Sup peeps! Let's get on with the show!

"This will be your room from now on." Izuku opened the door for Eri, allowing her to take in the sight of the interior.

"I frequently stock up the fridge every week or so, so if you're ever hungry, just take something from there. My room's next door, in case you need anything. Any questions?" Izuku asked as he watched Eri explore her new room.

A few days after the incident, Eri was released from Recovery Girl and was allowed to go home. Well, her new home. True to his word, Aizawa organized Eri's adoption papers and gave her a new name: Eri Aizawa. Soon after, Izuku was called to bring the girl to their apartment complex, where she would be living from then on. He made sure to buy some clothes for the girl on the way to UA.

A good thing they called him too. During Eri's stay at Recovery Girl's clinic, the poor girl was constantly afraid, wanting to stay by the side of the boy who saved her life. Because of this, Izuku had to skip school a few times and remain by Eri's side. He didn't mind in the slightest, as he already had top marks at his school, so it didn't pose much of a problem if he skipped a day or three.

Once it was time to bring Eri to her new home, the girl clung into Izuku's side the entire trip. For some, it may have looked like a cute little sister spending time with her brother. But to the few who knew, it was for a much darker reason. Eri only relaxed when Izuku ran his fingers through her hair, an act that always seemed to work since the first day he tried it. He made a mental note of that particular action.

Eri paused in her examination of the room and faced Izuku, giving a slight shake of her head.

"Good. Are you hungry?"

Eri nodded shyly at him. "A-a little…"

Her tummy rumbled loudly, causing the girl to squeak and blush. She looked away from Izuku out of embarrassment, but he only smiled gently, "Me too. Come on, let's get something to eat."


Gently taking her by hand, Izuku guided Eri to the kitchen and seated her on one of the high chairs. Taking out his smartphone and a pair of headphones, Izuku played a kid-friendly show to keep her busy as he placed the earbuds in her ear. As she sat comfortably, Izuku began rummaging through the fridge.

"Well, she seems quite attached to you." Kizuna spoke up from the headset laying on the counter as he tried to come up with an appropriate meal choice for the girl, "Her eyes are nearly always glued to you whenever you're around. She's even doing it right now." Kizuna noted.

Kizuna could already see that Eri had become very dependent on Izuku. Anyone else getting this attached this quickly would probably not be a good thing, but kids were different. She knew from online sources how impressionable children were and how easily they could form attachments. If Eri really had had no positive relationships in her life so far, it was no surprise to Kizuna as to why she had latched onto Izuku with such enthusiasm. He had been the first person to show her kindness, the first to defend her, and the one who saved her from those terrible people. In Eri's mind, Izuku was literally the safest place in the world. It didn't matter if she didn't know anything about him. The only thing she knew was that he wasn't going to hurt her, and that was more than enough reason for her to stay close to him.

Kizuna's comment caused Izuku to peer over his shoulder and notice she was right. While Eri was currently busy watching the video, she looked up every once in a while, making sure he was still there.

Izuku hummed, "Well, I don't blame her. After being imprisoned for so long, I'm more surprised that she'll trust a stranger like me over anyone else."

"Maybe, but it's likely she didn't know who to go to from the beginning. The fact that you wanted to save her was probably reason enough for her to trust you." Kizuna said as her eyes loomed over to the occupied girl. "But this also means that she's quite naive to certain aspects. You'll have to educate her on that."

Izuku didn't reply but only acknowledged it with another hum. Figuring out what to make, he began setting out the ingredients he needed and started cooking.

As this was happening, Eri carried on with her video, only to stop when she spotted a bit of movement from the corner of her eye.

"Meowr." Suzu decided to make herself known at the moment as she jumped on top of the counter Eri was in front of. The girl gave a small start before calming down a bit. Once she saw it was only a cat, she inched closer to get a better look at the feline.

"I see you've met Suzu," Izuku spoke from the kitchen, catching a glimpse of the black cat walking around the counter. "She's very friendly. Go ahead and pet her. She loves getting scratched behind the ears."

Eri answered him with a small nod and reached attentively towards the cat with her outstretched hand, albeit a bit nervously. Sensing what Eri was trying to do, Suzu leaned her head into the girl's hand, who began scratching the feline behind the ears just as she was told. The cat purred under the girl's touch, causing the corners of Eris' mouth to twitch upwards, something that Izuku took notice of.

After a long wait, Izuku emerged from the kitchen, unveiling platters of pork cutlets and rice for dinner. As he prepared a plate for Eri, the delicious scent of the meal started to fill the room. Izuku realized with amusement that the girl was staring at the dish with her adorable button nose twitching as she drooled from the smell.

As soon as he finished, Izuku placed the finished plate. The girl's eyes glittered as she gawked at the delicious food lying before her. Still, she hesitated to touch it, as though she was unsure if she was allowed to have it. Noticing how she stared at him nervously, Izuku took his chopsticks, picked up one of the pork cutlets on his plate, and then bit into it with a smile, giving her a slight nod in the process.

Eri tried using the chopsticks as well, but it was clear she had no idea what she was doing. Izuku chuckled amusingly, causing Eri to puff her cheeks in frustration. Wiping his mouth, Izuku stood up to help her, showing her how to hold them and pick up the food. Finally getting the hang of it, Eri took a bite of the pork cutlet, eyes sparkling in delight as a few tears escaped her eyes. Izuku merely stared at the girl, letting Eri have her space as she continued to let a few stray tears trail down her face before he wiped them away.

After she calmed down a bit, Eri began shoveling the food into her mouth, startling Izuku at the pace the little girl was eating. As Eri proceeded to take in more handfuls of pork, she suddenly reached out to her chest and thumped it a few times. Seeing how she had a bit of trouble swallowing, Izuku slide over a cup of green tea, to which she took enthusiastically and gulped it down before she continued eating.

"Is it good?" Izuku asked.

"Mmhm!" She hummed back, her mouth stuffed full of food. Izuku grinned as he joined her, both of them enjoying their meal in silence. Once finished, Izuku picked up their plates and began washing them.

"Did you enjoy your meal?" Izuku asked as he dried his hands with a spare cloth. Eri nodded.

"Good, now come on, you need a bath." He led her to the washroom and handed her a towel from beneath the cabinet, "I'll find some clothes for you, so wash up, okay?"





Eri only continued to stare at Izuku, causing him to mentally slap his forehead in realization. 'Right, sheltered and abused child. The people there probably never took proper care of her.' Izuku thought to himself, *sigh* 'Guess I'll have to bathe her then.'

Izuku set about bathing the child in a tub brimming with bubbles. 'Kids like bubbles...right? I think…' Both he and his father were never one for such things when Izuku was younger, so that didn't matter at the time.

Once the bubbles began to appear, and after making sure Eri was comfortable, Izuku got right to work. Starting from her hair, Izuku made sure to scrub Eri's scalp before heading for her long locks of white hair. From top to bottom, Izuku proceeded to wash her clean, acting extra careful whenever he scrubbed her arms and legs, which were littered with scars.

'If Mirio or Nejire ever caught wind of this, they'll never let me live it down.' Izuku thought to himself, praying his friends will never discover this.

After a few more minutes, Izuku gave Eri a final rinse before picking her up from the tub and began drying her with a towel. Using the same cloth, Izuku carried Eri to her room, where he promptly dressed her in new pajamas, all the while the girl grew more drowsy. Once done, Izuku nodded, happy with Eri looking clean and sleepy in her new pajamas.

"Okay, now let's get your teeth brushed and then get to bed. There should be a spare toothbrush for you in the cabinet." He said, letting Eri retake his hand. She yawned, eyes drooping from sleepiness.

