A thing I do tend to notice is the fourth chapter for whatever the fuckin reason is the hardest to write. Like everything before and after just comes naturally ,but the fourth is just a fuck up. Don't really know why just feels that way. There defiantly came a difficulty for...well for one part to get into it I listen to Careless Whisper. You can probably find it pretty easy.

I was in a weird dilemma I couldn't write the scene without the song ,but if it was on I couldn't go two words without laughing. Never had that before honestly. This whole story has been lead to a lot of strange personal discovery.

But I'm getting off topic.

Onto the reviews.

Mike924 - Honestly answering these feels like it gives a connection between me and the readers. Just shows that I listen ye know. I'm not saying other writers don't ,but like...it's sometimes nice to type about them. Also like the sex thing again I was originally ,but like then I turned it into that ,and the idea just came off as too mean spirited. Garnet being a fanfiction writer hmmm she'd probably know what to and not post.

Mighty J - All your fucking comments make me wanna scream SPOILERS...I'll let your head decide why. Because I'll do shit for a good story.

1. Well it's nice to see the beginning grabbed your attention ,and for the future. :D...I ain't sayin shit

2. Honestly the ship makes me wonder of couples that box each other exist. Like they have any slight problem they strap on the gloves and take it to the ring. Is that a thing? I don't know ,but it does sound interesting.

3. I have no idea how to respond to this so I'll say it again. Suffering builds character.


"I have a math quiz on soh-cah-toa tomorrow, we're reviewing The Great Gatsby in a few days, we learn about the assassination of Franz Ferdinand on Friday ,and yet here I am about to my friend have sex…" Connie said not sure how to feel about her current situation. Staring at her computer she could only thank Garnet for the help. Getting off of school she'd had gotten to the Little Homeschool as fast as possible. Admittedly not the hardest thing with Lion around ,but the hardest thing came from what she planned next.

See her parents weren't too keen on Connie disappearing without them knowing like she did the other day. Yes they were a lot less strict than they used to be ,but she still had to tell them when she was going somewhere. Considering she couldn't tell them that she was going to spy on her best friend to see who else he'd have he was having relations with she opted for the next best thing.

A hidden camera.

Yeah it upped her creep factor ,but it wasn't like she could leave for another day. So when she arrived to see Garnet at the entrance holding a camera she only told her the room she needed to go to. She would've asked another question if Garnet had told her she needed to go do something immediately afterwards leaving her to the near empty school. Near empty because a few gems had afterschool programs ,and the other crystal gems and Steven were still inside. Leaving Connie to sneak throughout the school ,which really wasn't the hardest task.

So many of the gems left their lockers unlocked that if she was in danger of being seen then she could quickly duck inside the locker. It was admittedly a little convenient ,but hey Connie wasn't complaining about the choices of others. She did learn about some though as they'd left some stuff. One of them was apparently interested in foundation makeup , and another held pictures of puppies taped through the sides.

One was interested in Victoria Secrets...models and clothing included…

Connie stopped paying attention to personalized lockers after that.

Finding the room she was supposed to go to she found there wasn't really anything remarkable about it. Other than the gem language that she didn't understand ,and the door with a teacher's only sign near the opposite wall of the door she'd come from, it was a pretty normal room. This made finding a place to put the camera not that hard. She'd ended up putting it on the top shelf of a bookcase that faced the blackboard. After that getting out of Little Homeschool was a lot easier than getting in.

Getting out was easier because a majority of the gems that had stayed after hadn't stayed for long ,and the others hadn't really left their spots. This made Connie's voluntary stay in lockers a lot less often. Getting out, she made her way back home as soon as possible ,and upon arrival she'd told her parents she'd stayed at the school library a little longer to look up on a few things. Satisfied with her answer as to where she'd been they didn't ask many other questions letting Connie go to her room. Upon getting to her room Connie wasted no time hoping on her computer and checking the camera's feed. She waited for at least thirty minutes to happen and so far not a thing had occurred within that time frame.

Glancing at the computer's clock she saw that it was around four forty six and decided two things. She'd either gotten the room wrong ,or she just had to wait longer. Whatever the case, she decided to put the camera on hold ,but still made sure it was running, and decided to do some brushing up the mathematical method she'd take a test on the next day. Not to mention if her parents came in she'd be able to say that it was just some normal studying and not...yeah no.

Watching her friend have sex.

