The Resident Evil franchise is owned by Capcom. The Fate series is owned by Type-Moon and all characters portrayed here belong to their owners. This is a work of fiction.

The thrum of the Harley Davidson in which Claire Redfield rode brought butterflies to her stomach and a pain in her butt. She was exhausted, sore and worst of all, she forgot to bring her jacket. Once she arrives at the station, she expects for her brother, Chris, to give her an earful.

Claire trailed the dark roads, treading every corner with care and passing every shadow-laden tree. The highway leads down to Raccoon City where her brother is a member of the Special Tactics and Rescue Services. A couple of weeks back, the gnawing notion that her brother is in trouble made her go here. She couldn't give two shits about the city as long as Chris was safe.

Her brother was the only family she had ever left after the death of their parents. Chris had done the role of both father and mother to her. He helped her go through college by sending in what's left of his salary and their parents' insurance. He also never failed to call in every week to check in with her once in awhile.

"Except he hadn't called in for about a month." she lowly muttered.

Claire tried to convince herself that she was just being paranoid. Her brother might have hit it up with fellow S.T.A.R.S member, Jill Valentine. Perhaps something came up with the suspension of their team and his time had eaten up whatever's left of it to call her. However, after sending in three letters and many unanswered phone calls, she decided to call in directly the R.P.D.

What she got instead was a busy line and a small city like Raccoon had a voice-mail answering system set up to field calls. She also called in a few friends and places her brother gave to her in cases of emergency. Barry Burton, Emmy's Diner, some cop she'd never met named David Ford. She even tried Billy Rabbitson's number, although Chris had told her that he'd disappeared a few months earlier. And except for an overloaded answering machine at David Ford's house, she'd gotten nothing but busy signals.

Claire took it upon herself to see and check it out herself. The trip itself is only six and a half-hour from her university. She took the helmet and went her way.

"I'll arrive at the station, find Chris, endure an earful and laugh about this at the end. Until then, I won't find a moment's peace..."

The brunette forced herself to concentrate on the road ahead. It is getting dark but she will be in Raccoon City before dawn falls.

Claire had arrived at the city, seeing a couple of people wandering the streets but not as many as it should be. Nighttime came when she got here and while there aren't any vehicles and the lack of traffic itself, she found it a bit unsettling. She'd planned to directly head to Chris's apartment but then she remembered that she'd pass by Emmy's. The brunette might also ask the waiters if they had seen Chris around.

She came to a halt in front, put down the stand and got off the Harley. She removed her helmet and set it down to the seat and the garbage emanated a disgusting smell. Whatever it was, they didn't dispose of it properly. Claire peered out of the door and the well-lit restaurant with its red stools at the counter to the padded booths, she didn't see any soul around.

She opened the door, hearing its bell ring and she head straight. There should be at least one or two people around even if it's empty and the restaurant's also open if the sign in the entrance were to go. Maybe the staff is in the kitchen?

'What's with all the mess here?'

Menus were scattered on the floor, an overturned pitcher and the revolting stench just indicate that something was amiss. From the hidden space at the end of the counter, she heard a soft shuffle. Somebody was there definitely and Claire called out loudly.


There was no reply and she froze at her place. Next to a cart loaded with trays was a bald man in white with his back on her. He was crouched over the body of a woman but there was something wrong about her…

The head was missing.

When she saw it, she wanted to know what and why it happened. Claire doesn't even know whether to ask if they need help of any sort and the man let out a low wail. He was eating the waitress. His thick fingers were clotted with dark bits of tissue; the strange and alien face he raised into view was smeared with blood.


With that, realization instantly came the horror and the brunette stumbled backwards. The cook stood up, his hands clenched into fists began to walk towards her, and Claire backed up, almost slipping to a menu.

'I better get the fuck out of here!'

A shot of adrenaline bolted through her as she spun, snatched at the handle… and screamed a short, sharp cry of horror. There were two, three more of them outside, their disintegrating flesh pressed to the glass front of the diner.