As soon as their teeth were brushed, Eri held her arms up towards Izuku in the universal gesture all children made when they wanted to be picked up. Izuku did so after a short pause to figure out what she wanted and got the little girl bundled up safely in his arms. Eri wrapped her small arms around his neck and clutched at his shirt, her eyes barely open.

Izuku got them to her room and lifted the covers so that he could lay Eri down, but she whimpered after a moment. "I-it's dark…"

"Would a nightlight make it better?" He asked. She quickly nodded, and he made a mental note that she didn't like dark places. "Okay, one minute. I'm sure I've got something around here somewhere…"

Still carrying Eri, Izuku walked to his room and opened a nearby drawer. He rummaged through it for a minute before pulling out a nightlight sensor he'd had as a child. He was still traumatized of the dark at that time, remembering the cramped, awful cell he was kept in. "Here we go."

Taking the nightlight and Eri nack to her room, Izuku plugged the nightlight in and lit up, not blindingly so, but enough to keep the room from being dark. Izuku looked at Eri. "Is that better?"

She nodded, relaxing somewhat. After placing Eri underneath the covers, Izuku made his way over to the door side, "Do you need anything else?" He asked.

Eri hesitated, before delivering a small shake of her head. Sensing something was on the young girl's mind, Izuku frowned and made his way over to her, "It's okay; just tell me what's wrong."

The little girl shifted before relenting, keeping her head down "I'm scared… what if they come back and try to take me away again? What if they get you?" she said in a meek voice.

Izuku chuckled, rubbing her head once more, "Is that what you're so worried about? Eri, you saw what I could do. They couldn't harm me even if they tried." Izuku said with a genuine smile. "So, don't worry about me. I'll protect you no matter what."

The small girl looked up from underneath his hand, "Promise?"

The teen nodded, "I promise. You're in safe hands, so try to smile a little more, okay?" Eri flinched, "Something wrong?" Izuku blinked, confused by the girl's slight tremble.

Eri fidgeted, "U-um… I-I don't know how to smile…" The girl stuttered out.

'So that's what it is…' "It's nothing to be ashamed of, Eri." Izuku comforted her as he rubbed her head, "I didn't know how to smile either when I was your age."

Shock was one of the first emotions Izuku saw in Eri, "R-really?"

The greenette nodded, "Oh, yes. It took me years to learn how to smile. It comes naturally eventually."

A frown appeared on Eri's face, "Will it take me years, too?"

Izuku shook his head, "No. I didn't grow up in a very cheerful environment, which is why it took me years. But you have me, so I'll help you learn how to smile, okay?"

Eri nodded as a small yawn escaped from her mouth, signaling her bedtime. After quickly adjusting Eri under the covers, Izuku smiled as he made his way to the door, "Well, if that's everything then-"

"W-wait! Don't leave!" She pleaded as she rushed over to her savior, grabbing a fist full of his sweater and burying her face into it.

Izuku slightly frowned, 'Guess she's not too keen on being left alone. Might have to work on that in the long run,' He thought to himself before focusing his attention on the now crying girl.

"Hey, hey. Relax, I'm not abandoning you or anything." Izuku soothed her as he ran his fingers through her hair. "I'm just going back to my room for the night." He explained as Eri peered up at him, although she didn't seem too convinced.

The teen continued to comb her hair until an idea came through, "How about I join you this night, hm? Would you like that?" Izuku asked Eri, getting a tiny nod in return.

"Okay, just let me get changed real quick."

After changing into his nightwear, Izuku gently took Eri by hand, guided her back to her bed, and situated Eri so that she was lying next to him. But that proved to be pointless as she crawled over and buried herself into his shirt as much as she could, tucking her legs up into his stomach. Izuku couldn't help but smile and used his hand to brush aside some of her white hair behind the small horn on her forehead. Then he got his arms wrapped around the girl and curled his body around her, shielding her from the world as best he could.

"Goodnight, Eri."

"Goodnight, Papa." She managed to mumble out, but it was enough for Izuku to hear, causing the young man to real back in shock. Before he could ask, she was fast asleep, so he closed his eyes with a sigh and slowly drifted off to sleep with a small smile.

'Guess this is my life now…'

The next morning, Eri peacefully woke up with a loud yawn, stretching her limbs and rubbing her eyes. She slept well for the night, the first she had in a while, in fact. Before her life was changed, she always woke up in constant fear, knowing the tortures she would go out throughout the days in Chisaki's hands. Now she didn't have to worry about such thought. She was in a new home with someone who genuinely wanted to protect and take care of her.

Rolling over, Eri immediately noticed a missing individual. In a state of panic, Eri nearly tumbled off her bed. Was it a dream? It couldn't have been; she felt him hug her throughout the night. So, where was he? Tears began to well up in her eyes before she heard the bedroom door creak open, Izuku's head poking in.

"Oh, you're awake. Sorry for leaving, just went to make some breakfast for us." He said, entering the room with two bowls.

Settling the dishes down on a nearby table, Eri was able to see the contents inside the bowls. It was filled with oatmeal, sliced apples, and cinnamon. The sweet smell instantly entered the girl's nose, and her mouth started to water.

"I remember you telling me that you like apples. Hope this meal suits you." Izuku said, handing a spoon over to her.

At the first taste of the oatmeal, Eri's eyes lit up and graciously began slurping up the rest of her breakfast. Izuku only smiled as he ate and spoke to her at the same time.

"Once we finish eating, we're going out to meet a friend of mine. She wants to meet you for a few things." Izuku said, causing the girl to stop midway on her breakfast.

Eri tilted her head, "Friend?"

Sensing the slight uncertainty in her voice, Izuku made sure to elaborate, "Yes, her name is Mei Hatsume. She's brilliant and very friendly. A little loud, too, but kind nonetheless. Don't worry, you can trust her." Eri nodded but was still a bit nervous.

After finishing up, Izuku cleaned their bowls and dressed Eri up for the day. Her outfit consisted of a white dress shirt with a frilled collar and a plain red pinafore with two large, golden buttons on either side of her chest. She also wore gray tights and a broad set of tan boots. As for Izuku, he only wore a loose black shirt underneath his dark green high collar jacket and black pants. He opted not to wear his mask for the day but still kept it in his jacket pocket just in case.

'Can't have a repeat of last time…' And with that, they headed out.

Living with Chisaki, or rather held against her will, meant that Eri had minimal contact with the outside world. She would catch glimpses every now and then, but the only thing she ever saw was the misery of the streets she grew up on. Not something a child should be exposed to at that age, but alas, life was cruel like that.

Now that she walked with her savior, Eri could see things in a whole different light. The streets were bumbling with people, from all shapes and sizes (due to their Quirks), several vendors each with their items and colorful lights shining bright as far as the eye can see. For many, this was just an everyday thing and nothing special. But for Eri, it was a whole new experience for her, one that she was greatly joying with the tall teen accompanying her.

One of the street vendors caught her eye, and she instantly stopped in her tracks. Izuku, feeling the tug of her hand from holding her, stopped as well to gaze down at her, "Something the matter?"

Eri only pointed at one of the items laid out on display, a small dark red messenger bag with a single red strap, and a little floral pattern decorating one of its sides. "Ah. Do you want it?"

Eri was quiet for a moment before she nodded. Making their way over to the vendor, Izuku purchased the small handbag for a reasonable price and gifted it to the young girl. Eri gladly proceeded to strap it over her right shoulder as soon as she received it.

"Do you like it?" Izuku asked, watching as Eri marveled at her gift.