It was around the time that she'd read that the assassin's cyanide failed to work she heard a door open and close. Turning around initially mistaking it for her own she soon realized that the noise had actually come from the camera. Going back to the camera she was greeted by a familiar gem.


What shocked her more than it being Peridot was her form. Instead of her normal bodysuit that she normally wore it was a dress similar to when she'd been apart of Garnet's wedding. The only difference being the floral design on the sides ,and that's when Connie took notice of the other differences on the small green gem. The others being that she wore a pair of yellow flip flops , she could see her green skin beneath the dress , her normally triangular hair had been put into a short version of princess hair ,and she looked to have a pair of breasts.

"I thought Peridot couldn't shapeshift?" She found herself asking aloud. She'd remembered Steven telling her this a while ago. He'd told her Amethyst and his trying to find out if she'd had any power until she'd eventually saved her tablet from being thrown in the ocean. She'd pretty sure the Peridot hadn't been able to shapeshift before ,so there was no reason she could all of a sudden. Despite that there she was on camera.

She looked around the room before pulling out her trademark tablet. She started muttering something that Connie couldn't hear do to the distance she was ,so she started hitting the volume button on her computer. Only stopping once she could reasonably hear her ramblings.

"Steven's reactions during last time with the incorporation of my feet impacted his performance negatively. Granted, it was still a pleasurable experience for me ,but it did seem to make him uncomfortable. I can mark that off that Steven does not seem to have a foot fetish." Peridot said marking something off of her Tablet." Today I shall try a different kind of garment to see his reactions ,along with a change in my act. He seems to have a more positive reaction to those than different physical activities. Not to mention my self training in the act should be convincing enough. " Peridot concluded before going to the door that said Teachers only.

Connie for her part blushed a bit and decided that plugging in a pair of earbuds. She didn't expect to have to pull them out so soon ,but Peridot's rather lewd speaking had her taking caution. After putting one in her ear Connie decided to only use one just so she could hear her parents in case they decided to show up.

Paying attention to the video she found Peridot had unlocked the door. After moving the key to the inside of the desk at the front she swung open the door. Connie was surprised to see that it was actually a closet. A closet that filled with different outfits hung up no racks.

Cheerleaders , Teachers , Lingerie , a bunny girl suit, and so much more that Connie didn't get to see when Peridot went inside and closed the door. Connie leaned back in her seat from that revelation, her hands on her temples. A part of her wanted to know when and how Peridot had all those clothes ,but a part of her felt that the question would only bring more. When she composed herself she looked back at the currently empty room. When the doorknob started jiggling Connie looked forward steeling herself to whatever Peridot would come out wearing.

At least that what she told herself before Peridot came out in a maid outfit.

Connie was lucked she'd decided against having a drink because she was sure that she would've spit it out. It was more of the Japanese fetishized ones than of the Victorian era ,but she wouldn't put it past that the closest had both. She examined herself for a second before she went over to the windows and closed the blinds. Going back to her desk she went into one of the drawers and pulled out multiple candles.

"This is just in her classroom." Connie stressed to herself. Just the thought that these things were so close to the other gems , not just crystal but all gems, was the most baffling to her. The room had to be like an acting class ,or something along those lines. Of course this line of thought was cut when she heard the door jingled again showing someone else was entering.

"Alright Peridot I've made sure everyone else is…" Whatever Steven was about to say was quickly silenced as he Stared at Peridot. Upon seeing his reaction Peridot smiled before she took a deep breath and went over to Steven. " Welcome to our humble abode Master Steven. Why don't you let your maid take care of it." She said as subservient as possible.

Steven just continued to stare at Peridot ,his brain still processing the current situation along with Peridot's act. She got into Steven's face with a smile that tried a little too hard to be seductive. "What's the problem master? Jaw dropped by your stunning maid?" Peridot said running her hands through her body.

"I already feel like I'm watching a cheap porno." Connie said looking uncomfortably as Peridot tried acting like a sexy maid for Steven. Said boy in question was probably just as uncomfortable as Connie if not more so being in the situation. "O-Oh course why with a maid like you…" Steven trailed off trying to think of something to say.

"Oh is there something you're trying to say? All the things you want to do to your loyal maid." She said making a show of her body. Steven just put on the brightest ,while simultaneously most fake, smile he could. "Well yeah I just don't know where to start." The hybrid said to his acting lover. It was at this moment that Peridot seemed to get the hint.