One of them had only one eye, a suppurating hole where the other should have been; another had no upper lip, a ragged, permanent grin scrawled across its lower jaw. They clawed mindlessly at the windows, their ashy, ravaged faces awash with blood - and from the shadows across the street, dark shapes shambled out into the open.

'It can't end like this,'

From the edge of her vision, a green sign with the word 'Exit' became a beacon of hope. Claire made a mad dash towards, it's either the way out or she will be a meal to these zombies if it's locked. She slammed the door open, crashing into the walls of the alley.

She found herself with a weird-looking gun in her face. She raised her hands instinctively as if to ward a blow.

"Wait, don't shoot!" she exclaimed.

The gunman instantly yanked her hand, closing the door behind her. Claire turned back to the man who'd saved her life, and his white uniform registered for the first time. He was young, tall - and almost as tired as she felt, his upper lip beaded with sweat, his silver eyes wide and unblinking. His voice, at least, was strong and sure as he reached down to help her up.

"We need to get out of here, this place is crawling with zombies!"

As he spoke, moans of the undead came from every direction, she took relief that the man was distraught just as she was.

"Wait, I have a motorcycle parked in front, we can use that to escape here."

"Alright, I'll provide cover for us."

They both ran from heaps of dumpsters and garbage plastic, shots rang out from the gunman's weapon.


The brunette pointed at the lone vehicle and a feeling of hope came over them. There was three undead and the gunman shot their legs, slowing their advance. The girl ran for it, taking the keys out of her pockets. He kept his weapon pointed to the ones that came from the restaurant.

"Got it!" the girl said, putting the helmet over her head. "Come on!"

The motorcycle spun away from the scene. The creatures were scattered but persistent, dark and shambling monsters that staggered out into the street as if drawn to the sound of the speeding vehicle.

"What the hell is going on!? I arrived here only to find the city and its inhabitants like this!?"

"Yeah, I was just about to ask for some info about the city only to find zombies everywhere." the man stated.

He surely didn't expect to be immediately thrown out to a situation like this. One moment he was inside a coffin, then he heard some loud voices and a fiery explosion. He woke up only to find himself in a dark forest with an aching body and head. The lights nearby prompt him to move and gather some info as to where and when he was now.

When he arrived at the back of the restaurant, the first person he went to turned out to be a zombie. His instinct flared and he summoned two of his weapons, shooting it to death. His action didn't go unnoticed when groups of them began to come out of the woodwork.

He opted not to use the weapon and decided to camp into the restaurant, hoping that someone could fill him in. What he got instead is a frightened teenager.

'The comms are out and I can't contact the doctor nor the director. I better stick around with this girl, she looks like knows the area.'

"So, who are you?" the brunette asked, her eyes still on the road.

"Shirou Emiya, you?"

"Claire Redfield, I'm here looking for my brother."

For a moment, silence fell over them. Whatever happened to Raccoon City didn't matter too much as long as they survive.

"Attention all citizens, due to the citywide outbreak, all citizens are advised to take shelter at the Raccoon City police station. Free food and medicine will be provided to anyone in need." the announcement rang out all over the place.

"That's good news, we might find survivors in there as well," Shirou spoke out.

"Hopefully, my brother as well. He's a cop stationed in this city."

As the brunette took the corner of Main and 25th avenue, a blockade of wrecked cars impeded their advance. A burning tanker and a police car were also in the way and the silver-haired man examined it. There's no way to get around them and the zombies are slow in their advance when they heard the engine.

"We have to leg it from here, Ms. Redfield."

She didn't bother to argue with him and as much as she hated to leave her motorcycle here, it won't compare if she survived and find Chris in this city. Claire and Shirou ran to the alleyway, avoiding the hordes of the zombies.

The duo made it with the silver-haired man firing whatever kind of gun he was holding now. It was some kind of a handgun with a blade attached underneath its barrel. She didn't want to question it too much, maybe she can ask him about its origins? Her brother did teach her how to handle firearms and it rubbed off on her just like her love for motorcycles.