Eri stopped what she was doing and nodded, "Yes! Thank you very much." she said in her regular small voice. Despite not revealing it, Izuku was able to tell that it made Eri very happy, something he was able to tell just by looking at her eyes. No smile yet, but it was a work in progress, which was good enough for him. And with that, they proceeded towards their destination.

Along the way, Izuku bought a candy apple for Eri, who merely drooled at the sight of the tasty treat. Eri continued to devour her sweet with content until she gazed up at Izuku, who remained focused on the road.


Izuku nearly tripped over himself before gathering his bearings, 'Gotta get used to that.' "What is it, Eri?"

"Why does your friend want to meet me?" Eri asked with a tilt of her head.

"Ah, that…" Izuku began, remembering the conversation he had earlier in the morning.

"Ah, Izuku! What can I do for you at this wonderful time at night?" Mei's hologram appeared from the respiratory mask, a neat little track Kizuna was able to do for both of them.

Izuku quirked an eyebrow, noticing the dark circles under her eyes, "Night? Mei, it's 8: 30 in the morning. Did you even go to sleep?"

"Sleep gets in the way of inventing! Besides, there's no harm in it, just makes me slower."

"And increases your chance of getting into accidents. Seriously, Mei, you need to get into the habit of sleeping, it's good for you." Izuku said with a sigh as he rubbed his eyes.

The aspiring inventor gave a small pout, "Fine, I'll think about it. So, any particular reason you called me this morning?"

'Well, it's a start.' "Yeah, see the thing is, we recently adopted a girl off the streets, and her Quirk is very powerful." Izuku began.

That information instantly piqued Me's attention, "Go on."

"Her Quirk allows her to reverse living objects back to a previous state. However, the only thing we know is that it emanates from her horn, which by the size of it tells us how strong it is." Izuku said before getting to the problem at hand, "But other than that, we have no way of telling if it'll activate of its own accord or what."

Mei leaned back on her chair, a thoughtful expression on her face, "A Quirk that reverses a person's body. And you said it the power comes from her horn?" Izuku nodded.

"Never heard of such a Quirk before. And guessing by your circumstances, you need me to create something for her to keep track of her Quirk in case it goes haywire?" Mei inquired.

"Please, if it isn't too much trouble."

Mei sat in silence for a few moments before smiling, "Oh, why not? I suppose I could do that, but you owe me."

"I'll buy you those chocolates you like so much."

"You've got yourself a deal!" Mei happily agreed, already salivating the taste of her favorite chocolate.

Izuku smirked, 'So easy.'

"BUT!" Mei began, "If you want me to get started on this device, you'll have to bring…um..."


"-Eri to me as soon as possible. Preferably today."

Izuku thought for a bit before nodding, "That's doable. Anything else?"

Mei was about to say no until an idea surfaced, "As a matter of fact, there is. But we'll hold that off until much later." Mei said in an eager tone.

Curiosity filled Izuku, "And what would that favor be?"

Mei giggled as she waved her finger, "No, no, no! That would be telling, and I rather it be a surprise!" she teased.

The teen blinked in confusion.

"She wants to make something special for you. But she has to meet you so she'll know what to make." Izuku said, while also wondering if Mei can disguise the device as an accessory.

Eri's eyes sparkled, "Is it a hairclip?" she eagerly asked, making Izuku chuckle at her innocence.

"Could be. Now, let's hurry up so you can meet her," He said as they picked up the pace.

"Watch your step Eri," Izuku wanted the girl, "Don't want to hurt yourself if you trip."

The workstation seemed much more cluttered and busier than usual if the various machine parts littered everywhere wasn't a dead giveaway. The corners of the station were jumbled with what Izuku assumed were finished products, although he couldn't really confirm. Sometimes Mei would abandon one project when another idea came to mind. However, it was most likely because of the upcoming exam for Support Course students.

Eri answered Izuku's warning with a nod, "Okay, Papa."

"Papa?" A familiar voice said from behind a tarp, except it wasn't Mei's voice. Emerging from the tarp was Nejire, who looked very surprised to see the two. "Izuku? What are you and Eri doing here?"

"I could ask you the same," Izuku said with equal shock. "I'm here so that Mei can invent something for Eri. What about you?"

Nejire jumped as she waved her hands around, "O-oh, uh, no reason! Just wanted to talk to Mei for a bit. Y-y'know, girl talk!" she unconvincingly.

Izuku narrowed his eyes a little, not taking the bait, "Uh-huh. I'm sure." Nejire sweated a little as she smiled.

"Hello, Ms. Nejire."

Both teens turned to the small child, who was greeting Nejire. 'Thank you, Eri! Nejire praised the child in her mind as she kneeled to welcome the child.

"It's so good to see you again, Eri! How are you? Have you been eating well?" Nejire asked in an excited tone of voice as she embraced the white-haired girl and rubbing her cheek with her own.

"Nejire… I don't think it's a good idea to be doing that. Eri is still recovering mentally….." Izuku said as he watched the child squirm a little in the older girl's hold.

Nejire's eyes snapped open in realization, "Oh! I'm so sorry. I guess I got a little too excited." she apologized as she released Eri from her hug.

The girl's mouth twitched upward, "It's okay, Ms. Nejire." She sort of liked the hug.

Izuku's girlfriend giggled, "You can just call me Nejire, sweetie." She said, and Eri nodded.

While Nejire was busy with Eri, Mei chose to make herself known, wiping her hands on a spar cloth. Upon noticing the new arrivals, a grin found its way onto her face.

"Ah, there you are!" Mei said, catching their attention. "I've been waiting for this! So, where's the guest of honor?"

Izuku smiled and gently pushed Eri forward, who was hiding behind his legs at the sight of someone new. "Eri, this is my friend, Mei Hatsume, the one I told you about. Don't be shy; introduce yourself."

The girl took a moment to look up at Izuku before she faced Mei and bowed, "H-hello. M-my name is Eri Aizawa. I-It's nice to meet you."

The inventor smiled, "Nice to meet you too! You can just call me Mei." Mei presented herself to the little girl. "I'm going to be making something special for you. Do you want to help?" Eri shifted before nodding. "Well, come on! Follow me." Mei beckoned her.

Eri was about to follow but paused mid-step and looked at Izuku for approval. The teen only nodded with a smile, allowing Eri to follow Mei into another room. Izuku waited until they were out of sight before speaking up.

"Huh. Mei's good with children. Go figure." Mei wasn't really the subtle type, as most people knew. She always seemed upbeat no matter what, even when things blew up in her face. She only laughed and carried on with whatever she was doing. In short, Mei was a very loud and joyful person, which was why Izuku was reluctant to introduce Eri to her, but it turned out just fine.

Nejire nodded in agreement, "No, kidding. I thought she was going to scare Eri accidentally. Guess we were wrong." Nejire said before facing Izuku and snickered. "So. 'Papa,' huh?"

Izuku groaned as he covered his face, "I don't even know how that started. I suppose it could be because I'm the first positive influence she's come in contact with for so long. Doesn't make it any less weird, though."

Nejire laughed, "Oh, come on! It's not that weird. I think it's adorable. Besides, this can be good practice for when we have children." she teased.

Izuku chuckled, "Already thinking that far ahead? Isn't it a little too soon?"

The wave-girl only smiled, "Nope! Gotta start thinking about these kinds of things if we're going to enter such a dangerous career. Gotta think about Eri's childhood memories" Nejire said. "Hey, hey. Speaking of which, can I come over sometime so I can see Eri? She's so cute."

"As long as you call ahead, sure."

