

"Hahaha" Rey burst into laughter, the ball dropping to the ground. "How was that?" She asked rhetorically her smile wide as Poe got back onto his feet slowly, rubbing the back of his head.

"That was not funny!" He barked, trying to hide his own smile. Looking up at her, he saw her amusement and recognized the trick was something he probably would do if he had the ability to manipulate the Force. Seeing Rey smile, as he had noticed, was a rare but good thing.

"I th-think it is pretty great!" Rye replied, wiping her face while she spoke. When she rubbed her cheek, weird tingles broke out, causing her to giggle as a result. Alcohol is weird... She thought in the moment before Poe got to his feet.

"How much can you lift?" Poe asked, once he rained his balance. Looking at Rey, she was leaning left just a bit and giggling. What an idiot... he thought to himself, laughing a bit before calling out to her again. "Reyyyy! How much can you lift!" This time she turned to face him, her smile huge.

"A lot! I think, well- err... I've never really tired lifting huge things!" Rey called back, questioning why they were yelling as the two drunken friends were merely a few yards apart. The large gathering of people had moved into the mess hall due to the storm that had just passed, which left the ground muddy and soggy.

"Show me!" He yelled back, pointing towards the tree that had fallen on an X-Wing. Rey's eyes lit up, even with her state of mind the idea of a challenge was exciting. Pausing for a moment before Rey would reply, she looked around. It felt like she was viewing the world from a different angle, things were moving, it felt slow. Wait how did I get out here? Oh, huh? Never mind... shaking her head she nodded.

"Th-that will be easy!" Rey said, before turning to head towards the fallen tree. Rey moved a little too quickly, stumbling on her on feet and falling flat onto her chest into the mud. Poe watched this transpire, and quickly ran up to get her, in case she was hurt. His boots splashed in the mud as he leaned over her.

"Rey?" Poe looked over her, and noticed a faint murmur of laughter coming from her, a good sign for her well being. "You alright?" He asked, just in case she was just laughing from the drinks. Rey propped herself up with her arms, her face and chest caked with the thick frosting of mud.

"Yes! That was funnnnyyyy" Rey chucked some more, her eyes glazed but gleaming. Poe smiled, watching her attempt to clean her face with her arm. Rey got most of the heavy mud off, but some of it had already dried onto her cheeks and chin. If hadn't known any better, he would say she looked adorable.

"You ready now?"" Poe asked after Rey had finished wiping her face off the best she could. Rey nodded, rising to her felt slowly, struggling for balance all the while laughing and giggling. Rey couldn't help herself, knowing now that drinks just made her more bubbly.

"Watch and learn, pilot!" Rey snicked, shocking Poe and herself by the speed and control she had as she darted towards the X-Wing. As she ran, she felt as if she didn't even think about running before she did it. Sensing Poe's footsteps sloshing through the mud not to far behind her, she started to run faster, determined to beat him to the tree even if it was not a race.

"Slow down!" Rey faintly heard Poe call to her from behind her, but ignored it. He is just trying to win! Rey thought, enjoying the feeling of the air on her now dirty skin as she ran. Suddenly, she hit the cool metallic side of the X-wing, knocking her backwards with a hard thunk. Landing on her butt, she felt a dull pain on her forehead. "Idiot!" She heard Poe call from behind her. Getting up, she got angry at the stupid park job of the X-wing.

"Who landed this!" She hissed at him, rubbing her head with one hand. It wasn't bad, but enough to leave a mark. Poe caught up to her, catching his breathe momentarily.

"No idea, it must be one of the new editions." Poe replied, raising an eyebrow. Rey felt the drinks in her start to boil over, her head hurt which ruined the happy feeling, and now she felt anger well up inside. How dare someone leave this in my way! She lashed out in her mind. Turning to Poe, he could see the change of her emotions in her facial features. Her once loose face was tight, her eyebrows squeezed together and her lip rose in a sneer.

"I'm getting rid of it." Rey said in a hushed, but angry voice, turning back to face the hunk of junk she reached out with one hand. Poe, a little delayed from the alcohol tilted his head in confusion.