"This isn't working isn't it." Peridot said backing up from Steven. He put his hands up shaking them and his head." No no you're great I'm just...not used to it." Steven said unconvincingly. Peridot only sighed at the attempt to make her feel better. "Steven, it's nice that you're trying to make me feel better ,but be honest the sexy thing isn't working." She said to Steven who only looked forward."

"..Ok fine. You're just trying a little too hard." He admitted holding his fingers closely together. Instead of continuing to be sad about it Peridot instead surprisingly smiled." Well then let's try this." Before Steven could say anything Peridot put her hands on the sides of Steven's face. She kissed both his cheeks before she tried to move Steven's head down to both their confusion.

Steven simply compiled to whatever strange thing Peridot was attempting. Soon he was on the ground laying his head on Peridot's lap who was also sitting.

"Why don't you just relax here." Peridot said with a different tone than before. This one was softer and much more natural. Her fingers toyed with Steven's hair as he played there. "Not sure what I'm supposed to be doing." Steven told the gem who in response just giggled slightly. "Relaxing and letting you humble maid take care of it." She replied as Steven shifted.

"Don't you want me to-" whatever Steven was going to say was interrupted by Peridot putting her finger over his mouth. "As your maid I can clearly see you're currently stressed from something today. You should get some rest before anything."

Connie looked at Steven's eyes , wishing there was a zoom function, and did notice he looked to have some bags under his eyes. He was about to retort ,but the acting gem spoke faster. "Your performance isn't as good when you're tired. If you really want to please me get some rest." She said trying to convince him to continue resting.

Steven seemed to listen this time ,and Connie noticed that his shoulders seemed to loosen. As if he'd been tensed up the entire time. His face had a more comfortable look now that he seemed to try and enjoy the situation. "You don't look bad in the outfit." Steven said with his eyes looking a little more droopy. "Just not bad?" Peridot asked as she continued to play with his hair.

Steven just let out a yawn before he continued. "Stunning actually. I was thunderstruck by your looks before...that...but you look great in anything. Before and after. Steven continued praising the gem. She puffed up with a bit of pride before opening her mouth." Well I think you like the new Peridot a little more. Which is great considering it took three weeks." Peridot admitted and noticed that Steven winced.

"You really didn't have to go through...all that effort." Steven said his voice trailed off as he seemed ready to sleep. "You didn't need to go through the effort with me ,but you did anyway. Besides, I wouldn't be able to do these things otherwise." Peridot finished before planting a kiss on Steven's forehead. He smiled one last time before finally closed his eyes. His chest rising slowly up and down.

"...this is...a lot more sweet than I thought." Connie said as Steven peacefully slept. Considering what Peridot had seemed planned this had gone completely differently. Granted this seemed more like a backup plan ,and even then she still seemed to have that planned out. So it could just be a moment of sugar before the full taste of the spice.

Still Connie decided to take a moment to see if her parents were still home ,but also to get something to eat, seeing the opportunity. Taking out her earbud she backed up from her desk and stood up. She left her room for a moment to see if her parents were still home.

Going downstairs she found herself completely alone in the house. After looking out the window to the driveway to make sure their cars were gone. Going to the kitchen she wasn't surprised to see a wrapped tray of food ,but there was also a note and a wrapped gift under it. Taking the note Connie opened it and scanned over it.

Dear Connie,

We've noticed you've been a little stressed lately, and while we're not completely ok with you disappearing without a word we do know you're a teenager now. You need some time to destress and sort yourself out. So we got you a fantasy book from a well known author that my coworker recommended ,and we'll let you have the house alone tonight.

With Love ,your parents

P.S. we're very proud, sorry if we don't say it enough when you're at this age.

Connie's face held a small smile as she took the food and the wrapped book back to her room. When she arrived Steven was still in his sleep on Peridot's lap ,so Connie decided she still had some time to do a few things. Eating the food her parents left out for her didn't take long, but when she unwrapped the book she looked a little confused.

"Tales of the Forbidden by Juwel Angter...Never heard of her." Opening the book she was greeted with an Index of short stories. They all seemed to be around fifty to ninety range in terms of pages. Looking at a few of the titles it seemed that it was a fantasy setting and a few chapters seemed to be for more...adult audiences.

She put the book down, with a bit of a blush, when she looked at the screen to see that Steven seemed to be waking up. She put in both her earbuds this time , confident that her parents would be gone for a while, and turned on her lamp. "Alright Connie brace yourself." She told herself before looking at the screen.

