For a short introduction, my name is bart and I work as a kindergarten teacher and i have to say,
it's been an easy life so far, i basically babysit kids for money that's more than what you usually get.
But honestly I don't even know how they trust me with little kids when a little bit crazy around
school maybe they think its funny idk.
They nickname me smokers cause whenever i open my windows smoke always come out
I used to smoke a lot of Weed and used get high alot but became broke so I stopped but it wasn't
ez so I grew a secret stash of weed in my garage but- what a minute.. Why am i telling u my
secrets.? Oh wait it Doesn't even matter any more, well long story short I some dog sniffed out
My weed and ate the whole stash and became a hollow ate me...tf?
-Hueco Mundo-
A bunch of reishi out from the sky came rushing down in one place and created a new hollow
"Arr" grunting while I getting up I looked around and saw nothing but endless white desert and
some leafless tree like objects but what the most eerie thing was the pitch black night sky with
only the moon lighting it up.