"Huh? Now how are we going-" His soon-to-be question was answered as saw Rey's arm begin to shake and the X-wing begin to hover over the ground. Within seconds, there was a metallic groan form the fighter before it was sent hurtling backwards into the uninhabited forest. There was a small rush of wind, and then silence as Rey was slightly pushed back from the violence of her action. Rey gasped for air, it took a lot of energy from her to do that.

"Why.. are- what..." Poe couldn't form the right words and his mouth was left agape from the awe-inspiring, but slightly scary event. Rey's anger soon faded, seeing her friends astonishment. Feeling proud of herself she marched up over to him, a little woozy, and gave him a hard stare.

"Now what do you want to see me do?" Rey asked, as Poe still just stared at the hole in the forest the X-wing had left. "Well..?" Rey persisted, excited about her next challenge from the Ace. Poe looked down at her, and an idea popped into his head.

"Follow me." Poe motioned with his head, but Rey stood straight up he head cranked to one side as if she was listening to someone that Poe could not see. He had seen her do this many times, holding conversations with imaginary people. When she thought she was alone, she would start to converse were herself. At first, Poe found this odd, but then again the whole Jedi thing was odd. So, Rey was just an Odd Jedi friend of his. However, Poe still wanted to know who she was taking too, if anyone at all. As if on cue with Poe's thoughts, Rey answered the question about who she was talking too.


Ben strolled outside, squinting from the rays of light cast by the setting sun. The meeting with Finn had felt great, they exchanged information and Ben had felt like they were starting to except his help. He knew deep down inside that they would never forgive him, but as long as he knew that the Resistance trusted his help he would be okay with everything. After all, nothing could ever be bad again, he had Rey.

"Rey." He breathed, watching the crimson shadows dance in the evening light. Sometimes, he would just get lost in thought about her. Back when he was still the Supreme Leader, he would imagine them meeting again when he was alone in his quarters. This time she would take his hand, and they would rule together. He imagined her sweet smell, her smile, everything. He often felt guilty about how he talked about her towards his Officers, lying about how he would destroy her.

He wouldn't, never even considered it. Each time they fought, he was only trying to disarm her. He sensed Rey didn't want to kill him either, until she did, but then she healed him. That shows that just like him, she just wanted someone who understood him. The call to light, and the dark.

Ben strolled causally down the runway towards the parked Falcon a long distance away. It was a beautiful evening even after the storm and he wanted to enjoy the things he had denied himself of for so long, like peaceful walks in the evening. His mother had always enjoyed the sunset, she said it reminded her of her brother, Uncle Luke.

Sighing, Ben pushed the bad thoughts away. Only focusing on his feelings for the young Jedi Rey, who he hoped to see before the night was done. Suddenly, he felt a strange break in the serenity of the evening. The Force was disturbed, but not in the bad way, someone was just using a lot of power a moment ago. Rey! What are you doing? Ben tried to start a Force connection, initially afraid for her safety.

Ben! Sure enough, Rey answered back in a flash. Ben sighed with relief, sensing their connection strengthen he felt her feelings and none of them were of fear or danger. Continuing to walk, he replied through the Force.

You alright? I felt whatever you just did, caused a bit of disturbance. He heard Rey laugh awkwardly for a second, it wasn't her normal laugh, which was odd. Ben continued to walk towards where he knew the Falcon was, not paying close attention to his surroundings.

Ye-yesss! I'm better than ali-alightttt. Rey's words were slurred, how odd. Ben thought for a second, this is not how Rey would normally act. Whatever the case, she said she was fine. Still, Ben continued to gnaw over why she sounded like that.

That's great, do you want to visit me tonight? I'm sure I could try cooking. Ben now offered his idea for how the rest of the night would go. Back in the First Order, Ben never got to share nights with someone close to him, and the loneliness he felt reminded him of how Rey felt on Jakku.

Uh-yess! Yes, yes! But- errr I'm just. Ben laughed allowed, what was up with her!? She wasn't making any sense at all, but it was okay, she sounded cut nevertheless. Smiling, Ben picked up the pace to get to the Falcon.

