I thought I'd write this feel-good fix it fic and try to put some extra love out there in the Star Wars world! There will be lots of discussion/authors notes at the bottom as I discuss my trains of thought!
*** This chapter just received a revision to match my more recent writing style - so the decline in quality next chapter is not intentional I promise! I am hoping to go through and touch up the story without creating any kind of hiatus/delay in my next update :) 6/2/20 ***
Rey closed her eyes and took a deep breath as the second sun sets on the Tattoine horizon. She allows the strang feeling in the force to flow through her, like a brisk breeze in the harsh desert climate. This planet was dry and desolate, much like Jakku, but somehow teeming with an energy she'd never felt before.
Rey ran her hand along her newly crafted saber hilt, gasping softly as she remembered how it felt to ignite Luke's saber…Anakin's saber…Ben's saber.
Rey winced as his face flashed through her mind once more, reminding her of the emptiness in her heart. When he left her, she expected to feel broken - cut in half - like a piece of her was missing…but instead, she'd just felt sad. Like a piece of her was just muted, or rather, cloaked in darkness.
As Rey blinked away her tears, BB-8 chirped beside her. "You're right. It is beautiful…" Rey wiped her hand across her nose, hiding her teary eyes with a sniffle. There is no time for that now. The droid beeped softly at her in concern. "Oh no, I'm fine. Just some sand in my eyes. We should get back before anyone worries." Rey smiled at the little droid and nodded towards their ship.
The pair made their way back to the Falcon as the desert sand began to swirl around them. "I guess every desert planet must get nasty sandstorms…" Rey mused aloud as she closed the ramp. She knelt down and brushed the sand of BB-8, adjusting his antenna before he rolled away.
She stopped by to leave her lightsaber in her bunk - not Han Solo's original room, according to Chewie. It was much smaller than say, Poe and Finn's spacious captain's quarters, but still perfect for her. A standard-issue bed and a shelving unit that looked like it was perfect for a single guest. Or a young boy who accompanies his Father on his adventures.
Rey shook her thoughts away and made her way back into the cockpit. She knocked on the threshold to greet the sleeping Wookie. "I'm back!" He grumbled as he came to. "I told you it would be a short trip." Rey took a seat in her pilot's chair, punching in the coordinates for Ajan Kloss. As they rose out of the atmosphere, Rey stares blankly at the stars.
She'd completed her mission - returning the lightsabers to the birthplace of the Skywalker family. She thought it was going to give her closure, help her face the uncertain future with newfound hope. I feel more lost than ever…I wish Leia was here…
Chewie growled softly at her, noticing Rey's change in mood. "I'm doing a lot better. Don't worry about me." She gave him a smile and focused on the controls as they shot into hyperspace. Rey could feel Chewie staring at her in concern on and off the entire journey back to base.
The chaos of the landing crew allowed Rey a chance to escape any further questioning from her co-pilot. It's best not to worry him… She dove into busy work as Rose presented her with a list of items that needed to be carted onto the Falcon. Most of the Resistance was drowning in work to prepare for the new base Lando was setting up in a nearby system.
In passing, Poe reminds Rey of their celebratory dinner that evening - before they all go on their separate missions in the next system. "I'll be there! Can't have any nonsense right?" She calls back to him as he jogs towards the center of the base. Poe Dameron was a busy man before, but his recent promotion proved to be an incredible fit. "I would hope so! The ship is your baby after all!" His words make Rey cringe, reminding her suddenly of the last thing she'd done before leaving for Tattoine.
Rey made her way towards the edges of the campsite where the makeshift infirmary was. Medical droids buzz back and forth throughout the gutted cargo ship, assisting the patients as they filter through.
"Hi Rey!" Lieutenant- Commander Kaydel Connix kicks her legs over the side of her cot, wincing as she sits up. "You can have my spot if you need it!"
"How's your leg?" Rey sat beside her.
Kaydel rubbed her knee. "Getting better every day. I'm doing a lot better than most." She rose to her feet, accepting Rey's hand for help. "See you at dinner?"
Rey nods with a smile and turns her attention to a droid as it approaches her. She extends her arm and lets the droid take a sample to identify her. "Subject 1455 Report is almost ready. No current health observations needed."
"I'll see if Chewie can stop by for it later." "Affirmative." The droid scooted away as Rey stood to make space for the next person limping in. "Thank you."