She was so busy watching the street and trying to sort through all that had happened, she almost ran right past the police station. She'd been here before but she didn't go through the back.

"Here we are, Raccoon City Station."

She led him through a small parking lot and some kind of an equipment shed that opened into a tiny paved courtyard. They weaved past the two zombie cops and unknown to Shirou, a wailing dead woman with one limply hanging arm and a gore-streaked, shredded tank top reached out from the shadows at the base of the stairs and brushed at his arm with cold and scabby fingers.

The young man was disarmed of his weapon as it slid in front of the surprised brunette. She picked it up and aimed it at the zombie who was wrestled in between the young man's hand and fingers. Claire pulled the trigger and a loud gunfire echoed around, allowing her companion to deliver a roundhouse at the zombie. The head detached from its body and he shoved it away, surely a headless body won't be a danger anymore.

"Thanks, I owe you one-"

Shirou looked at Claire whose hands were trembling and it might have dawned on the poor girl what she had done. She stared at the gun she held and at him, the weapon dropped to the ground. Claire tried to calm herself down, what she did was different from the ones before. Shooting range and paper targets are nothing compare to just shooting a human. They don't bleed nor spew flesh when shot.

"Ms. Redfield!" she heard her name being called out by him. "It's fine, okay? It's either us or them… and they don't hesitate and there's no time for remorse too."

The brunette only gave a nod and the shaking of her body stopped. "I must say, that was some impressive shooting. Where'd you learn to shoot?"

"From my brother, we spend most of our time in a range." she can still remember the first time Chris taught her to use a 9mm.

"You're lucky, his lessons saved my life. Once we find him, I must extend my gratitude to him as well." he smiled at her and that's when she noticed how dazzling his smile was that she couldn't help but flush a bit.

'Dammit, don't act like a heart struck maiden! You're here to find your brother and get the hell out of here, not to flirt with some random stranger! Besides, with his looks, he might already have a girlfriend.'

"Let's see, it will benefit if you have your own weapon," his eyes caught the body of a dead officer nearby. Shirou grabbed the black gun from the ground and slowly approached it, kicking the body to make sure it wouldn't do anything. He flipped it over with his foot and aimed at its head, another loud shot rang just to ensure. After doing so, he began to search for its pockets and to his luck, he found a 9mm handgun and two full clips as well.

"Here, take this," he gave the gun to the brunette who checked the weapon, turning it's safety switch on as well. She also kept the magazines in her pockets. "You hear that?"

"What is it?" There is still some ringing when she fired the weapon and it messed up her hearing a bit.

They both jogged up, a whipping sound reverberated around and the giant black helicopter came into view. It was near the water tower that bordered the helipad though he doesn't know whether it's leaving or landing in.

"Hey!" she shouted, raising both of her hands in the air. "Over here!"

A blaring searchlight snapped on from the midsection of the hovering bird, scrawled across the roof and was going in the wrong direction, away from them.

Shirou joined in on her attempt to grab the attention of the pilot. Claire draws in breath to call out again and saw what the spotlight saw, even as she heard the desperate, mostly unintelligible shout beneath the chopper's roar. A man, a cop, standing at the helipad's corner opposite the stairs, back against an elevated section of the roof. He held what looked like a machine gun and appeared to be very much alive.

"-get over here-"

The officer shouted at the helicopter, his voice tinged with panic. The young man saw why and felt his relief evaporate. Two zombies were lurching through the darkness of the helipad, headed for the well-lit target that was the shouting cop.

A low moan came from the back and the brunette saw the two zombie officers in range. She raised the nine-millimeter and they both unleash lead to the rotting bodies.

The spotlight didn't waver, illuminating the horror with brilliant clarity. The cop didn't seem to realize how close the zombies were until they were grabbing for him, their stringy arms extending into the beam of fixed white light.

"Stay back! Don't come any closer!" the cop cried and with the pure terror in his voice. Just like Shirou heard his howling scream as the two decaying figures obscured their view, reaching the poor soul at the same time.