Nejire squealed in delight, "Thank you so much! You're the best!" She happily said, wrapping her arms around his figure in a tight hug before she frowned.

"You've gotten taller." She pulled away with a small pout, "You're practically your father's height. That's not fair! Now its gonna be harder when I try to kiss you!" Izuku began laughing, causing her to pout harder before she joined in the banter.

Another few more minutes went by, with Izuku and Nejire exchanging stories. The girl was able to make a significant breakthrough with her Quirk, thanks to her boyfriend's advice. It was thanks to him that Nejire could now fly, though she had to work the kinks out with maneuvering, but she was getting there. Izuku was also happy to hear that Mirio and Tamaki were also performing remarkable work with their Quirks thanks to his help. It's because of the newfound accomplishments that students of the school were already calling them the official Big Three.

Izuku was also able to inform his girlfriend about the recent news with All Might. After six months, it was time for him to receive One for All, which he was to receive the following week.

As the couple continued with their conversation, Mei finally returned with Eri in tow, nibbling on one of the chocolates the inventor had. At the sight of her 'Papa,' Eri quickly ran to him, eager to be by his side once more.

Izuku smiled as Eri hugged his side, "Hey there. That wasn't so bad, right?" Eri only shook her head as she proceeded to eat her chocolate.

Mei chose to fill in for the girl, "Aw, the little one was alright. Just took some measurements and asked what she wanted most before I finished. Should be done in a week, but I'll give you a call until then."

"Ms. Hatsume was really nice! She did some weird things with some tape and then gave me some chocolate." Eri finally spoke up, having finished the remainder of her sweet.

Izuku bent down to wipe her chocolate-smeared face, "That's good. You be sure to thank her for that, okay?" Eri nodded and thanked the pinknette, who only grinned and gave a thumbs up.

"Speaking of chocolate! I believe we had a little agreement?" Mei held her hand out enthusiastically for her prize. Izuku rolled his amusement before placing a few bars on the girl's outstretched hand, which she quickly took away with a squeal. "A pleasure doing business with you! Oh! By the way, I'm done fixing your bike up, so you can take it home now if you want to." Mei said offhandedly as she pointed at the vehicle before she began chowing down on the sweet.

Izuku's face filled with glee as he rushed over to his new ride. "I love you so much right now, Mei." He said without thinking, causing the poor girl to nearly choke on her piece of chocolate as Nejire patted her back. Noticing the strange hacking sound, Izuku turned back to them, concern filling his face. "Something wrong?"

Mei's face was red with both exhaustion and embarrassment and struggled to voice her thoughts. Luckily, Nejire swooped to her rescue, "Oh, she's fine. A piece of chocolate just got caught in her throat."

Izuku blinked, "Oh. Are you okay now?"

Mei swallowed as she gave a toothy smile, the blush still adorning her face. "Y-yeah. J-just went down the wrong pipe y-y'know?" She laughed nervously while rubbing her head. "A-anyway, since you're probably taking your bike home, I made a spare helmet for Eri. It's right by the bike." she pointed, finally gathering her bearings.

Izuku nodded as he began inspecting his now remodeled Harley Davidson. No longer faded as it once was, the vehicle now sported a slick black color with dark green striped highlights. Although, the engine also seemed different as well as the exhaust pipes.

As if reading his thoughts, Mei decided to explain. "Since I wanted to make some improvements on your bike, I had to make some modifications. I created a much stronger and faster motor, but that meant I had to replace the exhaust pipes to fit the new engine. Now it should go just as fast as a Kawaski bike," Mei continued as she pointed at the mufflers. "Those were my idea. This type of motorcycle can get pretty loud, especially when it's going fast. I used a special metal for them, so it should be much, much quieter."

Izuku gave Mei a quick hug. "Thank you so much, Mei. You really are the best." Mei smiled brightly, a little unused to praise.

"Aw, it was nothing! Happy to help!"

Having grown bored of the conversation, Nejire began pushing Izuku out. "Great! If that's all, Mei and I need to talk."

Izuku's eyebrow rose as Nejire kept forcing him out, "About what?"

"Just girl talk! Nothing for you to worry about!"

"When you say it like that, it does make me worried."

"Just go! I'll see you guys tomorrow, okay?" Nejire said, finally getting Izuku to the exit.

The teen turned around with his hands up, "Alright, alright! I'll see you tomorrow Nejire." He kissed her head, making her giggle. He then faced his attention to Mei, "I'll see you next time Mei." He said, to which she waved goodbye. Eri followed Izuku out, but not before she parted them with a bow.

Once the duo was out of sight, Nejire faced the young inventor, a sweet smile on her face.

"So about that harem…"


Izuku grunted as his backside slammed against the mat, Itsuka atop of him as she pinned him down. Somehow being put onto his back, Itsuka had her left knee brought up to the boy's chest, using her body weight to keep him from moving. His arms were pinned down just over his head by both of Itsuka's hands, who struggled to keep them down at the same time.

"So, *huff* do you yield Izuku?" Itsuka looked down at him while she panted heavily.

Izuku likewise, panted for a few moments before responding, "Yeah. I'm done."

It was at that moment that Itsuka realized the position that they were actually in. The both of them were still on the ground, lightly sweating, with Itsuka practically laying on top of Izuku and their heads dangerously close to one another. Her face began heating up before scrambling back down onto the mat. At the same time, Izuku seemed oblivious to the situation as he sat up. A wave of awkwardness settled in the air before Itsuka decided to break it.

"S-so. What's the score now?" She asked, still avoiding his face as she tried to calm her blush down.

Izuku looked up in thought. "I believe it's 56 now for you and 74 for me."

Itsuka huffed, "Looks like I still have some catching up to do."

"Well, you have been progressing pretty well. You've been getting in more wins lately." Izuku said as he let himself flop down back onto the mat. "You'll catch up in no time. And I'll be waiting until then."

Itsuka smiled at her friend's encouraging gesture. That was what she liked best about him. While Izuku knew he was skilled in his own might, and undoubtedly much more powerful than the average Pro Hero, he always stayed humble about it. He never really bragged about his prowess nor the fact he could copy other Quirks. In fact, Itsuka recalled her green-haired friend saying that bragging about his feats will only bring trouble, something he found to be tiring and irritating. Izuku seemed more at peace at helping others rather than worrying about himself.

When she asked about this particular answer, Izuku only said, "When you flaunt your success, you're setting yourself up for ridicule. Things can always go wrong. Your career stalls, fancy cars get repossessed, you lose your home—unfortunate events magnified by your shameless boasting. Nothing in life is foolproof. The only thing bragging will accomplish is prove that you're a fool, which brings me to my next point. I don't want to live in the kind of world where we don't look out for each other. Not just the people that are close to us, but anybody who needs a helping hand. I can't change the way anybody else thinks, or what they choose to do, but I can do my bit."

It was there where Itsuka truly admired Izuku. It was mainly due to this that she pushed herself harder to improve herself. Despite only knowing him for only a few months, he already had a significant impact on her outlook. Maybe Itsuka wouldn't reach his level, but she would make sure that she could give him a proper fight.

"Oh, by the way," Itsuka began, finally having the courage to face him again. "We're supposed to be getting a new guy today. Dad wanted us to be the first to give him a warm welcome."

"I see. Anything you know about the fellow?" Izuku asked, wiping the sweat off his face, intrigued by the information of a new arrival.

Itsuka shook her head in response. "No clue. The dude has a reserved and quiet attitude, according to Dad. Thats probably why he wants us to meet the new guy, to make friends with him." She answered as she got up from the mat.