Rey wrung her hands together as she walked out of the infirmary, hoping to shake off some of her nervous energy. Poe had insisted she'd take a full medical checkup after returning from Exogul for her injuries, but Rey refused. It wasn't until a day later, during one of her more vivid nightmares when Rey had felt something that frightened her into taking more tests.
"No…No….NO! NO! NO!" Rey sat up in her bed, sweat dripping down her face as her eyes focused in the dark quarters. Her breathing came out in short, uneven gasps. Moments later, Finn and Poe came stumbling through her door to check on her.
"Rey?!" Finn pulled up on his sleep pants. "What's wrong?!"
Rey shook her head. "I-I'm fine. Just a nightmare about...h-him..." Her friends came close and sat on the edge of her bed. "It's alright Rey." Finn smiled at her. "You're safe now." "He can't hurt you anymore." Poe reached out and rubbed her arm. His touch made her flinch violently.
"Him…" Rey cringed again at the word. "T-The Emperor…right…" She ran a hand over her hair and winced as her palm rubbed one of her more tender injuries. Finn reached forward and poked her shoulder.
"You need to see a med-droid tomorrow…I know you still haven't had these wounds checked on."
Rey nodded, staring at her hands. "I will." The pair rubbed her shoulders affectionately and got up to leave. "We're just around the corner if you need us."
Rey's heart ached at the thought of interrupting them again. As her door shut, she relaxed against her sheets and stared at the ceiling. The visions from her dream flashed through her mind as she shut her eyes: a bright dazzling smile, a strong pair of hands around her waist, soft lips whispering sweet nothings into her hair, and the warm feeling of a small child in her arms.
It wasn't what she'd seen that had upset her - the nightmare was waking up.
Rey made her way through the camp, waving a passing greeting to anyone who called after her. It had been nearly a week since the battle and everyone was still in high spirits - with parties and merriment almost every night.
As Rey climbed up the Falcon's ramp, she was greeted by Rose and Jannah. "There she is! Come sit!" Rose pulled her towards some crates adjacent to where the boys were bickering with Zorri over a game of Dejarik. They were apparently losing.
Zorri flashed a lewd gesture at the Generals and fell back against her seat. Rey admired the dark curls that cascaded down Zorri's back as she tilted her head and laughed. Now that her life of crime was over, Zorri had been not-so-easily convinced by Poe to go without her helmet, revealing her stunning beauty underneath. To says she'd become the talk of the base was an understatement.
"Here you are!" Jannah pulled Rey from her thoughts as she handed her a glass of dark wine. "I'm sure you'll be needing that." Rey took a sip of the bitter liquid and tried her best not to make a face. "I feel like they'll be at this for hours. Should we stop them?" Jannah smirked.
Rose took a seat at their feet and shook her head. "There's no way I'm getting in the middle of that. If they get another game going we'll never go over our business!"
"I think we're in luck."
Just then, Kaydel snuck her way towards the game table and feigned a fall, shutting the game off as she caught herself. "Oh no! Who did that? Perhaps we can start the actual meeting now?"
Poe throws his hands up in defeat and takes his seat. "Alright FINE! Fine, we should get to it. Listen up, everyone!"
Rey listens intently as Poe reviews everyone's plans for the next cycle. Jannah was to accompany Lando to one of the closest systems and secure a new location for a Resistance base. Finn would join them shortly after, launching their program to find the missing children and rehabilitate defected Stormtroopers. Poe, with the help of Kaydel, would hold face as Resistance leaders as they helped establish the reformed Galactic Republic on a planet called Naboo. Rose and Zorri would lead the peaceful evacuation from Ajan Kloss when the time came, as well as cataloging as many refugees as they could.
"And that just leaves our token Jedi, Rey. You have free pickings as to where you'd like to start. Any ideas?" Poe grinned as all eyes fell on Rey. She shook her head on instinct, not really knowing what to say. "I can go wherever I am needed. I don't mind accompanying you to Naboo."
"I'm sure the leaders would be pleased to meet the girl who saved the galaxy." Finn put his glass in the air, everyone else following suit.
Rey rolled her eyes. "I would have never done it without-" Her words stalled in her throat, making her pause. "...without all of you." She took a quick drink from her glass, letting the sharp taste of the wine hit her. Rey, unfortunately, felt the strain in the Force as Finn's concern washed over her, followed closely by Poe's confusion.
Rey took a breath as the attention drifted from her to whatever c3p0 had to say. She could feel her sadness and anger coming in waves, the darkness in her poking at the back of her mind like an annoying headache. Rey brushed it off and finished her drink. You should meditate before bed, that'll shake this.