Steven's eyes fluttered open to look up at Peridot. "Feel better Steven?" The maid clad gem asked Steven. "How could I not? I woke up to an angel." Steven stated sitting up from Peridot's lap. "That was cheesy." Despite saying this, she had a small smile on her face. "What time is it?" He said stretching a bit.

"It's currently around six forty two P.M. Steven." Peridot answered looking at her tablet. At the news Steven looked like he'd been struck. "I was asleep for that long!? Ah geez I ruined the evening." He said folding his arms and looked at the burnout candles. Peridot simply picked him on the forehead and waved her finger. "None of that now Steven. A tired Steven is never as good as a well rested one." She said matter of factly. Steven still pouted a little.

"I still feel bad." He said before he had a different look on his face. Peridot didn't notice it however as her hand had gone to her face. "Steven I'd you really want to make it up then we'll try again another time. You're probably cutting it a little…" She stopped talking when she noticed he was typing something on his phone. "What are you doing?" She asked just as the hybrid finished typing.

There was a little dingy noise from the phone as he looked up. He was about to open his mouth before he paused himself thinking about his response. He put on a suave face before getting close to Peridot and cupping her face. "Well simply put my little maid I asked if I could spend the night at the barn. It seems your master gets to spend a little more time with you." Steven said, making his voice a little more dominant. Peridot looked a little surprised before looking back into Steen's face. She put back on that same face from earlier ,but before she could speak Steven put his thumb over her mouth.

"Now my little humble maid, what are you doing with a face like that? Are you perhaps just a little...rebellious~ today?" He said close to her ear. Peridot took the hint quickly and went back to a more submissive one. "Now isn't that the maid I've known since I was a child." Steven said, taking his thumb off her mouth. "Now what does my lovely maid want today?" Steven said to her.

"I-I'm not worth your time. I'm just a maid." Peridot said slightly whimpering before Steven silenced her with a kiss. "Now let's not be modest. Especially when you've been flaunting your body in that outfit because you know what this does to me." Steven said with a slight growl in his voice. Peridot blushed slightly as Steven

"Okay...I think I've seen enough." Connie said having an idea as to where this was going. Her hands hovered over to close the program before she stopped herself. She remembered Garnet's words about getting used to it with exposure. She sighed as she moved the cursor away and out of sight.

She just had to get used to it.

Steven had gotten Peridot to the wall. One of his hands on the wall next to her head as he kissed the gem. Steven's other hand left her face and soon went under her skirt. There was a small noise from the gem and Steven had an amused look on his face. "Oh no underwear? My ,it seems you were planning on this for a supposed innocent maid." Steven teased as said gem moaned lightly.

"It's just m-more comfortable is all. N-Nothing more master." She said as Steven teased her entrance. He looked down into eyes with a cocky smile. "Nothing more eh. For nothing more it's quite wet." Steven said, pulling his finger from under her skirt and showing her.

Peridot ,and Connie, blushed when Steven made a show of putting it in his mouth. There was a pleasant hmmm from him when he pulled the digit from his mouth. "Just like I expected sweet ,but I do wonder…" he left off as he suddenly dropped crotch level with Peridot. "how does it taste from the source."

Peridot had gone to protest, but it died before it even left her lips as Steven's tongue plunged inside her. Instead of protesting she simply put her hands on his head to keep herself up right.

Connie herself couldn't see exactly what was going on underneath the ,albeit short, skirt but her head filled in the blanks. She could imagine Steven teasing the hole of the gem before he lapped at the entrance. How he probably tasted each inch of her insides his tongue could.

Peridot's moans grew in size and frequency as time passed. Connie's own imagination played what Steven was exactly doing hidden from her prying eyes. She could almost see herself trading places with the gem.

"F-Fuck." Peridot swore slightly at Steven steady application. It wasn't long after she said that Steven pulled his head from under her skirt to look at her. "Telling what you really want now?" Steven said his grin curved to the right. Her juices slightly glistening off his face.

"Please-please don't leave me like this." Peridot whimpered as Steven stopped his treatment. "Oh I don't intend to ,but first my naughty maid?" He raised a finger and waved it slightly. "Tell me what you want ,and I'll grant it."

"D-Don't make me say it." She cried lightly as her high was starting to go down. "I don't know what you want. I mean you were pretty insistent on the opposite ,so maybe I should just-NO" Steven was interrupted by the yell from the maid clad gem. "I...I WANT THIS!" Peridot declared looking at Steven only to let out a loud moan as he dived back under.