The sound of his automatic weapon ripped across the helipad, and even over the helicopter's clamor Claire could hear the whining ting of bullets flying wild. She looked up and saw the chopper dip down, it's back end, wildly swinging around.

"Looks like that cop might have hit them."

The spotlight went crazy in all directions as it came down, crashing down to the concrete walls. The explosion happened just as the mammoth machine slid to a stop against the southwest corner directly on top of the fallen cop and his killers. The nose of the chopper plunged through the wall, disappearing from their sights.

"We won't be going through there," Claire said and Shirou gazed at the entrance of the RPD station then back at her. "Yeah, it looks like we'll have to go and knock in the front doors."

They both walked towards it, scanning the shadows for movement. The young man reached for the door with his weapon ready.

"You ready for this, Ms. Redfield?"

"Ready as I'll ever be…"

He nodded and slipped inside with the brunette glancing outside one last time before following him.

RPD Station: Rooftop

The duo stealthily walked into the silent hallway full of broken glass and a dead cop. The brunette's fears of the station's safety were cemented when they pass on the dead body of a cop. They sidestep, avoiding the corpse and while there was still tension in her nerves, it wasn't prominent as before. Quite possibly since she's not the only one around.

A cool breeze emanated from the broken windows, streaks of black feathers along with bloodied prints linger in every direction. Such sights didn't bother him as he was somewhat accustomed to it, he cannot say the same to the one beside him. By her looks alone, he can tell that she's a year or two younger than him.

The way the helicopter was buried inside the building brought a vision of it going up to flames. The appeal of getting eaten or be burned alive won't go well with him anyway. The corridor dead-ended at a door that felt cool to the touch. Mentally crossing her fingers, Claire opened it and the smell of burnt metal and wood permeated the air. The crackle of the flames along with the moans of the undead below registered as well.

"We ain't going through that." the brunette said.

"Agree, by the looks of it, we can actually push the chopper a bit just enough to allow a small passage between."

"A fire extinguisher is what we need then, there's gotta be one around nearby."

Claire nudged the door behind her only to find it locked. She pushed her body further and when it didn't open, she exerts more force to it.

"I can…" Shirou wanted to try it for himself but when Claire kicked it down with her foot, he just kept his mouth shut.

"Are you saying something?" the brunette inquired.

"Nothing, let me help you find it. Saves us the time as well."

It was just an ordinary one with a few couches and a small desk. There's also an old typewriter and a telephone at the counter. He tried to utilize it, hearing only dead air on the other line. With a sigh, he puts it down as he resumes his search.

"So, what brings you here anyway?" she asked.

The young man paused for awhile, surely he cannot tell her that he came from another world with the use of magic and technology. She will surely think of him as a craze lunatic if that ever happens. He must concoct at least a good reason as to why he got here in the first place.

"Few of my friends decided to camp out here but they played a prank by leaving me all by myself. Being a stranger around here, I decided to just follow the trail and found myself here."

"They're kind of dicks, aren't they?" she told him and he was a bit taken aback by her brash response. But then again, he had dealt with Claire's kind before.

"I guess…"

The brunette checked out the shelves beneath the counter, finding a phone book, papers, and some dusty old books. A streak of red caught her vision, just exactly what they needed.

"Found it."

"Let's proceed then."

With the extinguisher in her hand, she snuffed out the flames, covering her nose to avoid inhaling it. The flames weren't bad as it turned out to be and she saw the blackened expression of the dead pilot. Whether it was a man or woman, they'll never know since the fire ate away anything that can identify the body.

Shirou checked if there's anything amiss. He nodded and began to push the wreckage out of the way. He pushed with all his might and he felt it move a bit, slightly pausing to catch his breath.

"Need an extra hand?" Claire offered but he turned it down immediately. He pushed yet again, using his back to support and prevent it from crushing him.

"G-Go!" he ordered and the brunette made haste, fitting herself into the small gap that her companion made. When she had gone through, the young man ducked out of the way as he joined her.

"You're pretty strong, eh?" she commented.