Chewie made his entrance loudly, distracting Rey from her negative thoughts. He tossed a datapad to her as he juggled two plates in his other hand. "Oh thank you!" Rey perked up as she flipped her report open quickly. "What is that?" Rose craned her neck to peer at it. "It's my medical report from my checkups yesterday. Poe insisted I have my injuries looked at before going to Tatooine…" "Finn told me you were having trouble sleeping."
"Just a bit…and from the looks of it I'm good as new…" Rey scrolled through the report's positive markings. She was in perfect health. "What's that say in bold down there?" Rose tapped the screen, struggling to read it upside down from where she sat. Rey's eyes fell on the very last lines of the report - under her special requests.
Rey let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding, a wave of relief washing over her. Followed by a wave of sadness, then disappointment, then pain. Had you wanted that answer to be different? Had you hoped that somehow…someway…the Force could've gifted you a piece of hope…
Something that reminds you of him.
Rey scrunched her eyes shut as the memory of him rippled through her soul. His voice was a distant memory, his eyes, his hair, his lips. It's all too much.
"Rey…" A voice startled her. "Rey, are you alright?" Rey looked up at Finn, who has taken Rose's place crouched at her feet. She felt the tears rolling down her cheeks as she looked around and found everyone staring at her - all visibly taken aback by her change in mood. "Whoa whoa come here!" Finn exclaimed.
Rey felt the datapad be removed from her hands and Finn's grip on her waist as he helps her to her feet. She shuffles awkwardly beside him as he guides her to her quarters. "It's gonna be okay."
Rey takes a seat on her bed, sitting upright against the wall and crossing her legs. She lets out a quiet sob as Rose takes a seat beside her and rubs her shoulder. Finn sits on her opposite side, wrapping his arm around her waist. After convincing the rest of their companions that everything was fine, Poe sits down carefully on the opposite edge of the bed with BB-8 at their feet.
They wait in solemn silence until Rey's breathing begins to slow. "Rey…" Finn runs his free hand over her cheek. "Please tell us what's wrong. You have something on your mind…"
Rey feels it - his power in the Force - poking at her like the sharp end of a staff. They hadn't really talked about 'it' since Exogul - and she'd wanted him to be comfortable to bring it up to her himself.
Rey sighs, the embarrassment of her outburst suddenly catching up to her. She carefully tries to untangle herself from his embrace. "I'm sure you all won't believe me if I said I was fine?"
"Nope." "Are you nuts?" "Not even a little bit" They all answer in unison. Rey can't help but laugh lightly. "Then I guess I better start talking.…" But where to start…
Rey tells them about the morning she woke up and discovered she was bound in the Force with Kylo Ren. Their surprise doesn't phase her as she explains her poor training with Luke as best she can, the darkness that had been growing inside her, and how each time she connected with Kylo she learned more about him.
"So the entire time you were on this planet Kylo Ren could talk to you….and find you?" Poe snorts.
"Well not quite...and we never shared that with each other. Well...I never did and he never asked. It was usually just...him. We would argue…and then he would ask me if Luke had told me the truth…" Rey swallowed. "There was a night…where I traveled somewhere alone seeking answers about my parents. I didn't find them...and I was so lost…but he was there…"
"Luke was there?" Rose asked, her tone giving away that she already knew the answer.
Rey shook her head softly. "No…it was…Kylo. " Just say his name. "Luke found us connected in the Force and tried to send me away. That's when I learned the truth - he'd nearly killed Kylo when he was his student…" Say his name dammit. "So that's when I knew…Kylo Ren could be turned back to the light. So I went to him on Snoke's ship."
Finn and Rose exchange a shocked glance. "You were on the Supremacy?" "At the same time as us?!"
Rey nodded. "He brought me to Snoke and for a moment I was worried I had made a terrible mistake. But…when the moment came and he ordered Kylo to kill me…he didn't. He killed Snoke and we fought off his guards together."
Poe's jaw nearly hit the floor. "Kylo Ren killed Snoke?! And you never told us! He helped you?!"
Rey nodded. "I can't even describe it...it was like we could read each other's minds. Kylo and I...we...everything felt like it was going to change. But when the fight was over..he was so confused... and he offered me something I could not take...he..."
Rey struggles between breaths to continue, Rose and Poe exchanged confused glances. "W-What do you mean? Like quarter?" Finn squeezed Rey's hand. "You can tell us, Rey."