Soon she was back to that same state she was beforehand. Peridot's face flushed and Connie could swear she almost saw fogged breath leaving her. Every now and then she'd let a couple of swears loose ,and eventually Peridot let out a scream, tightly gripping the back of the hybrid's head. Her body falling near limp after with her hold on Steven the only thing keeping her up.

Steven simply ,after leaving and standing up carefully, put Peridot in a princess carry. "We have the rest of the day and all of the night, so what else does this maid want her master to do for her?" Steven said, his voice barely able to be heard by the camera. Peridot's blushing face was inches from Steven's face. She brought his face to her initiating into a wet sloppy kiss.

"I want you to use me." She said in a husky voice. Steven had a humorless chuckle as he looked into her eyes. He licked his lips before speaking. "Well before we get to the main course ,I think we need a little preparation."

After making sure she could stand he set her down. Taking a seat he unzipped his pants ,his pants and boxers fell shortly after. He put his left hand under his chin while his other beckoned the gem to his 'injector'.

Wordlessly Peridot walked up to Steven and got down on her knees. She stood in front of it for a while ,her hot breath making it twitch each time before in a single motion she engulfed it. Steven let out a harsh breath while putting his right hand on her head ,but not stopping or moving her in any way. She stood there a few seconds before slowly pulling back. Right when she was at the head she went down again ,but only halfway.

She'd soon find a steady passing going from the head back to the middle. Sometimes going completely to the bottom. Steven tried keeping as silent as possible ,but every now and then a little moan would slip between his lips.

"Does she not need ai...no she doesn't not." Connie reminded herself after seeing Peridot stay at the bottom of Steven's shaft and suck a few times before going back to her bobbing. She maid clad gem's pacing suddenly increased with gusto when it looked like Steven was close.

The hand and her hair tightened and Steven suddenly forced the gem completely down. She didn't even fight it and only took her time to continue to suck on his member. Connie could swear she hears gulping coming from the gem as she sat there. Basking together in a radiance only they experienced.

Steven's hand left the gems head after a few moments of keeping her there. She slowly pulled away until she was free from the meat in her mouth. She looked up at Steven with her mouth wide. Steven merely pat her on the head. "Now then why don't we get to the part you crave." He said with lust in both of their eyes.

Peridot stood up and went to the teachers desk. Laying herself across her dress hiked up ,so that Connie could see her plump rear on full presentation. "It's ok to be as rough as possible. Peridot's are made to be durable after all~." She said shaking her ass a little to tempt her master over.

Not that Steven needed any as he made his way over to the presenting gem. His eyes almost ablaze with lust as his hands roughly grasped her derrière. She gasped slightly ,but it turned into a lustful chuckle. Steven aligned himself with Peridot's entrance. When he was sure he was correct he slammed roughly into the gem. In response he let out a deep gasp as Steven looked at her ready as if a beast had been unsealed.

And then Connie's camera died.

"...Shit." Connie said, bringing her hands to her face. She'd forgotten about the camera's battery life. It was a cheap one that she'd had for the longest time ,so it wasn't all that reliable. "I probably should have charged it before ,but maybe this is a blessing in disguise." She said feeling her body. The show she'd seen having given her a need she'd need to satisfy alone.

Not to mention that she still needed to study for the math test ,and her other future assignments. Of course she'd had all the time tonight to get studying done because her parents had left the house to her. Besides she couldn't ignore her needs just to study and act like they didn't exist.

After all she didn't need sex on the brain during her math test. It might have been her best subject ,but it was a fickle beast. Easy to understand one minute ,but then confusing the next without proper study. Closing the now useless program she felt the need to contact Garnet this time before she started. Pulling out her phone she started typing her partner in crime.

So I didn't know Peridot was into that stuff

She expected an Instant reply like she had the other day, but Garnet didn't even see the message five minutes later. That was a little strange because at this time she couldn't think of anything Garnet would be doing. Of course the gems had lives now ,so she was probably doing something that prevented her at the moment. In any case, Connie opened a google search intent to cure her 'issue' before she studied for the test.


"...Wha?" Connie muttered having been woken up. She'd been having a dreamless slumber before ,but something had woken her up. Looking at her charging phone she picked it up ,and was surprised to see it was Garnet. Wondering what she needed to say at almost five in the morning.

Connie did you charge your camera.

No I did not. Why are you answering now

Remember yesterday when I said there was a chance for a small meteor. Well, it was a little bigger ,and I was poofed for a bit.

Big donut's fine though.