You're making no sense! Ben sensed her amusement to his comment, clearly she knew why she did. Maybe she was just trying to pull a prank, either way he was just excited for tonight. Uncle Chewie had tried to teach him how to cook, and now he had the chance to attempt to make a meal for two.

I-I know, Ben I'm neaaarr the forest, can you s-se-seee me? Rey questioned, her S's were very prolonged. Ben picked his head up to scan his nearby surroundings. It was true, he could sense her Force aura much better now then before, but he still couldn't see her.

Yea, no. There is a lot of forest here Rey! He chuckled at his own words. You're going to need to be more specific. Ben picked up walk and continued towards his earlier destination. While waiting for a reply, he felt Rey's confusion regarding her location.

I'm-I'm errrr- by the Falcon! Near, near it I thinnk? Ben shook his head, laughing a bit at how dumb Rey sounded. If it was a prank, she sure was good at acting. Anyways, he would start his search for his Rey somewhere near the Falcon.

I'm coming to get you. That's all he needed to say before he closed the Force bond, looking around he spotted the Falcon not too far away. Looking more carefully, he saw two bodied new a hole in the tree lining. With his gt instincts, he knew one way Rey and the other must be one of her friends. Speeding up, he quickly walked towards the two.

"You can talk to him?" Poe asked, his drunk mind confused about what events had just transpired between her and Ben. Rey turned woozily back towards Poe, leaning to her right in an attempt to stay balanced. Her eyes were bright with a passion he had rarely seen in them, and she knew what he had just saw.

"Som-sometimes, sometimes I can." Rey replied, slurring her words the same as she had for Ben. She was trying her best to say the words right, using all her focus to try and not mess up. Despite her best efforts, the sentences all came out distorted. "it-it is something I can't explaiinnnn." Rey added, nearly falling back over.

"I won't even try to understand... come on, lets get you inside." Poe, in a moment of sobriety, realized Rey was far to drunk to be wandering around the base. She needed to sleep it off, or at least stay in the confines of the Falcon. Motioning with his hand, he reached out to his friend to pull her aside. When his hand touched her arm, Poe felt the presence of another many behind the two.

"Well, what the hell name happened here?" The voice of Ben Solo rang out clear and true. Rey instantly turned around, loosing her balance a bit forcing Poe to help hold her up. The Jedi's eyes were distant and glazed, but alive with warmth at the sight of Solo who was bent over looking at an object on the ground. He picked the black piece up and it hooked to his belt.

"B-Bennn!" Rey's horribly slurred greeting caught Ben off guard. "So nice to see, seee you here!" Rey's eyes glowed with happiness and her uncontrolled Force aura beamed the same energy. Ben's heart melted, even in the drunken state he had never expected Rey to be in, her intentions were so pure towards him it made it hard to contain his joy. No one else had ever made him feel this way, not in a very long time.

"You seem..." Ben's eyes dashed up and down the two of them. "You seem to be taking care of yourselves." Ben smiled, locking eye's with Rey in the process. Poe took his hand off her arm, sensing she was stable enough to stand on her own.

"Just as well as we can be." Poe replied nervously, not sure how Ben would react to their current situation. Any seeds of doubt that Ben might lash out were swept away in the pause of silence that followed his reply. Poe glanced over at Ben to find he was lost in Rey's eyes, while Rey probably had no idea where they were.

"Good." Ben replied to the pilot without taking his eyes off Rey. "I'm glad you were here to take care of her." Ben felt an overwhelming sense of compassion towards Poe, something he hadn't felt towards another man in a long time. Poe could gauge his sincerity just by the tone of his voice, and knew Ben's short time in the Resistance was truly unearthing the formerly lost Ben Solo.

"I can take carree of myself!" Rey's defiant voice broke the moment, she had raised an arm in protest and was leaning to one side slightly. Both men turned to face her, Poe raising an eyebrow while Ben chuckled. "St-stop laughing!" Rey hissed, barely able to contain her own smile. Ben began to laugh harder, and even Poe cracked a smile. "My body is a sacred temple!" Rey stepped forward, trying to approaching Ben but stopped halfway through the first step.