"Kylo...offered me his hand. He offered me the whole galaxy...we would rule together and bring a new order...but I knew I couldn't let you all die so we fought again. An explosion knocked us apart-"
"-Holdo..." Rose finished her thought for her as Rey nodded absently. "And thankfully I woke first. I put his lightsaber back on his belt so he'd look innocent to the Order and I took an escape pod back to the Falcon."
Poe shook his head in disbelief. "Did Leia know this?"
"I could never find the strength to tell her. I didn't believe Kylo would ever come back...but I think she always knew the truth..." Her lips quivered as the words tumbled out of her. "And I was wrong for doing that. She deserved to know the truth after everything she's done..." Rey could see in her friend's eyes she was making less and less sense.
Poe ran his hand through his hair. "So after Crait...when, we escaped…were you still stuck in your little bond...thing?"
"Yes. Snoke had told us he'd created the bond - but that was a lie. We were able to keep our distance...somehow the Force kept a barrier between us and when it opened I could sometimes feel him close it back off. Once I grew stronger I could do the same. For a while, it felt like he was no longer interested in where I was because there was no way our bond could lead him to the Resistance. He just saw...me."
Rey recalled those days the bond would reconnect them - when she'd be working inside the Falcon and he would appear. He was always looking away from her, never allowing himself to meet her gaze. She picked up meditation from the Jedi texts as quickly as she could - learning to shield her mind from him before the Resistance touched down on Ajan Kloss.
The memory of his voice struck Rey once again. Wherever you are…you are hard to find. "...After the Emperor's message spread throughout the galaxy I began to feel his unease. He was desperate to find what he was looking for...the other Sith Wayfinder...which led him straight to Palpatine."
Finn perked up at her side. "When we were on Pasanna you connected with him didn't you. That's how the First Order found us so quickly?"
"It was the first time we'd spoken in a long time...he took my necklace...the one from the natives-"
"Hold on! You two could touch each other?!" Poe interrupted, Rey's cheeks flaring red at the double meaning of his accusation. "I-I...yes...we could..."
"Why does that matter?" Finn scoffed. "I don't know- I just found it surprising? He could grab you?" BB-8 chirped beside Poe. "NO that's not what I'm saying!"
Rey shook her head furiously. "Our moments were very limited and there was this line between us that never got crossed...that is...until Pasanna. He came after us because he wanted me to use my power to its full potential. He was trying to show me what I was capable of of...because...Palpatine had told him the truth about my parents. I didn't want to believe it, not even when he told me in person on his ship...but, he was right..."
"Right about what?" Rey stared at Finn as she processed his premature acceptance. It's like he knows what you're going to say.
"Right about my parents. My father was the child of Emperor Palpatine. I am...was a Palpatine by blood. It was my destiny to become a power in the dark side of the force." She takes a breath, Poe and Rose's shock hitting her like a slap in the face.
"When Kylo and I fought on Kef Birr, I almost murdered him in my moment of rage and...it was Leia who saved us both. When she passed...we could both feel it...and in a moment of remorse...I healed him. I went to Exogul and learned I was to kill the Emperor and take his place as leader of the Sith." Rey closes her eyes, feeling more tears threatening to spill over.
"B-Kylo...came after me anyway, the power of our bond was revealed and Palpatine used it to revive himself. We thought we were done for..but I felt this incredible power - the power of every Jedi there ever was flowed through me. I took the Skywalker sabers and defeated Palpatine myself. And then...I felt my life force draining...I felt myself..."
Finn nodded. "I felt it too. You were...dying…" He squeezed her hand, urging her to continue. "...but how did you come back?"
"I..." Rey takes a moment to look at each of her friends. Rose and Finn's eyes are wide with wonder, but Poe's murky expression makes her anxious. "I woke up in the arms of B-Kylo. He healed my wounds...and restored my life force...he saved me. And he-" Rey sniffles as new tears bloomed in her eyes. "He was my last hope. He always was." Rey allows herself to start sobbing softly again. Rose and Finn hold her tight, their own tears dripping on her shoulders.
Rey hears Poe clear his throat and looks up at him as he gracefully wipes at his own eyes. "Well I never thought I'd hear this come out of my mouth, but I'm thankful for Kylo Ren... Without his sacrifice, we wouldn't have you back with us. For that I am grateful." Finn kisses Rey's head softly. "We all are."
Rey wipes her eyes and smiles. "Thank you for being so understanding."
"Thank you for telling us. We want to help you, Rey...especially with all these night terrors you've been having. You've been through so much." Finn squeezed her again. "And I'm not saying that just because Poe wants to get a full night of sleep for once." - "HEY!"