Izuku followed suit, stretching his limbs before trailing after her. "Kay. But if he ends up being Bakugo 2.0, I'm out." He replied with crossed arms, causing his friend to laugh.

While they waited for the new person to arrive, Izuku and Itsuka chatted. After a few minutes, the doors opened, and a figure walked in. The person's eyes wandered all over the place before they landed on the duo and began advancing towards them.

The young man stood about five feet, and ten inches had messy, indigo-colored hair that flared out in large tufts around his head. His eyes were dark purple and had very dark bags underneath them. His eyes also were a bit half-closed, almost as if he didn't have a care in the world. Or as if he hadn't slept in days.

'Getting some serious Dad vibes over here,' Izuku mused, 'If I didn't know that Dad was single throughout his life, I would've thought this guy was his secret love child or something.'

Itsuka walked up to the boy with a smile, "Hey there! Are you Hitoshi Shinso?" She greeted

The boy nodded, "That's right. And who are you?"

"My name is Itsuka Kendo, and this is my friend Izuku Aizawa. It's nice to meet you!" Itsuka introduced herself while Izuku responded with a lazy wave.

Shinso returned the gesture with a curt nod, "Nice to meet you too, I guess."

A pregnant pause surrounded the trio, each person not knowing what to say next. Eventually, it was Izuku who broke the silence with a question.

"So, what made you want to come here?"

Shinso rubbed the back of his neck, "I wanted to improve myself, just enough for the Entrance Exam for UA."

Itsuka's eyebrows rose in surprise. "Entrance Exam? Are you applying for the Hero Course?"

Shinso nodded, "That's the plan." He replied in a disconnected tone.

Itsuka smiled in enthusiasm, "That's great! Izuku and I are also applying for the Hero Course. Maybe we'll see you there." She could already see the three of them becoming friends.

"I see."

"So, what's your Quirk?" Izuku asked, now intrigued by the boy. "Judging by how you want to join this dojo, I'm guessing your Quirk isn't enough." Based on the teen's physique, Izuku was able to deduce that his Quirk was more of a mental-type Quirk.

Shinso winced at the accuracy of his deduction, something that the two friends noticed. The purple-haired boy fidgeted for a couple of seconds before responding.

"My Quirk is called Brainwashing. If someone responds to me, I can control them, though it is slightly limited." 'Here we go…'

Shinso was already preparing for the usual responses that he heard his whole life from his peers. How villainous it was. How evil it was. At this point, Shinso just wanted to get it over with.

He definitely wasn't expecting what came next.

"Wow! That's an amazing Quirk!" Itsuka clapped her hands in amazement with Izuku agreeing from behind her.

"That's a seriously powerful Quirk. Though now I can see why it may not be helpful in some situations." Izuku said as he cupped a hand to his chin in thought.

Shinso began to smile a bit before it turned into a slight frown. Noticing this, Izuku quirked an eyebrow, "Is something the matter?"

Shinso fidgeted, "I suppose... it has to do with how villainous my Quirk is. People are always saying my Quirk was made to make me a villain. It's one of the reasons I want to become a hero. To prove that I'm not a villain." He looked away as he finished.

Izuku and Itsuka looked at each other, frowns adorning their faces. Itsuka turned back to the teen, "Well, I don't think you're a villain."

Shinso blinked, "R-really?"

"Of course not. The fact that people think you're a villain are just idiots, and you should stay away from them." Itsuka said with crossed arms.

Izuku stepped in this time, "She's right. Those types of people are the kind that put you down because they don't know the real you. They just judge you based on your Quirk and call it useful for villain work, nothing about hero material."

Shinso frowned once more, "But you just said that my Quirk isn't suitable for several situations."

"Yes. Certain situations are what I meant. Do you know how many circumstances your Quirk alone can solve?" Shinso shook his head. "Your Quirk would be instrumental in rescue missions or capturing villains." Izuku began listing off on his finger, "You could be a huge help in, for example, disaster areas. Victims tend to panic despite people telling them to remain calm. With your Quirk, you could easily control the situation and direct them to the safest path. Quite, really, you can become a powerful Hero."

"Y-you think so?"

Itsuka slapped Izuku's back with a smile, "Izuku wouldn't say such a thing if he didn't mean it. He's right. You can grow into a really awesome hero with that Quirk of yours!"

Izuku nodded, "The way your Quirk works doesn't define who you are. It's the way that you use your Quirk that does. You say you want to become a Hero, then that's what you're gonna be. It's not your Quirk that can say if you are a hero or a villain, and it's not the people around you. Only you and your actions can say who you are."

Shinso didn't know what to say. Nearly all his life, people always said that he was destined to become a villain. It's one of the reasons why he didn't have many friends growing up and why he mainly kept to himself. To hear that he had the potential to be Hero was truly heartwarming for him.

Tears threatened to spill from his eyes before he composed himself, "T-thank you."

Itsuka gave him a warm smile, "We'll help you get stronger. It may not be much, and we only have four months left…"

"But we'll make sure you'll know enough in time for when the Entrance Exam rolls around." Izuku extended his hand out to him. "You just have to promise to work hard with us. Deal?"

Shinso regarded Izuku's hand for a moment before closing his eyes with a genuine smile, taking the boy's hand in a firm handshake.


One week later…

"The time has come, Young Aizawa," All Might began, Eraserhead and Nejire standing off to the side. The group was at Takoba Municipal Beach. The latter pair had decided to join Izuku and witness the torch be passed on to him. "Now is the time for you to inherit One for All, a power that has been passed down for generations!

Nejire was practically squealing in delight while Eraserhead only smiled slightly beneath his scar, proud of how far his son was able to go in this short amount of time. He had never seen Izuku so hard at work to improve himself, always pushing himself to his absolute limit and then some. In the beginning, Aizawa wasn't sure if he wanted Izuku to be involved in All Might's mess but soon realized that would've been impossible. The boy always went out of his way to help others who he didn't know, even to some who didn't really like him at first. Truth be told, a wide margin of heroes wasn't as friendly as they were now with Izuku when they first encountered the boy. It took time and effort, but the young man was able to make a proper name for himself in the hero society. Due to this, there were many now who supported him, despite the few who didn't.

Izuku smiled a little and nodded his thanks, "Thanks, All Might. But… are you sure I'm the right person to inherit this power? I admit I'm still a little skeptical..."

All Might laughed off his concern, "My boy! I have seen you push yourself during these past six months. We even noticed how you would sneak in some extra training. You thoroughly exceeded my expectations, and now I can say with the utmost certainty that you're a proper vessel!"

This time his father stepped in, "Inheriting such power seems very dangerous to me. I wouldn't even know where to begin with the dangers this power holds. Nor from where it comes from," He gave All Might a pointed looked, who only coughed into his hand. "But I know you have what it takes to control such power and use it for the greater good. Make us proud, kid." Aizawa finished with a thumbs up.

Izuku smiled with appreciation to his father and turned to face Nejire, who was the last to voice her thoughts. "We've been together for nearly two years. You've helped me in so many ways that I don't know how to repay you. But I know no matter what, I'll be there with you every step of the way." Nejire smiled, clasping her hands behind her. "You're ready for this, don't worry!"

Izuku released a heavy sigh, "Yeah, yeah, you guys are right. I guess it's just nerves, is all."

"The fact that you're not sure if you're worthy of this power proves you are ready." An elderly voice chuckled.

Nejire nodded feverishly, "Yeah! What he sai- Wait, who said that?"