"Thanks, glad to know my hellish workout is now paying off."

A short and empty hallway greeted the two, filled with jagged wood and bits of debris from the crash. There's also a door on the left and the silver-haired man cupped his ear to listen if there are zombies on the other side.

He signaled to ready her gun as he slowly turned the knob with his own gun in hand. He rushed in, pointing it at whatever danger lurking in. She came in as well, expecting one or two zombies around. However, they were a bit taken aback by the lavishness of the room. Mahogany bookshelves and a center table surrounded by a red sofa decorated all over. An expensive chandelier hangs from the ceiling, illuminating the room.

"What the?" Claire muttered when she saw the body of a blonde woman in a white gown. Her guts spilled to the ground while being watched by the lifeless eagles, falcons, mounted deer heads and a nappy furred moose.

Shirou aimed at the swivel chair as it began to turn around, expecting it to be a zombie. They found themselves face to face with a man, a gun also pointed at the brunette. Upon seeing them, he lowered his weapon, a sickly smile forming in his features.

"Pardon me, I thought you were one of those things lurking outside."

Despite not knowing who this guy was, she remembered how Chris described the police chief. Fat, mustachioed and slick as a snakes oil salesman, they all somewhat fit the police chief, Brian Irons.

He noticed the paranoia in the guy's eyes, he surely seen the zombies frolicking around the station. However, he had this feeling of uneasiness with the way he's looking at the corpse of the woman.

"Are you Chief Irons?" she asked, wanting to confirm her guess about his identity.

"That would be me, and who are you supposed to be?" Before they could introduce themselves, the chief went on. "Doesn't matter, you'll end up like her as well."

Perhaps he had judged him too fast? In a place filled with the smell of death, god knows what he had gone through and the things he had seen. "That's the mayor's daughter… I was supposed to protect her but…"

"We're sorry for your…" she was interrupted when Irons rambled on.

"Just look at her, her skin so white and soft nothing but perfection. However, all of it will go and she will be like one of them."

This guy is a creep after all. That wistful longing in his voice and the hungry stare reminded him of certain people in the past.

'You're just imagining things, Claire. This guy is your brother's boss and not some lunatic pervert. He probably knows some kind of information, don't waste this opportunity.'

"Maybe we can still help her?" she gently said.

"Yes, there is, by decapitating or shooting her in the head," Irons stated and the brunette felt a nudge from behind. Shirou signaled her to just leave the man alone.

The chief turned to gaze at the stuffed creatures perched on the edge of his desk, his voice taking on a resigned but somehow mirthful quality.

"And to think taxidermy used to be my hobby. No longer…" the man looked at the brunette and she didn't like it one bit. His dark and beady gaze focused on her body and she realized that he hadn't asked how they got here or the smoke outside of his office. With the way he also gaze at the body of the girl, she didn't see any remorse. Only self-pity and twisted admiration towards it.

"Maybe we should get moving, Ms. Redfield. This guy is on his wit's end." he whispered.

A million questions that she wanted answers, many of which she thought that the chief can answer. Nonetheless, his creepiness just rubbed her off completely, she just needs to get away from Irons… for now.

"Just leave me alone…" he ran his hands at his head.

A soft creak caught the attention of the silver-haired man, noticing another door at the office where the sound came from.

'Is something in here?' he looked back at the man behind the swivel chair, unaware of what he had heard. He'd probably gone back to his own musings.

"There's another door here we can check out. I doubt that guy would give us any help, he's occupied too much on that woman."

She agreed with his words, there's no gain or loss she would have if the chief came with them. But if there are other people in the station, they might be able to help them. Having supplies like first aid, guns and bullets will be beneficial in the long run.

"Alright, I'll lead the way."

Claire took one last glance at Irons and tagged along with Shirou as they head to the unknown part of the station once more.

This story will be based upon the Leon A/ Claire B path of the original game. There might be some deviations as well so better watch out for those too. Will primarily focused on Claire and Shirou though there will be perspective shifts from other characters as well.