"Clearly." Ben's sarcastic tone sent Rey into cute attack mode, and she ran up towards him. Drunkenly sidestepping a few times before softly ramming into his chest, burring her face him his shirt whilst wrapping her arms around his torso awkwardly. Ben's heart skipped a beat, or perhaps it flew out of his chest.

"I've missed you." Rey spoke into him, her voice muffled by his clothes. Poe couldn't hear what she was saying, but after witnessing the embrace and how Ben's face turned red at her last words, he decided it was best for him to was a great day with Rey, filled of story telling and laughter, but he was partially glad that he didn't have to deal with a wasted Force user anymore. Turning away, Poe quietly crept back to the safety of the Falcon.

"I'm sorry I missed all the fun." Ben replied, wrapping his arms around Rey's sturdy figure. Rey wasn't even small, in reality she was a very average sized woman, but next to Ben she was dwarfed. In the moments that followed his embrace, Ben felt her chest rise and fall with each breathe and he felt her nuzzle more into him.

"Yoouuu, you didn't miss anyt-th-thing." Rey's words were horribly pronounced, despite her hardest efforts to sound normal around Ben. Her mind was fuzzy, but her feelings were amplified by the drinks she consumed, all she felt was an overwhelming compassion and bond between her and the man she leaned into. Even now though, her world was still spinning.

"Good" Ben looked down at the top of her head,, noticing how dirty she looked. "Did you decide to bathe in mud?" He question, breaking the hug. Rey giggled in response, slightly stepping back so Ben could see her chest and face. "Wow." Ben said, seeing how much mud was dried onto her.

"I- I may havvee fell a few times." Rey respond with a childish ease, her eyes glazed but warm and inviting. Ben sighed with a smile, reaching out with his hand to cup Rey's cheek with his palm. When his hand met the side of her face, Rey smiled wide and gazed up into his eyes. "I'm finneeee" She spoke without breaking eye contact.

"As long as you're okay." Ben said with a soft voice, slightly caressing his thumb over her cheek. Rey's smile beamed at him, but her eyes drifted away from his and she started to stagger back, her world spinning. Ben quickly reached out, taking her by her arm to hold Rey steady, all the while she just giggled. "I think I'm taking you to your bed." Ben joked once he got Rey steady on her own two feet, but she still swayed.

"I'll t-take myself whennn..." Rey didn't finish her sentence, she forgot what she was going to say. "N-nevermindddd." Rey couldn't think straight, she could only feel. Processing her feelings, she felt a warm sensation grow within her core and spread to her limbs, but the bubbly sensation's epicenter was her lower belly and between her thighs. Whatever this was, it wasn't a new feeling, but it had never been this strong... at least that's what she could remember.

"Come on, let's go." Ben's voice was mixed with a chuckle as he put an arm around Rey's waist and allowed her to lean fully against him as she stumbled along with him towards her hut. She smiled, the sun had set and now the lights were starting to shine on the base. They bent and twisted as she stumbled along the with Ben supporting her, the air cooling down and the dark growing. The sky was black, and everything started to turn grey as the light slowly faded into night. This transformation from day to night amazed Rey, even though her vision blurred.

"B-Ben! Lo-look at alllll the preetty bugsss!" She called out, seeing the fireflies start to dance in the bushes and trees around them. "If any-any one triesss to hurt them I-I'll beee-beat them!" She took her arm and swung it heavily up to point out the beauty she saw above them. Ben saw, and he took agreed it was pretty, but Rey's appreciating for nature and her protectiveness of things that couldn't defend themselves made his heart fill up with pride and swell with joy.

They walked in silence for a few moments, Rey at one point falling to her knees whilst in a fit of laughter. Ben pulled her up though, asked if she was okay and then continued on their way to her hut. It wasn't a far walk, but Rey was moving awfully slow and Ben didn't want to risk her hurting herself if they went to fast.