Everyone turned around, only to face an extremely short, elderly man with heavy wrinkles. He wore what appeared to be a full-body suit along with a yellow cape, a belt with the letter "G" on it, very thick yellow gloves and boots, and a dark domino mask.

Aizawa's eyebrow raised, 'Who's this guy?'

Nejire stared blankly at the old man, 'Is he a Pro Hero?'

While everyone remained confused at the strange man, All Might was the only one freaking out, "Gr-Gran T-Torino sir! Wh-what're you doing here during this fine morning?" 'Seriously, what is he doing here?!'

The old man, now known as Gran Torino, huffed, "I heard you were giving the young lad here One for All today. So, I decided to see him myself." He said before he glared at the Number 1 Hero. "Well?! Aren't you going to introduce us?!"

All Might's form went rigid as he began trembling, "E-erm, yes, of course! *Ahem* E-everyone this is Sorahiko Torino, also known by his hero name Gran Torino. He is one of the few who knows about the secrets of One for All. He was also the sworn friend of my mentor. I believe I mentioned him in passing, Young Aizawa."

Izuku thought for a moment before snapping his fingers, "Oh yeah! I remember. The guy you're afraid of, right?" All Might face faulted while Gran Torino laughed.

"Ha! I like him already! What's your name, kid?"

Izuku blinked, "My name is Izuku Aizawa. It's nice to meet you, sir." He said with a bow before gesturing towards the others, "This is my father, Shota Aizawa." The man gave a small nod in recognition. "And this is Nejire Hado, my girlfriend." The girl waved with a bright smile.

Gran Torino nodded with a smirk, "Mm, good to see you have some manners. Looks like Toshinori did something worthwhile for once." The large man sulked. "I've heard stories about you. You're the kid who has the power to copy Quirks correct?"

Izuku visibly stiffened. He was unaware that others were still aware of his current status. It may have also been due to the fact he was a bit sensitive of his somewhat unnatural power.

"Yes, that's right. I'm aware that my Quirk is similar to that man's power. I hope that doesn't pose much of a problem."

The old man laughed, "On the contrary! If you're this cautious about your own power, then that means you understand your responsibilities. That makes it all the more fitting for you to receive One for All." He said as his thoughts went elsewhere, 'Although, that does raise some questions on where they managed to receive such a powerful Quirk. I highly doubt it was just cooked up from some lab…'

The others looked on as Izuku took a collective breath and clapped his face, "Okay, I think I'm ready."

All Might grinned, "That's the spirit! Now…" He trailed off and reached upwards, using his index and thumb to pull a string of hair from his head. He presented it to Izuku with an overdramatic and honestly unnecessary flourish. "Eat this!"

Izuku blinked. "Wut?" He wasn't the only one as Nejire and Aizawa blanched.

All Might placed his hands up, "Sorry, but in order to gain One For All you must ingest the current's bearer DNA, and hair is the least disgusting part of my body that you could eat," he explained, practically shoving the string of hair into Izuku's hand.

"You cannot be serious."

Gran Torino sighed, "Unfortunately, he's not."

Izuku blinked once again before sighing with a slow nod. "Bizarrely enough… I guess that makes a surprising amount of sense. To some degree..." said Izuku with a bit of hesitation as he looked at the blond hair he was holding between his finger. After a few moments, he sighed. With reluctance, he put it in his mouth, accumulating saliva to swallow it without issues. 'There goes the rest of my innocence.' Even though he barely felt it because of this, he still gagged at the knowledge that he had willingly swallowed All Might's hair. Nejire gagged at the sight while Aizawa grimaced. Hair from the Number 1 Hero or not, it was still pretty disgusting.

[Assimilating New Quirk]

[Assimilation complete]

[Quirk: One for All, Assimilation: Complete]

Izuku shuddered at the feeling of powerful Quirk washing over him, "Okay, I think it's done."

All Might's eyebrows rose, "That was fast. I don't remember inheriting One for All that quick before."

"It's possible that one of his original Quirk is the cause." Aizawa began as he folded his arms. "Analysis allows him to not only copy fighting styles but also process information a lot faster, even at a large scale."

Gran Torino hummed, "Is that right? Well, regardless, nothing to worry about for now. Well, c'mon kid, fire up One for All, and let's see you in action."

Izuku nodded, only to realize something crucial, ", do I activate One for All?"

All Might quickly interrupted with vigor, "Clench your buttocks and yell-"

"Shut up." Gran Torino hissed, prompting the now-dejected Number 1 Hero to sulk a few meters away as Nejire rubbed his back, Aizawa merely smirked at the scene. "Look, activating One for All is actually like using any other Quirk. There's nothing extraordinary about it, just use it like any other Quirk you would practice."

Izuku nodded and clenched his fists. Green lightning cracked to life over the limb, and red veins burst to life as his muscles bulged ever so slightly.

[Initiating Quirk: One for All]

"Okay, that's promising…" He swallowed as All Might watched in worry over his pupil. "Now... time to move it." He slowly moved his arm around as the power of One for All coursed through his limb. "Cool, nothing's broken yet. Now, let's try to use it."

"Maybe try to use to a small does of One for All?" Nejire interrupted. "Worst-case scenario, you end up shooting your arm out as you said, and things just don't end well."

Everyone else nodded at the idea as Aizawa put his two cents in, "If things head south, I'll use my Quirk and stop you from hurting yourself."

Izuku nodded and took a deep breath. Closing his eyes, Izuku moved his arm a bit once more, cracking them open again when he didn't feel any pain. He then looked towards the crystal blue ocean. He concentrated and raised his right arm. It was so unreal… the power, he has never felt anything like this before. It felt weird as it meshed with his other Quirks; it felt like an odd combination. Nonetheless, Izuku looked towards the ocean and yelled with all his might.


Izuku sent a thunderous punch towards the sea. The force of the blow was so great that it sent him back a couple of feet. The sea was split into two as it created waves that were so high that it seemed that they could touch the heavens. It wasn't strong enough to completely change the weather as All Might did, but it was still impressive in its own right, especially since it was Izuku's first try.

All Might and Gran Torino smirked as they watched the display of power Izuku put on. That smash was near the level of at least 10% of One for All's full potential. Aizawa and Nejire merely stared at awe at the power of One for All. He finally had All Might's power. Judging by the massive near tidal wave, Izuku was going to be a real powerhouse.

Izuku smiled at the power One for All displayed. He didn't expect to get it right away. If anything, he thought it was going to fail and go back to square one.

Just as he was about to turn back to the rest of the group, Izuku felt his arm drop down to his side, the limb not moving when he tried. It wasn't broken, but it did feel paralyzed.

"Huh," Izuku stared at his limp arm and frowned, "I don't think that was supposed to-"

Searing hot pain shot up in his arm Pure, unfathomable, pain. Something that he hadn't truly felt in over a decade, as a black mass exploded from his arms.

[QuIrK SuCcEsSfUlLy UnLoCkEd]

[QuIrK: BlAcKwHiP]

[UnLoCkInG NeW QuIrK-

"GAHHH!" The boy cried out painstakingly as he grabbed his arm.

"IZUKU!" The group called out in distress. Nejire quickly ran to the boy's side as he continued screaming in anguish. Gran Torino was the next to act.

"Quickly, Aizawa! Shut off his Quirk!" Aizawa instantly did what he was told and activated his Quirk. While it should have immediately shut off, the black mass slowly began to die down, with Izuku finally able to relax somewhat.

"Young Aizawa, can you hear me?! Are you alright?!" All Might asked worryingly, rushing over to his successor.

Nejire carefully grasped her boyfriend's face, "Izuku, talk to me. Can you see me? How are you feeling?"