Rey can't help but laugh as her friends' bickering lightens her mood. Their love was vibrant and strong, a brilliant beam of light in the darkness. For a long time, Rey has only dreamed she could find that with someone…someone to love like that. And he was so close...
They all sit together in a more comfortable silence until there is a commotion in the ship's lounge. "What the hell-" Poe gets up to answer the door just as Jannah and Chewie come bursting down the hall. "POE! FINN! COME QUICK!"
"What is it?" "What's wrong!?" Chewie comes barreling in waving his arms and yelling in Shyriiwook. "Slow down Chewie!"
The Wookie growls in protest as Rey starts to rise from her position on the bed. She freezes up - paralyzed by his words - as a new Force signature overwhelms her senses. There's no way. That's impossible.
"What do you mean there's a tie-fighter entering the atmosphere?! Why the hell would someone be flying a Tie?" Poe turned to Finn. "Did he say, Imperial?!"
Rose got to her feet. "Has there been a transmission? How did they get clearance?!"
Chewie speaks directly to Rey as he repeats the message. Poe shakes his head in disbelief. "Are you SERIOUS?!"
Jannah throws her hands up, clearly exasperated by her language barrier. "What is he saying?"
Finn kneels beside Rey and puts his hand on her shoulder. "He's saying an Imperial Tie-Fighter is heading to our camp...and it's being piloted by...Kylo Ren."
Rey gasped as it finally hit her. It's real. You're not dreaming.
Authors Notes 2.0: (6-2-20)
I decided to go in and give this chapter a refurb because I was cringing anytime I tried to read it back. As I said before you may see a small quality decrease (ch 2-3 ish) if this is your first time here but hopefully, it isn't too bad! These first few chapters were written after my initial watch and then I had the chance to see it in theaters a few more times (remember going to the movies? I miss that real bad).
- The most significant *change* in this chapter was I reworked a little bit of how Rey explained the bond to her trio of friends + she couldn't say Ben out loud -originally she started calling him Ben circa the 'luke killed' line.
- I am staying fixed on the headcanon that Rey and Finn have not discussed his Force powers yet, but she knows they're there and wants him to approach her about it. In my canon - Poe knows already per Finn telling him but also respects his boundaries. Rose and Jannah have a feeling - but again haven't discussed it.
- Speaking of knowing things: Rey Palpatine/Skywalker. Again, another conversation the trio hasn't had yet even though the boys figured out something was up. I decided to roll with it for the sake of the scene. Also in this canon, Rey will not "become"/"accept" her identity as a Palpatine, but it can be a plot device if needed. I have a real soft spot for the scene in TROS where Luke says "some things are stronger than blood". I find that scene to be really powerful and I appreciate its point. The Rey 'Skywalker' scene could've happened prior to where this fic starts, but...it's a Reylo fic. She's going to be a Solo someday. We been knew this. So it's cool!
- I realized how random the whole pregnancy test bit is - I was feeling REALLY angsty in December so I think that's where my inspiration came from. That led me to rework the angst around her nightmare and all around, I think it just helped the whole chapter flow better. She was really going through it.
Other than that, welcome to the party! I really love this fic and I hope you enjoy it too!
OG Author's Notes:
This fic is built on a few personal headcanons/notes as follows:
- Rey has not shared her force bond with anyone, even Leia (but we all know she probably knew). I think this expands on the points made in TROS where her mumbo jumbo force moments were confusing to Poe while Finn seemed to pick up on them constantly (aka his Force sensitivity).
- Rey did not tell the Resistance she killed Snoke - as to also hide her relationship with Ben. Something that really fired this up for me was the line "My knights and I are going hunting for the scavenger" in the film - what could be argued as strange writing became a creative choice for me because that implies that Kylo wasn't making every inch of the Order constantly search for Rey. Finding her could have easily meant the reveal that he killed Snoke! Would he want that? I didn't think so! And so my plot point was born.
- Rose and Rey became incredibly close friends. The movie did rob us of this and I'm definitely sad about it. Thanks Anti-Rose dudebros you ruined my chance at this scene.
And lastly... REY WAS NEVER GOING TO LIVE ON TATOOINE! I refuse to ever EVER believe Rey would live in a depression bubble stuck in another godforsaken desert, when her entire arc in the movies was about having faith in your found I will die on that hill!
The rating of this fic will most likely stay Teen because I am a sheltered Victorian woman with no skills in the smut department, but I'll try my best to keep it spicy.
Thanks for reading!