"How much was it?" Ben asked as they neared the hangar on which Rey's hut was located. There was a moment of silence, then a stumble from Rey before an answer was formed in her brain. Before she spoke, Ben felt her hands run up and down his side as she gripped him for stability.

"Er-err I don't, remember?" The tone in her voice sounded like she were questioning herself, but nonetheless Rey's accent was sweet and charming despite the slurred words. Ben gave a 'hmph' in reply before they reached the very muddy pathway to ascend to Rey's home on the base. The night had fully encircled the base, and lights from the base and the moon illuminated the path.

"I find your home most pleasant." Ben said, breaking the tension in Rey's mind that was building as she tried to remember how much she had. Quickly her attention turned to her support system Ben's last statement. She looked up at him, a blaze of affection burning in her chest when she saw his soft eyes looking down at her. Rey's eyes were round in the dark, but still glowed with an all to familiar warmth.

"Wha... why?" Rey asked, ever so curious. Perhaps it was a dumb question, as her mind thought about her hut. Everything in there was hers, it was so cozy. It was filled to the brim of everything she enjoyed, so what was there not to like? Meanwhile Ben just took an extra second to admire the beauty of Rey's face. Nothing in the Galaxy could compare, not even ruling it.

"It smells like you." Ben answered back affirmatively, still gazing in Rey's now wider eyes. If her legs hadn't already been so wobbly, perhaps Ben could have noticed her knees grow weak at his words. Her heart swelled to enormous heights, her cheeks grew hot, her lower belly fluttered and Rey felt her heart beat faster all at the same time. I'm never letting him go... Rey's own conscious cut through the haze of her drunken state. Rey now knew this feeling she had was true, and the feelings he had were just the same. In that moment now, even if she was drunk, it was time to put words to their connection.

"B-Ben.. I-" Rey's attempt to reveal her true feelings were cut short by Ben, who had already assessed the challenge of drunk Rey making the trek up a muddy slope. He was going to carry her, and he needed to let her know before he did it as not to scare her when he went to pick her up.

"I'm going to carry you the rest of the way." Rey closed her mouth, a bit sad she hadn't been able to finish her sentence. Before she had enough time to protest the decision to be carried, she was already swept off her feet and into the strong arms of Ben. In her altered state, being off the ground in such a manner made the spin even faster.

The dyad arrived to the front of Rey's hut after a tricky climb up the slippery slope. It was challenging for Ben to focus on placing one foot in front of the other while Rey kept yapping on and on about how she needed to feed the porgs, but forgot so now she felt guilty. While it was cute, it did not help their situation as Ben nearly fell twice on his way up. Now that they had reached the top everything was okay.

"Alright, here we are." Ben announced to the oblivious Rey who had ceased to elaborate on the porgs situation. He gently let her down and she somehow managed to find her feet quiet quickly. Her smile was wide when she realized where she was.

"Home!" Rey said with a smile, hurrying to the door shortly followed by Ben who's arms were burning from carrying her all the way up. It didn't bother him though, the pain was worth her safety. "Be-Ben, this isss where I-I spend m-most of my non-trai-training hourssss." Rey explained with an excited smirk, turning to face Ben before turning back to the door. Nodding to herself, Rey took another step to the unopened door and reached from the handle, missing the first time but found it in the second swoop. Turning the nod, she opened the door.

"After you." Ben said politely as Rey dashed into the room. Laughing, she ran into the table in the center of the room, causing her to yelp and fall as the chairs crashed around her. Ben's eyes grew wide, and he hurried over to aid his fallen friend. Rey sat on her rump, rubbing her arm a bit.

"B-bastard table." She said, looking back up at Ben. "S-should have turnned the light on be-before we ennntered." Ben nodded, for a drunk girl at least Rey made a lot of sense. He reached out and helped her up, pushing the chair out of the way as their eyes adjusted to the dark in their room. Gazing around, he noticed that the desk where they were working on her saber was now empty. Looking down at his belt where the metal object he had picked up was, he remembered what they had used to start to build her new saber with. Of course, she must have finished it. Ben smiled at the fantastic work she had down, but before he could compliment her, he heard another crash. Rey had already fallen next to her hammock, where she must have walked to while Ben payed attention to the saber. Rey was knelt besides the bed, her head slumped down to one side in defeat. "I'm tired..." She whimpered, not looking up from her slouched position.