Izuku swayed, his eyes having trouble focusing.


Darkness enveloped his vision.




"...Urgh." Izuku groggily opened his eyes, only to see what appeared to be destroyed buildings as far as the eye can see. Izuku immediately stood up in alert, surveying the area as best he could.

"Where the hell am I?" Izuku questioned. He glanced around, trying to find anything familiar before spotting two figures.

One of them, a woman Izuku presumed from the figure's shape, pushed the other away to safety.

"I'm leaving... the rest to you." She said as another figure swooped in and took the person she pushed away to escape.

"Sorahiko... make sure his dream comes true." The woman whispered to herself as she watched them leave.

Izuku blinked in shock, 'Sorahiko… isn't that…?'

He was interrupted as the figure taken away reached out his hand to the woman in distress. "Master!" He cried but to no avail.

"I'm… counting on you." The woman said with a small smile.

"MASTER!" The young man cried out, tears spilling from his eyes. The figure carrying him seemed to grit his teeth in frustration as he took the young man to safety.

The woman pointed to the retreating figure, "All Might." She said as she tightly closed her fist with a smile.

Izuku's eyes widened, 'ALL MIGHT?! Then that means…' It was then Izuku took notice of another figure, one who seemed to be floating with a sick grin on his face.

The man's cruel smile grew, "Thank you for such wonderful comedy." He mocked before unleashing a bright light upon the woman, engulfing her. Izuku quickly shielded himself with his arms and shut his eyes.

Izuku waited. And waited. And waited until he realized nothing was happening. Opening his eyes, he came across another scene, this time with two men. One of them was on his knees and seemed to be in pain as the other figure had his hand clenching the former's face.

"Why… why are you doing this?" The man on the ground wheezed, clutching the other man's wrist. "You'll only bring suffering and pain."

The other man gave him a sad smile. "That is the only way for people to understand. They need to learn that times are changing. There is no place for the weak in this new world. You have to face reality, and accept that this new super-human based society!" He tightened his grip on the collapsing man's face. "I can only hope this Quirk will sway you into my ideals."

"Arrggghhh!" The man screeched in agony, causing Izuku to gaze away from the sick scene as it slowly faded away.

Izuku tightened his fist in a mix of anger and confusion, "What the hell… is all this?"

"Our memories."

Izuku's eyes snapped opened is he tried to find the source of the voice, "Who the hell? Who said that? Where are you?"

A hand gently grasped Izuku's shoulder, "We're right here."

Finally turning around, Izuku noticed three figures making themselves known. The rest, however, seemed to prefer to remain in the shadows.

"Don't worry about them," said the cheerful female of the group, taking the lead as the spokesperson, "Right now, we're the only three that need to speak to you at the moment." Izuku squinted his eyes a bit, recognizing the woman from the first scene he witnessed.

"You're… you're Nana Shimura, right? All Might's predecessor." He finally figured out, causing a bright smile to appear on her face.

"Got it in one kid. Yep, I'm the 7th torchbearer, Nana Shimura. But you can just call me Nana." She then gestured to the two figures behind her. "These are the past users of One for All, the first and fifth."

"How is this possible?" Izuku asked, still amazed by all that was happening. "And what were those visions I saw?"

"Don't know," shrugged Nana, "I've never experienced this before. Don't think the others have either."

When she looked back, the others nodded in agreement.

"But those visions you saw were pieces of our past that have been stored inside One for All. Though I'm not sure why they're kept there."

"So that man you were fighting… that was-"

"My older brother."

This time a frail, almost sickly man, spoke up from among them. "Though now he goes by All for One. It's a pleasure to meet you, Izuku. I'm the first bearer of One for All." He extended his towards Izuku for a handshake, to which he took hold of delicately, not wanting to harm the weak man accidentally.

It was then that one of them moved forward to introduce himself. He was a large muscular bald man of large build, had a square jaw, small eyes, and without eyebrows. He also wore dark leather clothes, stylish goggles, and a bandolier.

"So you're the ninth, huh? The name's Daigoro Banjo. That Quirk that manifested on your arm was my actually my Quirk, Blackwhip."

Izuku blinked, not knowing what was going on anymore. "Blackwhip?"

Daigoro nodded, "Blackwhip is a pretty top-grade quirk. It's perfect for capturing and mobility. Just find something you want to grab, and the whips will do whatever you will them to. Its strength is dependent on the strength of the user. Since you've pretty much can use a good portion of One for All, they've adapted to that strength."

It was then he placed a hand underneath his chin. A grave but thoughtful expression formed on his face. "It's probably best you don't use Blackwhip for now. Honestly speaking, you shouldn't have manifested that Quirk so early. That's why it stung so much when you first used it."

"Why's that?"

"It's because of that Quirk of yours." The first bearer spoke up. "Evolution forced it to evolve and unlock a portion of One for All and was about to unlock another portion. That wasn't supposed to happen. If it wasn't for your father's interference, who knows what might've happened."

Izuku's eyes widened in fright. 'Evolution did that? I guess we should've thought it through before inheriting One for All…' Izuku gave a small nod in acceptance. "Alright, I won't use Blackwhip unless it's necessary."

Daigoro nodded, "It's for the best. Besides, you probably won't need it either way." The man's shoulders sagged as a dark cloud appeared above his head. "You already have those cool chains of yours…" The small group laughed for a bit, enjoying the amusing sight of the disheartened man.

After composing herself, Nana spoke up. "Honestly, I didn't see the point in you inheriting One for All when you already have so many Quirks," She said with a frown before she laughed. "But now I'm glad you did!"

Izuku blinked. "Huh?"

"The moment you obtained One for All, it simultaneously created a layer over your Quirks." Nana elaborated before putting her finger up. "In other words, now your Quirks can't be forcibly taken by villains like All for One."

"I see." Izuku nodded in understanding.

"Speaking of which," The first bearer vocalized, "How is it possible for you to have so many Quirks? The only thing we know is that Inheritance Quirk of yours didn't manifest naturally." The rest of the group, including the ones in the shadows, nodded in agreement.

Izuku's eyebrow rose. "Aren't you inside my head? Can't you just look for yourselves?"

Daigoro shook his head, "We can only see what goes on now, not what happened in the past."

"I see. Well, the reason I have so many Quirks is that some people experimented on me when I was about three or four years old. Since they wanted to implant so many Quirks inside of me, they had to alter my body for several weeks." Izuku casually said, rubbing his head. "They had to switch several neural pathways, and my blood was severely altered. My lungs were weakened due to one of my Quirks, and I think at one point, my heart stopped beating for a few minutes. That's the most I can remember." Izuku finished, placing his arms behind his head as he looked up to the sky.

Of course, this got several different reactions from the predecessors. Most of them were understandably angry. The notion of human experimentation repulsed a few of them, and Nana seemed the saddest of all of them. Very carefully, she made her way over to the boy and embraced him.

At the sudden touch, Izuku stiffened, not used to being touched by others who weren't close to him. He did have a few trust issues, but he was working on them. Seeing how it was only All Might's predecessor, Izuku relented, allowing her to hug him as he relaxed.

"It may not be much, and I may not be your mother… but just know that we are here for you and that you're not alone." She tightened her grip. "You already have a lot of friends and family that support you. And that girlfriend of yours really seems to care about you. Make sure you take care of her." Nana finished with a soft smile. 'Too bad he's so oblivious to the rest of them…'

Izuku chuckled underneath her arms. "I will. Thank you." After Nana released him from the hug, the first bearer stepped in.