Shouldn't you be a little more…

Distressed? Normally yes ,but no one was hurt and it wasn't an active threat. I already saw I'd be pretty much alright so no harm no foul.

Also yeah Peridot's always trying to find the best ways to do anything.

You're not surprised?

Nephrite was when I first discovered this ,and Jasper is...Jasper.

Peridot by contrast isn't super surprising.

Fair enough.

Anyway your gonna want to go to Little Homeworld's square tomorrow because of a little show.

Enjoy the reboot of The Spirit Morph Saga ,but try not to be disappointed

Connie looked a little surprised by this. Her mother didn't get her a reboot ,but a completely different book. She almost felt the need to correct garnet ,and yet she didn't. There was something exciting about knowing something Garnet didn't. Besides she was tired anyway.

Turning back on her bed she found she didn't go back to sleep as fast as she could. It soon became apparent that she either couldn't or maybe she just didn't. In any case when she turned and saw that her clock was once again at a familiar five thirty she gave up.

She didn't want to get ready yet however ,and instead she looked at her new book and felt a little bit of curiosity come over her. They were a bunch of separate tales ,and barely any seemed to be connected to each other so she could read in any order. Picking up the book and going to the index her initial instinct was to read the seventh chapter A Knight's devotion ,but she decided against it. She'd read them all ,and she'd always read things in chronological order ,so she'd keep the trend going even now. She turned to the first story A Taboo Chocolate , A story about an elf named June her adopted son Evern that's relationship changed because of a well intentioned goblin.

Authors Note

Roleplay is hard to write because half the time I wonder of it comes off as cringe expect for the internally cringy. Fuckin hell.

This chapter was like the first I thought of ,but do to rolling a d6 it was like 3rd gem. That's why we don't leave things to chance. On a side note I decided to do some...'research' about Peridot and why for some reasons I though of her as the raunchy gem in Steven's harem. As I found out depending on the sight either Pearl or Peridot has the most 'material' on them. I don't know what to do with this information. Like I found this out 1 hour ago.

On a side note when I originally wrote this I forgot in universe this was suppose to be Friday ,so I made the chapter saying she had the math test tomorrow...on a Saturday. I think 've fixed all traces of it.

Anyway Like my other stories I'll send recommendations to other stories. I'll do 5 since I forgot to do this before hand...Goddamn it. Oh I've also got 1 for each gem ,and Peridot gets 2 since it's her chapter I do this on ,and technically chapter 3 should go to Connie ,but I don't know. I don't read a lot Connie because well...I've made

Steven Universe: Return of Cinnabar by ThatGuyPlaton - First off it's complete which is always a plus ,but other than that it's got a good OC. Despite being a Stevidot fic Connie's also not a complete bitch. She is a little bit in the beginning ,but she gets out of it really fast so there something to like. It's also got it's own artwork done to help see a few things. I would recommend the Archive of our own version because the artwork shows up ,and a few minor cosmetic which improves it.

Living Arrangements by sinderella0069 - Technically this is like 5 stories because he has it in 5 parts and their all good, but I'm only counting the first since it's called that. Yeah it's where a certain...idea came from. Pretty sure Connie's also pretty chill here ,but I'd have to reread the entire series ,not that I'd be appose to that.

Christ sake there's no fucking Nephrite tag...just Centipede Mother...fuck there ain't a lot of that either. Why do I complicate my own life?

Love Like You by MicroGalaxies - it's not shipping it's just friendship. It's also really short ,and really fucking old...like before we found out her name old. It's still a pretty good read in my opinion.

Would that make you happy? by Wolfinshipclothing - It's basically just Steven and Jasper round 2 ,but like waaay more intents. I lack word and currently awareness to speak. I've been up too long with too much coffee again. You'd think I learn.

Know this last one feels obvious. I feel like a lot of people already read it ,but fuck it it's good.

Don't Even Bother By GlassHawk - Of all the stories I recommend you read this one. Surprisingly it's aged like a fine wine ,and given Steven Universe Future it feels right at home with all the current Angst and depression. It's also more lie a platonic or friendship Steven and Peridot since she's basically given a redemption arc...oh yeah this stories THAT old. It's good tho ,and as wholesome as it is occasionally gut wrenching.

Now I need to go pass out before I do something stupid.

P.S. The whole adult book thing. Well my mom did something somewhat similar...

Edit: (3/8/2020) Well that's the last of the edits. That wasn't something i expected to do ,but it pays to recheck your stuff once in a while.