"I think we should put you to sleep." Ben said, heading over to help the very intoxicated Jedi. Rey didn't respond, and when Ben got over to her, she had already passed out. Her mouth hung ajar, and her chest rose up and own in a rhythmic slumber. "Ah, Rey." Ben chuckled to himself. "I wonder what other troubles you would have gotten into, or the ones you already have." Ben softly leaned over to pick her up, placing one arm below her legs and the other around her arms. "You must share your stories with me sometime." Ben knew there was no way she could hear him, or even if she did there was no way she would remember any of it.

Sighing, Ben gently placed her limp body in the hammock. Taking one last long look at Rey's beautiful face, cast pale in the moonlight that filtered in from the window. He smiled again, finally achieving some form of peace with himself for caring for a defenseless person. Maybe, maybe there was hope for him to finally gain redemption for all his misdeeds. And this, this was certainly a start. Looking down at her body, Ben noticed a blanket at the end of the bed.

Carefully, he pulled the soft sheet up and over Rey's sleeping form before tucking it under her chin. Ben paused again, gazing at her face. She looked so peaceful, it was almost to much for him to bear. Stepping back, he made his way over to a chair and sat down, intent on keeping vigil over Rey in case she was in need of his assistance. However, it wasn't long too, before even Ben slipped under into the seas of sleep. But this time, instead of the nightmares, he dreamed only of Rey, and her peace.

"So that's what all happened, before I showed up. Hmph." Ben spoke, leaning back in his chair after seeing Rey's entire day play out before him. "You were quite the handful there." Rey nodded, gazing back up at him, her expression lost in thought. She could care less about what had happened with Poe, that was fun but obsolete. What really mattered to her, was how she had felt about Ben, how Ben had treated her, and the things she was going to say to him. "You okay there Rey?" Ben asked after observing the long silence and her distant gaze.

"Yes, I'm fine." Rey blinked, snapping out of her thoughts. "More than fine, actually, I'm great." She felt that strange warm glow return to her lower stomach, building at the thought of the man in front of her. All of the overwhelming emotions from last night came crashing back onto her like a tidal wave. Everything buzzed, her arms lit up with goosebumps, and her thighs began to tingle. Rey knew what she needed to do, she needed to finish what she had started last night. In a split second before Ben could even respond to her last statement, Rey put words to all her feelings.

"Ben, I love you."

So there you have it. The longest wait for the longest chapter.

This chapter has surpassed 10,000 words, so you better like it.

I tried to be funny while at the same time hint at darker, and more serious undertones I've had throughout this entire story. I feel at times it starts to drag on, but all that detail was needed for the chapter to be complete. In my opinion I think this new flashback kind of style chapter was great, it gave me a lot more freedom to write.

Anyways, I owe you an apology nonetheless.

I am sorry it took so long for me to get this one out.

School has been chaotic, I've been getting really tired really early lately and I've had many assignments that I needed to work on outside of school. This entire month plus last month as really gone by so fast, I've barely had any time for my own personal freedoms.

This may come as sad news, but expect longer update times. I have basically no days off until April, and for that I am sorry.

I truly am, you guys are the best, I feel so bad for making you wait this long. That is another reason why the chapter is so long, I feel like I owe it to you guys.

So there you have it, my largest chapter/update ever.

I'm at 82 reviews right now.

If you can get me to 95 it would make me feel so much better with all the stress at school.

I just hope you know that this story is not dead, I am not giving up on it. I owe it to myself and you guys to see it through, I've just been ungodly busy.

Again, I'm really sorry.

Expect longer update times...

And again, lets try for 95 reviews. It would make my week so much better to know you guys are still supporting this story.

Yours truly,
