A/N: Another scene shot, this one more sentimental than the last, a little more Reylo-centric. Enjoy :)

The seasons were long on this planet. Ami had been born in the summer and after nearly ten months, the first signs of autumn were beginning to appear. The locals were preparing for the long harvest, an essential time where they stocked their food stores for the intense winter that would follow. Rey had befriended a few of the villagers in the nearby settlement, and had made herself useful with her knack for repairing anything. Before Ami could crawl, Rey would work with the tiny child strapped to her chest or back, easily accessible when the infant needed to feed. As she grew more mobile and began on solids, it wasn't uncommon for Rey to leave her back with Ben for a few hours.

Ben delighted in the time he spent with their daughter, and Rey often marveled at how much he seemed to love even the most irksome of tasks. Walking back and forth for hours in the dead of night while the baby cried? On it. Bathing her after an explosive nappy? No problem. Rey was loath to admit that the first few months after Ami was born were difficult for her, but such was the reality. If Ben had not been with her, she knew she wouldn't have managed to overcome the struggle. She loved Ami in a way that split her heart open and sewed it back together endlessly, but trauma and postpartum depression were impartial, even for a Jedi. Ben understood without words, and Rey felt his love even when she wasn't too fond of herself during that time.

Thankfully, the fog lifted and the new family had found more than peace. They'd found happiness. It was what had inspired them to stay right where they were all this time. Rey would find work for their basic needs and the villagers were a generous people. Fair trade was not a familiar concept to the former scavenger or her other half, but both were grateful for what they had here. It was as though the Force brought them to this place, and with the exception of a few transmissions from old friends, not much had compelled them to move on.

Rey had just started down the path home when she felt a panicked ripple through the Force. She instantly froze, the hairs on the back of her neck standing on end. "Ben?" she gasped, eyes frantically searching her surroundings. He didn't appear and a flood of fear threatened to drown her. "BEN!" she cried out desperately. She took off at full speed, dropping a basket of provisions she'd been carrying. She bobbed, weaved, and leapt through the underbrush, well-beaten path forgotten in an effort to reach her family as fast as possible.

When the clearing was in sight, she let out another frantic scream. "Ben! Ami!" She snatched her lightsaber from her belt, igniting it as she burst forth from the trees. She came to a dead stop, teeth bared, weapon ready, shoulders and chest heaving.

Then she dropped her attack pose as the hilt of her saber fell lifeless at her side.

Ben and Ami were outside, only a stone's throw away from her. His gaze was fixed on Ami, who was sitting in the grass. He finally noticed Rey and when their eyes met he sighed with relief. Rey surged forward. "Ben, what's going on?"

He was crouched on one knee. He took Rey's hand and pulled her down to his level gently, and she went without protest, still dumbfounded. Rey followed his gaze to Ami, who gave her mama a two toothed grin upon seeing her. "I'm sorry I worried you," Ben murmured softly. "I was afraid you'd miss it."

Rey frowned at her other half. "Miss wha-" she began but trailed off when she looked back at their daughter. Ami had mastered standing. She was doing it now, in fact. Except she looked poised for more. "Oh!" With chubby arms and fists out in front of her, Ami took one shaky step forward. Rey let out a delighted laugh. "Yes, little one, that's right! Come to Mama!"

"You can do it, Ami. Go to Mama, go to Mama!" Ben added, a wide grin across his face.

Ami took another shaky step, nearly stumbling. "Mamamamama," she babbled happily as she took one more step before dropping to her bum unceremoniously. Three full steps, all on her own. Her parents cheered and clapped so she imitated them both. "Yayayayayay!" she added happily as she was swept up into her mama's arms.

Rey bounced Ami in her arms, while proud tears gathered in her eyes. "You walked! Mama and Daddy are so proud of you, my beautiful girl!" Ben's arms came around her from behind.

"Yes we are! You did so good, kid!" Ben added, tickling Ami's chin. She laughed and yanked her head away but went back for more, which Ben happily obliged.

For the millionth time, with Ami in her arms and Ben at her back, Rey was in awe of her life and what she had become. The scavenger girl from Jakku, now a Jedi, a savior, a soulmate, and a mother. None would have been possible without Ben, or Ami. He sensed her thoughts and kissed her hair fondly. "I wouldn't be me without you, or her, either."

She adjusted Ami on her hip, kissing her head and she spun in Ben's arms. "Thank you, Ben. Thank you for her. Thank you for this life."

His eyes were soft and he shook his head. "I should be thanking you. You saved my wretched soul. Regret is not the Jedi way, but I will always be sorry for the pain I caused."

Rey touched his face with her free hand. "No, you saved mine. So, let's bury it. You know my thoughts, and I know yours. No more apologies, no more dwelling on the past." Ami was growing tired, evident by the way she rested her head on Rey's shoulder and the way her thumb found her mouth. Rey's cheek rested against Ami's head for a moment before she looked Ben in the eye again. "She is our present and our future. If I wasn't bound to you already, I am now. Forever."

Ben swallowed, eyes becoming glassy. "I might not be here forever."

Rey shook her head adamantly. "Don't say that. The more she grows the more I feel you here. We will find a way to bring you back, Ben. I know it."

Ben considered her words before a smug smirk, entirely like his father's, graced his lips. "Forever, you say? Are you proposing?"

Rey raised her chin in mock defiance. "I'm keeping Skywalker, and so is Ami," she told him firmly.

Ben's smirk became a grin. "I'm okay with that. One Solo is enough."

Rey groaned. "That was your first dad joke, wasn't it?" She turned on her heal and proceeded to the Falcon.

Ben shrugged as his other half brought their daughter inside. "What can I say? I'm my father's son!" he called after her. "You're still going to marry me, right? Rey?"

I groaned when I wrote this, but it is what it is.