"It's time for you to wake up. We made sure to repair any damage that Blackwhip might've caused, but know this is a one-time thing. We won't be able to do this again for you, so be careful." The first bearer warned, and Izuku nodded.

Daigoro gave him a thumbs up. "Good luck with mastering Blackwhip! I have a feeling you'll get the hang of it in no time!"

"Be sure to tell Toshinori that I'm proud of what's he become, okay? Tell him that I'm always with there with him." Nana added with a small smile. She wasn't sure when she'll see him face-to-face, so it was best to do this now more than ever.

Izuku nodded once more. "I will. Thank you all for being here with me. I feel like I'm ready more than anything." He said as a light began to envelop him before his eyes widen in realization. "W-wait! Nana what's you Quirk?!"

She gave a teasing grin. "Ah, that would be telling, and I don't feel like saying it right now. Don't worry, you'll find out someday!"

The predecessors waved him off as Izuku was bathed in light before he finally vanished.

"... Is he dead?"

"No, you bumbling idiot, he's still breathing. He's just unconscious."

"Although if he were dead, I would have gladly strangled you to death, All Might."



A soft groan escaped Izuku's lips, making his presence known to the group as he slowly sat up.

"Izuku! Are you okay?!" Nejire frantically asked as she examined him for any injuries.

"I feel like my head has been turned to mush…" Izuku groaned. "But other than that, yeah, I'm okay."

"Are you sure? You were screaming pretty loudly before." Aizawa cautiously asked.

Izuku slowly nodded, "Yeah, just slightly dizzy and emotionally unbalanced, but I'll survive." He rubbed his head before looking at Toshinori and Gran Torino. "Oh, and I met the predecessors of One for All."

"What?!" The duo cried in shock as they stared at Izuku with wide eyes.

"Are you sure you didn't hit your head as you fell? You did collapse pretty hard." Nejire asked, checking his head for any injuries.

Izuku waved her off. "My head is fine, and I know what I saw. Though to be completely honest, I only really interacted with three of them. The rest were kind of shy."

"And? What did they say?" Gran Torino inquired with a raised brow.

Izuku began to explain everything that happened in his head. He told them about the pieces of the past he saw, including the one from Nana Shimura. This caused Toshinori and Gran Torino to have grim faces, remembering that particular event. He then told them about the Quirk that sprouted from his arm during his painful event. By the time he finished, the audience was in shock and awe, although there was some doubt mixed in. However, they couldn't dispute this as Toshinori, and Gran Torino confirmed his story.

On the other hand, All Might was grinning from ear to ear, happy to hear that his master was proud of him and everything that he accomplished. It was enough to make him cry, but he made sure to hold it in for the time being.

Gran Torino was also in a similar state. He did not expect to relive the time he last saw Nana Shimura for the rest of his life as he dragged Toshinori away from the raging battle. The fact that a small part of her was still alive inside One for All placed his mind at ease, knowing she was still with them somehow.

"By the way, I think I get it now." Izuku interrupted their train of thought.

"Get what?" All Might asked.

"Right now, I've only scratched the surface when I use a portion of One for All at a time. But the power is still there. I've only been thinking of One For All as a switch. Where I turn it on and off whenever I use its power." Izuku explained as he grew slightly in size, and his muscles became far more visible. "However, I've got it all wrong. I need to channel the power through my whole body. I need the power running nonstop so my body will adjust to the power faster."

Aizawa nodded at his reasoning, "You've only used that portion on your arm. Turning it on and off every battle will waste time. Not very rational to use from a standpoint of view. So now you're hoping you'll be able to channel it through your body?"

"And hopefully be able to move around with it too." Izuku agreed. "I just need someone to test it out with."

"Seems like you finally have a good grasp on using One for All." Gran Torino cut in, letting his cane drop to the ground with a soft thud as a smirk was plastered on his face. "Wanna give it a try?"

Izuku returned the smirk, "As long as you don't hold back."

Gran Torino laughed, "Confident, aren't ya? Alright, folks, clear the way, we're about to have a little spar."

Once the area was evacuated, Gran Torino immediately shot off, not letting Izuku have time to think as he bounced around the clearing. Due to not being finished, there were still layers of junk from where they stood, to which Gran Torino used his most suitable terrain to his advantage.

Izuku, try as he might, was unable to keep his eyes on his opponent, The old man was always darting around the place, so it was hard for his eyes to keep up. At the last second, he managed to bring his arms up just in time for Gran Torino to land a kick on them before shooting off again. This same action repeated for a while before Gran Torino increased his speed.

"Heh. Not bad kid. Your reaction time is a little decent; I'll have to admit." He said, successfully landing another kick to the boy's back. "But you have to act faster. You still haven't landed a hit on me yet!"

Izuku narrowed his eyes but didn't say anything, only continued to study his movements. As Gran Torino upped his speed, Izuku slowly but surely, moved much faster. This time with every hit, the boy countered with a solid punch. He even managed to grab Gran Torino's leg before flinging him roughly across the sandy beach.

As he skidded to a halt, Gran Torino smirked. 'His movements are far more synchronized than they were at the beginning. Plus, his reaction time has drastically improved while also acting more efficiently and aggressively.' He thought to himself, wiping away a smear of blood, 'Looks like the stories about him were true. He can change the tide of battle if given enough time.

He rushed towards Izuku again, only for his eyes to widen in disbelief as the boy suddenly disappeared from his field of vision. Stopping into a screeching halt, Gran Torino frantically searched for the boy.

'Where did he-' Years of sparring honed his senses to their absolute best, which was why it instinctively told him to dodge. As he jumped away, Izuku crashed onto the same spot he was just on with a superpowered punch, causing a small crater to form as sand was kicked everywhere.

Izuku looked up from where was; a hardened gazed set upon his eyes. It was enough to make Gran Torino recoil before an enthusiastic smile emerged on his face. "Well, looks like things are finally getting interesting.

Off to the side, Nejire, Aizawa, and All Might watched from afar, entranced by the small battle that followed. As Nejire continued to watch, a single thought crossed her mind.

"Hey, Mr. Aizawa?" She called out, earning the adult's attention.

"Hm? What is it?"

"If you're here, who's watching after Eri?"

"Midnight is."




"... SHIT!"

Well guys, I finally did it. I graduated high school! Yay! Its a tad bittersweet, but oh well. Consider this chapter as a reverse gift from me to you, even if it is a little late. Since I have a little more free time than I'll typically will, you might expect to see more chapters coming along, but again, this is a might.

I think you guys were able to tell which name won from the vote. Then again, it was a no brainer, but I still wanted to ask just in case.

Regarding Izuku receiving One for All, trust me when I say I heavily debated on this since the beginning. He was receiving multiple Quirks already, so there really was no point. But then I realized that it wouldn't fall into place with what I had planned. Keep in mind that his Quirk allows him to seal Quirks if he wanted and then either destroy them or give it to someone else. Remember that.

Speaking of Quirks! I'll eventually ask you guys to come up with new Quirks for Izuku to unlock, but not yet. I still have plans for him until much later, maybe after or during the Provisional Hero License Exam. If you do have any ideas you would like to share, I urge you to hold onto them until I give the signal.

What else… Seems like no one still hasn't come up with an idea with what Izuku is meant to be. But I'll wait. If nobody figures it out, then I must be doing something right so far.

One last thing before we go, if you guys have any questions regarding the story, feel free to ask! Depending on the message, I might PM you the answer or just post it publicly in the next chapter. The next chapter is where we finally kick-off to the Entrance Exam! Hurray!

With that being said, stay safe, stay healthy (or not. I love me some ice cream) and enjoy your day!